1944, c HEALTH IN A Britain to Egyptian Cotton. Washington, Oct. 14 Ket ER Secretary of State La \ an Sir Cecil Spring-lice, the British | rei’ ambassddor, yesterday discussed Healed His the possibility of increasi th ruit-a-tives ” shipments of American cotton to § and Cured Him Kurope, The ambassador threy ! ad some light upon the subject | t , AUG, Sth. 8919» pointing out that the war had| ; ayo, I found m About state, My Kic greatly reduced the demand f it a their work and I [aytton goods, so that the great . mndition. I felt cee od remedy, and {Lancashire factories wer: se tives’ advertised, ling up or running on a reduced m. Their effect, factory scPMe But the principal ob ; id and the result Jin the way of normal imy ected tions of American cotton, he said ty K ned their normal [jay in the obligation upon Grea m af ken upwards os 6 Britain to consume as far as p } I regained my old- os iy, 1 am enjoying sible the Egyptian cotton crop in| es ive ever had”’, order to prevent just such a de B. A, KELLY |pression in Egypt, as now exists| Fruit is the greatest in the southern American states n . the world. Itacts |All of the great German and Au inas well as on Jirian and even French mills are kid ereby soothes and Ay ; d renee, practically close dto the Egyptian . sold by all dealers | Product by the war, he said », trial size asc. receipt of price by ed, Ottawa, pennneeeee eee rince Rupert Feed Co. Grain, Pood Seeds Hay, and mn FEED A SPECIALTY Agents for MINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. orders promptly attended to Third Ave 268 seerecseerereoooerere eeeeree eae eeee LATEST WAR NEWS bulletins sively by The posted im- coming off the following war e, 3rd Ave, Store, 3rd Ste ark's ry Sth and s rner Hotel, 2nd cAlee Cigar Store, ‘indows, 3rd ee eRe CSE eS Steer ceerpeeee NADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Princess Sophia southbound Saturday noon Princess Royal, Southbound Sunday, 8 p.m. Princess May Northbound Monday Noon. 4 @ MONAB, General Agent Fourth Street and Third Ave on the HELP EMPIRE FiRsT. Giving Preference NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. }| Province of British Columbia—Oounty of Atlin. NOTICE 1S HEREBY partnership heretofore us, the undersigned, as Dominion Sheet Metal Works, Plumbers, Furniture Deal- ers, and Second Hand Swre, in the City of Prince Kupert, in the Provinee of Brit ish Columbia, bas this day been disscived by mutual consent All debits owing Ww the said partnership are to be paid to Wil frid Gratton, at Vrince HKupert aforesaid, and all claims against the said partner- ship are to be presented to the said Wil- frid Gratton, by whom the same will be settled DATED at Prince rat f. B. C., this 2ist day of September, . 1044 FRANK BROCHU W. GRATTON Irving N. Linneli. OIVEN that the subsisting between Witness Certificate of improvements. ili Chance It Fraction, and Biack Bear Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Min ing Division of Cassiar District. Where located:—I'll Chance it Fraction located between the “Lilly Bertha’ snd “Aldebaran” Mineral Claims near head of Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, and “Biack Be Mineral Claim, located one mile, » or less, from the forthwest point of t head of Alice Arm, a branch of Ob- servatory Inlet, TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salina, Free Miner's Certificate No. 80313B., intend, Sixty days"from the date hereof to ply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of improvements, for the purpose of ob wining a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be fore t@e issue of such Certificate of Im AD. PEDRO SALINAS provements Dated this 2ist day of September, ivia Certificate of Improvements. Aldebaran Mineral Ciaim, situate in the Sheges Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- ric Where located About three-quarters }-4) of & mile, more or fess, from the horthwest point of the head of Alice Arm and adjoining the Black Bear Mineral claim southwest, TAKE NOTICE that I agent for Wiiltam J. Vaughan, Free _ ers Certificate No. 81545B., and for self, Free Miner's Certificate No $0313! intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for & Certificate of Improvements, for the pur- pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim: And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- provement, we this 2ist day of September, A.D. i9id. PEDRO SALINAS. Pedro Salinas, as PRINCE RUPERT BOAT Boats and Launches for hire. Gasoline for sale PHONE RED 391 Nerth End of Manson Way PRL. Vintners Association WINDSOS HOTEL Of Piret ave sod Bighth St W. Hh Wright, Prop. WOTEL CENTRAL Avenue « st Buropean ana can Plan Peter Black, Prop — seventh Amer NOX HOTEL Ave » Between Els tity aod Ninth se to 61.00 YD. Casley SMPRESS HOTEL ) Sith end ROYAL Hore, Cormey 4 h Thira Ave ee vr Sleam Meated Rup tRT IMPORTING Go, Cimires " Fraser ma gs Phone » Prone “errrroes FERRER EEE EEE EEE EERE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO. 1. @ox 125th St. and rd Ave. Box 136th St. and Srd Ave. Box 14-—-sth St and 3rd Ave. Box Fipedeneten of ist, 2nd and Sra Aves. Qex 16151 Ave., between 8th and $m Sts, (Knox Hotel.) Bou 17-—tet Ave. apd 7th St. (Cen tral Hotel.) CIRCUIT NO. 2. Box 22--8rd Ave. and Sra St. (Post OMee.) Box 28--Srd Ave. and McBride 5t. Box 24-—ist Ave, and McBride St, Box 25-2nd Ave. and end St Box 26nd Ave. and Oth St Box 27.0. ¥, P. CIRCUIT NO. 3. ten Box 815th Ave. and Fulton St Box 82-—Borden and Taylor 56 Gox 347th Ave. and Pulton at Box 85-01 Ave. and Comox Ave @ox 378th Ave. and Dodge PI Box 36— 6th Ave. and Thompson 54. ommoUIT NO. 4 Box 444th Ave. and Emmerson Pi Bos 425th Ave. and Mebride 5 Box 485th Ave. and Green St Box 440th Ave and Basil 5 Box 45-—-7th Ave, and Eerie Box 14%—-7th Ave. and Yong 5 kt bike ee | | | THE DATLY NEWS RHPUPLIQUE FRANGAIBR ~ — COUVERNEMENT MILITAIRE DE PARIS PREFECTURE: DE POLICE i | ——- | SAUF-CONDUIT “ ered Pour les personnes voyagoant en chemin de fer, em Fes ad A PRESS CORRESPONDE NT’S FRENCH PASSPORT. respondent on the Continent, wanted to go from Liile but before he could make the trip a passport, of whieh is shown a well known Canadian jo urnialist, couver World at one time, and bles were widely published in ( A Cor Bou! ogrne, to secure to was compelled Mr. Hill having edited the Van- the Ulster trou- a Copy above is his stories of fanada, PRINCE RUPERT HALIBUT SUPPLIES EASTERN MARKETS FIRST SHIPMENT FROM RUPERT TO TORONTO GIVES THIS GOOD ADVERTISING—COMMEND USE OF HALIBUT TO THE PEOPLE. The following from the Toronto|world has been developed. For Globe will be read with interest: | many years, not only in winter “The announcement that the lbut at others seasons, the East- first car of halibut from Prinee! Rupert ovef the Géand Trunk Pa- ern States and Eastern Canada cific has reached Toronto recalls|"®Ve been drawing from these one of the most remarkable de-| Waters a large part of their sup- velopments of the fishing indus-! ply of halibut. Hitherto the €, P. try on this continent, Halibut has |p has had a monopoly of the bus- long been one of Boston's favor-|jness, the fishing tugs making ite foods. In the poems of Long-|their headquarters in Vancouver fellow, the essays of Emerson,|/and steaming to and from the the Breakfast Table philosophy of | qshing grounds through the inte- Oliver Wendell Holmes, and the] pjor channels between Vancouver romances of Hawthorne—were We |[siand and the mainland. Now able to analyze them and resolve |the G. T. P.. with its more north- them into their Original chemical|erly terminus, begins to compete contents—we should doubtless} for the halibut trade. find much of the halibut that con- “The great Pacifle fisheries of stitutes so important an item of|the Domini should be used to the diet of Athenians of Amefica.}the utmost to supply the people It was with difficulty the supply}on the plains with cheap and of halibut was maintainéd in-Win-| wholesome fish food. Cities like ter, for on the banks of New-|edmonton, Calgary, Regina and foundiand wild storms rage for) Winnipeg should be encouraged long periods, by cheap and regular supplies to “To lessen the toll of life which |aequire the halibut habit. Some has to be paid for Boston’s win-jday, if a tish diet becomes as ter supply of fresh fish the New]popular on the plains as it is in England Fish Company looked|New England, our Longfellows around for a winter fishingjand Emersons and Hawthornes ground less open to storms than}|may come out of the West. The the Atlantic. The search led} wise men of the Bast were all very away up the North Pacifie to the] well in their way, but may we not vicinity of the Queen Charlotte} hope for great things from a com. Islands. There what is probably|bination of No. 1 hard and Queen the finest halibut fishery in the|Charlotte Island halibut?” 1836 THe Bank ofr 1914 BritishNorthAmerica CORSETS MADE TO MEASURE Corsets that ladies can absolutey TS Years im Business rely wu Sor Gren and extre stout ures erate prices. CapiTal AND SuRPiUS $7, "86,66€ ‘All ti de of repaire neatly —— MRS. S. LANDO 719 Second Ave Phone 477 The Convenience of a nearly two miles nearer the city | than his residence He wished to | place the guns out of the way ofl his children at home, he said Arriving at the garage lhe eft | his ear in the charge of the chauffeur, Henry Vanderbel, standing on the pavement He | dull report a few come Joint Account A Joint Account may be opened in the names of two or more persons. Whichever one can most conveniently reach the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the cash needed, It saves time and trouble. P. MARGETTS, Manager. Chartered Accountant P. ROBERTSON Audite, taveptigations, ae Lieu Smilin Bivek, Brd Ave., *rince Rupert, &. O VANOUVER BUSINESS MAN ACCIDENTALLY SHOT After Returning From Hunting Trip Gun Was Discharged in Putting It Away. Vaneouver and part of British Columbia wa shocked by the trae R. Arnold, the Dominion indeed a larg ie death of W managing Trust Co the accidental shooting gun. The death of Mr Monday o'clock at his garage direetor f thr gh of his Arno morning ld oeeu at 10 15] at the cor Avenue red ner of Cartier Edward lived King | Mr Arnold Lats last shooting and Avenue Kerrisdale week he had been on a in FOR A KITGHEN CHEERY AND BRIGHT THE FF DALLEY CO. LIMITED, HAMILTON, CAN. BUFFALO, N.Y. expedition with Mr. Gibson, a friend, and Monday morning an nounced his intention of bring- ing the guns, tent and other ap- paratus to his garage, which | in is himself carried the gun and tent! ; into the garage. A. Brayley, A-moment later a gardener, heard al and from a distance of feet hurried to the garage Mr ment Arnold was lying on the the tents of one barrel having pierced ce. | floor, quite dead, cone | his heart. How the gun had be- discharged was not appa- An investigation was made Sergeant Point Grey police. rent. by Chief Simpson and Walker, of the Mr. Arnold two young sons. and He was highly leaves a wife respected and quite wealthy and the of the Dominion Trust Company has made an en- as head record. He has for more than He has a‘brother, viable business lived in Vancouver a dozen years Mr. ¢ Arnold, a barrister. Two other brothers and mother also | live in Vancouver. The deceased} was about 35 years old. a PEREERERER ER EEE EEE oeeee 75~PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO {FOR A TAXI: : : “Sunlight is the Miner’s Joy” "S no dirt too stiff to yield to the gentle strength of Sunlight Soap. “The wise ones” know that Sunlight does the work easiest, with the least rub and none of the wear and tear on clothes that follow the use of harsh soaps. Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure—it’s the best general purpose soap you can buy. unlight Soa All grocers sell and recommend it RARER A Real Lever Simuiation OLD WATCH FREE. =t is A. E. Rand, President. J. 8. Pearce, Manager THE PRINCE RUPERT SASH AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD. Manufacturers Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scroll and Band Sawing, and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. tures, House Finish a Specialty, Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Hays Cove Circle Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 Prince Rupert, B, C. —- - * { FEAR IRI TRRRTAITOT TIA IIAIT A IIA I A IAI 2 —~_?*> THE SS == SSS Se SSS SS N EW The Daily News goes into nearly every home in, Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the olty because it is clean and reliable. It has all is the news of the city, and keeps in toueh with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- care bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- { SANE mism and reliability. j The Daily News is the most valuable paper to SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public. IMPARTIAL It has a bigger cireulation than any other paper in the vity It is read by the class of people the INDEPENOENT advertisers want to talk to. INTELLIGENT . centennial —TEz——____—_ * RARAATRARAAAAARARR AERA RARER KA AERA AR AA AR ARERR ARR REE EEE