{HEALTH MESSAGE 10 THE WORLD very of ‘ AF puit-actiy ruit-a-tives” Has Brought Oath and | Happens to Thousands of People all over the Dominion. FRUIT JUICE CURES MANY SE! 0US DISEASES is the Only Medicine Made Juices. It is Pleasant to Take Gently on the Whole System. ruit-a-tive from Fruit and Act: revolutionized naval RUT J f 91% water and 9% solid material a on Sooner aa or nsists of about 8 parts sugary substance ‘ch ar aed ° intensely bitter substance, which is tite -~ : se tiee : iple of fruit, In order to get the full etna Se oe a efit of f linary way, one would have to eat huge ee "- aor ’ ere stit { i By the discovered process of making - ‘ re a oe co - it tter material in fruit juice is made to grow ' > ‘< om Some z Sosease 8 ronger fruit juice is created. Then, this |, 7 Se ee o Anger fruit « mixed with valuable tonics and antiseptics oe a a, catia i hus, we have concentrated and intensified ae 7 tical use of Fruit as a medicine is brought — — t then declared that the G nan submarines were Like fr t-a-tives’’ acts on the great blood purifying organs e bods kidneys and skin—and stimulates ali these parts SUBMARINE INCIDENT MAY CHANGE POLICY OF BRITISH NAVY ept. 2¢ len thie saster of Phere is no seriousnes i luesday, man submarine sect undoubtedly rep st eflicient arm of and it is an oper lie depend largely in the naval wat are known to erous than was dmitted at the begin ' Their fleet ly irrow entrances in aie it compara Vhile our ships the inst a nec open sea, raid are in posed to a blow such ! Scott June fore ied then, is being re il urine and aeroplane all ready | serviee and all suc 7 sa THE DAILY NEWS. Rand, President, J. 8. Pearce, Manager "THE PRINCE RUPERT SASH AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD. Manufacturers Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scroll and Band Sawing, and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. tures, Mouse Finish a Specialty. Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Hays Cove Circie Telephone 218 ~- P.O, Box 207 - Prince Rupert, B. C, ———_—_—_——_ Jewelry For Autumn Buyers A Fine Assortment at Moderate Prices Write for ow HMustrated Catalogue through which we represent our fine stock to our out-of-town buyers. We have all the latest styles in gem set jewelry, each piece perfect in fineh, and representing the finest values in platinum and gold mounts, set with diamonds and other precious and semi-precious stones. THE BIRKS’ WEDDING RING is a very popular and fashionable design—comfortabie to wear in any weight. = ee fu enstruected for work on BAKERY SUPPLIES Snene? yon WE 9 Gene a ee en oe ae Our can’t be KNOTT - © CLIFTON LIMITED. Day Phone 180. Night Phone 678. | Demers | SALE SALE SALE EVERYONE IS AWARE THAT NO BUSINESS HOUSE HAS HAD THE TRADE THAT THEY WOULD ORDINARILY EX- BEFORE THERE WAS ANY RUMOR OF WAR, WE BOUGHT A BIG STOCK OF GOODS, WITH THE EXPECTATION OF AN UNUSUALLY LARGE TRADE THIS SEASON. THE RESULT OF COATS SUITS, DRESSES, ETC., ON HAND WHICH WE MUST SELL. PECT THIS FALL. RATHER THAN WAIT UNTIL THE END OF THE SEASON, WE WILL GIVE YOU THE OPPORTUNITY NOW, WHILE TO BUY YOUR FALL CLOTHES AT VERY CLOSE TO COST PRICES. THIS IS A GUAR- ANTEE SALE, AND WE ADMIT WE ARE FORCED TO RAISE MONEY THE LINES ARE UNBROKEN, REMEMBER, THIS SALE INCLUDES ALL OF OUR NEW FALL STOCK OF LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR GOODS. IN ORDER TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF THE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING, WE Q UOTE A FEW SPECIAL PRICES: SUITS Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Goo. E. Crorey, Mamasiay Director == VANCOUVER, B.C J 1S THAT WE HAVE A BIG STOCK owed & vtives’’ is the most powerful liver stimulant in the high seas and that the Ger-| world, & eys and skin are stimulated to do more work ma ' srine-eem was in every | solet e sntisepties incorporated in ‘‘Fruit-a-tives'’ make —— a0 We ws | a t erve restorers, while germs in the stomach and respect in a state of successful ‘ a-tiv ure Indigestion or Weak Di ion, Dyspepsia, Probal this submarine attac kJ ey Disease on, Biliousness and Liver Trouble, Hackache, nay By bout a change in 1 m a - Pains, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia Headaches , ~~ Sng wr re Blood, val pia Sone experts today ad R ‘ \-atives’’ is the only medicine in the world that ule ir mining the Germas de of { ] nothing else as , because there is no other ist to prevent German ships | ation anyt Fruit-a-tives”, I you cannot get ‘'Fruit-a-tives’’ rl would con in your ne we will send you a supply postpaid, on receipt of © _ a eee — bic. a b $2.50, trial size, 26c. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. rse our former pol vhich invited the Germat POOOPEOLOOOODOOROON, | ships out Mining is apparently orted y The Times naval 1 THE BANK oF ph , 2D MUSIC 836 1914 expert, who says her of Violin and All Briti hN rthA s If there is no other means t Band Instruments j Ss 0 merica prevent the German submarines A. PESCOTT i Te Years wm Business ston perating i@our waters, 01 2 Eighth Ave East in waters of which we must have Phone Green 327 Carita. ano SuPPLuSs $7. Tee 666 ; ‘*% not } vel { ood mn } woul? 10 se well to} ee : mine the coast and close them | 00° COD COOOS. and their fleet as we 4 As Teach The Children (ees wae ] (rector The Value of Money irae with the utmost regret, ' their great desire tha ’ » If your children learn, while may have an opportunity of growil not only how t ing conol ns with the Ger PL) nine ! oney wisely, but how man f LL. Yintoers Asseciaben ie \ second possibility is that the - ra " — to save som large! essels may be withdrawn WINDEOR HOTEL for the future, you will nto protected waters This, ie. . Eighth St t | them on the road howeve would crease the pos- W. Wright, Prop. il success Open a sibility of a raid A third possi- ee j vill Account for each in bility, which, it is understood, te : vored by one school f nava HOTEL CENTRAL Bank of British North - : ay See Gene Se acne scien es io experts, is to adopt an aggressive ieee, oe vean ae | America, and! encourage them policy and rush the German pro- Peter Black, Prop j, “SD GS to & vegmarty tected water witl iarines and i torpedo eraft and strike a dras eee » r » fleet re PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH |): bat the fleets thers iNOX KOTEL Ave, Betwee and Ninth I. MARGETTS, Manager. m Plan, Rates b0¢ to $1.00 MUST MARCH INTO Per De fener & Beener Props . . SHADOW OF DEATH Prince Rupert Dairy eel quan D. Gasiey Incid Like Cruiser Disaster Phone Green 252 neidente > ‘Rpees tmrntes noTEL : igo : Must Not Depress, Says Ave, Be Sixth and Holstein Milk for Babies Lord Rosebery. ever : . ; specially Bottled ees ‘a, 60 lo 81 Per Day TESTED co London, Sept. 26 “This is la bi mae ws mentable enough,’ said Lord ROYAL HOTEL An invitation is cordially ex-}liosebery, when he learned of the Corey & | Props tended to the citizens interested|!oss of three British cruisers TIM Ave. and Sixth st to inspect the dairy premises|* Brave ships, gallant crews, all Plan Steam weaes §/UUring the hours of 3:30 and 4:30) gone from us. But these are only WHOL ESA: & LIQUOR cO., LimiTec ducted. shadow of death. They must not ond Ave aod Sixt St depress us. We must expect them mene We must press forward to our —— goal without a moment's hesitat RUPERY ‘PORTING CoO ing in purpose and — it to a ee FOR RENT triumphant issue.’ ' ” This well expresses the general eee Ct C+ re; Cp ppROaD " Ree eee Oe Ree eee IRE ALARM SYSTEM CROVIT NO; . as ave HAYS COVE AVE. Britain’s best in courage, skill 4 = . Ave and endurance, is the hardest to aes Ave 4-ROOM HOUSE bear, This disaster and the re t Aves, vod and lentless, bloody struggle for mas vm AY eth ene tery on the Aisne will yield one ” yin $11 PER MONTH goot result. Like the heavy Brit ki e a $t. (Cen ish losses at the battles of Mons Charleroi and Namur and the sub- | , sequent retreat, it is certain to a a " te the stream of reeruits into a3 7 “= PATTULLO & RADFORD a tlood Always when the wat a“ ~ de Bride gt Hh wks the toughest job, Britons Bon4 ride St SECOND AVENUE jcomeforward most readily to en 2g 4, at |" ure a final victory 2 SL he officers reported missing CtROUIY n. oe date of September {7 in Won 4 * thik ete eee folude one Kingston College grad eee st «uate, Lieut, BE. J. W. Spread, of 44 . Sts S| the htoyal North Lancashire Regi & ‘ at E 35 *]} ment The ofMieers of H. M. 8 a» A 8 * Ave 35--PHON om 3 | Hogue which was sunk by a Ger. - ‘ eR 3 | nan torpede, inelude Lieut..Com . i ai live Phillips.Wooley It is not “ Parl me TAXI ; et known whether he is among ‘Merson *lthe reseued Gin , 2 “ ts My > — ; Salvation Army. ef A a 14 “0d Bberts ; © WALLIGAN ’ Public meetings ‘Tuesday, rine Bt aL . Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m dattecomenel * uidiay at 7:40 p.m Wednesdays and Saturdays when milkng operations are being con- $11.00 SERRA RRA ARR RR incidents in a war like this, where we must march into the ver) British feeling. The three eruis- ers were of small amount. They were fourteen years old and obse leseent, though not obsolete. In a fleet of 700 ships they will read- ily be replaced, but the loss of the officers and men, who were of nes. san alsa $32.50 — Now.......... $24.50 FROM $25.000 TO $37.50 eee soto $27.50 — Now... 92008 50 — Now.......... $25.00 — Now.......... $18.75 ALL ONE PRICE CED cer See + +> ++ > +d pong $22.50 — Now.......... $16.90 $25.00 — Now.......... $18.75 $20.00 — WNow.......... $15.00 yA I 00 $22.60 — WNow.......... $16.90 $17.50 — WNow.......... $13.15 $ & $20.00 — WNow.......... $15.00 $15.00 — Now.. $11.25 $15.00 — Now.......... ors $12.50 — Now............$9.0 A LINE OF SEASONABLE NOBBY READY-TO-WEAR HAIR GOODS REAL HAIR SWITCHES HATS--SPECIAL Regular $12.50 ........... $7.50 Regular 8.50 ........... $5.00 $4.75 Regular $7.50 ........... $4.00 Regular $6.50 ........... $3.50 BLOUSES Our Stock of Blouses includes all the Latest Styles and Materi- als—Crepe de Chine, Chiffon, Taf- fetta and Voile. ALL AT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. SWEATERS AND TOQUES Our new Fall Lines of Sweaters and Toques in colors, styles and weaves AT COST. cosrT. CORSETS Broken lines in La Diva, D. & A. and American made Corcets AT Sale Starts Monday September 28th and will continue for ten days Demers