o the Prince Rupert Fair ay Of Prices by which You will Save the Price of Your ticket e date, Sept. 30th to Oct. 2nd. Look at the prices herein. ——_ valf ere we have ait tte aes Your a x ‘ oe oe HOUSE OF QUALITY e CLVUL LY issirne Fou’ tac Coen your figure Fall |’ ~"""' __ |] PRIDE, NASH & COMPANY Suit naa in $7.50 to $37.50. pay you to see our General Hardware | ii 20% Fall Suite. All hewest materials anc Ship Chandlery a naites eu BAR | od Clothes are a and ew Fall Goat while at. . Le & the kxposition! factor in your eae ccess. Let us Exposition ild that new Suit. Pn coats are all new fall | LADIES’ MEN’S of coats for Sporting Goods & epecieh tae ae efit of visitors to the Ss, and are of the best are giving very Bk terials. The prices ere Men’s Black Cash So liced | materi e price : 4 ck Cashmere splice ices this fall qucamanie da dae aie All Wool Hose in Plain Cashmere, Ss se prices 1s fall, . ——— for you to wisit Naan 8 1 9 9 sind 9 1 9 25 heel and toe; regular 50c, 2 for enyous visiting Our Millinery Department ° : $1.00 : A large supply of 5 now at its best. We car- | Fair should see ry the largest line of pat- Guns, Rifles oe hats, and untrimmed i vane Ge oe" 1’ FRENCH DRESS GOODS SUITS the fashion centers of the t will Save you Ammunition kept 4). cose «un ime ot Are now here, of most modern quality|Boys’ Art Croft Clothing, the best - in stock at all times "ie cae Say fates and texture made, all sizes, $5.00 neckwear, kid gloves, belts. silk blouses, hair goods, and a large line of underwear — and hosiery We aim ti ee have everything the well WEDER | “sair’ [Sac = | LADIES’ NEW FALL SUITS HAVE NOW ARRIVED BROS. |Howe G .) vase." McNulty! Demers Helgerson Block PRIDE, NASH & CO. s ORTHERN B.C. FAIR = WARKS FULLER'S BEWARE! <¢ L MV Kuster Jewellers, Opticians : a THE— There’s a lot of old Third Avenue 4 cro cons miuunea "=? PD ATLY NEWS /) cRocery | ciothing on the mar- | ae: ae {ket this season, and a (4), ee Free Guessing Contest ern British Columbia ( ts you nothing FN geen Space co Shaye. | 311 - 3rd Avenue - 311 3) ° hema ihened? d ever Phone 572 } ~ Siar ‘ecquaieaed Ol as : 3 will be dusted up and wing the latest and avail yourself of our | | | We an Fur ten | ti chown os new. es from Paris {| iwek at wining the band _ Guaranteed Largest 1 eer . Some prize we are giving Xe ki _ | | 7 | Vew York om Circulation in North- : | We Present We Sell For Cash | 7 ae WIN I'ry your luck every Since commencing busi- day of the Fait We want ness in May our sales have you t ery day and grown very rapidly until now | mal we find it necessary to in- C t I 1 tten crease our warehouse room en ury f your eves nee? atren- tion consult ur optician I he [ atest News and the to double its capacity We We do not h j ti e you | k ee Consultation : and the most of it. You : carry a complete line of gro- ceries and provisions and ean fill orders of almost any re making a Fr li ‘ally of $5.00 Fresh from Fashion's Studio and Tail- ored in the smartest weaves you ever will ultimately subscribe s that we buy and sell | | | Size he seeret of our sue- commission leave it W | ! | your watch is out olf | ith us | med help ieee ee for THE DAILY NEWS. eu iso au art row nee, Tae on Se ‘ , ways stood for nothing ». Make out a lis , : Fair Y eek fle, saa dealin Why not now? ot peur reauinannaaa sch Coen een ie eee i saine, We guar- perfect satisfaction largest establishment kind in this northe: try We need you! ness. You need oul SUM. Kuster fst venue UWARK’S JEWELRY hn Third ve season. we have a dozen other new ones to show you. Make an early” choice, | canine Bryant Co. Lua. inpt delivery The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT. RARER R ERE RARER ERR Windows for Specials The Clothes Shop for Men "Loy Sixth Street, Prince Rupert