rHE DAILY NEWS 7 ’ - “ * ” 3 i The Daily News LOCAL NEWS ITEMS }) CLASSIFIED ADS. Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. | ~ * . * ” - a W. F. Lake came in to town last | vieet abeed pone 7? “ie Maud evening on the G T. P | Rasen 215-217 . ® " — ee The Chinks a sed of gam FOR RENT bling and opium s ng were re-| —_— — . aenenernaae tie anded await til t row FOR RENT Large furnished front room, manded again e e $12 per month. Apply Box 97, Daily ° News 203 | Fletcher postoMece in- POR SERS a ' ase, Zour See, spector, returned last night from FOR RENT Six rooms and bathroom;/a trip into the nte Section Six $2 Prince Rupert e e . Financiers, 315 Second Ave 213tf - Norfolk Rooms, Stexm heated, FCR SALE hot and cold wate ferms rea- —— _— — sonable. 6th Ave. and Fulton. FOR SALK-—Section 5; #206 cash and $25 * * . i a month buys five-room house close In When moving it pays to pack Fritz—Phone 583 214-16 FOR SALF New house, Section 7, $100 . e . cash and 20 @ month; total §1,150 Pr. Oo. Box 190. 213tf Comfortable aunch for hunt- FOR SALE Tracts of Land in [states ing parties Why not get the y e “O) 23 ac 20 : “ , =e re. "Nccalfrey & “Gibbons. eshte best? “Eleanor Mace. West ones FOR SALE.—Lot 13, Block 45, Section $;| Government dock 206-231 Perfectly level and on street’ grade. Only | eo | $50 cash and lance to suit. Snap of | . " an investment, Must have the money,; Mr. 8S. I). Raymond, of the Fo-| ee en ee ore lley-Welch staff, is spending a few | WANTED lweeks in the city. The work at __ | Hazelton is being wound up. WANTED__Employment by capable wom- | 5. ans Mauinable wages” Apply Bor 10,{ The funeral of Mr. Robert Auld| Daily News 216-tf. | will take place from Hayner Bros WANTED—Pupils for business colege, alc hapel to Fairview cemetery at t1 op; peas — Beret} m. Saturday, the Rev. Canon classes. Leation, Second and Seco’ ais officiating Apply Box 99, Daily News. 204tf. = - < WANTED—Men and women wanted every- where who are willing to work a few The Prince Rupert Towing Co., HOTEL DE VILLE AT LOUVAIN. hours in their own home for 815 week- . ly. Samples free. The Co- Operative general towing; the new crude oil : a ; . ; id Union, Windsor, Ont. itling “P.R.T. No. 1." Phone Red One of the most beautiful buildings s oe eae -. - e 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O. r was vere = have i rarer - the 4 estruc fo c P R: D. Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” wOuvVaIN, DUL later dispate oe ae ee ee eee pt “ ven rince upert al Grude Oil Motor. 165tf _ stove eut is from an old engraving secured in Paris sixty Phone Green 252 ' & 3 on wae 2 ¢ ° s exrpecte ‘ resident Holstein Milk for Babies it is expected that _ reside nt iallv Bottled |Chamberlin, of the G. T. P., will|very little expense to pay. ‘= VANCOUVER HAS specially Dottie | shortly pay a visit to Prince Ru-| said. too. that large crowds were TESTED cows ‘pert. It is-known that he is en- Saraéd aehy end standing ream! DISLOYALTY CASE 2. : . . < route west and will likely keep on ; | An invitation is cordially ex- | in, Coast. This will be his|¥®* 4 4 premium. tended to the citizens interested tuist hoteh ahi the tae Mna-tie ‘2 ss Several Telegrams « on Subject Re- to inspect the dairy premises its ¢ ot tion The recent contribution asked ceived by the Vancouver . _ 5 s co etion. e rece on yution askes ‘ during the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 —— si eb ateh Seleatteee of Cie Mekal Board of Trade. Wednesdays and Saturdayswhen, _ ; : : ee for & Lanadian hospite! ship! milkng operations are being con-| The funeral of Mr. Wm. Camp-/! - Retecre ens a | Vaneouver, Sept. 17.-A meet- ducted | bell, will take place at 2 p. m. went far over the amount requir- | an ; + of t iki ; : \Saturday f-om Hayner Bros./@d. Over $200,000 were received |! 6f the couneil of the Board o ichapel, the Rev. Canon Rix offi- and 817,000 of this came from Trade was held here t nvesti- ciating. British Columbia, which was ask-|gate the charges of using sed A good show is being given at p igainst Mr. T. A. Fee, a ithe Majestic Theatre this week ; me f the Board of Trade The program tonight is Italia’s Tee hy Me PW. Rounsefell, anothe: LOT 19 spectacular masterpiece, Ur FUNERAL NOTICE. j Ene rn be In this connection M masked,” in three parts. Ano ther ee A. M. Verchere, president of the BLOCK 29 ifeature is “Her Brother’s Wife An Emergent Communi- # \\:-- City Board of Trade, has lExcellent music is also provided cation of Tsimpsean Lodge @ \ s eta Blair, of the SECTION 8 ®s ¢-s No. 58, A. F. & A. M., will | Va ard is §6follows The sale of some of the lots be held at the Masonic Hall, #) !!)'- rongly resents the at the tax sale on September 9 Saturday, Septembers19, at Bi exjie-- f disloyalty to the was postponed until yesterday at 1:30 P. M. for the purpose @ firitis' | e by Mr. T. A. Fee in the request of the G. T. P., which of attending the funeral of | the Va ! press and trusts has an interest in them still. As our tate Brother William mat Vancouvel Board of ALI CASH nothing was done they were sold Campbell, of Cascade Lodge Trade w il take drastic and de- yesterday afternoon. Twenty-one No. 12. ave at igainst him in the of them were bought in by the All local members and so- matter. ceeenmerty city, there being no other bid- journing Masons are re- Mr, ©. C. Delbridge, of Vaneou- ding. quested to attend. om wh . ow in the prairie i THOS. McCLYMONT, provinces on business, sent the G. R. Naden Co Ltd The amount realized at the Pa- WwW. M. pocanreris ¥ re from Marquette *Itriotic concert last night was in ED H. MORTIMER, Man T A ve when requested SECOND AVENUE the vicinity of $600. This will Secretary. {by me donate a horse to the be practically clear as there is es ont the presen¢ John MePha said: ‘J am with eo ’ _ eg 4 the Germans They are good eiti Qrmccund Pome izens. I would not consider giv + RRR + l ing my horse for such a cause t ~ ~+$ c WANTED. fi } { Smart boy for odd jobs. The , £ [|Daily News > $ {| * } ; $ | : (HARRISON W. ROGERS ==: SaaS z i| ‘ | r t i Surte 4, Federal Block for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. j = | Architect ‘ i PRINChH ROPERT, B.C | ; The Daily News goes into nearly every home iv : } | Phone 300 P.O, Box 1635 ; Prince Rupert. KH is the popular newspaper of * i| % the city because it is clean and reliable. It has al! ; ! | . ene ‘ the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events t ' and topics imteresting to Nerthern British Colum- { FO R R E N T r ’ bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- d { SANE mism and petiability. ; i nen The Datly News is the most valuable paper to i * SPICY advertisers because # is read by the buying pubtic. i 7 : > IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in i TW 00 2 the city. It is read by the class of people the z t 0 oR M HOUSES 7 INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to * ‘ ors : 3 | WI * INTELLIGENT aes Fini ee SS | i TH BATH, WATER > — THE—— | INCLUDED 7 » DAILY NE WSs $25.00 x > > ; : ee x : : ( 1} PATTULLO & RADFORD ¢ | thet ete eee eee eee eee eeeEEE ERE Eee eR eee EEE EEE i SECOND AVENUE poe ! | > att Nt te ta 1 CONCERT BREVITIES ule tableau a lh intent ‘ ! was strated 1 t the wart vho broug tions will the theatre fe They were they can sa are gor well rece doesn't like Britair rtainers and Chisholn d” where In x she made this prop Judge Young ost said “England” for “Brit the eor say Eneglat better suits her rec ain in but quiet rection The fo mittees Mrs. R. L Pattullo rath: ner and tion, Mrs Phillpot Webster: music and Mrs. Hubert Mrs. Captain H. L retary, Mrs. Dr treasurer, Mrs The Swedish little | the They were very mad llo the ¢ charges Arrange McIntosh, Mrs. T. I Mra. Peres advertising, Mrs. Olier Bes Mrs ockley;: RO and wink were and Goden Sh Mrs. I Bulloek Ww Jennings Mrs. L Mre. J Ward; Roberson; see Ww Tr. Kergis R. L. MetIntosh dances lo Highland 1} graceful and we ih ac received Perhaps ake the ntortions ar certainivy went ull, however, it 1 ind wad rhe Boy force and t the Pierrots sat Russiar took tt proved a w the Red ¢ 2s WwW d Fred Ritchie, Jae x, Fred Leggett Fred Stevens Another the navy Lord eal admit rhey k Nader Tite ; RK Geo tableau represer with a living picture Nels There als, and ever diown to the Middy Mrs. Wm and Mrs vis MeLeod, Pr Rupert a sang with thpir usual sweetnes Mrs. Bryant cleverly a popular the mandolin The handsome young will be Pr en of tomorrow, dre in Red Cross gowns and in the prog included Misses Muriel Shockley Jens ind Tovey Mauma eceived a the vigor wee Millar aiways with ince also rendered ver girl who ince Rupert's wom were assiste selling ils The Grace Astoria Miss oihes Marrseillaise \ brought her only to receive a quet of fi Curtiu mar { reception as sang us en core again f< beautiful rware bou eee eee eee LATEST WAR NEWS rhe latest received Daily mediately the places Fitz’ Cigar Wark's avenue K. Smith, Vraser Acme avenue Prinee avenue ‘Royal Hotel Central Hotel Windsor Hotel Knox Hotel Daily News avenue ee ee bulletins by The posted in war exclusively News are after at * 2 * * coming off the follo »** wires Wine Store, 3rd Store Ave Jewelry ard corner Sth and Clothing House. 2nd Rupert Hotel nd windows, 3rd **s eee 2 RR RRS ! ht the field as tatior 1 ’ decora ! Aller tableaux were also vhbodyv else ssed up} dj ‘ Patmore the eee eee ee eee eee eee eh eee Coal! Coal! Coal! Sa Washed Nut coal free trom PLUMBING AND x STEAM FITTiyg wy Hanson i¢ re Desk Room with use of window FOR RENT Plumber Free Office Rent and Underwood Typewriter to Public Stenographer Excellent location. * 7 * * - * » . . ~ * - . + * - - - 2 - Fire, Life and Accident Insu- rance 1 35--PHONE..35: TAXI Placed KISSICK, EDWARDS & KISSICK District Agents Prince Rupert, B.C. in woo ompanie« ALF HALLiGay eee ree eee ee eer er err eee es WANS RHR O HED Heneeees hn iii re ee President, ’ Rand, "THE PRINCE RUPERT SASH AND DOOR COMPANY, 1D, Manufacturers Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scro!! and Band Sawing and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. tures, House Finish a Specialty, Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Hays Cove Circle Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 - Prince Rupert, 86, OOPOOOOOODDD LT tata — Seeneree ROYAL BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICER: MONTREAL Capital $ 11,560,000 Reserve Fund 12,560 000 Total Assets 175,000,000 i Savings Bank Department — $1 Wii! Open an Neca i tranches Throughout Canada a ] tions With All Parts of the I : : Agents Throughout the World ' H. P. WILSON . .~ = Manager Prince Rupert i | } SOOO ODE Nill eereree THE UNION STEAMSHIP C9., OF B.C, LIMO $8. VENTURE M sda $5. HELIN Naas Rive : t Seattle hive % Sails for Port cmeeee for Vane suver Sails for Granby Bay, Vancouver, Victoria, Agency: American Express, htlantic Steamers PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND At oer KAIEN HARDWARE COMPAM THIRD ANENUE DRAWER 1524 NE Nad P.O. HARDWARE tus { acto Builders’ Plumbers’ Paints Oils Varnishes MONARCH MALLEABLE Supplies Supplies “ Jewelry For Autumn Buyer A Fine Assortment at Moderate Prices eee, we represent ——— Write for our iliuetrated Catalogue throug" © fine stock to our out-of-town buyers each piece We have all the latest styles in gem se! 4 gold ™ in fineh, and representing the finest valves 5 set with diamonds and other precious and ser nee ““‘THE BIRKS’ WEDDING RING is « fashionable design—comfortable to wea! very popular a , any weight —_— Henry Birks & Sons, Limite JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS couves “ N Gee. E. Trorey, Managing Director = \ . DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) MPRESS COFFE prince nur”