September 23, 1044. MAD FROM HE TERRIFIC PAIN inent Merchant Thinks His Life Saved BY “ Fruit-a-tives ”, June 15th, 1913. iy SDALK, ON veneral storekeeper at the ad nd on account of the : 4 1 have experie sneed from +a-tives’’, I recomme nd oe customers. They were a nan to me, 1 can tell you, for . 7 urs ago, I was laid up in : \ ting and a terrific pain r kull. The pain e mad. Doctors feared ; to Inflammation of the took ‘' Fruit-a-tives I was cured, I have pounds since taking and I verily believe e from a disastrous ill- J. A CORRIVRAU. hox, 6 for $2.50, trial size, t postpaid on receipt of tives Limited, Ottawa. —_— ——— Real Lever Simulation ) WATCH FREE. forward generous nm an eatabliched are giving away thousands of ver the ches to people all world of © hinge advertisement. Now is your chanee to obtain one )6=6WWrrite now, enclosing % on ‘ tas’ 4 Guarda or Alberts, sent (these watehes = are quaranteed five years), should you take ad vantage of oor marvel pect you to tell your friends We einem the beantifal watch ool to be tree, bet send wild & Liorp, wallis Road, London, §., | : Directory Vintners Association P.R.L. WINDSOR HOTEL pf Firet Ave. and Elghth St . & Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL Avenue and Seventh St pean and American Plan Peter Black, Prop Ox POTEL Between Elghth and Ninth Plan, Rates 60C to 61.00 Per Day 4 Beaner, Props sier Vv EMPRESS HOTEL D Carley Ave, Between Sixth and Seventh Streets Plan, BO to 61 Per Day ROYAL HOTEL 2 gees, Props A . Alb 38 Pian Bleem Healec WHOLESALE LIQUOR OO. LIMITED 1 Ave and Simth ’ e 109 PUPERT IMPORTING co... LIMITED reser ano Sath Sts Phone 7 THE DAILY NEWS. GREAT KIEL CANAL AND WHAT IT MEANS |ONE OF GERMANY'S GREATEST sareGuanDs — LARGEST OF DAEADNOUGHTS CAN TURN iN 'T AND WATCH | TWO SEAS Before the making izes of double width, Kiel Canal Germanys nava oing in different leition resembled that of the t nay pass each other ed States and of Russia. | h four turning basins these two countri ( ith f more than 900 had to maintain two fleet the bottom, where the en and if to join these two fleet IN if an opponent of treneth dominated the passage from the. Balt North Sea by way f the wa not a may Thus a canal from of emerg Kiel opening, return ‘canal by the west. vhile the turn ter the instead enemy is tack, and the Kattewat d Skager to the Bal. clear that a canal cutt t { to the Elbe mouth is Schleswig-Holstein i ! important German short connection unde (i Wilhelmshaven, and control between the Balt irther to the west lies North Sea, would virtua i naval port of Em. ble the striking power ft { \ ‘ us sandbanks lie man navy, by enabling the t of the North Sea shore, | fleet fo appear unexpected f iwquainted with the in- full strength in eithe ( \ i els find it dangerous mated by these ¢ l t t | ich the coast, especially | Bismarek proposed ma tt these are protected by very Kiel Canal ‘ fortifications, The Kiel Canal conn the Ihe irgement of the Kiel terior of the spaci hk Bay | | cost $45,000,000, Alto- with the mouth of The | As | meth the cost of the canal came the mouth of The 1] t I t 895,000,000—as much wide at the point wher } inalia ] idnoughts In view of opens into it, and as ft helt t t strategical importance mouth is protected b erful | the \icl Canal was certainly fortifications and b Ltensive| Worth the outlay It is a most sandbanks, and by th: tr gly|potent instrument for the naval fortified island of Helis ind Is I defer of Germany. ing in front of it, the opening| Germany's greatest commercial of the Kiel Canal on The Elbe is| harbors, Hamburg lalmost unassailable fr said to be and Bremen, ) the sea.) may protected by |The opening on the other side is | the rmous guns in the fortifi- equally well protected and the | cat s Which shelter the Elbe bi great width of Kiel Bay makes it|n th of the canal by the island equally dificult, if not impossi-|of Heligoland,'which is a colossal i ble, to block the canal opening|fort in the midst of the sea in by sinking ships in it Ifront of the Elbe mouth with rhe canal was built in the} Hamburg, of the Weser mouth |years 1887-95 at a cost of 840 th Bremen, and of Wilhelmsha- 000,000, but its dimensions were | ver rhe combination of the too narrow it ved tojcanal with the great war side and the was prope harbors enlarge anu make it navigable to|on either strongly the largest ships, now and of the| fortified rocky island in front is a future rhe reeonstruction was|ereat asset for Germany's de- begun in 4997 an’ completed only | fence a short lime ago. It is curious t | rhe making of the canal was jrecall that English warships were | Tected regordless of expense. present at the festivit‘es which| Therefore, the canal may be con- faccompanied the formal opening |sidered to be a model undertak- of the new waterway. jin u Its generous dimensions rhe canal is exeeedingly well|may be seen from this—that the built The walls are so solidiy|canal has a depth of 34 feet, that made that ships may pass/its width at the bottom is 140 through at great speed. They/|feet, and its width at the water may steam th ah at the ite | edge 110 feet The locks are f ten miles per hour, but in war} m than a thousand feet long time they will probably be allow-| Evidently, the waterway can be led to inerease that speed Thejused not only by the largest locks are few and extremely|dreadnoughts existing and _ to roomy The canal itself is very | come, but also by liners of 50,000 wide It has a considerable num-!tons and more. E RUPERT BOAT HOUSE and Launches re. Gasoline for sale HONE PED 391 End of Manson Way OOOCCOPOOIDOREDO—C + OOOS TWO 0CCEERERORE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO. 1. th St 6th and 3rd Ave St. and Srd Ave 18t Ave ‘nd Ave 2nd Ave 4.1, p and MeBride 8¢ Sod @nd St, and 6th st OROUIT NO. 3. * Ave. and Pulton st, orden and Vaylor Sta, “nd Fulton §t, 4nd Comox Ave and Dodge PI sud Thompson St TU Ave Oth Aye BU Ave th Ave Simoury NO. 4. ‘th Ave MH Ay TW Ave 7D Ave. “0d Eberts. ~Tth Ave aad ae ng Bt ivieeeentemensaat ; 7 s » * > » » s | Sth St. and Srd Ave | peuncti b of 18%, @nd and 'St Ave, between sth and *. (Knox Hotel.) 1#t Ave. and 7th St. (Cen tel CIROUIT NO, 2. ‘rd Ave, and tra St ONce 5rd Ave. and McBride St | > and Emmerson & | | * and MeBride 404 Green st ‘ve and Bast St “Sunlight is the Miner’s Joy” HERE'S no dirt too stiff to yield to the T gentle strength of Sunlight Soap, “The wise ones” know that Sunlight does the work easiest, with the least rub and none of the wear and tear on clothes that follow the use of harsh soaps. Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure—it’s the best general purpose soap you ean buy, | Sunlight Soa All grocers sell and recommend it MORATORIUM WILL BE PASSED IF NECESSARY Such Legislation Can Be Made Retroactive and Should Deter the Avaracious From Foreciosing. In discussing the advisability of passing @ moratorium in Brit- ish Columbia at the present time, Sir Richard said that the que tim of a moratorium had been under advisement for result of (ittawa It was question as the from interésts. serious some time, representations and f-om local however, a from very many points of view, and the Government hesi- tated to take any action which might accentuate a situation which it was advisable to min- imize, namely, that of creating alarm, The situation created by the war was calculated to, and in many parts of the world actually did, upset credit and monied people panicky. ada as a whole, and in Columbia as well, fortunately, there been no serious turbancé of business, and one of the aims of the Government was to maintain stable conditions A moratorium, Sir Richard said, could not be declared with. out the authority of the Legisla ture, and to do that at an earl: it would be render In Can. British has dis- date necessary to ca!! a special session. The Govern- ment of the Dominion, although it took authority at the last see- sion of seen any Parliament, had not yet oceasion to proclaim a movatorium and is not do so from present appearances Leniency Necessary. The whole matter, however, so far as the province is concerned is under consideration and if ans grave emergency arose the Gov- ernment would take the earliest opportunity to deal with it. At such a time as this in respect to mortgages, agreements of and other similar liabilities, Sir Richard stated, the utmost leni- ency should be exercised by cred- itors, and if by any efforts of ex- tortion the Government was fore- ed to resort to the authority of the Legislature it would be all the worse for those responsible for such a situation. The Premier said the effort should now be to hold each other up instead of pulling the unfortunate down. PATRIOTIC FUND HAS FORMED LOCAL BRANCH Officers Appointed Last Night and Committees Will Decide on Ways and Means. likely to sale The postponed meeting called local branch of the Canadian Patriotic Fund Associ- ation met last night in the City Hall, with the mayor in the chair. The purpose of the organiza. tlined. Its objeet is dependents of Cana- active service at the front provision for if fatalities. The lowing cers were elected: President—S. M. Newton. Vice-president-—Mrs. MeMullin rreasurer—-W. T. Heward. Secretary —Rev. W. E. Collison Executive cLommittee—T, bD. Pattullo, J. H. Thompson, Canon Kix, Judge Young, Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. McIntosh. Iwo sub-committees, a finance and a local relief, will be appoint- ed by the executive. The exeeu- tive and committees will methods of raising funds It was that it ig the line of asking employment to have the contribute a each, in other as well as having a certain amount of personal solicitation, All funds are to be forwarded to Victoria and the loeal relief can draw on the gen- eral fund for any amounts need- ed, his was in order to equal- ize the weight of the m« over the whole general feeling nethod was right. 1836 THE BANK oF 1914 BritishNorthAmerica Te YEans in Business Capivat ano SuRPivs $7,786,666 to organize a tion was to assist the dian soldiers on whether at me or and also make them In cases ¢ finance decide n suggested might be a the various lines of men day's pay as done places conmimittee vement province and the was that the The Convenience of Joint Account A Joint Account may be opened in the names of two or more persons. Whichever one can most conveniently reach the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the cash needed. and trouble. It saves time SIXTH STREET WE ARE SOLE AGENTS Bryant Company Limited new Continental style for young men. Note the wide collar and lapels, narrow shoulders, snug-fitting body lines and mode of buttoning. Anexclusive 20th Century Brand production. : : : PRINCE RUPERT Then the hardest campaigning cannot rob him of the comfort o his regular shave, for the Gillette does its work as quickly and well in the armed camp as in the perfectly appointed private bathroom. Light, compact, safe under any circumstances, the Gillette Safety To Purchasers Any Gillette Dealer (this includes most Drug, Jewelry and Hardware Stores) will guarantee delivery of the Set ou select to the Soldier you name, at Valcartier Camp, without extra charge. Office and Factory: P. MARGETTS, Manager. WAR EQUIPMENT of every Canadian who goes to the front should certainly aede a GILLETTE Safety (Made in Canada) « Gillette Safety Razor Co., of Canada, Limited THE NEW GILLETTE BUILDING, Montreal Razor Razor Pocbst Eien or Combin- ation Set “fits in” perfectly with active service conditions. If your Soldier Boy doesn’t own one, give him a hi aved on case or Sales he eaaaincaien Pocket Editions ike cut avove) cost from $5.00 to $6.00 Combination Sets ine cut at et) cost from $6.50 up. Standard Sets - $5.00 To Dealers Write or us the orders take Sets Vale ee 1 AOL SED: ATI einem... gm ————iti it