. THE oni’ ener i GET THE LATEST WAR akes 8 OPO ee vly ; NEWS FIRST ive War News t IN THE DAILY NEWS Is Received SG eae ' 4 oo . ua L. V¥, NO, 224. PRINCE RUPERT, B. 6, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS: ERMANS WEAKEN ND OF THE GREAT BATTLE OF AISNE NOW IN SI MAN ATTACK WEAKENING f (GERMANS ARE ENTRENCHING AISNE BATTLE IS NEAR OVER LINE OF COMMUNICATION —— ; j a (Special to The Dally News.) jmust retire if its right is pushed (Special to The Daily News—12 Noon) = giuin. ; Ihe foree | back much farther | Paris, Sept. 24.—The Allies’ Advancing and Retiring. mans threw fhe Germans are making troops on the left wing have ad- The Allies have advanced on me i till fierce drive in Wo e, northeast vanced to between the Rivers|their left wing oceupying the ‘ -, * jof Verdun and aim to cut off Somme and Oise towards Roy. town of Perrone despite the re- ts The fa-| a}iies army perating ear| Peronne is held in spite of the|/sistance at the end of the battle } ds are unable| Nancy The Allies there are re-| enemy's spirited attack. line in France. of the Brit-| sisting desperate and so far| The Germans are _ feverishly There has been heavy fighting ving ground have repulsed all the attacks with] entrenching themselves along the|on the Meuse, the Allies alter- : hat the|!?#’? losses | line of communication in Bel-j| nately advancing and retiring. vere tha oT The Germans are endea last much) y,, pierce the line of forts | ! * | man centerling Verdun and Toul GERMAN SUBMARINES |MINOR ATTACKS | od | BETWEEN FLEETS NE RAID GERMAN CRUISER BUSY.- WERE OBSERVED AT | ndon, Sept 28. —The a ’ | sondon, Sept. 24. - were LA FOUR HUNDRED YARDS}... protected cruiser Koenigs- WAS A SUCCESS SANK SIX SHIPS AND ine Jbers caught the British tight . BOMBARDED MADRAS| pant ut ay Hoe tem cruiser Pegasus, a few day 980, ondon, Se : “f Gun- Special Lo The Dally News.) f * ‘ head am ta fae 4 (overhauling her machinery in : Dreuteat, (Special to The Dally News—12 Noon) describing the attack on the Brit-| Zanzibar harbor and attacked and additional de oi | sh cruisers by German subma- | completely disabled her. i i Sey ’ ‘ | raid expedi . rines, says he struck the peri-| More Modern Guns. ded into two]'"" ' pane scope of on esubmarine at 400) The German cruiser, while of ne as its ob ' ! British yards, later smashing the top of | the same class as the rBitish, had ons. eden the Ba a, fred fé\- bh the conning tower. He could not| more modern guns, which out- ussetdor?.» ‘ ‘ Mad get the others. however. before |ranged those of her antagonist. ; ‘ i » ° WwW : : . pedit failed the Cressy was hit. The Hogue| The British loss is given as er the D wrayer: and the Aboukir had already been | twenty-five killed and eighty beds throw.| =" lamage to th ty was] 2 struck. Dougherty says there | wounded, ae mid gat.. [orees rh ta how. | were five submarines on the| The German eruiser Emden | ce ac sii noone. jcaptured six British merchant gars The ex-| oo |steamers in the Bay of Bengal in is unknown, |'"" 'six days and sank five of them. | Phe cruiser left when the port TURKISH AMBASSADOR The Emden reappeared at Ran- NS STILL PURSUING }eu pened fire ETREATING AUSTRIANS | swwuiwvoeoniywewey |MORE BAYONET CHARGES rhe tussians| BY THE BRITISH TROOPS » te pursulihe i WILL LEAVE STATES |“: possible having taken part lin other exploits as yet not -- known. (Special to The Dally News—12 Noon) On the British side of the Washington, Sept. 24—A. Rus-!seore was the sinknig of a Ger- tem Bey, the Turkish ambassa-|man cruiser, supposed to have dor, has informed President Wil-|been the Cape Trafalgar or the \ustrian = army. | (Special to The Daily News.) son that he has not altered his| Berlin, by the former Cunard lin- ps have reached Londo Sept 4 After the wy views recently expressed in aler Carmania, familiar to transat- the region of|fiercest artillery fighting” sines THE BRITISH EXPEDITIONARY FORCE IN FRANCE. pulished interview respecting the|lantie travelers, also armed as a D j th % i m - the B me yo 8 ee tetave.shows the Britist wwalry horses being taken from railroad ears at a war situation, and will leave the | cruiser, on September 14, in wa- are develop ete ted sity a ~ az “t > rr , . : . - oe r sie nt in Franee. Th ter pieture shows the troops in camp and the bottom United States within a fortnight. |ters which the Admiralty de- ceedec irning “ jerma concentration pol : Se scribes as “off the east coast of Hh the German |jine just south of St, Quentin and picture shows a detachmnet of artilier: the ream MONTENEGRINS HAVE South America.” The British loss ssian troops are} peronne, it was stated today \s DEFEATED AUSTRIANS | was small—nine killed and twen- vith the ier 1 climax to the bombardment ‘ t ment has yet | the British troops make a des- | UNFORTUNATE a 1500 GERMAN PRISONERS PATRIOTIC INDIA--- (Special - The Dally News—12 Noon) a ‘Survivors Rescued. Idarea’ nine "tiles ot. tranebe Ovens cream STA®| ARE BROUGHT TO LONDON) — MEN, MONEY OFFERED} 0 “isto nat tne Mn: put tho sureivore wore neseuedy HAS LEFT BRUSSELS | |...) N GARRISON tenegrins in Bosnia have eaptur-|Apparently the Carmania steamed evesight about eightes months (Special to The Daily News) (Special to The Daily News.) ed Pratzhow, where the Austrians |away without stopping to learn Special to The Dail Nn t! h a premature blast o1 Lond Sept 24.—Fifteen London, Sept. 24.—Offers of|beaten at Sarajevo had taken/particulars of her vietim’s iden- Dec to @ Daily News.) is iz ‘ i I _ ; J } ( man prisoners arriv-|assistance continue to pour injrefuge. tity or casualties. eee meee coun RUSSIANS TOOK ete Bia conpea wo a |benaret Cormen : srussels ave cigar stand on econ ~= % ta a2 r ways something new a al “verything 1 se ind strongly en- the corner of Seventh Street.) France | tribesmen of Kurran Swat Val- lace’s. 220.22|the way you Jike it. London Cafe, tire German gat Nn e i > h wesight he vis — | ley are anxious to participate. \ ul ines sing his evesig ‘ , Ath, Tournai capes wo ee a ll of tit } 1} in Norway but PARISIAN PRESS eS The Maharajah of Gwalior has | a=. : } re Sept , ‘ i ‘ ited fis ad home 0 i ) have been ereet l | i i i GERMANS BESIEGED IN donated $100,000 for motors cars | the Belgians from |Jaresiau, the Austrian fort fledihaving been so long away he 4 | ' Germans if they |P Galicia, is regarded}eould not content himself there (Special to The Daily News) jand transports, and $25,000 to ! s @ Most GeCIsSIVe Serwns re ned to P ce Rupert a Sey ? The Paris|the relief fund on behalf of the t etreat from {bere as th tad ti and { ied to Prin I rondo ept. 24 1 t } announeed from the continental] faw months ago rhe site for his press, commenting on the strug-| Belgian sufferers es oO me pera ouse . battletields 1 the last twenty-|eigar stand is furnished free by} oi, along the Aisne, is convinced - = 4 TROOPS four hours Peter Black, of the Central _— that a German defeat is due The LONDON SUFFRAGETTES Seven Nights, Commencing SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 » Russian arm hich took | wh ows him the use o e et sk dadapate manne ane AGAINST TSING TAU rhe BR my . : a who allow : h : de = Germans are d 1 ate | “ . DECIDE TO PAY TAXES Third Annual Season in Prince Rupert of the Jarostau by storm ts nm in pu corner 80 ong is He GHes 0 their imability 0 pursue e - al to The Daily News) suit of the Austrians, who are re require it Mr. Al “ i . . is an he teinal plans, whieh were in the London, Sept. 24 inn. Blain, ‘tre mw on Ori d-timer here and should receive ‘Anite prearranges Sept. 24 Brit- ported to be retreating ra} old-tin h nd sh ; a form of a definit prearran : en's Tax Resistance League, com od ‘vaehaail aan the support of his fellow-citizens. | onome ‘“ 99 lof] bh . I . rl Petit Parisien says that Iposed mainly of suffragettes, ao aohon Bay 16 e arisic says at} , ' the movement MORE DISASTERS ORDER OF EAGLES the Germans are in the position whose motto is “No Vote, No Nau FOR AUSTRIANS HELP PATRIOTIC FUND); 4 besieged force, doubtless} Pax,” has decided to pay taxes In a Complete New Repertoire of Popular Plays, Including iking sorties but involuntarily yt this year on account of the war “ ” ” a E TRAWLERS STRUCK. (Special to The Dally News—12 Noon) The Fraternal Order of Eagles | i to accept the defensive | , THE ISLE OF SPICE,” “THE SHOW GIRL,” “BARON HUM jresigne Petrograd, Sept. 24.—The Rus-|gave their friends a great time] jjistory teaches that the de fa has notified the government to BUG,” “THE GOLDEN SLIPPER,” “THE LOVES OF LE- I to The Dally Newe—12 Noon) {sian cavalry is pursu the flee-|last night in the K. of P. Hall | tender, under such circumstances this effect In the past members NORE,” “MY TANGO MAID,” ETC. Sept 24 Anotherling Austrians from Jaroslau Phere was a splendid program ar-| invariably succumbs of the league frequently have sae Vas blown up by where many cannon were taken ranged of local taelnt neoiated by | rigeed their property rather than North Sea today the Irish Fusiliers Refresh ee neccians, hove concgiat| RIPE, Siete Ser 'meal — Opening Saturday, September 26th ” | pe’ Coates, A few one Staromiaste, Przeworsk and La-| Self, the popular chairman of the| | Jaeger “. ae nount fue enemy laimed t | meeSne. announced that 825 BAZAAR AND SALE OF | GIVE To parents FUND. In the New and Sparkling Comedy Opera as ev would be donated by the society ; 220.22'bhe demoralized | inten talntin: Band WORK | Winnipeg, Sept, 24 . paniehs Sree POCO ene OOO OeEOPOEAIT ETS rere jnder the Auspices of the butics $25,000 to the Canada e THE WEATHER. Ladies’ Auxiliary, St. Patriotic Fund from the hudson’s M T O M ] iRay ( npany is intimated by A a P | . Compiled by F. W. Dowling Andrew's Geolety. M. Nant 1 direetor. The em- y opu ar Dance Tonight Observer. P ploves f the company are sub serib over 85,000 At the Mc eho To Be Held in — McIntyre Hall, under the auspices 0! 5 a. m., Sept. 24 St. Andrew's Society Hall ADMISSION: 500, 75e, $1.00; Box Seats $1.50 NATIONAL SPORTING CLUB aon 0.0, ON TUESDAY fonthall saines, either aeheruted |¢ 8808 open at 7:48; Curtain rises 8:30 sharp. Reserved seats Introducing the World-Famous Argentina Dance meen eas éstholme Orchestr Admission $1.00 Min. temp 53.0 September 29, 1914 or postponed, ean be had by eall now on sale at Orme’s Drug Store eer ereeooe . fee amiss eoene tee Rainfall - 1.09 | ‘ing up Pile Cigar Store, Mt)