~ WANTED—Accountant “The Daily News’ CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT ron RENT Well furnished bedroom and sitting room suitable for two, Bath and phone Board if desired, Close in, Box 22, Daily News. 25a. rOR RENT—New house, four rooms,, near drydock; $23, P. O| Box 190, 2130. FOR RENT — Six rooms and bathroom; Section Six; 26.50. Prince Rupert Financiers, 315 Second Ave. 213i. VOR RENT—-Pour-roomed cottage on Fra $15.00 per month. ser St, near Sixth Thomas McCly- mont 232 FOR RENT—New house, four rooms, stoves electric light. Near drydock, Kighth Ave. and Conrad. Box 15 raat News. 226-9b9-2 FOR SALE POR SALE Stanley Piano slightly used; #250.00 cash Phone 427 2390-244 FOR SALE—Parlor stove complete open front]? price $5.00. Lnquire Peck’s Shoe} Store. 239 FOR SALE—New house, Section 7, $100 cash and §20 & month; total $1 4,180. ’ 213tf.) Dowling’s, P. O. Box 190, FOR SALE — Tracts of Land in Valley containin, 10 acres each, $20 per acre. McCaffrey & Gibbons, 214tf. FOR SALE—50-H.P. capacity steam boiler and 8-H.P, stationary engine. Can be had cheap. In excellent order. ply Box 15, Daily News. WANTED 2200. both good cooks, will WANTED—Man and wife, want position; hotel or restaurant; go anywhere Box 101, Daily News 239-244 capable wom- ome for Nie ¥ % ply Box , 216-tf. WANTED—Employment by an, Want cept reasonable wages. Dally News. WANTED—Capable housekeeper for small family; give full particulars as to abil- ity, salary, etc, -Box 21, Daily News. 234-239 with long experi- ence in general ofMce work wishes per- manent situation at a moderate vi Box 15, Daily News. 2270. MISCELLANEOUS MONEY! MONEY! 6°PER CENT — Loans may be obtained for any purpose on acceptable Real Estate security; lib- — privileges; correspondence solicit- A. ©. Agency Company, 758 Gas, Elcctric Bidg., Denver, Col. Lost LOST—A sum of money rolled up in brown wrapping paper, between Church of England steps and Fifth Avenue. Re- ward.’ Apply Dat iy News. 38-240 DOMINION Undertakers and Embalmers FUNERAL DIRECTORS Supplies Caskets and Undertakers’ at Wholesale Prices Phone 41 a Specialty ALLETT, Manager. Terms Re ———.: onpone FOR RENT TWO HOUSES, PARK AVE $13,00 1 HOUSE. 3RD AVENUE . Near 9th St. $13,00 1 HOUSE. 8TH AVENUE Section 6 $13,00 PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE | Daughters Ap- | sjery For Rent COMFORTABLE 4-ROOMED COTTAGE NEAR DRYDOCK NICE 4-ROOMED FLAT WITH BATHROOM APPLY TO R. Naden Co., Ltd. 324 SECOND AVENUE | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Try Smith & Killas’ » = ©¢ ice cream. Cleaners. tf. Pantorium Pioneer Phone 4. ue © Have you tried the London Cafe. It's a clean, swell place. The meals served are the best in town and prices are low. 2s3atf eS Band practice in McIntyre Hall tonight at 8 o'clock. * * + Norfolk Rooms, Steam heated, hot and cold water. Terms rea- sonable. 6th Ave. and Fulton, se = Shipments of Fresh Edmon- ton Creamery Butter now arriy- 10 cents the pound 238.240 ing constantly, at Frizzell’s. * * > Mrs. it ived Tippins, of Smithers, in town last ar- night by the G. T. P. She is a guest at Mrs. Fifth Avenue. so‘ «6 Are you keeping clear the eyen- ing of the twenty-third for the of the Empire ball? Tickets at rme’s Drug Store. = 3S Mrs Barnewell re- turned to the city last evening after an extended visit of seven months with friends in the Fast. a The Prince Rupert Towing Co., general towing; the new crude oil tig “P.R.T. No. 1." Phone Red 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O. Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” Crude Oil Motor. 165tf 8 2 Gorden F. For a comfortable room, come to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- ond Avenue, near Eighth Street. Newly opened. Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. Free baths. Rates reasonable. eS If you eannot afford a perma- nent bookkeeper, let me handle your accounts for a reasonable figure. Clyde H. A. Rogers, Phone 116. 238-244 Mrs. P. R. Harris returned last evening from a visit of a few weeks’ duration to Smithers. She will leave shortly for Portland, where Mr. Harris will join her later. * * oa The traffic be the new railway increasing with ev- train. Last pight ten cars came in, carrying a full load of passengers and a large amount of freight. . on seems to 2:9 Mr. I. A. Mahon, of the Canada Bridge Company, came in on yves- terday’s train. The company has still a number of trestles and bridges to complete or make per- manent. The company expects to be through by the first of the year. * *¢ It is reported that the National Transcontinental an&® Grand Trunk Pacifie will be opened from coast to coast early next month. The Quebee bridge is not yet com- pleted but a car ferry service will be put in for the present. o * - Mr. Benjamin Blackwood, of Prince George, came in on last night's train and went south by the George. Mr. Blackwood is heavily interested in Rupert as well as Prince George real estate Se For a short time last night the wind went back to its old tricks and ripped up and down town with considerable fury. It only lasted for a short time, however, and no damage of any importance is reported. > - ~ Mr. D. MeLeod, Welch & Stewart, evening's train, New Hazelton of Foley came in on last the ‘branch at having closed down. Mr. MeLeod will leave on Saturday for Vancouver, where he will reside for the present, a ee The old colonist car which served the pioneer days of Prince Rupertawill go on the shelf as far the first-class traffic as is con- cerned A brand new diner ar- rived last evening to take its place and hereafter travelers out of Rupert will have as luxuriant accommodations as on any road on the continent. Who says we aren't grown up? oe @ 2 There was no Eastern mail on jlast evening's train, although | Wednesday's train took Rupert | imail eastward, It is presumed F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR THE DAILY NEWS. CANINE MEMBER OF THE FRENC HRED CROSS. Sterratt PROF. ALEXANDER AGAIN DELIGHTS LARGE AUDIENCE Prof. last Ale night to a In his own inimitable again lectured filled house, he de. human xandér well style of a most inter seribed various types nature, and dealt in esting and instructive fashion with the different temperaments On the question of education he ridiculed the present method of cramming children’s heads with a mass of information and adyocat- ed a plan of developing of the. child along sane lines which would pro- the mind and body equally duce a healthy mind in a strong, healthy body. The protessor’s examination of the “bumps” of four loeal gentle men produced the usual ment, and good-natured from the victims merri- smiles HIGH SCHOOL TEA. The girls of the High School will hold a Japanese tea on Satur- day, October 17, trom 3 to 6 p.m., at the Catholic Social Hall, Fulton and Fifth streets. All manner of good things are being provided by the students for the occasion in order to satisfy the most fas- tidious tastes. The pretty cos- tumes of the girls will produce Authentic Salvation Army. Publie meetings, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m Sundays at 7:30 p.m. information © about football games, either schedules or postponed, can be had by eall ing up Fitz Cigar Store. t Shipments of Fresh Edmon- ton Creamery Butter now arriv- ing constantly, 40 cents the pouns at Frizzell’s 238.24 Tuesday, IT’S BRITAIN’S TASK "TO CRUSH THE ENEMY France ts Doing Well, but Can- ada’s Troops Will All Be Required. { London, Oct, 15 “Will our 'men wet a chance?” This insist ent question is asked whenever |} Canadians foregather in London The answer which the Daily Tele graph makes to a similar ques tion of Kitehener’s new army also lapplies to Canadians j It says rhe French are fiehting nobly in defenee of their soil, but the power of their armies to assume a more serious offen BRITISH COLUMBIA NED eg Support tho we others will com, oat and produced in oy moves it is always f; the greg . shelves. tt ; ere Eastern bra eb ae % knows how |x one Buy B.C. m COAUSE It he the FRESH, NATURAL FLAVOR of PURE CREAN FOR SALE Ar YOUR GROCER's ——l KAIEN HARDWARE C0 OMPANY | THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWE! NE X 9 Builders’ Supplies Bis Plumbers’ Supplies wr ate Chang = HARDWARE == Oils U . ges Varnishes —_ MONARCH MALLEABL a oo