piorer? sv’ 8 ‘ ue pnik/ NEw : gpeclal Effort to { GET THE LATEST WAR pakes 4 ewe immediately NEWS FIRST give War Wer IN THE DAILY NEWS un Is Recel ve . s LAL ; ee ees ee wit, Yo NO PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TORSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS TTLE CHANGE IN SITUATION IN NORTH FRANCE ee IsER FIRED VON MOLTKE: ~-—-————_ GERMANPAPERS ADMIT THA DISAGREED OVER STRATEGY SITUATION IS DISQUIETING WOH AND BRITISH CONTINUE TO MAKE BRILLIANT RAIDS | |GERMA,.. oJLDIERS FIGHTING FOR THIRTY-SEVEN DAYS WITH- ON ENEMY—CUT OFF IMPERIAL GUARDS FROM OUT ANY CHANCE OF REST—BAD WEATHER AMMUNITION SUPPLIES. CAUSES SICKNESS. > (Special to The Dally News.) the Imperial Guard 1 th (Special to The Daily News.) gic situation in the mountain dis- i the battle! ¢ijjery ammunition train by a Copenhagen, Oct. 6.—Vivid a¢- 'triets, where they are rendering executed dashing ride. They cut counts of the fighting appear in’ superhuman services chiefly in German | suppliés, destroying t! , ; the German newspapers which | fooded trenches under almost in- a rail-|the Guards’ big guns we now admit that the situation is: deseribable conditions. The d before {ered tempor - ly useless. Lieut lesperate. The Allegemiene Zei-|.train is said .o be almost unen- ered bo gy ~ me thy . . tung says: “The officers and men durable. No German troops are ; doveione cae ne : 4 c Fey Mon have been fignting day and night|able to retire from the fighting exploit owing to a disagreement ver the for thirty-seven days. The Ger-jline for rest. Bad weather is mans are facing a difficult strate-!causing much sickness.” between | question of strategy : — —_— FEARS ARE FELT FOR CONFIDENCE EXPRESSED SAFETY OF BRUSSELS IN ULTIMATE SUCCESS (Special to The Daily News.) | ANESE SQUADRON HAS ee ~ eamagint GIFT TAKEN GERMAN BASE (Bpecial to The Daily News) on et. ¢ ; i aris "t. 6 iritic nite on Ono Qatte Gell Lond ‘ A 1 ; . oa | Paris, Oct. 6.—Critics refuse to de. | despateh h ‘ f ' ondon, Oct, 6. ews from|attach any importance to the Laan vas autl toa Brussels is disquieting All the | slight setback suffered by the Al- a hha . German wounded are said to be'jies on the west wing yesterday. . i@rMan lithe ¢ removed from the city. Several Confidence is still strong in the < | cAmiahiah Z ‘ : houses, one hotel and a railway ultimate result. General Von seal e Marshall 1 Red ss hospital Fra station have been already burned Kjyek may prolong his agony by and prevocative acts on the part pressing over northward, but his oy ty. HEAVY GUN FIRING of the Germans are said to be force seems to be utterly doomed. ed, fort IN THE NORTH SEA growing more common. The pop- civasenecteaneumntachenesiioeetipianthitiy tion . ulation is excited and may be e steamer i ey ba re oe teh HOW THE ROYAL FIELD ARTILLERY FIGHT. stung to take reprisals. re on pneore AT BOAT )» I re was onde ‘ ’ des pate rei ae ~ iinind “iho tic athens by a special « oe ndent in a despatch con- —- — ; ene r en _ SO - ya = bs the at s of the British t ps at the front. He says \ half battery in rather MORE HEAVY FIGHTING The sentry at Zanardi Rapids IN REPORT SAYS eet ; . “wie ' ’ : mn was gallit { ‘ ans by accuracy of its ain Several batteries made bridge seems bent to shoot some- anpess wees, CaM ee eee ee Dene’ ee Sane a Te inihiee sileneed. The men wh bad been aareiee thes ies NEAR SOMME AND QISE} os. 4 short time ago the anre ves aakeeee © Westerly -cusemee & gia ce rt his best. He would® have gone on till he dropped, dented “Leila” was taking a party of North Sea dead ar - — * alk btw sovel anaes (Special to The Daily News.) militia officers over there and as (Special to The Dally News) i - but an offer ed fh AW 8) A a oe oe ee ; os - Paris (French Official Bulletin) |she> approached the place in spatch says | That 5th Ave. Planking. On the left wing our front is ex-| broad daylight a bullet was fired hits, Oh, yr ianalaprerep Primos aes LOCAL UNEMPLOYMENT : City Band Practice. tended more and more. Between|by the sentry right through the Cer eeee aeenels. CnGk. Sap Hevee. a WILL BE LOOKED INTO er bere met Sunday |52mme and Oise there have been} boat, passing close to the engi- troops ithe replanking of Fifth avenue Phe band members met Sunda; sttarente wAvences and withered. head. He apparently had Gal's CO- 7 sin undone id he batartoke: rhe question of employment and have a membership of twen-|- ine i anal ealled a halt without having been minent : “a ee : . ) ta th n addition of ten becin- ais. Near ssigny an importan heard. Ports jby ai loca provement bylaw] was another ques considered ‘ a attack by the enemy was repulsed. Last Saturday local rofes ““=leovering the st About 1,380 pe : ; x engineet s taking lessens from Mr.[x ‘th of Soissons we have, with am Seer & Sen ee ed, HOS) 01 are atili unfinished. The cits ne Comm r 7 or het The band will have the , : eu . Britist sional man went around the ind engineer has already completed|t@e mayor aed G. W Kerr said one ?— ee ae : be tae aan be ye ms") isiand with a party of women and : coaak she teat vhich: must be paid hey were const ‘ ipproa hed | tw ehearsals per week instead|army, made a slight advance, children in an open boat, whieh OND lfer out of the general fund. It}by people out of work and some fs lays. Mr. Hoelseher has a . ~ ideale, anybody could see was a pleasure CONTINGENT c cite tanh 14 eenante Guar tua 5 * ‘ 7 in cotta iaahin om the REGIMENT SHOT AWAY; trip, and as they were approach- ay vet DECIDED OW oe | rt wi rs ante y pn —— roe ud the band Some of the GAlee VECaaT oe ing the bridge they were chal- (Special to The Daily News.) ioffY while the remaining : . yee 7, ‘ cert mbers include the Ar-|@reat Heroism of Gin Officer lenged by the sentry. At the time i lwanid have to pay for the plenk t was suggested that the work be , gg F Left Out of 700 Men the boat was carried by a strong 4 e| Sam ch Raced Same one sug.|divided up, giving a fortnight to| adians, Lueia, Eruam, Il Pra-a- —32 ut o : current and the engine could not the capi- ste — ; POT gt a . ashen ian Oia Sines. Me val I Faust, Carmen, Orpheus, pera Sa a. 4, {possibly be stepped without dan- > hether he | #¢sted that a ; ; : a : ” " 1 Suite by Greig, Fingals Cave Angouleme via Bordeaux), ger of a collision.’ The soldier, : t. The |Pleted fro _ ar hia Ne * mjachance. Aid. Kerr said Be knew Finale 4th, Symphony by Tschai-|Sept. 23.—The family of Major C./however, insisted on viewing a ds on the oe to as ras "ihe ‘ies saanh f 50 men wanting work and the wsky and ballet Exeelsior, sev-)} Dupont, of the artillery, has re-|them as a body of Germans, and nce It a e 2. ie hadnt an ane the i to t s that ral light numbers besides. The | .ejivyed news of his heroie death in}was with difieulty kept from . > city solicitor said the fault wasn’t] they are Canadians | . a a Ceres . ja recent action. With a regiment shooting me Coal HENS ave the |wie Wat Shie diMculty existed. “T] . Ald. Montgomery suse ee _ the full band. Twenty-five per|of 700 men strong he received or-| gig Q@amE HUNTERS jcan't make the act better re the city bura wood instead of coal SRS cent. of the receipts to go to the |ders to take a position in a mead- HAD GOOD SUCCESS m ' out a ' . o . Atte : a d ds ‘ ne Cine Gove omy ment. Fir ° patriotie fund In connection|ow near a town, There was a ititinde ha If » an oan > i oa . - a # Anat i that{ally it was decid | to pass the) ampowMDUKE CHARLES FRANCIS with the band Mr. Hoelscher has|dense fog at the time, through Mr. and Mrs. Bainter have just MY News ° ar a we ssent.|matter on to the board of works JOSEPH. organized an orehestra of five|which ominous rumblings were/returned from a six weeks’ hunt- aaa 22708! nothing be done for the presen th thi tenitenttnndtad tiak Mine a eee Hungarian [pieces, which will be heard from | heard, but Major Dupont’s in-|ing trip to the Atlin district. The PP cetccscenes 7 z ri = a a a . cs wil aa a ported to be with the |!ater on The next band rehears | structions were urgent. All his|report a very successful trip and erree ave pow! routed Austrian armies west of }9! will be agnounced through the|men stood at their posts waiting.|a good time. They were along which they have not had this year een . at nok f danger of cap-|Papers. Placing beginners from|Suddenly the fog lifted and re-|with Mr. and Mrs. Mobley, who is each foreman was given that san tHe “ i emundittied phew of|the start in the band would hinder|vealed a company of German/are well acquainted in that coun- ER authority the Emp ind a nephew of|the men tat do play from going | quick firers within 1,500 yards of|try and know exactly where to Arehduke Ferdinand, former|®bead and beginners ean only sit}|the Freneh position. In a few] get the big game. Each of them _ MUST PAY FOR STREET heir whose assassination|!® with band for rehearsals, when |seconds all except two officers and} were successful in landing a BUT CAN'T GET IT marks the beginning of the war,|the bandmaster feels they can|thirty men had fallen before the|moose—real big fellows with fine MOV | bane le their part storm of shot antlers. Mrs. Bainter shot one ING PICTURES TONIGHT There is a bad muddle about - Major Dupont was among thbse/all by herself and is naturally the Eleventh avenue bylaw rhis SOCIAL AND DANCE. KAISER’S ORDER IS unseathed rhe German captain|very proud of her achievement, TWO EXT FIN F A bylaw was consolidated with a aati | NOT CARRIED OUT | approached him and asked for his|Three of the heads are being RA E E TURES number of others and sold to at \ social and danee will be given ee surrender, Major Dupont declined|taken to Rupert. Besides being a American firm, who only paid for|by the ladies f the Altar Society); Pondon, Oet. 5 The Timesj/to give it and sprang to a gun be-| great hunting resort the game ts OPENING WITH THE SIXTH EPISODE OF THE sbout 86.000 of bonds to date and}of the Catholic Chureh on Tues-| says today that it is able to give|side which his gunners lay dead] easily taken out, it being possible “ ithere are fears that they will not|day ever October 6, in the) from a thoroughly trustworthy|and trained it upon the enemy.|to take a pack horse right to the MILLION DOLI AR MYSTERY” leome through with the balance. |Cathol jall. Card playing starts jsource the text of an order issued] But before he could fire a bullet) spot where the game was got. T In the meantime Eleventh avenue }at? p.m shat S Bea itiful = j by Kmperar W ae his army|stretched him across the gun Besides large game ee are H iproperty owners must pay the as.|for winners diission, ote on August 19 t follows: mortally wounded millions of plarmigan and hun. lu E COUNTESS? COACHING PARTY” ls raid for this by cal as well - It is my voyal and imperial ' . dreds could be shot in a day, THe jas sinking fund and interest. It \ ea vy suits andjcommand that you eoneentrate Ex-Ald, Douglas leaves today} Mr. and Mrs. Mobley and Harry UPROARIOUS TWO REEL KEYSTONE COMEDY leannot be eancelled because it islcoats left which we must sell du en es for the immediate|by the Spokane for Seattle, He | Mobley remained behind for a few “TH N leonsolidated with other bylaws./ing this sale re@ardless of eost. present upon one single purpose,}will spend the rest of the year; days, but will be home on Satur. EK OCKOUT’ part of which is sold The cost | Demers 231.232 and that that you put forth alljwith bis family in that city.! day. Uilt for is about &70 per lot and there is your sill and all the valor of my|When asked if he expected Led — — Laughing Purposes Only aa bpatedel af welded a iakee We atillghave a-fow suite ans idiers io exterminate thelagain be a candidate for alderman| We still have a few suits and SION ADULTS, 150; CHILDREN, 10c Some of the property owners areleoats left which we tmiust sell du treache English and walkihe replied that he would certainly |coats left which we must sell dur. ° beginning to think the CGouneilling this sal egardiess of cost. ever Gen. French's eontemptible|be in the game at the next elec~| ing this sale regardless eof coat **O*terecoee 2000 jhas got them in a bad mixup Demers 231-232 ttle army tion Demers’ 231-232