— lle This Offers A Free Trip Prince Rupert Merchants are All Offering Special Inducements in ts several times over. Come and buy your winter’s supply. Don’t forget We have earned the H. S. Wallace 4 A Mrs. Frizzell Peck’s title “House of Good Company, Li4-)) O° “°° |anms Sai | Shoe Store | Veloce” Far Week Special ° dia Geeks. Mopecie ectals Invited poing to be made durine || Phone 357 Third Ave. 5 going to be made during Fair Week. LADIES’ SUITS Fair time ‘s Bargain Welk attondine the sae: oe oe a For the benefit of our many thie department—no re gpa visitors, as well as our local ° ° trenchment has been We carry a full line of Time at__ Fall Fair made. The latest mod- re customers, during the week \ els are constantly ar to make your headquarters riving. G al D ; of the Fair, ne will on W allace’s }§ at our store. Have your §/DRY GOODS For “The Best in Foot- ener ry : . . Special Prices in every de- mail addressed i . Dependable merchandise ; ee a ee Ty at all times. Our stock || Wear, during Wednesday, partment of our store j ' , compares favorably with | . . us We especially desire to the tan cities. Folks] Thursday and Friday, Ex- 00 S S ‘ es Sale make the acquaintance of desiring to save money|} hibition time, we are offer- to give you an idea of the Every visitor to the Fair } and be of service to outside simply depend on our'], : i ; ¥ : , . sin : invited to visit our store and customers. store. ing a few good bargain ! Fancy Goods great values we will mention ; i ‘ ; ° . . “look around.” We have the MILLINERY ee ee just one article from each Make note of your re- This department is kept | largest and most complete y a em a th up to snuff.” Careful | department: stock of dry goods north of quiremen s or | e@ ap- attention is devoted to| Children’s, sizes 8 to 10%, reg. ts an oes . Vancouver promening. coon te este, the millinery 80 as to| $2.50. Exhibition Spe- ’ Stationery, Office Supplies, maintain the position of) sial $1.75 New Fall Dry Goods are now Kodaks, Gramophones and the ' ‘store accommudat- | Clad 6c ees Miversces . on display and every customer Supplies, Job Printing, Toys, ing.’’—Mrs. Frizzell's. Youths’, sizes 44 to 13, rege ae 1 én s Fine Biack or Dark Raincoat who mentions this advt. will be]/$ Dolls, Faney Goods, Office {} FANCY GOODS |] 82.50. Exhibition Special, Tailored Suit Gray Dress A Good given a 10 per cent. rebate on | Furniture, Typewriters, Fair minded folks will ood One . wen IP sitaateee so. ce. $1.95 e Regular $39.00 Overcont j Magazines. Developing and thes ian nr a asl ot Fair Special Fair Special purcifases in Dry Goods or in Printing for Amateur Pho- Misses’, sizes 11 to 2, reg. 83 economically at home. | Wall Paper. tographers. Those who do send wut! Exhibition Special ....$2.60 $14.50 $16 § 5 In our Variety, Crockery and of town only need visit | Ladies’ “Invictus” Shoes, reg , Toy Departments there are Experienced salesmen in + gary A ae ; ‘ Exhil m During Pair week we are Fi ae ob ede every department. 1 VO. See Spent. Td x exceptions King Hat _ Fine many things on which we save Information and prices {SHIRT WAISTS ele ty a ga.a5 ||2°Ing to offer exceptional ie Wool Underwear eal you money. , Our large assortment | enducements so as to intro- Regular 93.00 Reg Price $5.50 ~ gladly submitted. Our 20 ; , stands as one of the/| Men's Fine Shoes, reg. $5.50. Fair Special for Fair Special years experience in the principal enemies of the Exhibit Special $4.45 duce ourselves to a larger : ‘ : : SXHIDILION Specia eee Ne! i - », business is at your service. Maii Order Houses. circle of buyers. Our prices $1.65 $4.20 2 PR. FOR } You can see what you 9 gee Your patronage will be are getting, and remem- will repay a visit. j Ys ber if you are not satis- Good feet depend on er eee and such ser- fied it is your privilege proper shoe-fitting, er »p- P | wwe. 708 ered as will war- to exchange. er fitting is impossible H. S. Wallace Co. rant its continuance. UNDERWEAR and E without knowledge, plus B | HOSIERY proper sizes and widths | LIMITED Many country custem- CAN YOU afford we e _ ri- 4 ia ve uaa | eh fk MARTIN O’REILL | C ae ros way fares when they K buying Shoes at a store eK er | 'e come to the Pair, by tak- |} 9 that may = lac vom A m 9 Third Ave. and Sixth St. se + ED ing advantage of the of- either of these absolute i LIMIT — ferings at this store. require ments 81zes and | Clothier PRINCE RUPERT Fall and Winter pur- knowledge ? WE HAVE chases should be made BOTH. | during Fair week. Third Avenue. COME AND BOOST THE Knott-Clifton ae us, [Geo. P. McColl | RAIN DEALER IN LIMITED Fall | Staple and Fancy Groceries} When at | COA lhe | “1: The Fair } == Shillings Best GROCERS AND BAKERS Millinery g ee tl Coffee do not fail : , $15 i" PROVISION and To Visit — 0 —_—_—— Rain Coats that MERCHANTS During Fair Week | Baking Powder we will fet | ca pmate’|| ORME’S| il “iin special prices in | Special Cut Prices For our entire line. | FAIR WEEK | Drug Store | for 9.85 each COME | | GOME AND SEE | Special Discounts We will give you more than oe ae Afulllineof Drugs, #/Putt Line Gents F on special lines which we We carry~ only~ high 'B ) ate Relates ill ‘a 1 c : We cater to both class stock and with the uy our Patent puedioines, | nishings al Close wi isplay in our win- reductions we will offer Druggists Sundries, | dows during Fair week. Wholesale and Retail) they can be had as Li quors Kodak’s & Supplies | Prices cheaply” as poorer | it | Don’t fail to see the trade. ge ANE. ice From Us | =e ae Mail Orders a Specialty windows. You can make your expenses by bovine When visiting the We are op im- ——_——— Grossmal : ’ . 7 ie t ligh : from us. Fair don’t fail to see| See the leading milliner od =. a if C. H. ORME Clothing A Special Discount will our up-te-date plant. Miss Barbeau Liquors . . . es aa | House be given to bona-fide vis- weal Sixth Street BEAVER The Rexall Stores + itors. : WHOLESALE Washington Bl Knott-Clifton, Li {LIQUOR Co. | _ te Ape: PIOOPOOPOPIOOOPEN IDET tetera ‘| ‘oe oe P R I N C E R U P E R T MErrinms & AMA Paw