THE DAILY NEWS rat to} rv, Re Patriotic Funds. Salvation Army. “ ° ” 5 The hon. secretary of the _ ee y ews Ip. K. I tt aus ts ' Publie meetings, Tuesday, ) as writte e ae ry . | as written to th reta Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADS. Try Smith & Killas’ iee cream, of the local body asking that the) gindays at 7:30 p.m. eo © jnames and addresses of the pat $$ Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. i? s handling patriotic funds in| Authentic information about FOR RENT Phone ‘. + . + “. |"! oe ewer oe we Te aed W her football games, either scheduled ——— es is follows; Hon. Secretary, 55%) 4 postponed, ean be had by call- Sa FOR RENT-——Large furnished front room, Have your shirts done on the Sherbourne St. Toronto The ing up Fits Cigar Store. tf == Spe ae ey ee: pe | Northern Laundry presses. Phone ITALIAN PEOPLE WILL intention is to secure some “ ZZ - 474, 235 operation among the diffrent Are your books behind or out G w8 ean on S Sean ter bled, i. 2 FORCE PARTICIPATION funds Secretaries of the differ.|of balance? If eo, apply Box ae GY Le 7 ° 99 POR NENT — Six rooms and bathroom; | , a fr Nair — “se morning it organizations might respond | Pails News Y t un if it Section Six $26.50, Prince Rupert or her fome in Ow srunswiek - : Financiers, $16 Second Ave, 213tr. * * + Liberation of Trent and Trieste A t ie Aubert ert by th \ From Austrian Rule ts TTT TST, OPE CES FE EE y Di | FOR RENT-—Comfortable room, or board Mr. P. Robertson le y tis s I and room; close in; reasonable rates; | 1,» train. en route 6 Berd Demanded. ] Cc 1e \\ phone. Box 14, Daily News, 219tf. hing s train, : — J V/, land, his former home He will Milan, Oct. 7 A great meeting , ROR RENT One large nendnotiaty | fue. reside there : “. id : rr th ” ht ' | Gl nished room, suitable for two, and one . was het ere 1 other night ant | medium-sized room, with boatd in pri- , 8 8 before a evel and enthusiasti , Support those we have and , oom NY vate family Modern conveniences, ‘ i i r ? aE SUL " i Closé in, Phone Blue 932 224-7 Mr. Jimmie MeAleenan left this crowd Signor Battiste, a Socialist others will come. 8. C. MILK is POR Wknt—Four-roomed cottage on Ete morning for Now York, having} deputy from Trent, Austria, made produced in our own PROVINCE. HE shad St, near Sixth 1omas ecly . » tne » de . " a ) lue mont, ssa | Missed the last train. Jimmie is} speech in which he said, as a It is always fresh on the grocers’ oe OF B Dine FOR RENT—New house, four rooms,|/USt @ little late for the world’s ! rent, Austria, who reside in Varnishes Graniteware erant or Impurity in cept reasonable wages. Apply Box 10,| Daily News. The usual bulletins Italy, have petitioned the Italian , 7 Daily News. 916-80.) Will be issued, however, and war parliament to complete the work Th cake of concentrated NTED— . . aon as : . wtahiviet’ oo. e ‘Stay Satisfactory ° Where who sre Willing to work stewjie™s can be had by watching |of freeing Italy began by King MONARCH MALLEABLE Range.” cleanliness, hours in their own home for $15 week-|{hem. See our list of bulletins,|yjetor Emmanuel and Garibaldi. ly. Samples free. The Co-Operative | , ata lea “ra a ie . Ton Union, Windsor, Ont, Mi7-1.| 28 Stated elsewhere in this issue. |-Tiey request that Italy unite to | a &; @ | WANTED Capable housekeeper for small the kingdom the Austrian prov- | | family; give full particulars as to abil- At a meeting of the Prinee RU | inees inhabited by Tlalians. ‘The | [A 03GGG UU UU UU UU IRR; R ye ity, salary, etc. Box 21, Daily News.| pert Football League, held last : 234-2: titic is headed | Sienor Bat sieiieheics steineaieae with long experi- night in the St. Andrew's rooms, tiete: Bootatietic ‘enets eis THE EXCELSIOR LIFE : * ence in general oMce work wishes per-|it was decided after some discus- Trent manent situation at @ moderate salary. . Roe 18; Daly hows. Sore {sion to withhold the Exhibition eee ae If you are in doubt about the need of Life Insurance, ask your WANTED—Position in family or any other|®UD for tINs season. This °UD | SKEENA CROSSING your wife. You know her answer.—NOW. work, iby woman willing to work. Apply was played for on October ist by LOCAL NEWS ITEMS FOUND—16 foot rowboat, white and black.| the Callies and Merchants, yt eli CONSIDER THE EXCELSIOR Apply Daily News, 235 the game resulted in d e% ; - seen ie J. Byron Merrifield was in town Canada’s Leading Life Insurance Company MISCELLANEOUS goals each. oo last Wednesday night. : Fred Peterson of New Hazel- KISSICK & EDWARDS Sold by all grocers. BOARD AND ROOMS—Furnished _ bed- For a comfortable room, come | room and sitting room with board|in the St. Elmo Motel, 836 Sec.|'0" Ves in town Wednesday. DISTHICT AGENTS Suitable for two young men; $40 per month, Box 14, News office gsstr}ond Avenue, near Eighth Street. Mike Johnson has heen spend Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B.C. SA EREREREREEE EER EEE EERE MONEY! MONEY! 6 PER CENT—Loans|Newly opened. Steam heat and|!"& & few days at the Crossing. FRIIS IIIA III IISA IAI III IIS IAISSISSISSISISASISASASISIAISISISISISISSISS SIAC : , HT Wa i 1 tees ten cee ugh] hot and cold water in every room.| Chas. Ek, of the Red Rose, went | ea eral privileges; correspondence ‘solicit-| ree baths. Rates reasonable.|/up to Hazelton on Saturday's le on. | | | ah ed. A. C, Agency Company, 758 Gas, 226tf ts ee: . | | H Electric Bidg., Denver, Col. ee OUl, | train. } { te | Bh ohn wi sriclipabtanieiod FUN AND FACTS HH Ht Don't > the T | forg’t Phanksgiving | 4 couple of days at the Crossing ball under the auspices of the|jact week. TWO HOURS OF SOUND COMMON SENSE SET IN A FRAME FO R R E NT Oddfellows in St. Andrew's Hall OF HUMOR.—TORONTO GLOBE. nner on. the "evening of “Oct, 42th.) Ce, IH. Jennings, of the Grea Se THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMIT ee ff Pickets on sale at Orme’s Drug| li, Was in after building ma §.S. VENTURE Store. Proceeds to be donated to]! ial last Wednesday. Saiis for Port Simpson, Mi sia suays 13,00 George Kirby had an accident]/in town last Saturday. A : Hess 4h At. fishing boat and when he had it Sails for Granby Bay, Naas Riv: TWO HOUSES PARK AVE the Canadian patriotic fund. D. H. Hill and wife, of the ’ . .. me power plant, spent a few hours for Vaneouver. Victoria, yesterday with a gasoline boat.|+¢ H H Piiitiein: diiiinatil ancou ecloria 1 HOUSE. 3RD AVENUE He was having it fitted up for a wiinien daily die to ran all de ; $S. CHELOHSIN out for its first trial the engine naeee, WHR Bie pede, ame 5 ea 0 iy ‘ ; . rial the g oe oe ; a a “a ‘ . . Vancouver, Victoria, Seaitie, | $13,00 blew up. The explosion, besides} Pete Christensen and Tom For- Be Oe mp) “\ : uy Agency: American Express, Atlantic Steamers breaking up the engine, blew off | rest, Kitseguecla Valley farmers, \7 Ie. igen ee } ] HOUSE. STH AVENUE the pilot house, Surprisingly, no|were in town last weke for sup- OV am ry a PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE Section 6 one was hurt. plies, : ie ARR rs) sorccccccceseeeeit 13,00 y 29 | , : — mai $ ms . 2 tichard Tomlinson of Cedar- o7 ’ There will be a regular Thanks-lyale spent a few days in and Z —_ —_—— giving service tomorrow morning if? around Skeena Crossing last week. in the Church of England. Spe- : PATTULLO & RADFORD cial’ decorations have been ar- Chas. Ek, after spending a ranged under the directions of week in the Kitseguecla hills, SECOND AVENUE Mrs. Jennings. There will also|®®™e down Wednesday and went states, Mga ic ame dwn Wed Jewelry For Autumn Buyers will have charge of the service. D. H. Bartholomew, who has CHARACTER IS CAPITAL i | A Fine} |Assortment at Moderate Prices a & 2 ® been blacksmith at the Rocher de * i a ee The Prince Rupert cannery has| Boule for several months, left st closed a very success sea. | Tuesday for Old Mexico. | ow just io aa 8 weep oes ful sea : Write for our illustrated Catalogue throug! which we repre rai laving put up, 19,000 cases. A. J. Mallett, who is installing fine stock to our out-of-town buyers. This, too, was ie inde-j}ithe hing .¢ wr Tt n piece pert ee ae ce aceeers the plumbing in the Copper Pav- . PROF W ¢. ALEXANDER We have all the latest styles in gem set iewelry, Oe a number of licenses at ou one rae meme 40 Rupert oF Puesday’s ® 9 in finsh, and representing the finest values f n and gold time employed was 105 They train: and returned Saturday. Of Fowler & Wells Co., New York, who is now everywhere ae set with diamonds and other precious and sem'-pr s stones. have 200 more men in line who Robt. Starick and wife and baby knowledges toige Bot only Ge ablpet marenniogist in Americs THE BIRKS’ WEDDING RING is @ very pace are expecting to get independent boy returned home og Saturday but one of the most popular speakers on the platform today . ny weight . fashionable design—-comfortable to wear '” ay e FE or Rent licenses for next year. Alex. = tt has been cooking at IN HIS INIMITABLE LECTURES ON HUMAN NATURE an Sutherland, an old hand on the|'"® ‘Patway for the past two i : : Fraser, is manager of the can- months. EMPRESS THEATRE nery. . es as . im Oolenes and Ms Lougheed, EVERY NIGHT, BEGINNING | e S 1s Limited COMFORTABLE 4-ROOMED What will undoubtedly be the - sa oe oe a _ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13th Henry Birks G r ” ; grand finale of the loc football [Crossing for the pas 10 days, Uy “De Uy MITHS COTTAGE a oe ak ao. unaey a Sielaeeied 7 are at ADMISSION FIRST NIGHT FREE | JEWELLERS AND SIL! Thanksgiving Day), when the|Smithers last Wednesday. Collection Taken at Close. Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER BE NEAR DRYDOCK league board has decided to pull _— — Boys unaccompanied by their parents will be charged 10 cents ‘ off another international game. Notice. to insure attention. Crying Babies, $4.50. S&S Added interest should be given The I. O. D. E. wish to thank Public Examinations on the stage of four or more Ladies an this game owing to the Welshmen|those who assisted at their reeent or Gentiemen selected by the Audience at the close of each penereeenr NICE 4-ROOMED FLAT [being cliginic for selection on the|bridge party, including ‘Tite's |% tecture. PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS DAILY fron 40 Am. 3! English team, while Seotch Can-| Furniture store and Hayner Bros AT THE PROFESSOR’S PARLORS, HOTEL PRINCE RUPERT. WITH BATHROOM adians are in a like position as|for use of tables, Lyneh Bros, for : regards the Seoteh team. En-jdishes, Knights of Pythias for nO OORT fas thusiasts who witnessed the last|free use of hall. Kelly-Douglas game will no doubt boost for the|Gompany presented the trophies, POPE PETES EUS S ELL UNEREUUOUE UU UUEOUU ESSERE EEE EEE ee APPLY TO cones nga oe it is hoped that wuian “— called the Nabob tro Hi f- 6 ( SHINGLE", MOULDINGS, 5°5" p00 there wi ” a large turnout as|phies and were of very superio | I'd f or P| bi q, St fitti the proceeds go to the Patriotic|qnality, as all Nabob brands are q um In Caml Ing PRINUE RUPERT LUMBER C0. ¢ R N d Co Ltd fund. The game is ealied for « onemmmantiiii ee and sheet metai work } OUGHS, Maney a . ° a en * t eithree o'clock and Geo. Sinelair Dress shirts are the same ar . + . prince nuPert, Russell is expected to handle the|}new when done on Northero at fair prices Western Plumbing Co Ld =i oe - ercnn vee @ Oe game, ut . resses > » ATA. ey 324 SECOND AVENUE Laundry presses. Phote 474 nih aetna _ pone EMPRESS COFFE peat, ® F. G, DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) pRINOE