; THE DAILY NEWS Tus . Tena, “ The . N ” i LOCAL NEWS ITEMS * CITY CoUNCIL BRIEFS * ARE CUT TO PIECES FOR NORTHERN B. C. THE EXCELSIOR LIFE ; Daily ews PT eee eee ee eee If you are in doubt about the need : SSIFIED ADS. Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream | The City Gouncil will visit: the IN FURIOUS FIGHT s h Bein ed of Life Insurance . ‘ CLA ry Smi a one : Large Colonization chemes a your wife. You know her anawoe, Sk your § ~~. o jhydro-.electriec works at Shawat I | Worked Out to Settle European Now ; : cares Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners,|lans on Friday, leaving the city § aden, Dod A despate in This District. ’ do sapatch to) = Soldiers In CONSIDER THE Exce ‘ “FOR RENT Phone 4. tf. /9 a, m, . LSIOR ' elegraph from Petrograd , siti ik bibles ‘. = 6 ‘ . ee ad * * ‘ae bint t f oe i . . sed ’ Many are the speculations as to Canada's Leading Life Insurance Company ; POR RENT——A four-foom furnished house, Let Fritz look after your fur- nele & Co, presented a bi ives that on Sunday a spirited ac ' af immigration’ from SS C : ee a ate miy}0-¥38 nace and stoves. Phone 583. the Couneil for 8140 for plans of the destruction of the ome a f ; or which is now KI I K & EDWARDS : 230-232 ,drawn for a city scow oa was that part of Purope oe te ow FOR RENT Room, close im $2.50 per . 6 é lated te te boned ct work warian Guard, a cavalry divi the centre of the war. Tt is cer pitta te ; DISTHICT AGENTS . week. Board 1 esired. ode on- . in the battle of Grodek. ap Bixth ree Prince R ’ ventences, Phone Black 59. 220-292 Everything in season cooked * ¢ 8 » af . that a great majority of the upert, 8.6 . ee , ion Caf ek RD Reeeatites renort ed in the Russko Slovo, m{t™in tha eee tree ; POR RENT--Large furnished front room,|ile way you like it. London Cafe. nan nen | jopulation in those countries will seeenatiian A aad month. Apply Box 07, oy =~. 9 ed re the application of Hl. G. Hel lows eo . af stacktas —— Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Robinson} land for a sewer in block 31 : \ considerable foree of Au TE ee ee eee Pearydock a ro” Box 190. bi dtt. are back in town and will remain/tion 4, that it be granted if the ‘ ill over again, as their homes and ritis { oO umbia Milk . evs h here, proper number of signatures he ell on the advance guard farms will be wiped out by the vibehon tia; oteee. Prince” Nuperi —- secured and some of the property eral Broussilof, composed | geyvastation af the wat SUPE REE ge Financiers, 315 Second Ave. au. Dr. Gilroy, the local dentist, is |holders buy the bonds It wa fantry, Cossacks and light That the eolonization com B. ©. MILK has vu . . i. , . : sid ; p ; ‘ . . ve rgest Sale : RENT somfortable room, or board|back from a holiday spent in the | fe It that the council ce ! le e ple 0 » enem yanies of Canada are alive to this ene "joom; eras in; reasonable rates; | uth, themeacives sell the bonds, whict ry Phe plan of the y sepervalitty 1. borne out be. Gis because is pleases th; housewife phone, Box 14, Daily News >» « cake stout 6 some 9600 clear; he hoped to shatter fact that several agents are now it has the LIGHT NATURAL gay Ow hen Bo a, = KE. F. Doyle returned yesterday * * * vdvance guardand then break busy in the European countries COLOR and TASTE f FRESH medium-sized room, with board in pri-| from a short business trip to the The Council decided not t ugh our centre. Our infantry|¢etling of the possibilities of RICH CREA™. and vale family Modern conveniences, ‘ ‘cal inl } I ’ uch su. Close in. Phone Blue 332 224-7] south. a representative to the : irtillery had strongly en-|this province. perior to old fashioned condensed * * * B. €. Municipalities, which " . ' : . , reneral age PNGONSS FOR RENT—-New house, four rooms, - . , , ; it had ched themselves and in re C. E. Jenney, general agent in milk for the table and for stoves electric light. Near drydock, Peter Nicaleti got five months Jin Kamloops on Oct. 23rd were several Gossa jo_| the passenger department of the 000k~ og Ave. and Conrad. oes tae be in jail this morning for supply-|been pointed out thatethe . . Grand Trunk Pacific, with head-! ing. IT HAS THE NATURAL ee ing liquor to an Indian. cipal clauses act needed some at chments quarters at Vancouver, has re- |} FLAVOR. The Government test FOR SALE * * * han ce ee rat aa. . ! , = =A first the Austrian infantry |epived word that Charles Paget, | shows it to be of th. HIGHEST at Mr. H. E. Peck, of the a geo and pring it up ve moved out for the attack. It was|whom the railway company sent] STANDARD. FOR sale. oey Rouse, Booman, 000 ree or ate oe og! — ena en el met with a deadly fire of cannon|to Rotterdam to spread the gos cash an 0 ; , . . Sea ane ancouver. ayor yoted age st 80 t oe - , al o lor , « ‘“ i P. 0. Box 100. wtee. ay ° * * a tie it was dropped Finanees maehive guns and avavered ; lofN to ; have - ee NN Serre 7 e : , r + las) arrive a 8 matinatior "ule compen % re} mite All interested in the formation |were the chief objection ind fell back and was busy with the.work of in —enee per acre, McCaffrey & Gibbons. 2141f.) 7 4 city basket ball league should gh gp Fe - Men the cavalry was sent out.| queing Holland and Belgium im wOPpertect level and yy grede. Only be at St. Andrew's Hall Wednes- The city building inspector re flower of the Austro-Hun-| migration to this district he) $50 cash and balance to suit, Soap of | day at 9 p.m. 234 |ported on the complaint of Wm These people are Known to be THE UNION STEAMSHIP C0 OF B.C. LM an investment, Must have the money, ; oe Geakt-to ‘elumbing bylaw Mr ian army, the Budapest Guard hese peo a ” ) Owner, P.O, Box 809, ioau eer sate - . tt t tl division formed f Magevare good farmers and very thrifty . Ten days’ sale now on atjGrant contender ia ie new sion, rmed 0 agyar ‘ . a great fac ? SALE—-50-H.P. acity steam boiler yweople, and will be a great factor § Peind 8 1.P. stationary, engine. can be] Demers: Come in and see the|sewer trap ordered by the bylaw/bright jacketed Hungarians, gal * conatae up the agricultural 5. VENTURE ny ant ty order. eset. bargains. 224tf.| worked a hardship on the trade oped furiously down in elose or possibilities of this section of the Sails for Port Simpson, Mil! Bay, Naas | toe hi dieses 7 The inspector a rae bed ‘ae der. It appeared as if nothing] province. | for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, « ‘on WANTED Norfolk Rooms, Steam heated,/plied to all and while he had a ical aii ie alias - Jenney savs that Mr. Paget hot and cold water. Terms rea-|lowed the use of stock on hand me wrest Gow leprae is re a scheme to settle | SS. CHELOHSIN a i loyment by capable wom- sonable. 6th Ave. and Fulton. of the old kind he believed the)course, not even the awful shrap a large tract in the Stuart River Sails for Granby Bay, Naas’ River, Sur Cos fon een haety os 10, ars naw Bylaw Was hater and shoul ore oF She arunery, ‘Outen di triet with Belgian soldiers and | Vancouver Victoria, Seattle, Ev ry I t ' eet reanonable wor Mt Ten days’ sale now on at|stand. ought death and destruction to - , ; “ a ie . Daily News. 216-0 te 7 , ; th their families, and that he 1 Agency: American Express, Atlantic Steamers mers. jome in and see e Gantt ofa > ran) _" ns a » expecta | N sna nd women wanted every- ranks, nor even the rain of} meeting with suecess. He expects | "ae ae willing to work a few] bargains. 224tf. “Por Sale. ~ ty ; > the Wer ae i ae PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND ave. hours in their own home for $15 week- s- a om } t block 4 bullets from machine guns that after the war is over a large a ly. Samples free. The Co- Cnr “ Excellent ehance, lot 7 blo« 9 “The Magvar lid i , colony will be placed on the land PPDOOD rooees Union, Windsor, Ont. 7-10 Mr. Geo. MeNichol left for |Section 1, $3,000.00; $800.00 16 Magyars did not hesitate here, as well as in many other WANTED—Accountant with long experi-| Alaska yesterday afternoon’ toleash, balance 5 years, 7% inter- a moment, but continued to “ sii one along the line of the — > Situation vata moderpte salary look into the shipment of fishjest. 0. J. Leduc, box 1385, Mon-|charge at our, trenches. One more| Grand Trunk Pacific in Northern Box 15, Daily News. from those wry wer the G. T. |treal, P. Q 231-233 minute and it seemed as if noth-| British Columbia. a Sc ag could Bo-telh of dar satan = KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY | Another s ont « f ‘. Loop has just receive ee will be sent east tomorrow over |q aie Seated anie eee “All at onee the thud of hoofs eT et ie TeLaeuene eine MISCELLA zo ~~ ____ithe G. T. P. by the cold! storage | wi}; use to store the most valu- the elatter of steel were THIRD ANENUE O. DRAWER 1624 SoaRD AkD R00MS—Puretenes dea-| °O™PAY. ge ge able part of his jewelry stock in heard and the Magyars were met The following is the statement Builders’ Sepplies — will room and sitting room with board ‘ ast nel by a whirlw éf Cossacks. Forlfo ‘ ep us of cece ; = aa suitable for two young men; §40 per! For Rent j-room modern wha beste gr wy de s vor eae hugest of the epartmens pamasers — a 9 Mises month. Box 14, News office. 225 ; . The Prince Rupert Pioneers’|two hours the Austrian and Rus.jeleetrie light and telephone as Paints Ranges house, close in, $80,00. Will sell Assn. are desirous of procuring a yresented last night to the Coun Oils va MONEY! money! : CENT — Loans! range and linoleum cheap. H. ¢ hs * as ime tans Jol ¢ . , infantry watched with beat-|f 1. & Varnishes Graniteware ma ve =obtainec or an urpose on ho 7 the tate Jonn nox. ny el acecptable Real Estate sodastty lib- | Helgerson, Ltd. 231-232 : . = . “ . » ss hearts the scene of terrible | Electric Light, eral privileges; correspondence _ solicit- 7 i * person having same will confer a cae rt atrial. Total Phe ' sfactes > oe See ee aT batene 4 favor. by mailing it to The Pio-|*"'"S**- lGeneration 5 Bart tet MONARCH MALLEABLE Electric g., Denver, Col. The Prince Rupert Towing Co., neers’ Assn, city. It will be re “At the end of this time of the Walntenanes + + +.3 ise : ; - ceneral towing; the new erude oil turned in good order 234 » Budapest Gi id ; f Siekine Fund ‘ : s t.g “P.R.T. No. 1." Phone Red 7s _* ae - ee | and Interest 6.99 391 or Black 32%. Address: P.O. 0 Marrow ae my, loft and pee whole). opereting ; ; feds * } anc s. Geo orrow | feld was stre i i s as 3,997.7 » ee ve Senay See ON Ee cel th ne ana ee eye REVENUE ( Crude Oil Motor. 165tf on Range Pets od They wili|°°TPse* severed heads, hands | Light and Power Acct, $4,063.55 | | - * * erda on ie ay. e) ! ne “a ss - : Service Charges 29.00 7 > E. E. Confectionery sells high | 244i" make their home here, after = vd le es and dead horses. on } she ea Wgges. son bricks: also|#™ absence of a couple of years Phe commander of the divi- | wet parnings 4,233.50] ewe or ul umn ul ers | class ice cream in bricks; also|., x anaili ak a General Frohreieh, could} ’ } » CF lies. 455tf.|° r. orrow 8 manager oO " : a 4 _, | Net Revenue . $235.74 eer Eo new Prince Rupert Hotel as well stand the disgrace of defeat oarreen ‘ f Pp : : shot himself on the battle. | Labor 619 A Fi el|A M d ‘i i as being heavily interested finan Material 161.91 era e rrices Ten days’ sale now on at|** he A encima ies| on ine||Assortment at Mo Demers. Come in and see the a Se ae » had promised to bring te the Telephone. : N W ROGERS _—— * soe Salvati A Austrian Emperor, on the latter's | ssintenane e ottats wary ee Tete 54 Write f Wiustrated Catalogue through which we represent our ” . oe wee Se birthday, news of the complete |General Exp. 615.45 rie 637.10 en ne on ” Suite t, Federal Block For a comfortable room, come ppeete Jestruction of the Russian army, |™rest and . . fine stock to our out-of-town buyers. to the St. El Hotel, 836 Sec Public. meetings Tuesday,| 4), ; ee ae ae. Fens : oe We have all the latest styles in gem set jewelry, each piece perfect Architect O the mo » 830 Sec-} : : : , throwing his division upon| PRINCE RUPERT, B. C ond Avenue, near Eighth Street. |'‘Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m » Russians the Austrian eoneral pce 90:080.2 In fineh, and representing the finest values in platinum and gold mounts NCE > . . fe ssians . stris reneré Costs 6.48 Newly opened. Steam heat and Sundays at 7:30 p.m. was fully convineed that aaa day REVENUE set with diamonds and other precious and semi-precious stones Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 hot and cold water in every < . . “° | Telephone Colleetions > a ‘on 7 ; very eer " he would be able to announce to| for August $1,984.70 THE BIRKS’ WEDDING RING is a very popular and ree paths. ates reasonable. Emperor the promised vie-!«, ) ; : Surplus for Month $ 848 fashionable design—comfortable to wear in any weight. 226tf. A Real Lever Simulati Rag CAPITAL “ . ‘ mulation ‘ I Labor $107.00 —_— OLD WATCH FREE, Before the battle the Magyars | Material 127.14 = R t Capt. MeTavish, loeal intelli- » ordered to don their parade $235.04 F or en gence officer for the Dominion A sraighttorward generous B ) vn iforms.” —E ° . 8 d ofr from on catablished ° government, left last night for fm. | We aro civing away a raiiananasiiibiotn Some of the workingmen are ij lenry Birks G&G Sons Limite | ‘ 1 thousands ; ’ } Masset on the John, The islands oa S free Business Man (to applicant for|indignant at the suggestion of } as well as the north coast comes ponte Hee situation “Can you write short-| Ald. Morrissey that the police me ; . , 7 } : Mick le your | chance — - - - | : prc seasag™ WELLERS AND SILVERSMI/Ti under Capt, MeTavish, who re- ow na writ hand?” Applicant—“Yes, sir.”|should round them up and see JEWEL COMFORTABLE 4-ROOMED rene got his - appointment tas’ sional Lad Le Business Man How many words who deserved a job They are Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director OUVER, BC through the militia department. a = minute? Applicant 7 ve | good, lawabiding citizens and C GE , 3 Th ihe Rak when FP HeVer counted, but the day my|would resent any such action OTTA The Men's Own basket ball found in my pockets some | - —— — team will play the Catholie Club letters ['d forgotten to post for | Authentic information about eo noneneccsesernn NEAR DRYDOCK this evening at 8:15. The follow- *, I took down every word she} football games, either scheduled ing will play for the Men’s Own: uttered as fast as she said them.” | or postponed, can be had by call i Sbhrubsall, Barrie, T. M. Davies, Business Man— ‘You'll do.” ing up Fitz Cigar Store. tf A. M. Davies and Geo. Weston. NICE 4-ROOMED FLAT For the GC. C.’s Ed. Murphy, R. Greenwell, J. Murphy, P. Roehe and H. Astoria will ‘play. ©, MOULDINGS, SASH a Mr. Harry Birch returned to ” date for Vancouver, Vic- PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER ( 0. | Rupert yesterday with his bride toria and Seattie on Fridays | A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager | Mrs. Birch arrived recently from at 8 A.M. Sails for Anyox nestle . ao en prince RupEnT, BC f England and has been in town for and Stewart on Wednesdays . yt 2b : Brar vard at smitnere 9 3a a short time. As Miss Branch she at 12 midnight. peoooccccnecsenm APPLY TO will be remembered by many who J . : ae were delighted with her recitings S. S. Prince John G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. 324 SECOND AVENUE at the recent Sons of England so- cial. We buy and servé omy the best the market affords. London Cafe SEEEEEHRERERERERER EEE EERE EED ERED ERE EN EERE RRR R EERE HED) high-brade Work at fair prices Plumbing, Steamfitting and sheet metal work Western Plumbing Co., Ld —— HAYS COVE AVE. PAAKKAARAAAAAAEREKRRR ARK KAKRER eeKeeeeKee Kee ee 23 | 4-ROOM HOUSE $11 PER MONTH PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE ee senewsnenss*** MAGYAR GUARDS ———— : BELGIAN IMMIGRANTS cia | POPPE EEPEEEE ESTE ETERS SEEPS ES eH eye y yy, Sas } neneneerenne Manage! Sails for Sails for COOCOEOLETT Masset and Port Clements on Oct Masset and Naden Harbor on Oct 5,19, at10 P.M 10, 23, at 10 P.M. Island points on Oct. 6, 10, 20, 23, . Rand, President, "THE PRINCE RUPERT SASH AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD. Manufacturers an Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Sero!! and ont and all kinds of Finishings, Store and O"°e tures, House Finish a Specialty. Sails for Queen Charlotte at 10 P.M, Sails for THROUGH SERVICE TO THE EAST. Vancouver on Oct, 13, 26, at 9 P.M, Trains leave Prince Rupert for Edmonton, Winnipeg, on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10 A.M, Close conneetions made at Winnipeg for St. Paul, For points east of Chicago use the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. For through tickegs and full information apply to Chicago ircl@ Albert Davidson, General Agent, Prince Rupert ' ‘Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Hays = . 6 Agency All Atlantic Steamship Lines, Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 - Prince Rupe eee -* a ae eeereeoore ¢ ? aoe EMPRESS COFFEE F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) prince RUPERT