ae THE DAIL/ NEWS x to vo Liver? iatel jsle¥'*" cows tmmediately ig Rece ved ——— —_ NK TWO GERMAN SUBMARINES The Daily News.) the bma ‘ (iver oneiwent down wh the Abou tl torped have reach rh Ab th believed that/ were each hit t tim ny ithe wh I ink tw fit i the Ab SURVIVORS REACH HARWICH IS NOW REACHED INBATTLE OF THE AISNE The Dally News) the Aisne Sambre The official In Favor of Allies ifternoor j Sey rhe 7 eve fight « that i \ \\ = west . rh ils : ‘ | ' ins the 1 wu rm \ = t i \ left ey rhe « 4 ' ; S vy | } tl gehts t the ¥ “a \ d Wer i th batt ! h M. GERMANS ARE REPULSED | BELGIAN FORCES THE DAILY NEWS GET THE LATEST WAR NEWS FIRST IN THE DAILY NEWS PRINCI RUPT RT, B 6., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1914. — PRICE FIVE CENTS AVAL FIGHT ME IN THE BATTLE OF AISNE BRITISH wen with flowers ARTILLERY IN FRANCE. British horses » reinforce decked both on the the v Fre 1 village + phrough France, GERMAN RICHT WING HAS BEEN TURNED BY THE ALLIES Mr. Justice Gregory Gives Liqui- 7 = : dator Leave to Appeal— Judg- | Since Outbreak of War British Took 187 and Germans Only 12 Besides Those Detained NS CROSSED in Port. RENCH BORDER CONTINUE TO HARASS (Qpecta! to The Daily ews.) London, Se; I Da FROM LORRAINE THE GERMAN FLANK wait corresponcens th tt German right has bee { The Dally News.) I d ~ The Belg between Craonne and St. Q o* ul ace ties against the e saves that a z s oe f en 88 light the wo ded ha Spaes, Gtares i j ince guard n ng at on unnamed plac i Lorraine ie Gi tposts thirtee He reports nine miles of dead Freneh border l ssels They are 1 the two towns a a evre Nome eont ta the Cix “a ment near \ he ; | i ng great loss vetween the Giern 7 and thre Belgia \ N GENERALS VISITORS FOR FAIR WEEK. Phe Belgians took a AMONG THE DEAD ul fi I ~ md Alre tors are comment a LOssé oe Ine , ' ‘ } eity oO A ! tlle« and Ww pecia The Dally News) ‘s ' { it for Ex , h ! hibit \\ Al oon the; i The casua' » aif Shien 7 th of Gen , the nassengere | of Gene fet" au siine the posaengers GERMAN TROOPS PLACED | i vor i were \ daugthte wail cctkie ai" | 10 GARRISON PRESEMYSL W. Cc. ¢ é ! 1@ post. | NOTICE. vart,|.. ning ¢ Presemys! by German the Austr lafier a tri; the | fo aa ! 1 and Ad ifishway at th Me vdit nto Seben-| Lake tameged | Wttiegton ow BRITISH CAPTURE MORE eit en route es h pect. | ER TRAWLER ing & mining | ie} SHIPS THAN GERMANS STRUCK SEA MINE George River, Portia il | AND WAS LOST (Special to The Daily News.) HOSPITAL DANCE London, Sept, 23.— The total - “0 The Dally News.) number of German ships captur ; The Grime Given by the Swe i) lod since the beginning of the war | ek struck ajfor the bet { , se yy British vessels at sea or in yesterday, |Goneral Hospit ‘ re the authorities say is ning Crew were|Hall, 9 p. nu \ ty-two. Ninety.five other Germas tembe \ 8 boats have been detained At the tra Cientleme a1 l ‘ threak of the war seventy Brit ired in peo lGoeod music at t.lish vessels were held in German) ad received the | jports and sinee then twelve out) Alwaye * etl f 4.000 have been captured by | lace the Germans ® Coats \ exelusive \ al vr We buy and serv Everything in season cooked 220.22|the market affords. ! fe.| the way you like it. London Cate. | SHAREHOLDERS WIN ned bie ste BANKERS’S TRUST CASE lator an opportunity of ap- pa k. | \ h the who wer bk. W | ster, J licitors. Justice Mr. | ’ ; [\nesrpeen : a in the mm the Y. Copeman ar Nay —"™ ° hoa ts Forts fs sked that the case be to ishareholder instead of general, a therwise the liquidator would be | de He stated that the that is- text of the issued until to be ide specific as one certain ment Not Issued. 1 appeal. t f ae Bie shares were not regularly ullotted. The briefly gment will not be to the Bank sel agree on the He asked the vealed ious parties to point of the opposition to alleged contribu-|these persons being added as con- might be made argued last Janu- cause in the judg- and again in April was that the liquidator « proper aetion had been taken eal to the Court of the directors or ce | Bankers’ Trust vfore His Lordsh the shares cation by J. E. Allen, | as inseribed Bankers’ Trust| cert iles and represented to add the names of | Other ndred holders of al-| share in the] tributories to- defunct Lies H. A. Maclean juidator represent °° Intimat would be Sept his judgment was idgment juidator, pba eferred hambers case ise val ise ries as ruld shareholders tie Corpora. prefer- the by points were Mane shares f the he salesmen s rt e hundred econtributories it desired to have given the liqui- right to call upon $390,- had been suceessful. By he the as- reduced to the lia neighborhoc whos na jadd would jdat he tf he nes was com- ooo ! this case the Po 000 osit sees | | |,| | re. HH. RB [sets of Maver are ‘dab rut shareholders, | bilities ted by | lof £60,000 Hw. W.| Web- company x whereas ire im the * Authentic information about football either seheduled lor postponed, can be had by call i up Fitz Cigar Store. olhe eames, stated that Gregory ing F ] biaregnies |B Ove “ S ~ « t ol ‘Abeaye yr 4 "y e — Comp é 4 a Vieux Re: “ey M ! FT DES SARTS 5 ay poe le-Chat ok OF DE pouston Xe a Coreg oF! Spm “Maney , \ ~ ~ Vv O43 F've FeigniasO PO Jecmon Ass went o, @ Longuevitie arpencd NN heotegy \ ‘>Re Recauitnieh, \ Nargnice Rete EVOE, Ey x Bers es ‘ « , ° Bear be b\ e fi > Hautmoat Leurioil we % re ‘ ve Cetra TAINE . F DEHAUTMONT 2x. ‘s \ F ~ > ends 7 ‘e™ F'pu Bourviau fer Damovsie; € y ie THE FORTS OF MAUBEUGE. tress oO f Maubeuge east of Franee far ! ould has lea of six up-to-date Germans claim the of tl f ps of the dierman oaptu re It lies it German ad vance, and retreal rhe d whieh is surrounded 10.000) trax the 1 al ntact we ves the altro an fortress, by forts tf} ing German The artillery forces emy story London, Mail correspondent trenches fire advanced against the just before FRENCH CHARGED GERMANS AND TOOK TRENCHES BY FORCE (Special to The Daily News.) There was a deadly breast-to- breast struggle in the trenches. The French pushed the Germans back to St. Quentin. After rein- forcements came up they pursued the enemy hotly. There was sav- age fighting in the streets of St. Quentin. Nine miles of dead are in the trenches between the two places. Sept. 23. The Daily sends thrill- of the storming of the position at Peronne. combed with and then the French en- were dawn. BRITISH THOUGHT ABOUKER HAD STRUCK MARINE MINE NAVAL DISASTER CONFIRMED (Opeciel to The Daily Mews.) ,a. m. The Aboukir was hit in Amsterdam, Sept. 23.—One of|several places and disappeared the survivors of the battle be-|within five minutes. The other tween German submarines and|yessels thought the Aboukir had British cruisers in the North Sea) struck a mine and lowered their says: | boats \ few minutes later the “We were navigating with the| Hogue was hit and sank. In a cruisers in the North Sea in beau-|short time the Cressy was tor- tiful weather this morning at 6/pedoed, and sank about 8 a. = m. price KAISER APPEALS TO Asks Capitalists, Bankers and Investors for Money. London patch to the penhagen newspapers are cellent rate POPULAR STORE HAS RUSSIANS HELP IN BREAKING GERMAN ARMY IN BELGIUM GERMANY FOR LOAN | °° a dis. correspon- London, In patch from Ghent the Sept Sept. 23.—A late dis-| gent of the Daily News says that Daily Mail from Co-|. trop two days of investigation he says that the Berlin has contirmed the statement that making urgent|/ Russian troops are in Belgium. appeals to the publie to subseribe Afternoon papers of Ghent, the war loans They point out that correspondent says, published no help can be expected from |) .¢ Saturday a statement as fol- neutral countries fhe papers |iows: “The German army has declare that Germany must rely been cut at Countenberg, betwéen on her own resources, as she has} poncsels and Louvain, by a Bel- to fight the whole world for her} cian army reinforced by Russian existence troops.” German capitalists, banks and His investigations confirmed privat stors are urged to this, but where these Russians der to save the country, and they [2% 2nd what their numbers may Te eae ted tent tenis ee be it would be indisereet to tell, ed first-class security at an ex.|"e says. Continuing, the corres spondent mentions the possibility that the Russiar. army is the only irmy reinforeing the Belgians. of interest at a cheap | STEWART AND GRANBY CONCERTS IN AID OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND CHANGE OF NAME The Acme Clothing House has | bee corporated as a_ limited - . re fonts ra iin io. Saas it rhe funds in aid of the Red will a vom z de a thes Cross Society have been material- ; ; z ly added to through the aid of porters, Limited. Messrs. Schics . - ijman and Gutstein are the sole Mrs. W. E. Burritt, who returned hieed ce tae at noon today from a visit to This es is as old as the cits Granby Bay and Stewart, where and perhaps has made as much she “ae highly successful in progress in that tin » as any bus.|@elding patriotic concerts. She ness house in the north. Their|W2* *ssisted by Miss Clifton and ea ae ae the eal Atted and Miss Neumann. At Granby Bay Senet thavcuahiy ‘mohern Ge bole: eee. ee raised, and at Se areas hoes ale ahuait te Stewart the little population siwavs complete in all lines of |t@rned out to a man and swelled men’s fit shings and boy's the fund by $45. clothing that the proprietors aoe ee ee of the Acme Importers, Limited |“O™@O" MONEY Tin. tn susseed FOR RAILROAD WORK FOOTBALL GAME A TIE. Sir William Mackenzie an- = oe ws nounces that he has received 10 game ast nigh eine PP pe eu: word from London that the firm ee of | i posucted im alOf underwriters entrusted with draw f ula each the |the sale of the government guar- Sons led | n the secondlanteed bonds of the Canadian half lr lormination| Northern Railway has been able worthy in Vranee the}to forego its rights under the soldiers '¢ ind egualed| British moratorium and provide hefors r ‘“alies willla considerable portion of the play th lonight at O/funds which it undertook to se- o'cloek preceeds ofleure. Sir William stated that as these the Muteintictthe result ef this the railway Fund ‘®> bas been|would be able to complete the eolleete Canadian Northern lines,