ee 2 THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation i. PF. MeRAR, EDIT OR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFIOR Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—56 cents per inch rates on application. Contract oR SGore. Tuesday, Sept. 29, 1914. - DAILY EDITION The letter of a local rate- struggle, but one thing seems payer with réspect to the de- certain: we are witnessing the mand of the sanitary depart- horrible death-throes of a ment, that all scavenging cans tyrant militarism must be standardized, is well Sinee the Bismarckian regime taken. This is not a time to everything in Germany has heap expense on the publie. been subservient to the dic. There are many who find it tates of this hydra-headed hard enough to pay their regu- monster. For forty years it lar bills without any extras be- has swallowed up hundred of ing created, It would be well millions of dollars every year in. view of the circumstances from the earnings of the Ger- if-this order was let go by the man people, and demanded a boards for the present. similar outlay by France and ie? tritain’ to keep up what was The official report and cepy practically a European naval of evidence, being a volume of of the inquired and military police foree. When has shouted its last “hoch” and dug its last trench, but not till then, will the grim cease, and then what? over six hundred pages, Prussian militarism commission which into the sinking of the Empress of Ireland has this office. arrived at It is a stately vol- just struggle ume and full of scientifie and Again it can only be guessed technical information as well at, but it seems certain that as a good deal that “he who democracy in all Europe will runs may read.” The event come into its own. That ab- was of such tragic significance solute monarch, the Czar of that it may well pass into his- tory ana become one of the world’s great tragedies. There isalso a recommendation of the commission with a view to pre- vent future catastrophes, but who cares about the sinking of a ship with a few hundred pas- sengers when tens of thou- sands are killed daily @n the battlefield. The suggestions of the commission will have to wait. Russia, has already promised wide measures of reform, and they must be more than mere promises... To form a republic seems to be the only solution for Germany. All this looks liking taking a great deal for granted, but, be- ing British, how ean we do oth- erwise’ In this struggle Right must be Might @nd uncénquer- able. Universal peace may still be a long way off, but in Eu- rope, it could only be reached through war, and-when the last shot has been fired we will be one great step nearer the goal. a * * It can only be guessed and that vaguely, what will be the effeets of this titanic Furopean BEAUTIFUL BREAD NOT TOO LIGHT! NOT TOO HEAVY! JUST RIGHT; means Royal Standard Flour in that home. it’s worth while to order a sack of this flour and to note its purity and whole- someness. The Men-folk apprecite home- made bread and this flour is unequalled for home cooking. Bread Cakes, Pies are a de- light to the appetite when baked with Royal Standard Flour WHEN BUYING YEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAG Bats THE WHITEST. Lott AO YA, | JUVENILE BOSTONIANS. “The Golden Slipper’ Will Presented at The West- holme Tonight. Bringing Doris Canfield back into one of her favorite charac- terizations (that of an English Johnnie , the Juvenile Bostonians will step “The Golden Slipper” onto the boards at The West- holme tonight and there is little doubt that this, one of the most charmingly tuneful musical com- edies, will with little effort take one more step which will land it in the good graces of local thea- tre patrons. Teeming with catchy songs, sidesplitting comedy situ- ations and with a plot that gives every opportunity for the display of a stunning wardrobe and novel scenje effects “The Golden Slip- per” is bound to provide a most pleasing entertainment. The fifth episode of “The Million Dollar Mystery” will again be shown be- tween the acts. WOMEN ASKED TO HELP. Belts and Socks Will Be Badly Needed This Winter. London, OSept. 26.—Belts and socks are the prime need of the British exepditionary army, and every woman in the Empire is asked to do her share to supply this demand. With the approach of winter 300,000 pairs of socks and an F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor. « equal number of belts, knitted or ‘ PRINCE RUPERT weven, according to the War Of- a fice estimate, should be supplied ° to supplement the regular provi- F sions of the government. Queen - _ — —_—_ -—_—- ame | Mary was notifiedgof this situa- tion, and promised to do her part. She then appealed to British women to aid her. Almost any lazy cuss can make a noise like a bustier when out on parade. THE DAILY NEWS ‘TWO B.C. LACROSSE TEAMS TO PLAY AT BIG FRISCO FAIR San Francisco Will See Two Ca- nadian Twelves in Action at Exposition. The athletic attractions officials f the Panama-Pacifie Exposi- tion at San Francisco next year are corresponding with Mr. Nor- DeGraves, president of the uver Amateur Lacrosse As ition, with a view to arrang- ing for a visit of two British Co man Vaner lumbia lacrosse teams to com pete at a lacrosse tournament to} held at the big fair next year of the chief features of the nternational athletic program at the exposition is a lacrosse tour- iment. For this event four days ire being set apart in October for the Canadian national President weGraves is now ning pdans for the rip That the V. A. CG. Mann iolders will be one of the teams be ine game ont- California ) make the trip is practically as-| sured. Just woat other team will will not determined until ext season. It may be Victoria be rv New Westminster, or an all- star team made up of players from both cities. The winners | in the tournament will be pre sented with medals, NIGHT AND DAY ATTACKS OF ENEMY REPULSED Paris, Sept. 28.— The official jcommunication says the Germans have continued night and day at- ftacks of unprecedented violence hut were unsuccessful. Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 | Holstein Milk for Babies specially Bottled TESTED cows An invitation is cordially ex- tended to the citizens interested to inspect the dairy premises during the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 Wednesdays and Saturdays when milkng operations are being con- ducted. RARER RERERRAIS KAKA KEKHh 35~PHONE~35 : ; tup-! COL. ROOSEVELT SUBSCRIBES TO NEW DOCTRINES Ad oft Progressives here, Theodore Roo. sevelt elucidated his position on important subjeets of legislation 28 Kan., statewide Sept Witchata, dressing a meeting He discussed the relations of cap ital and labor at some length, pointing to the Colorado laber troubles as illustrating the fail ure of national and state govern lments to enact and enforce ef lfective laws, and pointed to the New York, New Haven & Hart ford Railroad scandal as an ex ample of capital gone wrong in ithe absence of proper governmen- ital eontrol Business, titled to its profits asserted, n he is @ and we must | llearn to accept the principle of |eombination of eapital as of the | highest economie value but this jacceptance, he insisted must carry with it a fair share of the }profit for the employee rhe in ldustrial situation has great! jchanged in the last twenty-five | years, he said, for whereas at the} beginning of the period mention | od only about 25 per cent of th | people were employees ut this jtime half of the people live wages. | Congressmen erred in defeat | ings reform measures proposed by Progressives, the speaker as serted, mentioning the Murdock trust bill, the tariff commission bill, the federal employment bu reau bill and the bill for the aly jlition of child labor, as measures | iwhich, he said, were blocked by] jopponents of the Progressives | This opposition, he said, em-} phasized “the need of our demand for a reform of the political ma chinery, notably the reform of the presidential nominating Expanding the labor theme, Co! Reosevelt said: “There must be full participa tion in the industry of the three hig factors—— adequate successful management and high ly paid and highly effective labor There must be full and ungrud ing reeogyition of labor's right! in industry and, the other hand no less recognition by labor of its responsibility and its share in the responsibility to the publie for stability and peace in industry. “Conditions in asserted, primarily system capita on as to output Colorado he due ft our failure as a nation to provide the kind of remedy and to adopt the kind of attitude that I cate, and that all of us who fee! as I do are endeavoring to bring home to the national conscience and to the national understand ing. In the case of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company we the absolute negation of the prin ciple of industrial democracy.” The colonel emphasized his be lief that every corporation should recognize the right of men working for wages “are advo see wise employer or to bargain collectively, when- ever and so far as they desire and in the form which they de sire, “We must turn the laborer into a capitalist,” he said, “giving him a share in his profits and man agement of the industry.” THE KAISEd 18 ILL WITH PNEUMONIA CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. SUMMER EXOURSIONS FROM PRINCE RUPERT TO Geneva, states that ill with from having fallen into The William resulting Sept. 27. Suissi Emperor is pneumonia, a trench Through Chicago, etc. FIRST-CLA Toronto Ottewea Montreal St. Pavi Chicago . New York For Sleepin ao. T. P. Toke G. T. P. Steamer Prince John 20; October 13, 27, etc. Car Reservations, Se G. T, P. RAI! To the Ea Trains leave Prince Ruperi urdays at 19 a. m. Connecting at OFFICE, Third Aveun: eee eee eereereereee . GRANITE * « Granite of beat fuatity *and thoroughly tested fo * sale, Cul stone ished * rock in quantities . NEIL J. MeLbop . lelephon Green 217 * tf * **#eeveeevrevreeeennre © ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY Rooms ecend Avene ppesite Ea Rooms open from 8 a. m. to ff DP Visiting otemen are la For rates tor halt rent apply ‘ 0D. MACDONALD HAS ’ mt 1 POOP P PDO AEO ELE E LE CLOLELLELLEELE EE VERY LATEST Give Prints OIL DISTRICT ON GRAHAM ISLAND AT GOLD BELT REALTY CO 307 SIXTH STREET PELE ERPOREPLEPEEEELEIOLEOLEDS of ee ee THE LITTLE GIANT VACUUM POWER CLEANER Extracts All Dirt and Dust Carpets, hugs, Davenports Mattresses, Villows thoroughly cleaned. All work guar anteed. Heasonable Rates. Estimates given Apply PRED KLIEN Phone Red 269 P.O. Box MARTIN & M’GOWAN LAIN ANDO ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS Cement, Grick and Tile Work Estimates Furnisned Phone Blue 329 237 OR. GILMOY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work Speciaity. Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coa! MHONES : 36 Office RESIDENCE 110 433 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT BOAT BUILDER H. JOUUNSTON RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineers ana 8. C. Land Surveyors Seal Cove Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Gon Provincia) Land Surveying, Mine Survey ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Flectri« Blue Printing, Negatives and White Prints, | SOSSRseseSseReegeeeeEsoEse > * filled with water. P j R D i ¢ i : Frince Kupert Dairy Uo. + . : ~ . JAPANESE WON : FOR GUARANTEED PURE MILK = AND CREAM STUBBORN BATTLE ¢ : All Cows government tested. Every .) . > | thing sanitary and open for in- #| London, Sept. 27 It is official. |# Spection. Every bottle subjected to #* - } 200 degrees heat. Ours is the only | ly announced that the Japanese Plant in the city doing this. Orders * delivered or cs us * have won a stubborn battle of |# pakery Source Fab Meee ban laa ker & Wells, Fulton Cash Market fourteen hours outside isin : and Northern Meat Market ; Taiu. The Japanese casualtie Phone Green 252. Barn at Park Ave } are few. | z * LOO FOR WHUT KOWT In Handy Drawn WONDERFUL CATH, SAW ~~ @: McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. | Or hee he SAN THATS IH Most \ i. Jb Sat. Paul SS RAT 0 $7 The te ¢ 16 2 oo moana \ Box 60 ND NG NEW WEl Secona Ay APARI me i FOR F ATING / . SMiiH LLETT oOo. aT ‘ aoe ** ‘s ain alex, M. Ma Le WILLIAM NSON Barristers Eve MONE AN Heigerson 6 + perv as PACIFIC CAR! LADYS™ 93+ RRIE Builder JOHN Contract: bs timate Phor Repair hCOW BAY JAME rit for Th | SN 4 us nm ft nme ay