a ' ' yn ro? wo —— THE DAILY NEWS a Special Effort to ae at News immediately ive ; Is Received et LO /PERHUMAN ITE OF AISNE HAS REACHED CRITICAL AND VIOLENT STAGE EVED GENERAL JOFFRE SIDE RANGE OF GERMAN MAS PUSHED HIS FORCES IN- GUNS—FIGHTING IS NOW AT CLOSE RANGE AND HAND TO HAND. al to The Dally News—12 Noon) The general opinios that the “ ports of battle has reached most criti along the/}eal as well as most lent phase the belief |The losses on both sides in. the is succeed-|past few days is said to ha nside the |exceeded those in all other « r heavy guns.) gagements of the war RMAN COMMANDER SUICIDES i CAUSE HE CO te The Dally News—42 Moon) \ Bordeaux nan com has com pair at be ULDN'T ADVANCE ing unable | he Vose lie had” pre ’ telegraphec the German genera al md see the dilleu es f Live “¢ ves MH AND FRENCH FLEETS BOMBARD AUSTRIAN FORTS # Special—10 Saturday Wight.) sept caine i iain and heavily ian positions tare, in Dal lispateh re nandant of that riress al inces tiantied MHOUS CASUALTIES IN GERMAN ARMY. Mi to The Dally Newe—t2 Noon) 5 The total ead, wound ally 164,589, "Phe i adds an. previously 4a rt N RESERVES AWNIHILaTED BY FRENCH Ito The Da » News—12 Noon) The French GERMAN ARTILLERY STICKS IN THE MUD | PRINGI RUGGLE IS NOW HAND TO HAND RUPERT, IB MON DAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1914, ¢ (Special to The Daily News—12 Noon) : Par Sept. 28 An Amster dan spatel ty that there wolent fig ne between Lhe Cr ial a Belgians 1 riile east Antwerp, at Termonde a tH Laude AL the itter pla the heavy German artillery be cane he mud and the Germans we bliged to retire} before the Belgia attacks Dh (rerma are tifying Liege OFFERS HIS SWORD TO ALLIED ARMIES | } (Special to The Dally News—12 Noon) | | Bordeaux, Sept; 28 The Boer jgeveral, Francois Joubert Pine jnaer arrived here today to offer this sword Lo the allied armies ‘LOCAL-MAN SHOT | IN HUNTING ACCIDENT L. J. Hoyt, While Hunting in Vi- | @inity of Essington, Shot Yes- terday by His Own Gun. late »| Gone ad According to reports that are espondent) CUrrent round town there was a am to aq | Shooting accident yesterday in the & message | ¥timity af bissingtor Phe repert is to the effect that L. J. Hoyt, of this city, who was out with a ANS ADVANCING bunting party in the vicinity of RZESz0w CAPTURED | osiiebon, was a cidently shot with his own gun Mr. tloyt is 7 a tee ® wS—12 Noon) | ll eXperienced hunter and much ept. 28 surprise is felt that this sould on Cra happen, : Ww. save Mr. Hevt has been here for rom the |@bout three years and is a paint ' er by trade lle also has a wite here, to whom the sympathy of cr mane ‘Mey the best the community will go out im her = on London Cafe, | Wereavement He was a man wf about forty years of age ed M0000 c0ccncoonognaeah A. IT. Harrison, accused of big amy, is up for trial tht after DANCE ATOP Mw. } noon Harrison married a BI TUESDay 2oth ifrom Hazelton last fall and later Majense ocala Free jit was found out that he already the au me hestra had a wife ‘es Aunitians S the The case of Lillis Andrew's Society, theft was up in the Polee Gourt | this morning bul wa ' , To Be Held in Joa 1t*will come ul " = Society Mall ese ESpay ‘ember ap 1914 | Ten days’ salé _ ee tcccece. Paemneee, Cucntnne i bra A burgaliies . THE DAILY NEW SNE GET THE LATEST WAR NEWS FIRST IN THE DAILY NEWS a) PRICE PIVE CENTS DEADLOCK —_ DEAD-LOCK AT THE AISNE FORCES SEEM TO BE BALANCED ARMIES ARE NOW IN CLOSE RANGE OF EACH OTHER, IN SOME PLACES UNE HUNDRED YARDS APART—FIERCE BAY- (News Speciai—6:30 Sunday Night.) Paris, stalemen that the n close contact everywhere along l apart. ONET CHARGES ON BOTH SIDES. An afternoon Sept 7 27 t this t we ‘ ) Oise and Somme and to the north official |of Somme from Aisne to Rheims. S8Y8\In some places the opposing en- \llies and Germans are|trenchments are only 100 yards Violent bayonet charges the Aisne and bayonet fighting | of the Germans were repulsed at is general and is in favor of thetall points. The French have re- Allies gained the ground lost between A perceptible advance wasj|the ‘Argonne region and the made by RED CR COMMITTEE REPORTS Over Six the Allies between the | Meuse. OSS FUND Hundred Doliars Raised and Is Being Sent to Head- paises ci quarters, London, Eng. - | The railway officials who re- en teently visited town had nothing The committee of management|{o say about the possibility of in charge of the late patriotic | starting the big hotel in the near concert held in aid of the British | fyture. Mr. Donaldson on being Red Cross at a recent meeting | interrogated replied that they had who had They took part VIEW OF KOENIGSBURG. rhe f fed German town on the North Coast reported nvested by the Germans. - LADIES’ KUXILIARY OF G. T P TELEGRAPH LINE FAIR DONATIONS ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY se ALREADY PAID IN WILL HOLD BAZAAR SOON OPEN cxelintiottes a WILL City ...cccmscbesteocce $5000.00 he Ladies’ Auxiliary of St. An-| FOR PUBLIC SERVICE CLILY ce eee ee eee eeeee 8000.00 ; icensed Vinteners As.. 300.00 lrews Saw rety rm giving a bazaatl Estate ix 100.00 wera she 2 : “ee ee eeee . nd sale of work tomorrow in Bt | Gene Manager Morley Don Savoy Heeel insects 80.00 Andrew's Hall in aid of their) aldsor 64. FB: 2, while 4 iRliw PP. Lope se. 50.00 iby ding fund, opening at 2 p.m plow wa nterviewed by Phe Archie MeDougall ..... 50.00 4 , ,| News W egard to the® Dpenine | Georges Frizzell 50.00 There will be many artic : | ? | , Fi mpany’s telegraph |, Bullock-Webster 50.00 lain ene fener seems 08 Oe mmereial ,use. Mr. |-phompson Hardware 25.00 Also a large variety of home) fonalds iid that he expected | y Lofquist eee da < 6 25.00 ooking and candies. In the even- | thi completed in about) yw J. MeGuteheon 25.00} there will be a dance, begin- | three wee A set of wires were | Ray f B. Bese 25.00 | t 9 o'clock. The musie will }"''°" & but were required) hank of Montreal ..... 00 ee wr tne « any's own business. | pan f Commerce 00 b rnished by the Majestic or Ad na res would soon be in |. Kirkpatrick chestra tplace, however, and these would prs w. T. &L. W. Ker- I) ne the evening there w ibe used f a publie service, The oe eer 25.00 0 a hat-trimming and need | dey ark ad not Guns _ the | peck, Meore & Go. .... 25.00] compe wr py | TUESLIO rates, but M1 Oon=' TD. MeLeoed & Go. 95.00 thread ompetition for met laldeo ited that he would Nowe & McNubts 5 aol and a pencil-sharpening and nail | do : his return to head-| ag . 7 aie “ ‘2° aan driving contest for ladies, which aie ' rm “by harged the], m Ay - ntosh a6 = hit “i BOIne ovoke qui ' ae Year r. J» ree aa 25 ought to t me fun provoketr ee : the P. R. is one Dy eccmaiieeiinn Me SS 25.00 i cent per word, while the} wepae Bros 20 00 | “ ” ' eRae ire Po ae 2 ves ee? oe jrate from Vancouver to Prince! ,eme Importers, Ltd 15.00 Now you may not agree with Rupert is one cent per word. Tt} pisher & Warton 15.00 ws 4 a jis hardly likely tha he G. T. P.| Williams & Manson 15.00 the eoce - ite whit eS tal quote a higher rate than th etuema Phileott & C aan Bompaka, who fires and Ripes Di Cc Pp. Rm. as hes have already John 8. Laurenson 10.00 wives with touching bonhomn : { equatize > ai believes u ind vou may have al hown a W ee que Baron A. de Bernis 10.00 , : freig “ales hap ‘GCosk : | difference of opinion on whether reight ra juee ! ae AM ie . a Slebsky and Mickey were treated | HER " a _ — 10.00 properly when they dropped m | THE WEAT ' = Wl " an Mee 10.00 inexpeetediy; but however that "s | lams & McMeekin my b you are sure to do a lot} Compiled by F. W. Dowling, jt Ss. Wallace Go 10.00 ni ‘ o i sure to of o f : | Observer. {Martin O'Reilly 10.00 if laughing and ipplauding if} lphemes Sroties ® an are lucky gh secure | Comp? v | , Sept. 28, 1914 Bryant & Go 5.00 ‘ ‘ On ‘ might, | a. © ! . bi tt "i ~ gp 5 | Bay sreber 29.4371C. C. Perry 5.00 c Wi tney's ! ut Chieago sue | Max Lemp 9.0 Sweder Bros 8.00 ss rhe Ish ; Spice Chut ae Lemp 15.0 Frank Poole 2.50 ull of sparkling song hits, clever | Rainfall .e-se. Ge Posere ..ssenesiu 1.25 mnedy, and agtitter with beauti wardrobe Che Ist if Apiece of the type of musical pieve | with whieh the Bostonians have | riwas made their greatest suc | \ i: special added feature for > — Monday and Tuesday the fifth THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS episode of The Million Dollar THE Mystery will be shown between | al ‘nan. “Hi souss ths tars NORTHERN B,C. AGR. & IND. ASSOCIATION reayves rubles ools 1e ack | Hundred and save the treasure | Will Be Held in the City Hall, Thursday, Oct. 1, at 8 P.M. from their clutehe after a des General Business and Election of Officers perate race for life In @ power| " - lw enlanhon ae ties aa LL MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO ATTEND epimodes of this wonderful A ¥ a A > j story leaux, en work; to the young ladies whe sold programs; to the Irish Fu- siliers; to the firemen who helped in the de« itions; to those who lent flags d bunting; to Mr. .00 | Bullock-Webster, er the stagin | Vans ouvel ;}Cross Fu | the hia j He e of tl ety Bpecia made Westholt loaning and in every chestra, so Willin soon he als ore postp ing up to make the concert the great suc- | cess it was. wish of Pity centributed in any way | to specially for their kind donations toward; defraying the expenses: The A. W. Edge Co.>; Mr. Albert, Mr. Harry Rochester, Mr. W. Marsh- all, Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Broderick, Mr. H. P. Wilson, Mr. Gargetts and Mr. Martin Swanson; also to those in charge of the program and to all who in the coneert and tab- tail who looked aft- to Lhe publie press fer their free advertising, and to Mr.. Godenrath, who also helped in this connection rhe management wishes alse to thank Mr. 1 A. Sinclair, of Orme's drug store, for the trou- ble he took in looking after the iplan of seats, to any others whe wave f their money and time, ind to the public for the splendid} way which they turned out to | the performance } Ihe proceeds amounted to s639.40 after all expenses have been paid, whieh amount the] treasurer is sending today to the | braneh of the Red nd, with the request that y be sent to the head of 1¢ British Red Cross So England 1 mention the courtesy of Theatre Company theatre for rehears- splendid treatment and also to the or- which its gly of whieh will not} forgotten mdo be the in also must me the thei was gave services all MALINES BOMBARDED. (News Special 6:30 Sunday Night.) ; > London, Sept An Antwerp dispateh says that the Germans today recommenced the bombard. ment of Ma es rhe people were foreed to quit the eity Authentic information about football games, either scheduled oned can be had by eall Cigar Store. if ing as it did so much “ passed votes of thanks to all those |, a new hotel in Edmonton just completed and they could not open | it thank | had tied up everything and it was Judge Young for so ably presid~ | useless to think of new undertak- ing, tiie Westholme Theatre man- | jngs while that lasted. agement for their generous check | might come quickly, however, and for $50, and also the following} then they were ready to proceed. for want of funds. The war The end When asked whether, his com- pany ‘was preparing to handle some of the traflic_to the Panama Fair, Mr. Donaldson said that they certainly would. As far as hote| accommodation was con- cefned, the loeal houses eould t any the war would last long. i ake care of a large hmount and emergency would be quickly net. or Mr. didn't believe A year vw eighteen months would see it ull over. When the war was over Donaldson it weuld mean a great influx of people to this country and espe- cially Germans. When the Ger- mans were conquered their army would V great ‘ be vould he ‘mployment. disbanded and there thousands. out of He looked for a of them toe come to many many lanada | ; WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT THE FAMOUS JUVENILE BOSTONIANS CC. Whitnevs Chicago success “THE ISLE OF SPICE” SPECIAL ADDED ATTRAC- TION — THE FIFTH EPI- SODE OF THE “MILLION DOLLAR MYS- TERY” Tomorrow Might “GOLDEN SLIPPER” Seats at Drag Store Admission, 50c, 760, $1.00 Box Seats $1.50 Doors Open 7:45 : Curtain Rises 8:30 Sharp SPECIAL MATINEE WED- NESDAY in B Reserved Orme's