1944. THE DAILY NEWS. we \ —— ee - - — - 2 if BEST | —— WAREHOUSES ARE PLUMBING AND ia Q % J fn , vat ‘ va) | ALMOST CLEARED STEAM FITTING Jowel For A t r Bu ar . m4 Foley, Welch & Stewart Sending H H ' j u u yers ACUIU M, | Last of Their Equipment and arry alson A Fj A eye ; Supplies to Work Near y ” | i 1 Fort George. The Rellaple Plumbe: ne Assortment at Moderate Prices » } ’ k I Advises all Women f A | The Omineca Herald Ase Shows my Patent Pending Mts. p f . } For weeks ust great activity Hot Water Heater Floods of Hot Write for our illustrated Catalogue through which we represent our \ ‘tl: 4. Tvs’ ' Aw l, . pi eres f Water by means of a coil af fine stock to our out-of-town buyers. {0 Ta p ” lhas heen w essed around § the ed tu your kitchen range rift We have sil the latest styies in gem set jewelry, each piece perfect 4 premises of Foley, Weleh & Stew-ligwe in use in this cily— #20. in fingh, and representing the finest values in platinum and gold mounte, yacmnst or : } jart, contractors for the westernithe total cost. Absolut 1 set with diamonds end other precious and semi-precious stones. 7 U | division of the G. T. P All this|ing if not satisfactory ~~" THE BIRKS’ WEDDING RING is a very popular and ' dd summe he eontractora ave f? k “nm t actors have ioseadeen || fashionable design—comfortable to wear in any weight. a ween 84 ithering together } . 4 itheir plant and their unused sup-|*@@erreereerenes s tener wees —_——_— : iplies, whiel ere seattered over : , A , ' : i ; ‘m1 d sod a distance no iles or more, | 35--PHONE--35 ; | i lenry Birks GS Sons, Limited Hundreds of thousands of dol. sf f ; Z ff | lars worth int and material ; ° JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS on - jhave been « ted and sent on * 1 e 24 | to the const tien f the Pacific ; TAXI : en baat tae i | ' rf women fies a ed | & Great Baste: For the past : r ; ‘ a a . : few weeks a «pecial effort has entuincinat ° , or 4 | been made | empty the ware. ® se WN, RELLY nr houses and storehouses at Ne ALF HALLIGA ‘ Rp Saad pity ~ at New : " : ; Ek. Rand, President, J. 8. Pearce, Manager a om ; oe 4 | Hazelton, and sear f cars were Soaee . aie ota Se] car" a #enanennaeeeeeeeeenes |” THE” PRINCE RUPERT SASH mited, Ottawa. ‘at oe j |past week many cars wer ided ; F . ; 3 4 and the last of the machinery hasl¢ : EME) |ocon sent to Fort George, 1 MU AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD es TAee ; ey alate ga a ins re ; SIC | 9 ” } AXI ; ; med Tea die tie : Teacher of Violin and All Manufacturers FOR A [ bh ( ; a . 2 ? val se = ae sned Band Instruments Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scroll and Band Sawing, ce i 7 ' i> dps J abies , a ‘ ieee. a oa " A. PESCOTT and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. ~ co sti as a good deal of 452 Eighth Ave. East nish a Spec stuff at Prince Rupert and east Phone Green 827 } go Pg aie ~ — Circle JUVENILE BOSTONAN OPERA COMPANY. if New Hazelton Ce ee ee ee ie 15 - on a Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 - Prince Rupert, B, ©, Pango Ma ihe Weatholme ‘Theatre [TWO VANCOUVER OE oa a for seven nights, starting Satur deptember 26, unquestiona NURSES CALLED TO lena sRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO | bly is in the front i the great American comic opera ow ACTIVE SERVICE HARRISON W. ROGERS | costes of the decade respons for { select small list that THE STEAMSH LIMITED serer eee eee ete oor would inelude « 4 j hit Floradora, Dolly Var- Two of the Vancouver nurses Suite t, Federal Block UNION IP (0., OF B.C., snereaianeeepial jn mn’ and possib i doz The Juvenile Bostonian |}who have volunteered for service Architect worreeeeeerse eee tet eeeee@@@OOOs | (VVOA COI! . : { i here in a production mod- fat the front left for Valeartier. PRINCE RUPERT, 6. 6 SS. VENTURE | = d a ’ aoe ) : er the gina es as or ae rae - a having received notive by tele-| Phone 300 P.O, Box 1635 Sails for Port Simpson, Mill Bay, Naas River, Thursdays, groomed it for j ‘ y first night could direc | ; int lor Sa = ol ec art gram to report for duty at once for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, every Friday, 4 p.m. notable a ‘ re i } © ca cluding wen riris , - - . Tee eS ( les } ge be ’ h we nown favorites of Jof nurses accompanying the Ca- . : a | ? ip oi r : hha i r rat ~ s 2 sillea g ace ron es 7 a Sails for Granby Bay, Naas River, Sunday midnight; for i eit eorned as Pats ‘ A billed nadian tro« ps 1° wo aqdies LATEST WAR NEWS Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Every Tuesday at 9 p.m. Wabers PRL. Vintners Associaton 0 > a Ha - : Clarke, D ‘ |, Lottie Clarke, Ina Mitchell |enosen are the first to. be taken . Agency: American Express, Atlantic Steamers —————— } an¢ ~ ore 2 “a fecal ae ait lla, Vic CM from the many British Columbia The latest war bulletins PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. WINDSOR MOTEL | ee aeliaiilin case Kaige sal ‘bilities fullest play. A areas "4 se offered. ae received exclusively by The *| ¢ First a i - ; a ae . ee eS mae Jurpee and Miss Daily News are posted im- oan . reer of First ave. and Bighth Bt change of opera will be given each pr menos Amy Howard. Both are members i : — mediately after coming off the wires at the following places: Fitz’ Cigar Store, 3rd Ave. Wark's Jewelry Store, 3rd avenue. Ww. M Wright, Prop. if the Graduate Nurses’ Associa- tion of British Columbia, and HOTEL CENTRAL both are well known in the city cz“zsac |] KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY |f:!:-" e585" years, though Burpee is a Peter Black, Prop The Northern B.C. Fair MP THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 graduate of the Deaconess Hos- K. Smith, corner 5th and pital, Boston, and Miss Howard Fraser. deserves the hearty co-operation of every man in the North — Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass gained her experience in Eng- Acme Clothing House. 2nd | Country. it will be held in Prince Rupert FROM SEPTEM- BER 30 TO OCTOBER 2. fen mm Between Elgbth and Ninth Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors and. Miss Burpee is a daughte tept fan, Rates 60¢ to $1.00 Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges f Mr. John Burpee, Lansdowne er Day Oils Tinware , . Street, and she was once a resi- hm 4 8 . Pro Varnishes Graniteware < ; eener pe e dent of Woodstock, N. B.—World 1 i The ‘‘ Stay Satisfactory eee ae te = MONARCH MALLEABLE Soon SERVES ANOTHER WRIT. Tht Ave, Between Sixth eno Franco - Canadian Corporation Seventh Streets | Sues von Alvensieben. Pian, 60 to 81 Per Day j avenue Prince Rupert Hotel, 2nd iven.ve. Royal Hotel. Central Hotel. Windsor Hotel. Knox Hotel. Daily News windows, 3rd avenue. eee HR RHEE Visitors from the surrounding towns and country will | find it to their advantage to visit the Prince Rupert stores, where they will save many times the price of their trip in buying supplies. COME AND BOOST NORTHERN B. C. —****e eee rrr eee eee eee ee eee SKKREEHEHREEERERRRREERE HR Van ver, Sept. 24.—‘I think ROYAL MOTEL t is two weeks I am in the habit —— ess, Props a « for service on this . st lefendant.” said Mr. Justice Cl @ Pian Bisa Heaiec nent, Mr. William Steers if —— — dine for the | co-Canadian Corp VER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO ration ined leave to serv | h LIMITED papers Mr. Alvo von Alvensile- e ‘ ¢ and Siath St ben in Seattle | ’ The npany is claiming for = the payment of a sum in excess | me r ME OUPERT IMPORTIND O28. of $3,0 i the defendant's note } a — | whieh is overdue and has not a been met. Affidavits were filed wane Y with the irt to the effeet that f Can di an wh goes to the | MOOLOLELC LTE LEODOEOOOODODORS | Mr \ \lvensieben’s presen! 0 every a l O } . fan ot aoe Eee | front sh should certainly Snclude a eieeeeeaeseae TTT eee PRINCE RUPERT BOAT NEWCASTLE AT SAN DIEGO. } HOUSE bats and Launches ae oe G I L L ETTE | or ate gS | faa ait eee hats ene Safety Razor J "y a ~~ Sa th Brit oh orulegs Nowealiia, (Made in Canada) PHONE RED 391 Pans h End of Manson Way at ped f all unnecessary gear dropped anchor a mile _ a — Then the hardest campaigning Razor Pocket Edition or Cc he paella lg ot oe. cannot rob him of the comfort of ation Set “fits in” ‘perfectly. with sa in's lomant: Gand tie Gameaeerel his regular shave, oe Ge Cite active service the commander of the U. 8. 8 does its work as quickly and well in : San Diego and visited the British the armed camp as in the perfectly Hou SoldierRep duet vice-consul lie said he would appointed private bathroom. own one, give a Gillette, proceed toward San Francisco his name engraved on case or Light, compact, safe under any before he leaves for the front. SEND ALL HIS TROOPS. circumstances, the Gillette Safety ee KS SS Sj Sa O° 9°; DC OCOD OOOO OS. | Pee - ’ ‘ WHET S eee eee FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIROUIT NO. 4 Bor 19 : ard Ave 7 ‘ ira Ave 1 Srd Ave Gaeckwar of Baroda Will Support ted ace ist, 2nd end War to the Finish. ; zz 8 10141 : 5 | > . ° ‘oe soa ae { “Sunlight is the Miner’s Joy” ||.» se 2 oan im : : » ~ | od 7th Bt «Cc troops and resources,” is the lat. - est offer of the Gaekwar of Ba- 7. on no dirt too stiff to yield to the roda to the British government CIROUIT NO. 2 22 6 eek i gentle strength of Sunlight Soap. «The ; ee all = wee potconnae Pocket Editions «ike cut above) _ ore . ee - _ mye expressed a desire Tor per- 28 wise ones” know that Sunlight does the aomeh pamrink tn Oka anne i cost from $5.00 to $6.00 + . . McBride 96 Ele: i . . . nan have offered ‘the Britist i on and u Bride 81 work easiest, with the least rub and none of many ~ havi — Bai. we Combination Sets «ike cut at na x 3 and tnd a the wear and tear on clothes that follow the amentanenned of indian aan on left) cost from $6.50 up. bi use of harsh soaps. ply a fully equipped ship of 300 9 ree Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure—it’s the beds for the use of the Indian Standard Sets - $5.00 th e . ‘ ene mona foree, +e a Venter tn best general purpose soap you can buy. apecronety Sa a a 34 0) Sts . ‘nd Fulton § CANADIAN INDUSTRIES BOOM. + oe and eae ad ial Any Gillette Dealer (this includes Write or =m e us the athe endem pos take mt 88 ay snd Dodge PI most Drug, Jewelry and Hardware Fonts alcartier 1 Thompson 84 Stores) will pennies delivery of the Set — =e ait guarantec prompt de- Tey eee select to the Soldier you name, at here, paying carrying charges Bae aoe without extra charge. crediting you with the sales, 36 Gillette Safety Razor Co., of Canada, Limited Office and Factory: THE NEW GILLETTE BUILDING, Montreal | OMOUIT NO. « ‘th 4 ; 400 Emmerson The Dominion Cotton Mills mn | Oa with about a dozen mills in Fast ern Canada and which for ; eighteen months before the wa 43 ee “00 MeBride #4 7 " AY®. and Green gt *o0 Basil s “7 B tee th a Ond Eherts sere were working only half-time, are “ and now rushed with orders and recommend it working extra time. The war has ‘| evidently worked to their advan | sah Lage, ——$——— — Yung St ate aa | | he "***\ thet heetnwbenael