ee - —- - THE DAILY NEY Set to vt® yg immediately ve neceivod eee PRINGI RUPERT, B. C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER THE DAILY NEWS 21, 1914. GET THE LATEST WAR NEWS FIRST IN THE DAILY NEWS ee PRICE FIVE CENTS \LLIE VE IMPRO\ ES POSITION IMPROVED--- ENTRENCHED ON HEIG iTS News—-12 Noon) , Persons who have returned . Sept. 21.—Military ex-|from Rheims say the German tai while nothing de- orga an narrowly escape4 eath at the hands of the infuri- ” ma ated crowd when the cathedral yet, the Allies have gr@at- was burned down following the tered their position and German bombardment ben ab entrench them- The Germans are still unable on high ground. to take the city. ANS ARE ENRAGED AT THE RESISTANCE OFFERED L HAND-TO-HAND ENCOUNTERS—FRENCH TAKE PO- TION AT POINT OF BAYONET—SEVERE FIGHTING. captured Lapompelie at the point of the oayonet. The Germans seem in a des- perate hurry to finish their task and are enraged at the stubborn | resistance. HENER PESSIMISTIC RECRUITING BEING PUSt The Daily News.) the efforts of the Germans to ov-| 21..-Kitehener is erwhelm them and then turn on | cent and pessimistic. the French Advices from the front say a is being pushed. : hand-to-hand fight continued for almost at their jours at Noyon Saturday night during a wild storm. After des-| perate efforts the Germans were driven back. chs and have made sev- peluous counter move- fastorm of shrapnel hand-to-hand s pushed the Ger- series of é Allie an endeavor to push ¢ Germans. The British ering very severely from IMS BURNED BY GERMANS STORIC BUILDINGS ARE RUIN T | © Daily News.) Sept. 21.—The city » is in ames following a Marne, and has a population ai about 40,000 its cathedral was the finest old | bombardmen Lo pe of : ° Weene ts Gothic church in France and con-| saving it from de- tained many priceless ‘art treas- | The cathedral and ures. France will protest to the pow- lers against Germany's flagrant 'S @ quaint, old city, | breach of international law SIANS TAKE 3,000 PRISONERS AND 3,000 CASES AMMUNITION TI 21 Ru /ulldings have been Daily News.) The Austrian rear guard has -An official dis- | been thrown back between the San ‘sian headquarters | River and the region of Radymo the Russi jand Madyko. Ssian troops The Russians have captured fortified peel- 3,000 prisoners in the region of ava and Sambor, in|Rememirov and have taken 3,000 cases of ammunition RETIRING. FRENCH ADVANCE N SCOUTS REPORT | CROWN PRINCE'S Y GERMAN LOSSES| ARMY RETREATS Se ror that Plure the rj “'y News--—12 Neen) (Special to The Daily News) ! \n offieer Pari Sel 1 \ say slater t i) rut le viva oad th ire retiring | oh The ¢ Los Iti veinforeeme i | | will bejth \ Hhiy | | Viitle the i «| i ! ! | Vill retire | ve a { \ ! til treat ' beautifully situated on the River |, —_—_—_ ON AND MAKING PROGRESS ine D News—12 Noon) mans back except on the heights, |, ENGLISH INFANTRY ns Sur Marne, Sept. 21.— beyond which the enemy gained 0 ‘ st pictures to be secured by the British expeditiona ies have repulsed the Ger-|ground. The French, however, i \ are shown marching to the it in the above pi IN FRANCE. rees mareh in France. They received a great weleome in eture. ALLIES MAKE PROGRESS ENEMY PUSHED BACK (Special to The Dally News—12 Noon) Paris, Sept. 21 The follow ing ia announcement was j ma te i | First ur left wing on the | gut bal th Kiver Ose we have viva ! i far as the I ights of Lassign west of Noy- l th ast of the Noise and thie rth « the Aisne the Ger. i are relive There bee many vik t in mecluding bayonet charg i Crayonne regio Th has confined itself to artiliet rround Kheims md n the center, the unpagne country, and o1 the ster slope of the Argoone ikive we have taken Mes les Lui and Massignes In th \ districts the enemy holds 1't irt and has cannonaded hatel I i—On our right wing in i ind Vosges there is iil Phe enemy is fortifyine it Delmel AUSTRIANS RETIRING ABANDONING STORES (Special to Tue Dally News-—12 Noon) Nis sept | The Austrian attempt ss the Drina and Save li rave failed rhe en emy a i from Bishegrad, Bos i i a abandoned all thet st ( th M ter in have cap tured the | tres f Gorazda, in Bosnia, a have taken Jabouka and Rognatica, bemmg how malty miles from the ¢ pital of Bos MORE AID IN EGYPT FOR TRIPLE ENTENTE »' (Special to The Daily News---® A. ™.) Washington, D. C., Sept. 21.— it is reported here that Rouma- nia will enter the fight in support of Russia and that Bulgaria and italy are likely to join in with the Triple Entente side. SECOND BRITISH ARMY REPORTED IN BELGIUM (Special to The Dally News.) London, Sept. 21.--It is report- ed today that a second British army, ineluding the Indian con- tingent, is in Beigium ready to cut off the German retreat. “my HEART BLEEDS” SAYS THE KAISER Text of His Telegram to Presi- dent Wilson Is Published in London. London, Mail telegram to Sept. 24. The Daily the text of the President Wilson as received from its Rotterdam @or- respondent. “T consider publishes It is as follows: it my duty, sir, to as the most notable representative of the principles of humanity, that after the cap- ture of the French fort at Longe- wy my troops found in that place thousands of dum-dum bullets which had been manufactured in special works by the French gov- inform you, ernment. Such bullets were found not only on Freneh killed and wounded soldiers and on French prisoners, but also on the English. You know what terri- ble wounds and awful suffering are caused by these bullets and that their use is strictly forbid- S ENTRENCHED ED M ONS INAU UJ | den by the generally recognized F D SS. AS G RATIN USS C rules of international warfare OUN ERING OF G R IANS HECK “I solemnly protest to you FRANCIS H. LEGGETT DOLLAR SUBSCRIPTION, = ENEMY-~GERMAN | scons the "vain which this ARTILLERY TAKEN war is being waged by our op- (Special to The Daily News.) | Thirty Taeunaiit Wanted eee! ar whose methods are mak- Ast Sept. 19.—The Fra Queen's Canadian Military | ing it one of the most barbarous 9 1. dee an Hospital Fund. | (Special to The Daily News.) in history. Besides the use of af oundered in a gale on - Antwerp, Sept. 24.—The Rus-|these awful weapons, the Belgian \s Oregon, on Friday Lond Sept. 24.—The Cana-}sian legation announces that the}/Sovernment has openly ineited ight vas not sunk by the a Lodge of London|@e"man offensive movement in the civil population to participate Japa iser Idzumo, as pre- ; k east Prussia has been echeeked,|!" the fighting, and has for a ted ik in appeal to every re@) and the Russians have captured |!008 time carefully organized Dhan of er Beaver, with three Ma Canada to contribute} part of the artillery sent by the their resistance. The cruelties s \ ked at Astoria on! ® dollar to assist it in| Germans from Breslau. practiced in this guerilla warfare, Saturda iising $30,000 for the Genet ‘ ; even by women and priests, to- rh oe@rred 60 miles Canadian Military Hospital pre-| BOXING CONTEST COMING. ward wounded soldiers and doc- south mouth of hte C: the British mana tors and hospital nurses were it! ae 1 te e P s gover > sue ve ‘ » ts lumbia ind was caused by the auspices of the Cana-| Fran Barrieau, of Vancouver, is nah that eventually my genera!s the de eo shifting in the) q War Contingent Association,;t0 commence training ~ at the we _comneee: to adopt the torn | sorge arle | Windsor gvinnasium Tuesday strongest measures to punish the vhich Hon. George H, Perley is| Wi i | y | ouiliy. amd setae th bl : se passengers and p dent Signatories to the ap-| evening fo his twenty-round a ™ anc righ en 1e oo0- row Ww wned, | clude: W. Hennessey Cook, } contest with Romeo Hagen, of Se- oo en “: — master, Geo. MeLaren Brown,|attle, for the welterweight cliam- ile a ie old tae RUSSIANS SAILED past master, and W. MacLeod|pionship of Canada, Hagen will a ae sais the coamiale Ye M also go into training at the same - ; i . ; its beautiful town hall, had to be FROM ARCHANGEL si: !s° Woxpital i being} time, The ss! ce thewe bos Oe tena for te. pratectin es ished in London, with an| met here was a fifteen-round oe iouiene My ra needle nell auxilia ospital at Folkstone,|contest, the decision being a ; ae, : aoe on ’ sit | see such measures svitable, { * e * oe rit = io - becriptions Wat Bede voted |}Grem, ead this conta is infest. rs I think of the ene al porter 0 ave bee ; . le o de \ Oo 8 he better ‘ ‘ : 3 to th lief of wounded soldiers|ed ¢ i vho is th d to S nd ame ‘nce nh ocent eople wil have jest t ! 5 7 “ a - the im kmpire who are fighting |/4n Phe ntest will take ples - their he Povo a eaiiaa an tl ao it me 1 - Canada and the principles | lelobel 1, the secoug night oF She result of the misdeeds of ‘the ; — ’ Rewer oe }uy which Free Masonry is|fair, and shou d be a drawing aan Siened . , whic CKeEE during e . : is = Sis fo Already London Ma-({card for those who follow the fis- “ > 9 grea - oe ona ‘bse niles amex ane Jee ame WILLIAM LI. P.. n 1 end of June} a i }000 and promises of further gen- o ‘ iing of Oetobe E WEA R. i i — aos ; t xe ved , herous subscriptions have been The Difference. TH THe sil ine “ lroae co ~obs | mune - j made ‘ ith $ eters g, 500) c i F. Dowli th . am aS pe _ 7 ae | The English Masonic lodges|She wore a dainty bathing suit jomplied * . W ling, rile rm south rehange - bse jare assisting the signatories to And dipped into the drink in the same tatitude as Dawson, | sis eon who ely upo the But summer girls are not like (5 a. m., Sept. 21, 1914.) Alaska North Cape, the north ' Spt : edaplerjceagiter : ' eu ; Baromete? «on.os.ov e¥bh-ces 20.849 ernmost point if Seandinavia, {Canadian brothers to respond auite : Max. 00G0D. ccccccsecedct 54.0 roel hit from Arch. |e ee" usly, and stave that sub {it did—-she didn’t-——shrink Min. temp 49.0 retire Wilt Sibipis “ ' eee we ee ee re a See eee ae . angel for the North Sea must|*™ iptions should be sent to Si : Rainte ..xscas niceties B34 , farth Beye Frederick Williams Taylor, Mon Plymouth EKgees—40 eents at pas is ott Hiies il el 0 | ~e ‘ ie ae h q Fe e fee et og OE Se ee in the same latitude as Point 7 we oe om = : risaell's. Have you heard it? The latest are c role ecloria; on ane 99 Barrow, the northernmost peak of : ; ; war song, “On to Vietory,” by Ma- Alaska If the Aretic Ocean dip “pun d eee ane : 7 — SOROS a en ween dame Loeser, of Vaneouver, A ped down to Dawson, then ships + ah re " orn = . ville. patriotic seng by a Canadian esh onto ‘lle ’ -_——— 7 could be taken out from there : -—- eon 2 lady At Mes. Carpenter's Music | Point Barrow, through Ont William B. Thomas Wal-|Lieensed Vintners Asso... 8300.00 Shoe 2148-19 . —_ onthe aaah \las./Hon, W. H. ‘Thorne, Col, H. H, Me-|Savey Hotel 80.00 7 el ge Slral ‘ a aeo i "AL on _— oh neh. Seeker St. John, N. B.; Adam|W, P. Lyne! 50.00 - oe th t ciate Ke aia os | Brown, Hamilton, Ont.; and other}|Arehie MebDougall 50.00 . * a. i canine ot at hebineens vet |! anadians of the Ganada Grand|L, Bullock-Webste 50.00 { th Atlantic These ee ~“ piosen Thompson Hardware 25.00 : ; M. Lofquist . 25.00 would turn their northernmost| . point just about 500 miles north | AeblES HAVE SEIZED Miss M. bk. Melntosh 25.00 rf Daws nh The m wement of al SHIPLOAD OF ARMS) Mussy, Ph) ue | 10.00 . it . —— John &. La 10,00 eee — a wn snes or! (Qpecial to The Bally Newe—-8 Moen) IRaron A. debi 10,00 moyenne CTR aco i i i 4 i é a » 500 mil ‘ feasible it this} Londor Bept iv ' Rome Capt. } M $0.80 SPECIAL TONIGHT SPECIAL 0) Os s eas » 5S wf the year message says the Allies’ warships |Thomas ‘I 5.00 SO . in the Adriatic have eaptured anjC, C, Perry 5.00 os Austrian steamer loaded withiR, W. Ros a. 1.25 « HE MILLION DOLLAR RM F F . GERMANS FLEE BEFORE JAPS arms for Albania, Williams & MeMeekin,,, 10,00 T (Special to The Dally News.) ~ ‘ MYSTERY Pokio, Sept. 24.-—The Japanese MUSIC PUPILS WANTED. Direct shipments via Grand}. xpeditionary foree attacked the —— Trunk from Edmonton enable us Fourth Episode— Germans 30 miles north of Kiau Experienced teacher and pian- | to sell Fancy Creamery Butter in os Chau and defeated them on Sep ist wishes to advance or begin |cartons al euts.—Friagzell's, THE THIRD FLOOR FLAT” tember 18 ‘The Germans aban-|pupils for piane on moderat: ae And a First Class Program — doned their fortified position and} terms Mrs. B. Wells, 1443 An Everything in season cooked eae lee fled in disorder, brose Avenue, 218.2: 0]/the way you like it London Cafe. Admission 10 and 166