ob, 1044. nbet friday ——————— “WiQHAN'S BEST MEDICINE yrs, Kelly Advises all Women to Take “Fruit-a-Tives” Ave, 26th, 1915. mmend ‘Pruit-a { me an awful te oad cannot speak too ot OF Be About four years ; king ‘* Pruit-a- oe break-down and : f good. We jollar's worth nt because m for them, ompared ind only in taking me to be women, On entle action, a other women a t-a-tives”’ after f they do, lam « will be the same HAGRRSVIE!! : ! rect tif — Mas. W. N. KELLY ‘ re sold by all » box, 6 for $2.50, trial postpaid on receiptof es Limited, Ottawa, penne eee eeaeeese ; » eaeee FOR A TAXI 15-PHONE~75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO Petree eee tet eee eee eee terre Serer eer ren ae hotel ; Directory Hembers PRL. Vintners Association ——>>—>>—>——_= WINDSOR HOTEL Corer of Firet ave. and Eighth 8+ WwW. KH Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL first Avenue aod Seventh St. European and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. KNOX MOTEL mire, Between Eigbth and Ninth tees flan, Rates 80¢ to 61.00 er Day Sener & Beaner, Props. LY. Rochester Vv. D Casiey EMPRESS WOTEL Third Ave elween Sixth and Seventh Streets European Pian, 60 to $9 Per Day ROYAL Corey 4 wore. burgess, Props sod Sixth St Steam seated Third Ave European Pian CEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth $4 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING ©O., LiMITED fraser ano Sixth Sts Phone 7 ° PRINCE RUPERT BOAT HOUSE Brats and Launches ‘asoline for sale PHONE. North Enc PFD 391 of Tlanson Way MN pC Cc ooo SPP POPOO OOOO OOOR Maeet Le Tere TOPPER Ee Eee FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIROUIT NO. 4. Gor i2 or and Srd Ave. - * and 3rd Ave. or sod Srd Ave. t.! dur / of 1st, @nd and bor aos ‘ve, between #th end Sa ie s Hotel.) oon A sod 7th St. (Cen = - OiRovuir WO. 2. bal ' and Sra St. Box 2g a Sud MeBride $4. os sod McBride 84, - sod @nd St, es & ~ snd 6th 81. OROUIT NO. g. Box ay ie a - ‘0d Fulton g4, io ‘id Taylor Sts. or ae od Pulton 84. Res 9 sod Comox Ave. fies on ‘nd Dodge PI, ‘od Thompson 84, Bon as Omour NO. 4. m1 ‘ih sod) Emmerson Bor ag ‘ tana” 4 “od MeBride 84, Bo a - A ‘od Green S14, “) Ave and B ! - 7), Ave. ang —— 2% ae Bherte. and ¥ wing 84, “tthe t hen eeie PROBABLE EXTENSION OF ORIENTAL ORDER "eee BELLA COOLA AND oIs- * TRICT NOTES * "See eee Another .Six Months May soo thtartateed ion Order in Force Prohibiting vamosun docked here on roning with the usual Asiatios Into Canada " si signment of freight, be. ‘ number of passengers, M. i. Christensen, the well therchant of Hagensborg, That another order-in barring Orientals for six ; ‘ more from coming to Cana cepting, of course, those ; ied last Sunday from a visit ing here, will be issued «e+ relatives in’ Washington. tain, in light of advices yy ‘ W. J. Quintan, dentist, re. in steamship circles, Th 1 lo his headquarters im this ter has been formally ta) after @ visit to Alert Bay by steamship companies « ) several other points to tite ime for the Chinese tratli th it is understood that a M Conway, mining engineer has been received ady ie Granby Smelter Co., arriv- steamship agents refra by the last steamer from ‘ of his | ta the Saloomt rhe purpose bouking Chinese other thai look “over who, having been in Canad re‘urning here. This ad saat * with a view to purchase, Mr. im view of pending leg at . ay left town on Monday for the order-in-coun: : e and the result of his in- Chinese immigrants was | z ; n is being eagerly Liter six months ago and th : ‘ bs . : , larry Kivett, of Firvale, left for Sarereriaee. oo wepeoml tl Ca phell Kiver, where he expects seems likely that with th: { , pects tion Of merehants and jenit M ‘aan ae ts ag ene - no more Chinese will be p: — rs. A. B. Ha e ted to come to Canada c the last southbound steamer. ’ anada until . Phe exper Oo spe . ap last of March, 19145. ~ ; to spend the winter the Ghinese themselves ash ingvon. SS. Celtie t . ‘ » *¢ said to have had a ereat dea * “ ime e os ~ : influence with the Government , on Ses pene 4 ant . “ f wo ouse ases sal- this matter. At present the Ch She is emnetaa po er nese labor market is overcrowd ine cae . tote en + i the course of a few days ith . | Chinese live . ) ed, Many hinese live in th 4a large consignment of empty Coast cities and cannot get work - rhi fast. a a i . i“ s s ac oes O sho owing Ww the closing down of jthat the cannery intends to con- inany enterprises in which here- it oper ations for some time tofore theie labor has been in| et ' demand, > . | The rum eohoe salmon con- jlitues satisfactory and there are jHot yet any signs of the run near- HE NEVER BECAME | J. MeGrae, provincial timber in- spector, called here on Wednes- FRENCH CITIZEN) ss. ives jday. He said the sawmillé in his he |district are all undesirous of in- Notorious Pugilist Applies to American Embassy for Pass- creasing their supply of logs. The hand loggere will therefore be at ports to Russia. a loss for employment. “THE DAY.” Sept. 25.-Denying stories that he had taken out French naturalization papers, Jack Johnson, the negro pugliist, Visited the American embassy and made oath that he was a citi- zen of the United States, where- upon he received passports to trave! in HKussia. Johnson was severely cross-examined but per- sisted that he had never dreamed of expatriating bimself and de- nuonced as an invention § the statement that he was a Frenel- man. He showed as pospsort ob tained from the American ambas- London, “Th which initials thinly veil the identitfy of Sir Owen Sea- man, editor of Punch, has neve; written anything finer than the ode, “Dies Lrae. To the German Kaiser,’ which he contributed to arecent Punch. We cite the four last stanzas: You shared our griefs with seeming-gen i You among ua cousinily en- treated, SUM hiding, under that fair outward guise, A beart that cheated. And now the mask and forth you stand known for a King whose word is no is down, ry al ynths ago matter, sader in Paris six month a nd PO a which had expired. He was in To strike and shatter. Russia a few weeks ago, then in| pn. was the Day” foretold by yours Berlin and Paris, whence he came to London. and you In whispers here, and there with beery clamours Johnson is going to Russia to] ¥e4 Sols tee hole sples nd blus fulfill theatrical engagements of loud Potsdamers. whieh he entered upon long @80.| nq to, there dawns another, swift and His wife and his retinue were to stern, When on the wheels of wrath, by Jus accompany him. tice’s token, Mrs. Johnson's diamonds so Breake 7. es own Peace, you shall dazzied the embassy clerk that he Yourself be broken —. scarcely could write the pass- a eg ports, MINES WILL RESUME. Trail Smeiter Again Ready to Re- ceive Shipments of Siiver- Lead Ores. TO EXCHANGE LISTS. Amsterdam, Sept 24.—-The British, Freneh and Russian and German authorities have agreed to an interchange of lists of pris- oners of war. Nelson, B. C., Sept. in the Kootenay and the Boun- dary, some of which, because of the demoralization of the metal market on account of the war, can noW resume shipments to the Trail smelter. | The Consolidated Mining and f |Smelting Company has notified Ladies’ Coats. A few exclusive | S!ippers that a basis of settle- ones in Jacger. -—- Wallace's | nent for silver and lead ore has 229.29 \veen established. By an ar- rangement by the Dominion Gov- ernment with the banks dificul- $11.00 ties which might arise in dispos- HAYS COVE AVE. ing of silver immediately have been obviated. Within a week 4-ROOM HOUSE $11 PER MONTH 25.—Mines Authentic information about football games, either scheduled or postponed, can be had by call ing up Fitz Cigar Store, tf silverslead mining in the district will have rturned practically to normal conditions, it is said, The Consolidated Company has continuously operated its Ross- land gold-copper properties. LUSITANIA WILL NOT BECOME TROOP SHIP New York, Sept. 25. — Cunard Line officials have denied the re- port that the Lusitania was has- tening to Halifax to transport troops to Europe, The Lusitania jsailed for Liverpool Wednesday, | thes say. Comfortable launch for hunt- ‘ing parties. Why not ge® the |best? “Eleanor Mac" West end Government dock, 206-31 PATTULLO & RADFORD Sse KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE v.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No, % Builders’ Supplies _ Sheet and Glass pee HARDWARE | feces" Paints toves, Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE "™ “*: Stor THE DAILY NEWS. GENERALS MUST WIN OR BE DISGRACED Stern Laws Which Govern War Make Death Preferable to De- feat or Capture. Those who know Kipling may recall the lines his poem, “The Day”: “And the Major cursed his Maker ‘cause he'd lived to see that day, And the Colonel broke his sword across and cried.” Incidents of soldiers taking their own lives rather than fall into the hands of the enemy are common in the annals of ware- fare, ancient and modern, Gon- spicuous the case of General Bourbaki in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870. He was commander of a French army of 100,000 men, mostly raw recruits who had nev- er fired a rifle. Suddenly eon- fronted with a greatly superior force under General con Werder, Bourhbaki'« fled, many of them escaping to Switzerland with Is troops their loaded mustkets still in their hands In despair at the disgrace which had fallen upon the French, Bourbaki attempted ot blow out his own brains, but he succeeded only in inflicting a serious wound. He _ recovered, and when he returned to France he found that his fellow-country- men appreciated the fact that he had done all that was possible to avert the rout, and lived among them in honor until his death. Probably it was the fact that he suffered a severe wound in the war with Germany that saved Marshal MacMahon from dis- grace, but the French people felt that he had not been to blame. and eventually made him Presi- dent of the Republic. General Stoessel, who surrendered Port Arthur to the Japanese after one of the most desperate defences in history, returned to St. Peters. burg a ruined man, under sen- tence of death, which was only commuted by the Gzar. On the contrary, Kouropatkin, who had suffered one defeat after another, was loaded with honors. In this war there were scorés of in- stances of Japanese soldiers and sailors taking their own lives rather than fall into the hands of the enemy. General von Emmich, the lead of the German troops wh: stormed Liege, committed suicide Whether he was to blame for the delay in reducing the forts, or the plans of the general staff wer: responsible, the fact remains that er the first important move in th: war was entrusted to him, and that this plan misearried and made necessary the alteration of the whole German plan of attack Von Emmich knew the Kaiser well. He was aware that for fai! ure there could be no excuse Von Emmich’s failure oecurred at a critical moment. He could expect nothing better than dis- grace, and he chose death. All the powers in the war now raging have very strict military laws covering suryender or fail ure; the commander appears to have the pleasant choice of con- quering or of surrendering and then being shot at leisure when he returns home. Any commander who surren- ders, whether he_ is_ British, French, German, Russian or Jap- anese, leaves himself open to a court-martial. In- facet, a gen- eral who surrenders is, left with the onus of guilt upon him, and has to clear himself of it before he permitted to assume his rank in the army. Only last vear the Czar issued in his own name an order to the Russian navy commanders that they Avere Lo sink their vessels rather than surrender them in the event of war The’ British regulations proseribe severe penalties not only for the commander who sur- renders, but for one who is cap- tured, having failed to take due precautions. BRITAIN IS SENDING GERMANY FOODSTUFFS Serious State of Affairs Revealed by Investigations of Daily Mail. London, Sept. 25.-— According to The Daily Mail investigations at Liverpool and other ports, it is certain that foodstuffs and raw material are still being shipped, even fram British ports, for the use of Germans, Shipments made from Liverpool last month of canned goods, feeding cakes, flour and cottonseed oil were ostensi- bly bound for Holland, but com- parison with exports of other years makes it more than prob. able that they may have gone to Germany. One Liverpool firm, The Mail saya, has refused to supply its “Rotterdam corre spondent with certain raw mate rials until Holland eeases to sup ply Germany, Everything in season cooked the way you like it. London Cafe. EXPERIENCED teacher of piano wishes w , r ee ar ‘tialper mon Apply Box 97, Dail 203t FOR RENT—New house, four rooms,, near drydock; $23. P. O Box i100 213uf, a RENT — Six roots and bathroom; ction §=Siz; $26.50, Prince Rupert! Financiers, 315 Second Ave 24500. | FOR RENT—Comfortable room, or board and room; close in; reasonable rates; phone. Box 14, Daily News 2100 | ’ en | furnished front oan! | | FOR SALE FOR RENT—Sulte of furnished house keeping rooms. Enquire Demers 218-tf FOR SALE—-New house, Section 7, $100 cash and $20 4& month; total §1,150 P, 0. Box 190. ister FOR SALE — Tracts of Land in Lakelse Valley containing 10 acres each, $20 per acre. McCaffrey & Gibbons, 214tf VOR SALE.—-Lot 13, Block 45, Section 5; Perfec level on street grade. Only e650 ce Ww sult. Snap of an investment, Must have the money Owner, P.O. Box 809, ies WANTED loyment by capable wom for winter. Will ac ble wages. Apply Box 10, 216-tf. WANTED— an. Want t reasona Daily News. WANTED—Pupiis for business in a ae tS $12.50 a day $ J per moo e classes. Leation, Second and Second, Apply Box 99, Dally News. 204tf. WANTED—Men and women wanted every- where who are willing to work a few hours in their own home for $15 week- ly. Samples free. The Co-Operative Union, Windsor, Ont. 217-1t. LOST. On September 24, on McBride or. Seventh Ave. East, an St amethyst SERIE EERE EEE EEE EEE EERE EEE EO Steere ee beeebebebbbbbbbanaannneetliLll ltt ttt Tt ttt tT ttt KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME We Write FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE GLASS, AU- TOMOBILE, GUARANTEE BONDS, EMPLOVERS’ LIABILITY in Good Strong Canadian Companies. The Premiums You Pay Us Help to Develop Canada’s Resources. KISSICK & EDWARDS - SIXTH STREET Prince Rupert, B.C. PERERERERAREREEEREE EEE EEE ESTER EEE ih Rie ae LUPE EPEPR ERE EEEE EOE N NEHER AUCTION SALE AN AUCTION SALE OF THE STOCK IN TRADE AND FIXTURES OF R. W. CAMERON WILL BE HELD AT THE STORE OF R. W. CAMERON, CORNER OF SECOND AVE- NUE AND SIXTH STREET, ON SATURDAY, THE 26th IN- STANT, AT 2:30 P.M. THE INVENTORY MAY IN- SPECTED AT THE SAID PREMISES, OR A COPY THERE- OF MAY BE HAD FROM THE UNDERSIGNED. THE STUcK WILL BE SOLD IN BULK AND THE FIXTURES IN PIECE, SUBJECT IN THE LATTER CASE TO A LUMP BID FOR THE WHOLE OF THE FIXTURES. TERMS CASH. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO THE UNDERSIGNED. D. C. STUART, Assignee RAISES SSDS IIIA III III IIIS AI IA IAIN I Se brooch. @iberal_ reward given turned to the oMece of The Daily 2 if re News. 22-226 music. advance or begin term 8 Mrs. E. _— on moderate ¥ lls Avenue. : ts . 1143 ee Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 Peete wen« PRA REE EERE ES == SEEEMEREAEEREREREREE REE ER EARE EE EE EE OER EEE High-Grade Work Plumbing, Steamttin and sheet metal work Western Plumbing Co., Ld at fair prices Holstein Milk for Babies specially Bottled TESTED cows An invitation is cordially ex-| tended to the citizens interested | to inspect the dairy premises during the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 Wednesdays and Saturdays when milkng operations are being con- ducted, For Rent COMFORTABLE 4-ROOMED COTTAGE NEAR DRYDOCK . NICE 4-ROOMED FLAT WITH BATHROOM APPLY TO— G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. FRED STORK’S HARDWARE “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable tron Pipe Ship Chandlery Fishing Tackle Rifles and Shotguns Ammunition FRED STORK’S HARDWARE LUMBER ; , A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. TAXI ree8 Oe RRR EERO REE EERE ALF HALLIGAN RPRRARARE RE ee ee eeeAAAeHEe Teacher of Violin and All Band Instruments A. PESCOTT th A East a EERE RRR RT LATEST WAR NEWS The latest war bulletins received excluajvely by The Daily News are posted im- mediately after coming off the wires at the following places: Fitz’ Cigar Store, 3rd Ave, Wark's Jewelry Store, 3rd avenue, kK. Smith, Fraser. Acme Clothing House. avenue. Prince Rupert Hotel, aven.e, Royal Hotel, Central Hotel, Windsor Hotel. Knox Hotel, Daily News windows, avenue, eH HERE ee eS corner Sth and 2nd 2nd Sra TPES ee Fee TH ST ' 35-puone-35 ; Subscribe for the‘News’ 2. aa i 7" ' HT) i! , vo SOAP Purity Pure vegetable oils are the | Natural flowerextracts give base of Baby's Own soap. | to Baby's Own Soap the It promotes skin health and | clinging fragrance which prevents skin troubles, | makes its use so pleasant, BABY'S OWN SOAP IS WELL WORTH RUNNING FOR, In the interest of your'skin, send for some now, Sold everywhere, ALBERT GOAPS, LIMITED, Mens MONTREAL hen