rHE DAILY NEWS eae ee all those branect Ce ee ME } _— ' bial . THE Daily News aren Sereno wis te woot 0 TNR | eee GT. RAILWA\ aber tioned industries LABEL ] ¢ THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA GERMAN INDUSTRIES qe pyr sya " ae rn Published Daily and Weekly iii ikernél. 11% eq as aA roll veri p i Guaranteed Largest Circulation Article in Berlin Newspaper Ad-|, ht, perhaps great exper Pye POWDER: wl; iC VU BTL ae ee " — se mits That the Situation the forces which « ! Fal a T - 7 =. _ bb lH. F. MeRAE, EDIT OR AND MANAGER is Bad. ; g about this reorganization) | ae 0 the East bs HEAD OFFICE : . ot oe. " , tomaticlly ~~ 4 — it i ae uel — ——_——— ——_ “| Trains leave Prince Rupert on Woo... soOndon, Sep ’ re ‘ t bered, tirst, a ie | ‘ ’ Gays Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prinee Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98.) — 0 noon : ent sa t of avai abor n SS urdays at 10 a.m. Connecting at Winning, , ee Copenhagen correspond available labo a { American Silk | Chicago, ete or & Pay) TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—5O0 cents per inch. Sontract| tat the Berlin Voissischs bt reduced; secon HOSIERY . FIRST-CLASS Rar: rates on application. utne discusses the ext ' i e raw materials proba We Want You to Know © . 7 which German industry i id t be sufficient for a These Mose Suen ae Round tri, ‘y sa po; omen, seem —=|has been hit by the war bh thirdly, the needs of ivat rhe stood the test when re $7 9 22-0 DAILY EDITION oa Friday, Sept. 18, 19414 thor. Dr. Emil Lede have during the war seane Sailed rhey give a. Poul a7 5 ss + removal of all men capal considerable d omfort. They have nied out tree o “2 oe pearing arms has q a These facts | to rip. They never For Gieeping Car Reservations, Through 7 ‘ 8.6 A seaport town is always the along which to develop the Boy industry to atoms \ | gnized. Then tt nd bagey as G@. T. P. TIOKET OFFICE, Third Avoune ®PDIY to the scene of drowning disasters. Scout idea Heroist ippealsjuniting the various | plat tr req “e ; \ t it not os Ooubio ten, ~~ conn catia for Ber In view of this fact and. the to the normal! b nd there is |been broken The crisis witt i p witl preset : rhey are GUAR | frequent numbe f narrowly; no better way ieveloping it|/88Td to money and cred moe ANTEED f fineness, fot averted accidents that have o« than through practical experi. /O¢¢urred in the f ar organizations e, for supe ty of ma "eal curred in this vicinity it is im- ence, eee he st Permanent Committee il and workmanship, ab eer ere eee er ee wr portant that everyone should] _ &. % finan oe iat vod : ’ i u a he ludes ‘ tely tainless ind t * . Mone 04 P.O. Bax 6 know something of rescue] Much has been said about the ae ae ‘ : a the dat ung the Seep wear six hs without le GRANITE ° wii work. After all, it is hardly a| school eurri m and a great an ee “rt , pores holes or replaced by new {l# ° PERWANCING ‘ . ‘ : . ‘ assets only made matters prese gz all te " ’ a of oe for oe — a ee will _— = ee The siiiiehiniie ine te tt a Ghintahee ; i. Sul pa ‘cun FREE OFFER \\s Granite of best quality # AINTING lardly anyone who would not} vefore it is perfectec MSs Goes |. ‘ ‘ * and thoroughly tested for * risk his life in seeking to res. | not mean that the system in} '!4uldation “ oo ee aa ro > om ro every one sending us * re Out shana or crushed # ULISHING AND cut his friend or, for that mat- British Columbia is very much|!™ 4ll times o! ae es rt S we Bret Qe BOK t cover shipping * rock in quantities * WALL TINTING ter, anyone in danger. It is worse or very much better than |*He present instance al'e ; ws [te Beve at which ad charges e will send, sub * NED. J, MeLBOoD * one in the many, however, who | in the other provinces. Educa- the small body of specula , lappy situat ‘ ssiie tier et ubactutaly $060 . sities Miean 20 . me can do so successfully and th | tion in general, however, is/@™Presses the fac tthat G Phe rut 7 rhree pairs of our famous . oe a tf #\2 . me difference between the one who! rushed too much along the line|*#4ustry and its produchon are) whether the time-hor AMERICAN SILK’ HOS! * * Martin Swanson can rescue and the one wh: of “cramming” for examina. |" & fictitious basis "7 Segoseeas 6 with written GUARANTEE eee eee eee : cannot is largely a matter of tions than of “leading out” the pte of Soe eres. f ing 7 i : any color, of Motiride nervous control and experi-| youthful idea as the term sig-} “* CO™Mpilete transformation = \|the economic unsoundness Phe rs of our Ladies — . . ‘ with . ern ate ‘ } il ‘ : sade ° ence. The one who can keep nifies. A certain amount of /Becessary in order to | “ye caens Saat ae Hose in Black, Tan or ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY his head in such a critical mo-| memory work is of course nec-|*#e new conditions bi si about White colors, with written EW ep if i ment has a great asset, and| essary and important, but be-|¥¥ the war. At present there is|GERMAN PAPER FEARS ' noome : LONG CONTINUED WAR ‘asing absorption for military] Believes Shutting Down of Fac- the one who besides doing that| yond that limit it is harmful little sign of this. We see the ap- has the capacity of knowing and senseless. Just the mo-|Parent paradox that in spite of how to go about it is the one ment that memory work be-|'@°" who wins. comes a burden right there it/PUTPOSes of men capable of work 2. So begins to dwarf the other fac-|!™& there is an increase of un- Following that thought up, it ulties. employment among those that re- is a pity that more attention is . &¢-s main hehind. Even the much} Goy not paid to rescue work in the The only kind of teaching sought after woman laborer can-] 18 schools. Indeed, it should be that “educates” is the kind that |®°t find employment. tories to Be Gravest of All Dangers. venhagen (Via London), Sept The Berlin Vorwaerts, th Day after] Socialist orgwan, takes a pessimis- GUARANTE! Secand Avenue, Oppesite Empress Theatre DON'T DELAY Offer ex hooms open from 6 & m. to ff p. m The fevorive Household Gog Vielting Seotemen are cordiaity invited pires when dealer in yout Por rates for hall rent apply secretary Cleaness, Brightest, Bex locality is selected. Give 5. 0. MAGDUNALD, CHAS. DENNIS. = lmewy WELLINGTON color and size desired President Secretary COAL @9, international Hosiery Co. " Mogers & Alben, Agu 21 Bittner Street Beoond Avenue Prone Dayton, Ohio, U. S. A. VERY LATEST Bive Printe of — iinet —_—— ON QRAMAM ISLAND AT APARTMENTS OIL DISTRICT 7 made a part of the curriculum allows a child scope to find out|4#Y Undertakings are shut down|tic view of the German situation as it is in many countries. No} its deficiencies before the or their output diminished. Thoseiso far as the economic position GOLD BELT REALTY CO boy or girl, for that matter,| theory is allowed to be applied. indeed which continue at work|is concerned. FIC RLY ‘ ' a os tain t ‘ “ ; li ae ; i CANADIAN PACIFI ° 207 SIXTH STREET in two a 1 suite, should be allowed to grow up} Then the “theory” will be a|®"@ Werking with the atmiess The greatest Canger,” i esys,’ without knowing how to swim| real “discovery” and conse- overpressure © Suncertainty, s0]"is not that Germany may be = ey See —— : om EEA Maa 3 and special instructions should quently full of interest. As long |e net output is diminished eated, but that the war will take ” Tea LITTLE GANT ——— — be given in the art of rescue| as teaching is dull it is almost The Economic Pacte. DE eS ae yorraeet — — : Ss WER CLEANER ' Px 174 bar , | "he _ asks edere! danger = e tis fe JRONTO r ee "bone work. The only way, of course,| useless. It is only by awak-| What,” asks Dr. Leder r. {danger th " the British fleet io os a. a VACUUM PO’ POR PLUMBING AND Mame to teach this is by practical} ening the natural curiosity and| @"¢ Me decisive economic facts?) will prevent the importation of NEW YORE end rewrn,. \ens0 ee ae Matires: . oa ; . “s e complete eak-up of|cotten, silk oppe oil ny : , Carpets, | demonstration Work of this) imagination that children are Doe the complet break-uy f tien, lk, copper, i lead, Other points correspondingly low By one ,~-e tI SMITH & MALLETT kind would not only develop a| educated, and inspired to fur-|!"@USty whieh threatens Germany|leather, rubber and other raw ae te a Vetouver, Crane Valves ante . ’ ‘ . - ame a ‘ - ; iat . — ammouver ran valves @t coolness of temperament but | ther effort. In other words lead|'™V°'ve 4 disruption also of agri-| materials which are necessary to Princess Gaphia couthbouns Aaptly PRED KLtEN tings, Pipes “eo would -also materially teasentt the child out to worlds of new oumtuse and the supply of neces- the continuance of Germany's it Gaturday noon Phone Rea 268 P.O. Box 287 Thire Ave... Wend ¢ ae the sorrows of the world. In- discoveries instead of telling|*¢5? The war means for Ger-|dustrial life ane et aretas ‘K Sweeny, b p.m. ” ’ deed, this would be a good line him al! about it. man, Gret, the prevention of