rHE DAILY NEWS. Flour F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor. PRINCE RUPERT SHFSEHSEEESEREE ERE E EEE RE FOR A TAXI 7,000,000 pounds sterling whi the Imperial government had ji made to the This was the spirit of co-oper tion and brotherhood which inv Union | : | Calais to wove civi 7 THE DAILY NEWS 1) matt feel ot ft’ bo ta » FRANTIC FLIGHT E THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | tad must defend ite mS FROM THE MARN Pe wna ym i tetatten ‘ | cal science must be made French Aviator Describes the iiehciinnitticisialisalinsiennii _ Te aint eh Ser aseas : "7 Scenes +. hen Germans Were on, not of destructio Hi. F. MeRAB, EDIT OR AND MANAGER iD” omelets aude the sebvant Driven Back. | HEAD OFFICE destructive agencies, the secre ‘aris, Sept, 22 The best view} Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. | ee Gegrased to the pos he Ce ae a * "| 0 rw incendiary Iwas obtained by a French mi TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract | — sirman, who aseending fron | rates on application. | Consequently even those wh t near Nitry-le-Francors . 7 predict a long war speak » northward across the Marne] terms of months rathe tt and then eastward by way | DAILY EDITION aR gae Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1094 |] of years. There can bet ' ns, down to the region f| leit ieee | wars of a hundred yea \ i ind back again, in a | vas ; ; thirty years, or twenty yea 12 ree to a spot near 8 The feeling in the United to a half million. Our Germans) rhe world eannot ne @ ite naw the German | States has been so outspokenly American friends who criticize} estimated in millions rt rely in etreat, but | pro-British that the President us as being prejudiced against men must be released t places in disorderly fight.| has had to urge the public the Fatherland would the | useful work And we sa wonderful sight to press to abstain in order that themselves realize the real sit. | that they will be ready t ‘ upon these tens of | | the German citizens in that uation. With a triumph of the | ye ae 5 eam viet " os atangensr ae | ‘ military spirit and qf abso-} xy which they will en the long gray eolum! | country should not be seriously jutism in Europe, we Ameri. | fruits of their labor, instead Kaiser's picked troops, s \ offended and also that his de-|’ eans would have to step against | having them seized as | jmarching in northerly, others cree of neutrality should ap- our wills into the shoes that and wasted. theasterly directions, a pear more genuine. That this France has stood in now forty ot ng with a tremendous paj expression of the States was years.” In Vancouver a moveme lity which was eloquent partially on account of a warm = a that will meet with the ay desire to place themselves attachment for their kinsmen The fight against Napoleon proval of the citizens has bee /yond the reach of the a l goes without saying. It is now lasted some twenty years. But started by the Young W Starmies, who were harassing t! becoming evident that they, things move faster today. Eu- Christan Association ! the every step of the way Phe too, realize that the fight is rope would be ruined by much benefit of stenographers and]treat was not confined to th more than a British fight; that less than twenty years of such business women at present hichways, but many German s it is a fight for human liberty. warfare as is now being waged of employment. Owing to the/diers were running across fie The following from Collier's The thing is so bad that it can- general curtailment of staffs umping over fences, crawling Weekly puts the case con- not possibly last very long. In Vancouver and throughout} through hedges and wending Ut! cretely: Locksley Hall, Tennyson pre- British Columbia, a large DUM-[way through woods without “We shall observe Presi- dicted the coming of the air- ber of young women have been} semblance of order or discip | dent Wilson's neutrality order ship, its use in war, and the thrown out of employment. Asi These men doubtless belonged | rigidly. And yet suppose Ger- “ghastly dew” falling from the they are barred from the}the regiment which was badly t many should win? Suppose skies. This was immediately rougher sort of manual labor,Jyp in the fierce fighting which Germany occupied France, followed by a prediction of the it is indeed diMeult for them] preceded the general retreat, be- wiped out the British army, reign of common sense, the to find anything in the way offing deprived of the majority of and swept the British navy parliament of man, the federa- work. Gupent 8. °.| Repairing Quickly Ot South African products for the DEALERS {N onan sanee | ‘OW BAY HONE ae # » . eeee ity * ain = PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO 3/"*" °! ‘le (moons. Hay, Grain, Feed soa | . * ie speech was enthusiastica 1 j R RRR ERE AREER AREER! |v opeceived by all parties and Seeds Prince Rupert Dairy Co. : JAMES GILMORE oe CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY FOR GUARANTEED PURE MILK ; Architect Agents f sunt SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS = All Cows government tested. Every- @nd Av McRride ® . ' ’ DOMINION NURSERY & vauftary ad | oben tor / — PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO ok cau "as Sas, Gost ON & Uf e it A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager Whether you want © whousand loaves, of bread of ona, see us Our $) — CO a Sane | emcee can, bal bea A IVARS al we. McBride bt. wetenetes , Fulton ‘Cand “artes PHONE 25 Se Sp KNOTT - CLIFTON LIMITED. — § td Northern es Mark Blacksmiths & Horse Branch Yard at Smithers Day Phone 180. Night Phone 978. THIRD AVENUE 9 | Boat Work : | 908 Third Ave. Phone Black 268 Phone Green S88, Gare ot Part Ave it Ave., Mansoul ees -- nena eee eee Phone 5 int hy “Hop ’ The Daily News Drawn for The Da e Harbor Is -- But Scoop Doesn’t aa =. "¢ ks _ wi GEN RAL SENT ME = i = ys - yt \ OUT TO TELL TH ADMIR THAT 7H — TRE TO REPOR SIR-THAT “TH GEN RAL SENT ME TO TELL YSIRTHAT TH HARBOR HAS BEEN MINED, eur hl.