. . THE DATLY NEWS. Thur ne rd veo | THE Daty News {-"Passinc EVENTS | Real Rellet_ THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ogierns means true ha G. T. P. RAILWAY etl Published ness, The trouble due to indi- er et. ~*~ ae ich, “Ausra wipes | AMMA THOUS arvic a Winnipes will not buy any} risked The campaign was led by H. PF. MeRAB, EDIT OR AND MANAGER more German goods, was the| Mrs. J.D MacGregor, wife of the ' To the Easi HEAD OFFICE a of their Board of Gon- | Lieutenant-Governor ro | ildi Trains leave Prince Mupert on Wer, Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. | Rodeo nn en Wortd been completely destroyed by fire One Way. ¢ Toronto “* $63.75 Ottawa ' ' $70.95 Montreal . ees : $73.56 St. Paul oe7 75 Chi : ee 5.65 New Wort ; : ' $73.56 t% % Car Reservations, Through Tick: 5 a. P. OFFICE, Third Aveune he . t. 6. amie Prince John sails for the Sour 29; October 13, 27, etc. 1% In war's necessities promptnes P ™ . is essential. The thirty guests had barely time DAILY BDITION usage Thuraday, Sept. 24, 1944. Bi to escape in their night elothes, ind they lost practically all their eres, Capt. P. Mockler, of Colcheste belongings, including much valu Only about twenty people, and French soldiers who have County, Nova Seotia, has give: bie leweneti : $10, : rancis Xavier Col including one lady, turned out been living in Canada before 10,000 to St. Francis Xavier Ce to the Patriotic Fund meeting the call to arms and whose de- lege, Antigonish. At a recent meeting of the Civil | rhe “Colonial Arms,” the well] | urdays at 10 a.m. Connecting at Winnip, ‘ Pad TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract Premier Borden gives warnins known summer hotel near Deep Chicago, eto. j rates on application. that he will punish for extortion.| Broek, Annapolis County, has FIRST-CLASS RATES ‘ | | the other night. This eertain- pendents are still here. This — Service Association of Canada it} i ly doesn't represent the senti- is as it should be, for they are William Matthews, while n was unanimously decided that} eset esece-senenssennneenenmDnie stn ee ment of Prince Kupert, for al- all fighting n a common|toring last week near Petawawa,| aon ejvil servant should con : - ready it has been shown on two cause and deserve the assist. Ont., ih held up by two Austr tribute one day’s pay to the Na | rm ee * |e eee ene e “svete eceasions that the people are ance as well as the thanks of }@"s. atthews shot twice, /ijonal Patriotie Fun ‘his will « * } ready and willing to support a Canada, wounding one assailant and mak-| 4 nount +. aaah aatnebe. A pro FREE Pa co * GRANITE *| ba wn To meee Very guns ar one Ste" eoonpe. posal that a regiment be recruit weany . ° N erously. The funds raised for The recent activities in the — ed from among civil servants was | \* Granite of best quality * , the Hospital Ship and for the North Sea show the continual The province of New Bruns-|/rejected. We Want Vou to Know i* and thoroughly tested for * Red Cross Society shows this. danger to which the ships of|wick has offered 100,000 bushels = | in These Hose i* sale, Cut stone or erushed * AND It will now be up to the local both parties are at all times|of potatoes for the use of the Contributions are announced of | They stood the test when * rock in quantities, * branch of the Patriotic Fund exposed. Indeed, it must bejarmy at the front. The offer has|{00 cases of yeast from the Gil a ethers failed. They Letts \* NEIL J. MeLbPOoD * M Association to put their case nerve-wrecking to be in the|been gratefully accepted by thellett Bast Company, of Toronto, | real foot comfort. They neve * relephone: Green 247 * before the people so that a like suspense of imminent danger|Imperial authorities. for the use of the naval depart we Soeett ae : od ae \* tf *) response will be forthcoming and not able to strike a de- ment: $10,000 from the ns ee, a ae. * * to that. Prince Rupert ought cisive blow. It would appear, W. Boyle, millionaire mining }|mond Woolen Company, of Al-| the shape » anit - A not e*#eeeeeeneveveenenee Martin Swanson e make as good * oe as too, that the Germans have the | man, of Dawson City, formerly of}monte, and $10,006 from the} tumb 'ew dele ten | Becond A vawson City, at least, which advantage in attacking, since | Woodstock, Ont., has offered to|Acadia Sugar Refinery Cov any, | a a” . we aw put up a sum of some five they know the exact location of}eontribute four machine guns tojof Halifax, to the Canadian Patri.| — aos Oe of ma- ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY thousand dollars. their mines while any attack of|the Canadian overseas contin-|otie Fund. ae > rare Ne, ab- Rooms : ’ 2. the British has this additional|gent for use abroad. — ; — y ainieee, one ~ Second Avenue, Oppesite Empress Theatre | BW f i on Ui In the southern part of the monster to fear. ‘ Canada’s trade commissioner at| cae _ monte wenhout vale from 8 @. m. staad' rice provinee liberal use is made of * « @ Col. S. B. Steele, now at Val-| Birmingham, J. FE. Ray, reports | te or replaced by new ae tee tar Ue Ges Gale ae The favorite # the local press for advertising It would appear also that|ecartier, is mentioned as possible|that there will be a record de- paire free. 8. D. MACDONALD, CHAS. DENNIS, = | Cleanest, Brightest, Best the eall for funds. It is a tacit this is the set plan of the Ger-| commander of the Overseas Con-|mand for Canadian foodstuffs} — PRES CPVER President Secretary | acknowledgement of the value many navy, to sit tight behind|/tingent. His fame as leader of|during the war. British import- | e Be every Cus Sonam Us - - Baw WELLINGTON os of advertising through the their forts and mines and/the Stratheona Horse in South]ers, he says, are looking to Can-| —_ o oe shipping | ae ' press. Any cause to sueceed tackle the British by subma-|Africa is still fresh in Canadianjada for cereals, flour, cheese, | charges, we will send, sub- VERY LATEST Give Printe of Second Avenue Phone must be advertised and there is rines. Of course, this is the|memory. hams, bacon, canned meats and) — 2 ONY, Sere are OIL DISTRICT | no medium for that like the only policy at their disposal. ‘liltieyins lumber, to replace Kuropean saree — 0s one Samone papers. In this case it is safe On the other hand, it can be Hon. T. W. Crothers, Minister|sources of supply cut off by the | AMERICAN SILK HOSE on Gennes mane av | FI to say that the loeal papers safely assumed that Admiral]of Labor, thinks that a great pe-|war. | with written GUARANTEE, GOLD BELT REALTY CO | will donate any space required Jellico is right on the job and|ried of prosperity for Canada will : ———_——_- | any color, “s : 907 SIXTH STREET | APARTHENTS free of charge. At any rate, that he keeps the main body of|result from the European war. The war session of the New-| Phree pairs of our Ladies the columns of The Daily News his fleet beyond the danger|Mr, Crothers claims to have based|foundland Legislature was pro- Hose in Black, Tan or | §a two and are open for any assistance zone. The ships recently sunk/this opinion on a searching in-|rogued after sitting five nights W hite colors, with written THE LITTLE GIANT [s. F EB. DYER that can be rendered to so were practically obsolete and|/quiry into the industrial situa-]Twelve bills were passed, ten for at ARANTEE. : VACUUM POWER CLEANER Sb worthy a cause. It will be nee- this would incline one to think|tion and the general outlook injwar purposes, one for creating a DONS EAs es Extracts Ail Dirt and Dust | essary for the executive to sup- that only that elass are allow-|the Dominion. commission to investigate last or when dealer in — Carpets, Rugs, Davenports, Mattresses, ply the ore’ OS ed to come within the reach of ‘ iahinhicememnietin spring’s sealing fishing disasters oe c yo Give — pproesaly Gagnet, Se) wore = ree rumen ane wanton" the submarines. Away to the The Government announcestand another to require all seal- . a . e Apply FRED KLIEN One of the striking things rear they keep the “Iron|that Lady Strathcona has givenjing steamers to carry wireless international Neslery Oe. Pho io an P.0. Bo 237 SMITH & MALLETT about the Canadian Patriotic Wallis” of Britain that will only [$50,000 towards the maintenance |telegraphy outfits henceforth. 21 Bittner Street ee prtncmtinadan : tee cS Sree Fund is that it will apply to the be called into action when thelof the cavalry regiment founded Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. ? ings, Pipes ra , , " dependents . f Russian, Belgian whole German fleet comes out.|/by her father. The Strathcona Every possible precaution will MARTIN & M’GOWAN Third Ave brant foam 2 Horse are to be maintained and|be taken to keep the date of the |—— — sent to the front with the over-|departure of the Canadian expe - ———————= | LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS Cement, Grick and Tie Work | seas expeditionary force as a reg-|titionary force as a secret. W hen | Estimates Furnisned imental unit. the troops will leave the mobiliz- | CANADIAN PACIFICO ALY. Phone Bive 828 I ©. C. STUART _ ation camp is not known official | SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM a The women of Nova Seotia were|ly, and when it is known nothing PRINCE RUPERT TO DR. GILMOY, DENTIST | Boooun ani asked to raise $5,000 as their|will be said. The Canadian force MONTREAL and return... .$141.00 , . 308 2nd Ave. Preee share of the Canadian Women’s|will be convoyed across the At- Pts yt = — i -r~ Crown and Bridge Work a PRINCE RUPERT. & ¢ Hospital Ship Fund. The cam-jlantic in the same manner = as CHICAGO and return..... se Specialty. |-——- paign closed with $15,170.26,)}were the British soldiers to Other ‘points “Correspontiigiy «low. low. Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue | Alex, M. Manson, Bs more than three times the amount’ France. Effective June 18 j Ales. on, : ‘imit October 31st. — W. E. Willtana, 5.4.4 — Pri May southbou rinGewurany ‘neon UNION TRANSFER CO | WILLIAMS & ANSON ° | alt n Times of War and Stress (| ®"'T'SH !nvestors EVERY MAN SHOULD GO. Ovinces Geest, Goattnoune | Barristers, Solicitors, & LOOKING TO CANADA 8 a GENERAL TRANGFER AND STORAGE MONEY TO LOAN Bor ‘ you shoald use the Fleur Medically Fit Are Recommended || 4. @. mcNAB, General Agent teh SS oon Niemi anaes + kop London, Se pt. 24.Mr. A.| For Front by Premier Borden. Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave |) /HONES : 36 Office RESIDENCE 110 that goes farthest. ROY AL STANDARD Reid, agent-general for Alberta, oe 433 Second Avenue PRINCE Rt mead FLOUR in addition to being made from the makes the following gratifying] Valcartier, Que., Sept. 24.—At ke en Gaeeee 8 statement: “I don’t know how to a meeting here at which Premier °.0. Bo: BOAT BUILDER 2T AGE 1M pick of the Prairie wheat crop—the finest, explain it, but I have had more |, : a H a Rh Peter [ PACIFIC CARI Ub Ld most nourishing wheat in the world—is inquiries from British investors fo Me, Dareea, oem. S i os ul. i JUNSTON conasors ' rich | ; during the past ten days than in| Hen. Robert Rogers and Col. Sam @enere age n gluten. You use more water with the previous ten months, inqui-|Hughes and others were present, Seal Cove Phone Green 321 Lcmmnmery 60h ROVAL STANDARE you will get bigger, ries, not for real estate, but for|it was decided that every man at oe ag ant oa al 7 83—Phone—03 sees een ee solid investments in Alberta. It] vajeartier who is medically fit ‘all Roome RITC AGNEW & C0, may be a reaction from depres- ‘ ' ” si iblw ta i .|should go with the Canadian Only finest brands of Liquors and sion, or possibly the war itself is Cigars kept enbeatiay | making Englishmen look to Can-|forces a8 soon as a Convoy Is THE CSOT HOTEL IN NORTHERN JOHN CURRIE ada for safe investments.” ready. BRITISH COLUMBIA Civil Engineers ana B. C. Land It is also becoming steadily ree This means that nearly 30,000 PRUDHOMME & FISHE? Surveyors Contractor & Builder oO a tan ognized here that war orders and|men, including the Princess Pa- Proprietore — |. .2stimates Giy s! the stopping of European sup-|tricia’s and the two horse regi- Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con- Phone Black 294 plies to competitive markets must| ments, will leave for the front. Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- Rciettaedien give an increasing impetus to Ca-| Premier Borden, in saying “good- | Qooooolo ll oad a a a . our nadian industries, especially cot-|bye,” made this important an- oe Prints - - ‘IMPERIAL MACHINE § ton, woolen, iron and steel. nouncement, Prince Rupert Feed Co — | ons , » ruck ne F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor. ea — ; seenens t McBride St., Prince Rupert, B. 0. epeiinn Quietly SS PRINCE RUPERT pore Hay, G a F 4 soccoenyenenereoerntrar ny COW BAY , r , ee z and Seeds * E Pri Dai Co. * . 7 g Prince Rupert Dairy Co. ¢) SAMS (ILMORE — ' ' - mane = CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY $|% | FOR GUARANTEED PURE MLK =f AND CREAM e Architect ronggede. 4 Au ament tested. B : 8 ows vernment 8 very- 2 er SHINGLE”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS DOMINION NURSERY & thing ry and open for in 2nd Av ORCHARDS CO. spection. Every bottle subjected to ° 200 Gogness heat. Ours is the only ALAS OU PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Mt one crore casa wo AE Sete say gag, Gree 3! gq ARcON & OO m= om ate 2 ae Ow A J. BURROUGHS, Manager Bakery, Spurr's Fish Marken, Sua” — KNOTT - CLIFTON LIMITED. tet Ave. and McBride st. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. qu 2 ee Blackemiths & Horseshoes Day Phone 180. Night Phone 976. THIRD AVENUE PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers i — Boat Work ‘ 908 Third Ave. Phone Black 268 Phone Green 262. Barn at Park Ave ; " ere.) | eee Phone ooo ~ Have Ah Heart, Captun, Have Ah Heart! ; See ass ve e GEE -ILL BET THERE pereres AINT A DICTIONARY Dy TELL ME WHUTTO | 2 ; . —\/ MAKE IN TH WHOLE > SAN, KE ST OUT UV, CAPTUN AQY I WANTCHA 10 BE READY TO MAKE A RECONNAISSANCE: FOR ME IN TEN . AN' IM TH’ BOY ARMY TO Mace IT IN TEN @ gif itr -ferid - saute HY