THE DaiLy News | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Large®M Circulation ii. F. McRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. Contract vein Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1914 DAILY EDITION Rev. Canon Rix struck the no doubt felt that britain nail on the head when he said would not put a “serious foree at the Methodst banquet that in the fleld and with Frenece the former German ideals of defeated might give up the day. music, philosophy and poetry Now, however, it appears that had in the last number of years thing desired the defeat of Britain view they have broken through the first is been pushed aside by the ruling of With this in passion militarism. One thing is certain, that the pre- to the eoast. She may now eminence of Germany in the mass a force at Ostend for the world of scholars has of late purpose of keeping the British heen rapidly losing ground. It is ever true that neither a na- at home but the fleet will take of that. * care tion nor an individual can hold * * two ideals at the same There are still, time. Japan has discovered the fu- of course, some tility of trying to limit the area eminent scholars in Germany of her war with Germany. She and some had hoped that they began with the declaration that would not fall in line with the Japan had no quarrel with tyranny of the Kaser but recent Germany elsewhere than on the events have shown that they neighboring coast of Asia. But have. The fact that they do as the war has procéeded and support him in his vandalism shows that they too have for- saken the high ideal of culture for its own sake and have fal- len down before the false god of brute force. German cruisers became active in the Pacific Japan finds that she must-attack German ships finds them. Then is discovered that the bases wherever she il of supply for German cruisers ~~. 2 must be captured, and Japan The shifting of the German takes possession of certain attack from Paris to Antwerp German islands. If the war would almost indicate a change of poliey on behalf of the en- emy. In the early stages thé continues long Japan will find the sphere of her military op- erations steadily extended. A aim was to crush France with country at war with another a quick blow and then turn usually finds that the war zone back on Russia with all her extends to all places where the power. For the present it was enemy may be found. ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR THE FUEL FOR BRAIN AND MUSCLE Your sack is waiting at the grocery for you Royal Standard Flour F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor. PRINCE RUPERT ves of bread or one, see us. Our "t be beat. THE DATLY NEWS COMRADESHIP IN FIELD BRITISH AND FRENCH London, Oct. 10. English PASSING EVENTS newspapers which have been re- eeived contain a pleasant anec The Dominion Militia Depart dote of the fighting at Mons. It!) ment has authorized MeGill Uni comes from the French paper, | y ty to raise a regiment of The Liberte, and concerts a Seot- | graduates and undergraduates, o1 tish regiment which is not named. | fa the raising of a complete This regiment was oeeupying a ment to furnish part of a reg trench swept by violent rifle fire iment to be made up from the and artillery fire, when two pri- iN ' s Canadian universities vates fioticed that a Frenchman py hundred MeGill graduates attached to the battalion as M-land undergraduates and a num terpreter occupied the most ex- |), nembers of the faculty al posed spot in the trench. One pr have volunteered for this vate said: “The FrenchTan nent im badly placed let's widen his meeenaing trench,” and during a minute rh swiss government is re paying no attention to the hail of ported to have deelined Ger bullets and shrapnel, the privates |iany s request for permission jsquare miles; a total of 124,700 mies Asiatic cholera has broken out the diers in the and it is reported to be spreading Ty- prev- among 70,000 wounded sol hospitals in Vienna, in Hungary and Gali to be German also said the fever 18 phoid alent among troops in Belgium of Deputies a member of for Arthur Magniet, the French Chamber under secretary war in Barthue promoted from the rank of and the Cabinet has been private to that of corpora! for bravery on the field. He was accorded this honor before his own troop and given the usual French salutation vy his colonel The Albanian Senate, in defi ance of all the powers, has elect. ed Prince Burhan-Eddin, son of ex-Sulltan Abdul Hamid, \ibania, in succession William of Wied, kingdom some Prince of to Prince left time ago and sub- who his sequently renounced his throne, to taneously Kssad Pasha, retiring Switzerland. sSinul- the great leader | popular n Albania, pre- pared to march on iurazsc with an army of 12,000. He has arriy- ed at Dibra with a foree and is collecting an army for the over- throw of the interregnum. deepened the trench, and with the i her forees through Switze same calm resumed their places.|!and Italy, it is said, is prepared —_— _ |! defend Switzerland's neutrality hould Germany forcibly attempt ss the frontier. Prince Rupert Dairy | Phone Green 252 Germany has lost territory Holstein Milk for Babies |'\"\'" {au ball the size of the en specially Bottled i re . rea beg a od Sine . a TESTE CO . 6 | wi ar yekan, Dy 1 Capture of het! ae e . lcolonies. The latest German col An invitation is cordially ex-| .)\.5 to surrender are Kamerun ten to the citizens interested which borders the Gulf of Guinea to inspect the dairy premises ; ~ during the hours of 3:30 and 4:30|'n West Africa, and Coco Beach Wednesdays and Saturdays when|in the Congo region. The Ger- Tate operations are being con-| man colonies now occupied part- ducte ly or wholly by the Allies are: Kaiser Wilhelm’s Laud, area 70,- 000 square miles; Togoland, area GUARANTEED land, 1,000 squave miles; and the American Silk Bismarck Acbipelago, area 20,000 HOSIERY We Want You to Know These Hose GERMAN PLANS AFTER TAKING ANTWERP They stood the test when all others failed. They give ceal foot comfort. They have no seams to rip. They never become loose and baggy as Oct. 10 attempting to analyze the German London, Dispatches the shape is knit in not pressed in. They are GUAR- plan of campaign with Antwerp ANTEED for fineness, for in their hands, declare the Ger- style, for superiority of ma- man purpose is to sweep over teri#i and workmanship, ab- Northern France with the object solutely stainless, and to wear six months without holes or replaced by new pairs free. OUR FREE OFFER To every one sending us 50c to cover’ shipping charges, we will send, sub- ject to duty, absolutely free: Three pairs of our famous AMERICAN SILK HOSE with ‘written GUARANTEE, any color, or Three pairs of our Ladies’ Hose in Black, Tan or White colors, with written GUARANTEE. DON'T DELAY—Offer ex- pires when dealer in your locality is selected. Give color and size desired. international Hosiery Co. 24 Bittner Street Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. of taking possession of the Chan- nel ports, and thus bring the war- fare It here that German newspapérs are of this Nortk- ern Belgian position as a base for nearer England. is said predicting the use operations against England. Scenes of Horror. Of one thing there is no doubt Antwerp suffered terribly from the among bombardment, and the the been heavy. losses ervilian The was not only with its normal than 300,006 population have city crowded, population of more 1836 THe Bann of 1914 BritishNorthAmerica 76 Yeas im Business Capital AND SuRPiUS $7 "86.668. The Convenience of a Joint Account A Joint. Account be opened in the names of two or may more persons. Whichever one can most conveniently reach the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the A. RUSTEM BEY. Turkish ambassador at Washing- ton who will leave the country cash needed. It saves time because he gave out an indis- and trouble. ereet statement in which among other things he eharged America with partiality to Brit- P. MARGETTS, Manager. ain’s Cause. persons, but with other thousands who had sought refuge there on account of the German invasion, All stories cOineide in relating the terrible suffering and mental torture of struggling unfortunpates the these to leave danger zone. Many are said to have been marooned by the destruction of a pontoon bridge over the River Scheldt. While the vast bulk of the refugees are now burdening Holland, thousands later will come to England, where other thousands already are being cared for. Can Detach Forces. Just how been done to Antwerp, particular- much damage has ly to the edifices of histor ical in- terest, it will take some time to ac LL NOLS at 10 P.M. For through Agency All Atlantic TTE 9.5. Prince George Saiis for Vancouver toria and Seattic on Frid, C at 9 A.M. Sails for Anyor and Stewart on Wednesda, at 12 midnight. S.S. Prince John Sails for Masset and Port Clement: Bails for Masset and Naden Harbor « Sails for Queen Charlotte Island posi) Trains leave Prince Rupert for on Wednesdays and Saturday Close connections made at W minipes For points east of Chicag: GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY syst, tiekets and full informat Albert Davidson, General Agent, Pr Vic. Sails for Vaneouver on Oct. 1 THROUGH SERVICE TO THE Fp Stean Teacher of Violin and All Band Instruments A. PESCOTT 462 Eighth Ave. East Phone Green 827 “MARTIN & MCGOWAN LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS Cement, @rice end Tite Werk Estir-ates Furnioned Phone Siue 820 OR. GILMOY, OENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Cosi PHONES ; 36 Office. RESIDENCE it 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT BOAT BUILDER uu. JOUNSTON Beal Cove Phone Green 321 RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineere anc 8. C. Land Surveyors Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric Some of the say that the determine. refugees of Notre damaged, Cathedral badly while others say this is not se. that the Ger- Dame has been All reports agree mans entered the city by way of the suburb of Berchen. With Antwerp taken, the Ger- mans will now be able to detach the considerable force used dur- tng the siege of the cily and transfer these men to their right wing near the Freneh-Belgian frontier, which has been sorely pressed. The moral effeet of the fall of Antwerp is not minimized in England. Pistol at England's Head. The city was called by Napol- eon “a pistol pointing at the heart of The has been one of the England.” seaport long Inost impor- tant of Kurope, resembling the in a selse Mersey. it are Liverpool and River is estimated here that there no fewer than 400,000 Ger. mans in Belgium today. “Tan all fagged out.” “What's the “T've trouble?” been away for six weeks resting.’ Detroit Free Press. oh Seems To Us That You Should - Scoop Y BIZNUSSORm TAKING FIELD | PIECE HAPPENED — SUST BEHIND = THis HILL ~ St., Prince Rupert, B.C. EAAAREAAEAERAREDO REAR E REE 35-PHONE- PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING Harry Hanson The Reliable Plumber Ask about my Patent Pending Hot Water Heater. Floods of Hot Water by means of a coil install- ed in your kitehen range. Fifty- two in use in this city-—#20.00 is the total cost. Absolutely noth- ing if not satisfactory. | = | ne ¥ me 554 P.O.Bex 6p PER HANGING AINTING OLISHING AND ALL TINTING Martin Swanson Second A New Welinga . i | t | ! | | | fevorite Hovsehold Coa! Cleanes,, Brightest, Best WEW WELLINGTON coal 00, Rogers & bert, Agis Becone Aictrue Phone tt9 Phome 174 ox 974 SMITH & FoR PLumnine AND nents M ALLETT t stock Pipe north of ve uver, Crane Valves and fit tings, Pipes cut w order Third Ave.. Head of Second tires Prince Rupert ©. ©. STUART Bcoounan S08 2nd Ave “- Prone i PRINCE AVPERT. & oO Ales. @ Manson, B A W. BE. Williapa, BA. L LE WILLIAMS @ HANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc MONEY TO LOAN Bor .® Helgersop Block vince Rupert, 86 a dra Aveaue Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- | Ottiee corner yn (Suceessors Genera LADYS™! es z i f cone JOHN Contracto: Estimates Give: pies, Printing, Nepetees end While DAE: cara Cariage TH COAL one 03 CURRIE & Bulider ving Buildings Phone Black 294 IMPERIAL MACHINE ‘ie? Repairing Quickly Done OOW BAY NE RED 156 JAMES GILMORE Aro! 2nd Avenur eooeorrrrrnrrrrr: © Phone 87 SAVOY FiIneT CLA Mot and one THE BEST wore. BRITist Drawn for The De s SIR-YOUR PRAYER L BE REY TUL HAVE YOU D' ITH A MEDAL aA R finest brengs Only igare kept prRuDHOMME & FI rietore yQATED ritect sride Stree roccvccsserrny P.O. Box 1704 HOTEL 88 oursIne » unoing weer dome of Liquore os In NORTHERN eo eae