THE WEEKLY NEWS e : - 7 | | EARL KITOHENER HELD | . lemployed in two of the local jew ‘VAST DEMANDS T0 | UP PRINCE OF WALES . i 7 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 3)°.") “fares Besides belne aan FROM GOING TO FRONT WS ipert watch repairer, Mr. Lo BE MADE ON GERMANY j@ graduate optician of Br ides Londot ept ; rhe Prince nisakneanaiae Wateh for the tive wire, — 2t/ Polytechnic Institute, of Peoria.) givin wit See That Belgium ts), Wales was very anxious to go 7 a Til., and able to supply anything : { tate vi id for ito the front dink >A sta an ean a Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream.jin that line. Since start Adequately Repa | Me ene FOR RENT . Losses. j rnenit ued by th al pr 2. o he has all the business he | oe 1u ind tried to get Lord) a Mi” aa deal a na ahve of the Canada attend to, Hi motto is I \ ‘ ee — . in do oO FOR RENT—Large furnished front I. A. _Mah pat t “ anad for I i - te nainniate New York, Sept. 25 A Lon-| Kitehener ‘ sent I But ~_— ee ee Pall fareee Oo., ° mee - hie fe { hy | | cable to The Tribune says re had t completed his) mili since his initials are “OC } ; sinciniti FOR RENT—New house, four rooms a « Fri er France is expected here to de-|tary training, and Lord Kitehener | Rr tlh are » oe The live wire will be here Fri- . noe onty the. relingnish Hmitted it to the King “that PORK RENT — Six rooms and bathroom; lay 2t| The second of the pontoor wd, 1 submitt Section Six; $296.60, Prince Rupert|"">* ie “i nt of Alsace-Lorraine, when|for the present it undesirable | Financiers, $15 Second Ave. 21st. eB. 8 ) Prince Rupert's large Hoa e time comes for Germany t hat His Royal Highness should FOR RENT-—Comfortable room, | of board Jaeger wear for women and/dock was launched yesterday a with the Allies, but also the] proceed active service ir 3 lose in; reasonable ra ibianhi a 1! e's 990 2? er i 2:30 ie PD ed ’ ae | - gs et pt Ae gio children. ~e . : 20 .22 pre ge aol . + i } aoe e n of the Dillion dollars rhe ficial inf nation bu at sever nore Wi ve finisher | Soo 4 wer as ees . . ninity of (870. ‘ T inces that on Septem FCR SALE A. H. Allison left this morning | before the end of the yea my ‘ i a ; f fact, h ¥ ‘8 ‘ nat Sampson | ea re er o act, \ om I i + neuen for a trip to the Prairies via the} next’ spring the dock w = ts tek toe mo mowreer atatehment, con | don 5 ” “alk & ! vith ‘ I ' FOR RENT—Suite of a Demers G. T. P. shape to handle all work hk mama Sane fe at celts tien 08 ores, en eeping rooms one Ts. i * . . ‘ ( ors 0 jnected with the flyi 18-tf, a a some suggestions from | untered a pat f five Uhtans| FOR SALE—New house, Section 7, $100 Norfolk Rooms, Steam heated, | The tive wire is a hi She th Chien an aes eine, weenie billing Po ‘Hox {90 o mobehy went Oh, bioe. hot and cold water. Terms rea-;Look for it ' idor at Wa hingt \ I iw tit ind capturing P oO ° - ssadu i ashington ‘ u an wotune = “af ’ i . sonable, 6th Ave. and Fulton. | eae 4 PON sey Ncntoining 10. scree cock, 880 es “FIRST LADY OF THE WORLD.”|''!!e comment, The reas the Afth. The British suffered no} per acre. McCaffrey & Gibbons, 214tf. Dr. Jecser’s tary wool 1| th it the demands ae m loss FOR SALE.—Lot 13, Block 46, Section 5; et tock for Empress Eugenie, Now 88, One to|(iermany are so vast, app Fortes level and on street grade. Only | Wear—complete stor o.nen , Is : ak a ahe will £0 ‘cash ‘and Balance to suit, Sap of and children. Wallace's. 220.22) Whom Revenge Must Be | a . he o nn , UHLANS TIED TO HORSES. o vestmen us ve 01 Se Sweet. have to be brought abs Owner, P.O. Box 809. 103tr, ee ' aad. ieee ie he hue . iia Comfortable launch for hunt- her knees bi : re iz will pe Paris, Sept. 2 me of the WANTED ing parties Why not get the} There is one old lady of 88, wh se to mesg ate yo French w ded state that many ' r » Pe al ve levi 1 see best? “Eleanor Mac.’ West endjif she still retanis the powe oe One thing, a t a sa ro if the German cavalrymen em WANTED-—-Second-hand accordeon. aye Government dock 206.234 | following daily events st} reir Way, 18 e disma M'to be tied to their horses Ub 19 or 21, Apply Box 11, Daily News,— . jabove everyone else on earth of the German fleet Phen there lans apparently lifeless were seen be, ot gr SB Orit Steel, i The Fraternal Order of Eagles | absorbed by the battle ream a a Par otod a 4 oe hanging over the necks of thei Apply Box 12, Daily News. 917-18 has issued invitations for a so-/|It has been forty-four years now Wh h, it Is pero wi ae ‘ . horses running wild In one WANTED—Employment by capable wom- leial gathering and smoker in the |since Eugenie wore the crown of Meus Conversa ve - : te charge a French Hussar pierced an. Want home for winter. ye * IK. 7 P. Hall for this evening at/an empress, but in her day she oMcials here indicate. tha ' i Ublan with his sabre, reeeiving at — we 216-4 ‘ 9 p. was “the first lady of the world quate recompense to the B ‘NS himself a lance thrust that made WANTED—Puptis for business college in » 2% She was by far the most talked. jis one of the foremost th > IN; bim let go his hold on the sabre eee ete ‘Der month eveniOy | It is not true that the head of|of woman for eighteen years, o1 England's ane) also tl a The Uhlan, run through, sank classes. Leation, Second and Second.|/the G. T. P. freight department is from the time of her wedding to struction of Prussianism a pon the neck of his horse, but my Se 80, Say ee woes fi, the city. Mr. Rosevear, who is|the day when a Prussian army|!t8 pernicious forms, ma F itlgid wot fall, and the horse gal Were, Wap are wig te work * few now here, belongs to the auditing |and a revolution in Paris sent her| impossible for the Kaise evel tioned off with the man and the hours in their own home for §15 week- department. linto exile, where she has remain-|®#ain = to disturb the world's sabre The Hussar, sent to the Unton, Windsor, Oat. ~~ onic . . * ed ever since. peace. irear to recovere from the lanes : to | Conductor Frank Wells. who! When the Allies drove the First thrust, expressed an eagerness to ° Rg music. : has been under the weather for | Napoleon from his throne, Mar- PROPER TREATMENT get back You know,” he said “hae ar tn one on + some time, is again able to be/shal Blucher, the Prussian gen- FOR MORTGAGES NOW §| pyiist wel after that sabre of —— are. Woes, « 1108 a eT around but is not vet able to re-|eral, wanted very much to have amma jmine or be punished for losing =e sume his duties. He was down/the French emperor’ executed. rhis is a time for considera. | part of my equipment Pri R Dai ito see the train off this morning.|Again, in 1870, when another ialon ‘end aes lanai: uae cei | rince upert airy e @ 4 }German army captured Eugenie’s| "0" @8G mer en : K. Mac.| L¥dia Luther, an Indian girl . - husband at Sedna. he was forced! ibe freely given a ac- |} - : ; Phone Green 252 The Prince Rupert Towing Co., , . : land an old offender, got a six : : . general towing; the new crude oil to leave France forever. j donald, president of the Confeder jmonths’ sentence in the police Holstein Milk for Babies tug “P.R.T. No. 1." Phone Red The Germans have not been/ation Life Association | eourkt tite wneraien tor Gladrderts specially Bottled 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O, |!ender-hearted when dealing with | “Self-interest will lead lending |... quet ES Er cow Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” |French monarchs. What wouldjcompanies to deal leniently with | . Crude Oil Motor. estr| the French army do with the Kai-| good borrowers Mr. J. F. Wes- An invitation is cordially eXx- | ‘im ser if it ever gets to Berlin? ton, managing-director of the/< ; ® » ‘resting to|Imperial Life. | gone ote Rage we interested | Ww rast Prince Rupert's dock is ee ee e ae A pe - ae a mie | MUSIC inspec e dairy premises ,.,, Fas 0 é at be z young ave not f e ' d the h f 3:30 and 4: :30 |" _ oe aa a mesesenety te Spanish countess in a green|solitary mortgage, and do not Teacher of Violin and All uring the hours 0 an }send repairs like that required by } Wednesdays and Saturdays when ee Athens to: Memelennt -. dress, who captivated the heartjanticipate having to take any| Band instruments ilkn ti bei . f — a ~|of an emperor, but now grown|such action Mr. Edward Saun A. PESCOTT mi operations are being CON-| jeed, it is possible that tenderers d ’ i . " ue very venerable, thinks about it ders manager of the Canada 452 Eighth Ave. East ae ldoing the local work will get a é, . Phone Green 327 considerable amount of that in “wevenge is sweet, sepeciaity jlanded and Netignal fnvestment onsit le ¢ f ée to a woman. Corporation jthe south to come here. Fo r “Sale | selene oO | The SS. Prince Albert, in tow if the — will be brought to | Prince Rupert this afternoon. She LOT 19 has ce patched up satisfacto- jrily and with a few repairs that j will be made locally she will be BLOCK 29 jable to go south for permanent | repairs under her own steam. SECTION 8 ..o.8 Mr. W. J. Thams, of Edmon- ton, has arrived in town and has PRICE accepted a position on The Daily News. Mr. Thams is a newspa- per man of considerable experi- ence. He seems to take naturally ALL CASH to Prince Rupert for the little moisture falling today did not even induce him to carry a top coat. G. R. Naden Co., Ltd.) « « business Street, known Loop, who has started for himself on Sixth well and favorably the city, having been is in FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Stee! Blocks Pipe Fittings Rope Valves Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable iron Pipe Ship Chandlery Fishing Tackle Rifles and Shotguns Ammunition Se SSEEEEEEREREEEEREEEEER ER EH) High-Grade Work Plumbing seat | and sheet metal work at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., “i IT’S A LIVE WIRE WATCH FOR IT PAR IRI IARI RAIA ARERR IN AUCTION SALE AN AUCTION SALE OF THE STOCK IN TRADE AND FIXTURES OF R. W. CAMERON WILL BE HELD AT THE STORE OF R. W. CAMERON, CORNER OF SECOND AVE- .NUE AND SIXTH STREET, ON SATURDAY, THE 26th IN- STANT, AT 2:30 P.M. THE INVENTORY MAY BE IN- SPECTED AT THE SAID PREMISES, OR A COPY THERE- OF MAY BE HAD FROM THE UNDERSIGNED. THE STOUK WILL BE SOLD IN BULK AND THE FIXTURES IN PIECE, SUBJECT IN THE LATTER CASE TO A LUMP BID FOR THE WHOLE OF THE FIXTURES. TERMS CASH. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO THE UNDERSIGNED. D. C. STUART, Assignee Se eadaan RARER RARER AAA REAR AER ARREARS ii — F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR RARRAARAARREREAARRERAREAEARRARAARAR ERE SEPEEEEEFEEEEEER EEE EERE EERE EERE ERE R EER HY HARRISON W. ROGERS Suite t, Federal Block Architect PRINCE RDOPEART, B. © | Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 FOR RENT TWO 5-ROOM HOUSES WITH BATH, WATER INCLUDED $25.00 PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE eee LATEST WAR NEWS rhe latest war bulletins |* received exclusively by The Daily News are posted im |* mediately after coming off | the wires at the following p aces Fitz’ Cigar Store, 3rd Ave Wark's Jewelry Store, 3rd avenue K. Smith, corner 5th and Fraser. Acme Clothing House. avenue Prince avenue, Royal Hotel, Central Hotel. Windsor Hotel. Knox Hotel, Daily News avenue eo eee Hee ee Rupert Hotel, 2nd windows, 3rd SBESEEESESESESESESESOSHSESHSKRESH SESH HEHE *# eee eeeeeneeenenenenegnenenenene eee EMPRESS COF (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) ; Coat! Oval! Coat - ie act, #8:75 por ton. Walon trans, © LUMBING ANp ZOR tf STEAM FITTiyp Desk Room with use of Harry Hanson window The Rellaple Plumbyr p um! FOR RENT \ Pal . “ , ie, Free Office Rent and 3) Pie Underwood Typewriter 20M to Public Stenographer. ‘ike Excellent location, 4 WAR ARON t ORE ttt Stee hh Fire, Life and Accident Insu- rance Placed in good Companies KISSICK, EDWARDS & KISSICK District Agente Prince Rupert, B.C. 35~-PHONE.% TAXI ALF HALLIGay Seeeer eee eee eee eer eee eee ieiciiiehddt atts ttt PPPOE PEP*M + CC +E bE, A. FE. Rand, President, THE PRINCE RUPERT SASH AND DOOR COMPANY, LD. Manufacturers Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scro!! and Bang and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office tures, House Finish a Specialty, Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 - Sawing Fix, Hays Cove Ciny Prince Rupert, at rere POPOPPOOP OOOO + Ob ES. The Northern B.C. Fai deserves the hearty co-operation of every man in the fey Country. It will be held in Prince Rupert FROM ster, BER 30 TO OCTOBER & { Visitors from the qurreundineg towns and county find it to their advantage to visit the Princ stores, where they will save many times the prind@ trip in buying supplies. COME AND BOOST NORTHERN B C THE UNION STEAMSHIP C0., OF B.C, $.S. VENTURE Sails for Port Simpson, Mill may, Na veal for Vancouver, Victoria, Seat ay i Sails for Granby oo Naas River, § inight; Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Eve toe Agency: American Express, Atiantic Steamers PHONE 668 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND Mt KAIEN HARDWARE COMPAMl THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE Ned Builders’ Supplies et at | Plated J Plumbers’ Supplies ate G - Mirra ne HARDWARE = Oils ware i Varnishes Granitews «f MONARCH MALLEABLE “ *." fe Jewelry For Autumn Buyes A Fine Assortment at Moderate Price ne o ‘ represent Write for our ilustrated Catalogue ‘' * we fine stock to our out-of-town buyers. piece pe We have all the latest styles in gem se! — ola noel in fineh, and representing the finest values set with diamonds and other precious and s° “THE BIRKS’ WEDDING RING + . fashionable design—comfortable to wear |" 4" a very popular ght Henry Birks & Sons, Limite SMITHS vancou va! JEWELLERS AND SILV: Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director S