wae eC Are You Sure of Your Baking Powaer ? Do you feel sxtisfied that the baking powder you are usin’ /s absolutely safe and certain ? Have you read ab-! te see if it con- tains alum? Dr. Price’s is free from alum or any doubtful or unwholesc..c ingredient. It is made from Cream oi " iar, derived from grapes, pure and ! iful beyond any question. « Sixty years ihe slundard Dr.i @iSE’S 3. GREAM BAKING °WDER Made from Cream of Tartar No Alum DREADFUL CALAMITY; ? | py ANTWERP MAY BE INTERNED IN HOLLAND. SOURE OF WEAKNESS German Division as Well as Brit- ish Brigade Crosses the 12, The war | according to the Rome, Het, against England, German newspapers received 't Will Mean Vast Extension to. Frontier here, will commence at the end | lines of German De- of October after Antwerp has fones. London, Oct. 12 An undated fallen. Belguim will then be-' ane i come the base of — operations London, Oct. 12.—German talk dispatch received iby |Reynold’s against Great Britain, the news-/about using Antwerp as a naval| Weekly says that, according to Papers ony. They add that Ad~| base and for aerial attacks on! Belgian soldiers, near the Duteh miral yon Tirpitz, the minister of}, ent ak rittl : the navy, whois now at general | "* and makes little impression /frontier, a German division un headquarters with the Kaiser,|i" well-informed circles here.'!wittingly-crossedethe border into has announced that he will go|Any breach of the neutrality of | Holland and has been interned aboard the flagship of the Ger-|the Scheldt waters by Germany i ha man fleet and direct the opera-|would also until Britain's hands, | The Hague, Oct 12.—The tions of the navy. jwith unquestioned advantage to}G ueant gives some details of the ee : 5 i . —— . the power holding the North Sea larrival of 2,000 British and 500] |Moreover, the Zeppelins have|poigian soldiers on PDuteh soil FOR REN | ae been proved to be so vulner- | aftes their departure fron Ant , — to British aircraft attack | werp It says: “The British sol that a German attack on London | ders erosseé into Malan’ bees TWO HOUSES PARK AVE could at best have little more /Gjinge because they were cut of ’ - than spectacular results. What) so the main body and they are | $13,00 Lieutenants, Gollet and Spencer} yjow interned near Koewart. Five ire > o » . . = ] 3R AVENUE ee re et eet, hundwed Belgians also were dis HOUSE. RD other plucky young British air- armed, The men appeared great year : . ena déveaw anton . > ein Near 9th St. Nnen are dager and-ready to em-ip fatigued and some were bad $13,00 ulate elsewhere. wounded. 1 HOUSE STH AVENUE een ae sarah of the “Thirty-six Belgians were 4n- Se ti 6 Se veneer ae, Awerp 'Siterned at Rilland-Bath. About 500 ctio » exte : @er . ° the extension of the German | peigian artillerymen erossed inte $13,00 front, involving the retention in|}yopand near Putten. They were cealiamaaiiis the west of auch 2 vast force as isinarnad at Aseon Among these will make Russia's task in the} ware twenty wounded. Two hut. PATTULLO & RADFORD east all the easier. Moreover, the dada when tetarned of Bavekttt and SECOND AVENUE immediate fate of Antwerp real- Afey at Gas. ‘Thete are no Meures| ly depends on the result of the available of the casualties among battle now proceeding on the line the Germans, Belgians and Brit- from Lassigny to Lens and thelicn put it is thought that they saad operations, in Northern are heavy.” rance. 7 ’ 4 CO THE CRADLE. Authentic information about a etd Ont een ‘Sie football games, either scheduled! * uP , 2 = or postponed, can bethad by call. /8"d Mrs. M. M. Wells, a daughter ——~ jing up Fitz Cigar Store. October 13. tf 1 For Rent COMFORTABLE 4-ROOMED COTTAGE NEAR DRYDOCK 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Carpenters’ Tools Ship Chandlery j} the security, i amy, held by them and to| day, October 17, fr ito 6 p. SASH ne Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle | entitle any Creditor to vote; his claten must : — " . v4 ut A eid SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS , NICE 4-ROOMED FLAT ; Pe o eo | be fled ae the Assignee on or before} at the Catholic Social Hall, Fulton - ER C0 n | tha aie fixed for the meeting of Credit . ’ T NDE — (meee sal snd Fifth slcools. All manner of PRINCE RUPERT LUNE CO alv | AND NOTICE is bereby also given that| ~ » ara » y H BATHROOM a Ammunition the Assignee will on and after the * sinth food things are being provided A. 4 BURROUGHS, Me pent, 06 Hose Paint day of November, 1014, proceed to dis-|by the students for the occasio PRINCE RY , ) ‘ , E ; aston Vat Ave. and MoBride 6. iunert tribute the assets of the said PRINCE Rt vero at - Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron PERT ‘SASH & DOOR GOMPANY, Limit.|ih order to satisfy the most fas PHONE 26 . ques = so among =e apy! canes thereto,|tidious tastes The pretty cos corer “ ” ‘aving regard only to the claims of whieh 7 . ‘ enone rre , WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST he 2 ae pave hed notice and he willi|tumes of the girls will produee oo ” ” table or he as » , APPLY TO eegcreas - =. —~ = thereof so distributed ‘o _ aa Pnes quite an Oriental effect aud visit whos claim he shall not then have hadjors for the time being can well ‘i DATED at Vancouver, B.C., this 6th day| imagine themselves in the gar }Of October, 1914, ¢. R. Naden Co., Lt ° al BOWS K, WEID & WALLBRIDGE, dens of the Mikado, Musie will be l the a eWd JOInInIOn rust Building, Pender Street } ‘se . " ’ roe West, Vancouver, B.C.,, Solicitors for the discout - d dur hg the afternoon | Assignee, Adinissfon 25 cents. 256.240 — ——— wt requifted to send to the Assignee on or be | fore the Oth day of November, \tieulars duly 1914, par verified of their claims and THE DATLY NEWS | CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND. | | $+ LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Local Branch. } ; reviously ac. : - e . ed #1.266.7 ar Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream, know ledgee : 75) ; . 6 6 ] hop Du Vernet 290.00] : \ M. Wright ' 25 00 | Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners Mite 7 : Carpenters’ Union 50.00|P *hone 4 _ - uf. bie - lewish congregation Per N. Scheninman 112 a Have you tried the London epital staff - poate a clean, swell place Per Mrs, Baxter 18.00|The me ine served are the best tn ; . i prices are low 2aatf Canadian Bank of Com- {town om | } * * meree staff 10.00) ® | ' Shirles 5.00; Meorfolk Rooms, Steam heated, - oil i a a. ‘ok hot and cold water. Terms rea roceeds 0 ot « : i lish f thell > an sonable 6th Ave. and Fulton. ngliah othe 10 | | 7, = = Pieres Morris & Oo j Ltd : 00) An easy and vet most effective wf : is wavy to clean your home and furn Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Olay al is aatt § rit whore tl on at ure j all ; ba! 235.297 P. FP. Godenrath 00 | 583 2s es : . Busted : ie 5.00) : ‘ mor . no | { VW Peck came in on the W. §. Fisher 5 oo| George after an official visit to Westenhaver Bros 5.00 | Vietoria > . Par ' & Ward 5.00 . LL. Bulloek-Webster 10.00} We are still selling our Putte Dre. W. T. & I W. Ker idoats and Ome-Piece Dresses at a wir : 16.00| 8reat reduction. Demers 237.8 | 2 . » &.8 iDr: J. P. Cade 00 j v. Bi ° 00| Word has been received here by Sundry amounts { 50) Mrs b. G. Stewart of the death of | ier father, Mi Arthur Tavlor, of Total £4001 961 istowel, Ontario He was well} October 48. 1044 advanced in years C7, HRWARD «fie det Treasurer James Clark starts working out at 730 and Harry Andersen at 8:30 tonight at the Windsor pre - a ‘ ” paratory to their boxing ¢ ands ty The News the evening of the 24th } >: & @ CLASSIFIED ADS. Two cases of the hydro-clectri machinery are reported to have ai arrived last night by the G,. T. P The other passed through Winn FOR RENT I a pee on October 9 and should be POR RENT—Large furnished front room,| here soon The machinery will £12 per month. Apply Box 97, oat be put in place at onee . * * * FOR RENT— New house, four rooms,, near drydock; $23. P.O Box 190, 2134, The Prince Rupert Towing Co., FOR — oo. Se general towing; the new crude oll sechon De . lea. PT] ns : ” * Pinanciers, $15 Second Ave. su.jtne “P.R.T. No. 41." Phone Red FOR KENT—Four-roomed conage on Fra-} 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O. ie hear Sixth Thotias dana’ Rox 96. Agency for the “Avance’ con Bant—stie ek ter Orude Oil Motor 65tf , , 3 . r reoms, stoves electric light. Near o Daily . . . —_ Ave. and Conrad. aoe he ae at for @ comfortable room, come 4 sin —_—]|to the St. Elmo Hotel, 856 Sec FcR SALE ond Avenue, near Eighth Street Newly opened Steam heat and Sa wey poe, “aie: hot and cold water in every room € "i . ; P. 0. Box 190 13tr.) Free baths Rates reasonable |POR SALE — Tracts of Land in mam ; 226tf Valley containing 10 acres g2z0 * e . | per acre. MeUaffrey & Gibbons, 214tf. |©OR SALE.—-Lot 18, Block 46, Section 6; Ine the basketbal ane ast | Perfectly levei and on street grade. ODlY| ,jo})) between the Tiger and the | $650 cash end balance t suit. Soap of ik . | an investment. Must have the money.|(). (.'s the Tigers won a good | Owner, P.O. Box 809, 1030r) ume by 20 to 49 |} POR SALE-—50-H.P. capacity steam boiler * * . and 68-1L.)P. Stationary engine Can be had cheap in excellent order Ap-F M Albert. of the W estholme ply Box 15, Daily News 2200 — Lumber Company, returned to the | WANTED city this morning } | Aa i ae 4° @ | WANTED—Ocneral servant Apply Mrs F. Frank, who has large mi 0.2 — sulte Waldon Apts Mo eett ing interests in the Interior a WANTED --Sanitary coueh complete, and rived this morning on thé Georg wicker rocking ehair, Phone =... * and left by the 10 o'clock train 236-238 >. is | WANTED-—Employment by capable wom-| an. Want home for winter. Will ac- The monthly meeting of the | Daly Nowe eee pet Prinee Rupert Retail Merchants WANTED— Capable housekeeper for amali| Association will be held in’ the | hy. salary — eT ae le Beard of Trade rooms tonight at » 4 ‘ . r Ss . 244 8 o'clock. [waxren. Accountant with 4m men 7. eee ence in general office work wishes » Merre ‘ . | Hanent situation at @ Moderate sa ry. Mr. J. R. Sterrett, of the dry Box 15, Daily News. $270.) dock construction, came in to the WANTED Position in family or any other) city on the fieorge, after spend | work, by woman willing to wee Apply 345 Third Ave 7” ing some time at his home in Se } attle MISCELLANEOUS es «e | MONEY! MONEY! 6 PER CENT — Loans George Honeyman, of the City ee nae is a » Hall staff, accompanied Mr. J. F eral privileges; correspondence, soll Peters en poute to London, BEng c ompan: | Klee seid bidg.. Detver, Col, M708 SS liand, to enlist for active servicer a See | As Mr. Honeyman is paying his NOTICE TO own expenses he deserves grvat NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the re sf } a t Greditors Trust Deeds Act and Amending} PP@ise for tis patriotisn Aets that PRINCE RUPERT SASH & DOOR * » * COMPANY, LIMITED, a body corporate . . |having Its head office at the City of Prince Mr. Peter Black wrote the coun Hupert, to the Province of British Colum . ae vv A ‘ g _ _ lbia has Dy Deed of Assteument. bearing cil asking that a busine licence idate the 22nd day of September, 1914, as-;be granted Car! Johnson free of signed to ALFRED EDWIN PLA MMEK, \Manager of the Trust Departmem of the|COSt On account of the fact that Dominion Trust Company of the City “of ae ne 5 . afor | Vancouver, in. the said Previnee of British Mr John m ha had the misf Columbia, All its personal property, Real/tune of losing his evesight, Mr beiaie, crediin ana efiects which may be . ‘ ‘ k | seized and sold under “execution Black has pllowed free ground | AND NOTICE IS HEREBY also given that) rant to Mr. Johnson for his busi }& meeting of the Creditors of the said | PRINCE RUPERT SASH & DOOR COM.| hess sile @n Reeond avenue and | PANY, LIMITED, will be held at the offices vA nae ae . Se lof the Dominion Trugy Company, in the Seventh street,-where he has a Dominion Trust puilaing Number 402 Pen loiwar stand The request was der Direwt Weal, im tt aid Ully of Van-| : couver, on Friday the 1 day of October, granted | 1914, at 2% O'clock In the afternoon for the dé |}purpose of giving directions for the dis | posal of the Estate HIGH SCHOOL TEA. | AND NOTICE is horehy 0 also given that } Creditors of he said PRINCE RUPERT (ponitiameemase SASH & DOOR COMPANY, LIMITED, are The girls of the High Sehool will hold a Japanese tea on Satur BRITISH COLUMBIA NEEDS of PURE CREAW FOR SALE aT y¢ Builders’ Supplier Plumbers’ Painte Oils Varnishes MONARCH MALLEABLE P.O. DRAWE!I HARDWARE Supplies OO COO EIST EDON ONE T ESTES EES SUCH RENEE ES { GOOD AGENTS WANTED THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY | : Bay, Hazelton, Smithers Prince George. and towns in the interior, Queen Chariott We are open to place an Agency principal towns in the Yukor MORE INDUSTRpg Support tho we ha others will com em ¢ ‘me and produced in oy la it is always fro: een E shelves. 1) t atin a Eastern brand Packed no ” knows how jon: aq — Buy B.C. miLu Use it h the FRESH, NatTury FLAVOR KAIEN HARDWARE COMPany THIRD ANENUE if you are a good man and open fo: Men of character wanted. Adar: KISSICK & EDWARDS DISTHICT AGENTS Prince Rupert, 8.6 RRR ERE REE EEE EEE HEHE ED Sixth Street Té F GROCER’s PHONE ete. Stewart Granby all important islands, and the ory ontract see us . . * * * at fair prices SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EERE EEE EN ERE EERE ER eee Keen High-brade Work Plumbing, - Steamfitng and sheet Western Plumbing Co, ld RRA EEE E HRI REE EeE RHE e Ee metal work THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMIT Sails SS. VENTURE M I Victori: me $5. CHELOHSIN Naas i beattl« I Sails for Port Simpson, for Vancouver, for Vancouver, Granby Bay, Victoria, Agency: American Express, Atlantic Steamers JOHN BARNSLEY, Agen (q POPPE REOOOEO SECOND AVE Jewelry For Autumn Buyes A Fine |Assortment at Moderate Prices Write for our fine stock to our out-of-town buyers. We have ali (he latest styles in gem set finsh, and representing the finest values in | eet with diamonds and other precious and sgn -| THE BIRKS’ JEWELLERS AND SIL! Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director EMPRESS COFFE! F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) Wustrated Catalogue throug! on WEDDING RING is : fashionable design—comfortabie to wea: Henry Birks G Sor eeeceet LUMBER prunoe nurett © represent oo each piece perfect » and gold moutth » stones a very popular and in any weight