This Offers A Free Tri Prince Rupert Merchants are All Offering Special Inducements in th several times over. Come and buy your winter’s supply. Don’t forge | We have earned the H. S. Wallace You Are Mrs. Frizzell Peck’s title “House of Good Company, L*"|; —— Memgstast:.::| Shoe Store |**"** Far Week Special Invited price considerations ° Phone 357 Third Ave going to be made Fair Week. | C2 LADIES’ SUITS : F a . i B ‘ | when attending the The war has oe no ef For the benefit of our many } oR Givens fect oh our buying | . ant time ts Dargeta) this department—no re —-— visitors, as well as our |ocal heaps Fall Fair made, be iiert mod i ag customers, during the week | els are < stantly ar . . 9 '$ to make your headquarters riving. General Dry . a ca ‘te a = Wallace S | seal beihibid wae Gon Te a ‘ sanale ee ee ee Special Prices in every de- at all times. Our stock || wear,” during Wednesday, re : compares favorably with io Goods partment of our store. Just Thursday and Friday, Ex- We especially desire to cha Serer poi Folks . i ee een ee a desiring to save money | hibition time, we are offer- © give you an idea of the Every visitor to the Fair is ee “look around.” We have the MILLINERY ; a Shoes in all sizes: just “an article a, an his department ts Kep Make note of your re- “up to snuff Careful e quirements for the ap- alates s devoted tol} Children’s, sizes 8 to 10%, reg. Boots and Shoes department: proaching season in Books, the milline: so as to - . ; largest and most complete stock of dry goods north off) a § ( of service 3 s rly depe do Oo . a ' ° . invited to visit our store and weenie toa ae | shore ‘ T ing a few good bargains in Fancy Goods great values we will mention ~ if you are not satis “4 ha depend on appreciated and such ser- Vv LOU ver 7 £2.50 Exhibition Spe- SeOCuyer: Stationery, Office Supplies, maintain the position of ' $1.75 “ ‘ Mi see teeeteeeeeeeee . New Fall Dry Goods are now]|]/|/§ Kodaks, Gramophones and the “store a commud at \ on display and every customer |}| Supplies, Job Printing, Toys, ing.”"—Mrs. Frizzelt’s Youths’, sizes 44 to 13, ree an I en S Fine Black or Dark Raincoat yh tions this advt. will be}}j$ Dolls, Fancy Goods, Office FANCY GOODS $2.50. Exhibition Special, }} eee San Sa A Good One who mentions § Furniture, Typewriters Fair minded folks will Onis $1.95 | Regular #25.00 Overcoat iv 0 per cent. rebate on , . ~e not send away hes P sabevroevoes tes ¢ | given a 1 p r cen Magazines. Developing and th = a 72 pre Clothing Fair Special Fair Special! purchases in Bry Goods or in Printing for Amateur Pho- economically at home. |] Misses’, sizes 11 to 2, reg. $3 $14.50 $16.50 $9.65 Wall Paper. tographers. Those who do send wut Exhibition Special ... .$2.60 [| 7 2 a : bs ynly need visit} In our Variety, Crockery and me of town onl; i » ii a j | ? . ore ; © ve sadies etus Shoes, reg | . + * . ‘ 4 i. Toy Departments there are Experienced salesmen in noe Sere Se conve ee ee % “|| During Fair week we are oy epartments ere are them of their error. | £5.50. Exhibition Special, } i ‘ Fine > thi ate ten odie | every department. lgoing to offer exceptional King Mat Fine many things on which we save iieruiation cnt. prints SHIRT WAISTS Eee eee ye $4.45 : ini ta ad Wool Underwear Woo! the i you money. 1S glad! senthied.” Gab ee Our large assortment | jenducements so as to intro- Regular 8: Reg Price $5.50 | es oe | stands as one of the|[ Men's Fine Shoes, reg. $5.50 selves e ler Fair Special for Fair Gea years experience in the principal enemies of the | Exhibition Special $4.45 iduce ourselves to a larger ] | business is at your service. Mail Order Houses ieircle of buyers. Our prices $1.65 $4.20 2 PR. FOR — can see what. you | | will ‘sit Your patronage will be are getting, and rethem- | Wilt repay a VISIC. , | fied it is your privilege | pr -fitting. Prop vice rendered as will war- to exchange. pe yn ng is impossible P | HOSIERY proper sizes and widths LIMITED Many country custom- | CAN YOU afford to experi | save their rail-| ent wi your fee ry ’ 7: ° oe | McRae Bros. we vse cea Seetial beplne Goals ito. mee MARTIN O’REILLY) i come to the Pair, by tobe 9 that may be lacking in 9 Third Ave. and Sixth St. —>——L I MITED——$"— oo = er iit Rg - apne JABOUR BROS. Clothier PRINCE RUPERT Fall and W | knowledge? WE HAVE - | H. S. Wallace Co. rant its continuance. UNDERWEAR and | E without knowledge, plus E | | Winter pur-j} 7 chases should be made! BOTH during Fair week. Third Avenue. COME AND BOOST T HI Knott-Clifton /Geo. P. McColl RAIN DEALER IN LIMITED | Fall Staple and Fancy Groceries | When at COA onus sae The Fair } Milline Shillings Best | Sa GROCERS AND BAKERS y Coffee do not fail ar PROVISION ee To Visit | 35 MERCHANTS During Fair Week | Baking Powder ee ain : a _we will offer ORME’S we will se ol | special prices in | Special Cut Prices For ing Fair Wee our entire line. FAIR WEEK | Drag Peas for 9.85 each We will give you -more | COME AND SEE | than values'for your money | | A full line of Drug | Line Gents F on special lines which we he akele di Mini ee eer, Orne ia. Buy Vous Patent Medicines, eee at Close class stock and with the . . : Druggists Sundries, will display in our win- .,| feductions we will offer Li | Prices dows during Fair week. Wholesale and Retail) they can be had as iquors Kodak’s & Supplies }| r Fro m Us Mail Orders a Specialty | | cheaply as poorer’ | quality” ; gly | We ‘are direct im- —_—- Grossmé , porters of all High | : 4 Grade Wines and C. H. ORME | Clothing Miss Barbeau Liquors ee iad leila | House Special Discounts “| Don’t fail to see the tage. windows. You can make When visiting the your expenses by buying | | — Ormco w mes =— ww" from us. Fair don’t fail to see! See the leading milliner our up-to-date plant. A Special Discount will be given to bona-fide vis- | Sixth Street BEAVER The Rexall Stores itors. J WHOLESALE . Block ve Knott-Clifton, Lit LIQUOR CO Epes n . OOOO OOP OEROLEPEEEEEEEPE OS Ceo ee . |