per 7, 1044. WORLD'S ‘SAYS CHURCHILL IS INCOMPETENT THE DAILY NEWS GERMANS HATE ENLISH > A True Tonic fs one that assists Nature. Regular and natural action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels will keep you well and fit,andthisaction ispromoted by BEECHAMS PILLS ph aged ay model as World. 25 cents TOWN IS BURNED DOWN Business Portion of trondale, in Washington, Destroyed by Fire. Port Townsend, Wash., Oct. 1 The business portion of ron dale, near this place, was destroy ed by fire today, causing a loss estimated at $75,000 Many of the buildings were unoccupied, the town having become almost deserted when the Western Stee Corporation, which was building a big steel plant there, went into bankruptey three The steel plant is being dismantled and the machinery shipped t other plant at Seattle. The years ago an fire started in C. H. Spurrel’s genera! merchandise store and spread rapidly until all business build The by ings in the town were burned heaviest were sulfered the Irondale Mercantile Company and the Washington Hotel, the atter being the only brick build- ing in the town. losses NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Province of British Columbie—County of Atlin. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, as Dominion Sheet Metal Works, Plumbers, Furniture Deai- ers, and Second Hand Store, in the City of Prinee Rupert, in the Province of Brit- ish Columbia, has this day been dissoived by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to Wii frid Gratton, at Prince Rupert aforesaid, and all claims against the said partner ship are to be presented to the said Wil- frid Gratton, by whom the same will be settied DATED at Prince Ruy ms B. C., this 2ist day of September, A. D Ola. FIANK beeen. TTON. w Witness: Irving N iianell CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Princess Sophia southbound Saturday noon Princess Royal, Southbound Sunday, 8 p.m. Princess May Northbound Monday Noon. 4. @. MoNAB, General Agent Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave fou A Real Lever Simulation LOD WATGH FREE. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANEMUP DRAWER 1524 Tinware HARDWARE =. MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ P.O. PHONE No. 8 ullders’ Supplier Vlumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Giaes Mirrors Stoves, Ranges * Stay Sutisfactory Range.’’ THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED | §.S. VENTURE Sails for Port Simpson, Mii! Bay, Naas River, Thursdays, for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, every Friday, 4 p.m. 5.5. CHELOHSIN Sails for Granby Bay, Naas River, Sunday midnight; for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Every Tuesday at 9 p:m. Agency: American Express, Atiantic Steamers PHONE 668 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. LUMBER SHINGL®:, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager tat Ave. and McBride st. PHONE 26 f-brade Wor at fair prices PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Branch Yard at Smithers prrrrrrrrorrecoorrerrr rors —- / SAREE EREE EEE RE Plumbing steamfitting Wester Pe Plumbing Co., Ld WAAR AIA IIIA IAI: HRA EMME S 3 weer ewrewesr FOR A KITCHEN CHEERY AND ‘BRIGHT THE FF DALLEY CO. LIMITED, HAMILTON, CAN. SUPFALOC, N.Y . Rand, President. J. 8, Pearce, Manager "THE PRINCE RUPERT SASH AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD. Manufacturers Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scroll and Band Sawing, and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. tures, House Finish a Specialty, Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Hays Cove Circle Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 Prince Rupert, B, C, PIR RRR RRO RIOR RR RI I RR ROR ROT TTT TO Severe Criticism of First Lord MORE THAN ALL HER ENEMIES i Growing Out of the Ant. werp Affair oe ae KRUPPS TURNING OUT auns wiTH ITH RANGE OF TWENTY-FIVE © London, Oet. 16 hie MILES—MAY BE USED TO SHOOT ACROSS THE ineen growing evidence E a L. ast 3 al . EB dissatisfaction at the | \insterdam, Oet. 16.—Reports;holds another five or six army ability to do more in the war | current in Berlin that thejecorps of ablebodied young men ruit-a- tives’ ' Have Proved found expression Tur Krupp have completed somelattached either to the first or see- , . r Poat ‘ cir Value in Thousands of |/ilter morning ! atta / rmously heavy guns of a cali-jond reserve or to the landsturm. ~ a ; " Cases Winston Churchill and range never before at-|'The same proportionately may be marines and nava npled and that a large fleet of}said of all the German cities, By- Antwerp. The Post «i pelin being .@ 4 ‘leryehers I j ppeli is being collected near | erywhere was struck by the ONDERF UL RECORD OF A assistance was inadeq el awaiting a favorable oppor-|boundless enthusiasm for war. . FUL CURE came too late, and er ail for England, ac- Censorship Rigid. WONDER | Hetsian > etomggalal ving to the statement of a “It is true,” he continued, “that si hopeless defence i I h newspaperman who has;all the news is subjected to a sé- Mr. Ghurehill for using { ‘ elurned from Berlin to Am-|vere censorship and therefore the ly Remedy That Acts On All Three tion of civil authority to; : . ‘ble For The an \n artillery officer as-|people do not know other than The Organs Responsible Fo ltactical and strategic fa: } . ; Acid In The Blood th ed this correspondent that the}they are winning all along the ( cid In > . . . eaten unwilling expert nent Krupp guns have a range of}line. Some more sober minds in al ” ~aerii¢ : et ‘ ses Cet | tliat! his colleagu nt Hein enty-tive miles and prob-| Germany admit that they will get realize Ta ne Ui, . e . j ' great elimina jaud definitely tell him tha ul are destined for use at some thard knoeks sometimes and some- from the body account must military and navalleha j in the event the Ger-|where, but they have no doubt Skin rids the ‘rat be © | ; r waste matter) [| CPEerations be conducted ai-} mat i get a foothold there.|Germany will win. ; M oo ao a jreeted by him, | that the aeroplane | The prevalent opinion is that ive ac ane ay ne t be the fault of Phe Post's criticism are | fact Germany are working |in view of the amount of German : due to faulty treated seriously here Mr. ida ii ight supplying ma-!blood spilled in Belgium that nstipation of the |, huschii | shurehill is known to have vi line ind that 200 aviators are|country inevitably will cease to ited Antwerp recently and the de-| qualifs lor military service | exist except as a part of the Ger- cures weak, sore, | b#lls related by the returning ma-fevery wee man Empire. Holland is regard + anke . . - a ‘ " i (Sa rine and yoluntee: low oul Ad.nire and Hate English. om as a negligible quantity and it opens the bowels men were in insullicient numbe The bnogiish are more hated/is taken for granted that the low E ind stimulates and wer insulliciently backed|than either the French or Rus-|countries will of their own aec- ‘ kin P with proper artillery, have caused |sian he said. “The Germanstcord become one of the German d by ooo big surprise Phe big naval guns|would rather capture one “Eng- | bundestaaten. . t $2.5 trial size, Sd postpaid on receipt |“id not arrive until too late, and}lishman than twenty of the| Need Every Availabie Man. t-a-tives Limited, |were unmounted other in Germany, England is} “While it is true that there wa The British press is rapidly|blamed for it, rightly or wrong-|have been many commercial fail- i ——«lreaching the conclusion that the }ly She is accused of being at’ures, business is going on as - policy of non-criticism of the au-}the bottom of this war. Neither! usual, and in Berlin there are few ree i thorities is mistaken Lhe pressjofiicers nor men of the German) unemployed. Food is cheap and e Rupert Feed Co. has allowed itself lo be muzzled,|army seem to have much regardiplentiful, and it is asserted that . . } almost without protest, and eriti-}for the British army as a fighting there is sufficient stock on hand ‘ist as ae & o ' . Feed cism has been vigorously S4P-lmachine, but they freely admire |for at least three years. So far Hay, Grain, Fee pressed Poday, however, The ae te ize. Ge ; fer 4 Dime while wholly disagreeing the pluek of the British officers 45 can judge, “ermany is taf anc Seeds | » : Be 7e . sing . ne’ ¢ . lwith The Post's attitude towards |@u¢ the rapid range finding abili- from being ‘on the knee’ and we on Ieee. Gl bint : ’ ¢ Britiet tillers will need every available man to , ‘ i i é = ‘x. m=O ar e KEN FEED A SPECIAL’ ! surehill, applauds it for ex les ¢ ritish arti ; down an enemy who is so deter- Agents for pre —. its opinion so — Judging from what IT saw if;mined and whose enthusiasm n lis present position, MI Berlin. that city » Pang > i ; i at this moment borders on fanaticism. OMINION NURSERY & Churchill,” says Mr. Kichard Jebb ORCHARDS CO. who calls for the recall of Mr i orders promotly attended to Churehill, “is more of an anxiety jto his own countrymen than to ANTWERP MUST PAY grip on the country around the —— the enemy He ought to be re icity by taking hostages in each ee ee ee ae A HEAVY INDEMNITY viticce ana sunurd and issuing age ane 5 D ¢€ ss _ Third Ave Phone Black 268 jlessional officer corresponding to OPOPOROCROPOCOEEAEEE |.) Kitchener or else by a poli : ee stringent rules of behavior, with | bie ian wh would know how t Prociamation Issued Invitnig AM jeaih the penalty if these rules kee] hi piace and leave tite Refugees to Return to are broken. | strate conthat the war ¢ Their Homes. steer ee eeeee ee a ee a The Germans lost heavily in | professionals. . . ‘ } sit The be j . *) London, Oet. 15 rhe London taking the city. 1e Dandsmen i LATEST WAR NEWS *) Daily Chronicle publishes the fol-|deseribe the effect of the great * Beremente ‘ef tmpeovemente lowing from its Amsterdam cof-;German siege guns as terrible bulletins * rll Chance It Fraction, and Biack Bear ; : Si , : Mineral Clauns, situate in the Skeens MiIN- | cos pondent: and say Antwerp suffered terri- ely by The #) & Division of Cassiar District. : : . Where located:—I'll Chance it Fraction Antwerp has now a German) bly rhe British marines, they posted im- *}jocated between the “Lilly Bertha” and ' a chance t ming off #|“Aldebaran” Mineral Claums near head of | government Baro Von Der declare, did not get a chance to 4 Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, and “Biack : ») tle ‘ thief following ®| bear’ Minerai Claim, located one mile,| Schuster has been appointed mil-|do much, as the battle was chief- more or leas, [rom the norlirwest point of i . ia . The Lon */ ine nead of Alice Arm, a branch of Ob-jitary governor. ly an artillery duel. Phe Ger- Sr #* | servatory iniet . oP aceprate ¢£ = ‘an © tASE NOTICE that |, Pedro Salina, Free It is reported that a war tax cf/men's fire was very aceurate and Store, ore Miners Certificate Nx S0313B., miend, } ‘reec » shri , as ome 3 arene Mo. Sretee.. —s 20,000,000 pounds is to be levied | the sereech the shrapnel wa t the Mining Kecorder for 4 Certificate lnerve racking S Sth and #/of improvements, for the purpose of ob-|(l) the city. we ‘ Jrown mt of the above claim. "The ary , ” f : #/""And further take notice’ that ection,| When the Germans took pos rhe German guns,” said one lotel, 2nd # fore tbe inoue ct "euch “Coruilcate of = session of the city they issued an/of the bandsmen, “were Suppers @ |. Dated this gist day of September a.p.|V!licial proclamation inviting tine | bo those of the Relginas. We had e Yt eae PEDRO SALINAS citizens of Antwerp to return|to escape on Thursday or we * without delay. A promise was/would not have got away at all, * wiven that their property would|Our losses were not consider- 1 Stor Certificate of tm te. ls »* . a > Aldebaran Mineral Cian, situate in the}be respeeted and that no harm | able oud a pieces Mining Division of Cassiar Dis would be done them if they dis-| dows, 3re we locate or ° | * (asap at Men aaa a ay played a proper attitude toward | . horthwest point of the bead of Alice Arm . . ‘ . | ee + + ee ee lang adjoining the Black Bear Mineral claim| tie German troops. on the southwest 8 aa . orme a TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salinas, as| !t is stated that the German sol- | agent for William J Vaughan, Free Min re . . ‘ aster ' »| — Jers Certificate No. 81545B., end for lic are active in mastering the self, Free Miner's Certificate No 80313B., “as , which are al- intend, sixty days from the date hereof, lire in Antwerp, v ch are a | vecccooooooooooor |) apply tw the Mining Recorder for @) py at subdued Only public | Certificate of Improvements, for the pur z ' pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the/},p,ijdings were damaged No} | 1 | Above claim j } ' And further take notice that action,) prominent church was struck by| ’ under section 85, must be commenced be ‘ | fore t issue of such Certificate of Im-jq shel rhe Germans graeed in} provements | Dated this 2ist day of September, A.D.|/(he terms of capitulation not | ei4 SPR | ED SALINAS not to disarm the civie guards or| PRL. Vintners Asseciahen a oe re : ” = === make prisoners of maies rae >» ages oO i 30 years. It WINDSOR MOTEL eee [tlle ages of TS and JO yy r Of First 4 is rumored, says another dis- Y* and Bighth st FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ll be W. Wright, Prop pateh here that Antwerp wi " ie " " obliged to pay a large indemnity. HOTEL OfWTRAL GROUET HO. +. Two German officers arrived at | Avenue eve @ox 12--5th St and Sra Ave seventh S41 , : vesterday afternoon in a Move ANd American Plan Box 13-——6ih St. and Sra Ave Putten yes . Peer Bleck Prop Box 148th St. and Sra Ave motor boat flying a white fag. i Gox 16.-Junction of ist, 2nd end rhey called upon the command. | --- grad Aves BNOX KoTE: Box 16-—ist Ave., between 8th and ant of the Duteh frontier troops | 1N8., Betwoe and Ninth Oth Ste. (Knox Hotel.) and toid him that Antwerp was in| au @o« 17-——iat Ave. and 7th St. (Cen | RG. “oe s0e to 61.00 tral Hotel.) Gevman possession and asked} GENERAL VON AUFFENBU ‘ wh P i¢) ‘ . af trian army a Beanes Pr fim to urge refugees to return to |Commander of the Austrian ¢ 3 a bate CIRCUIT NO. 2. Sliheir homes. ‘Thousands imme in Galicia, whieh has been bad- Gcx 22 ard Ave and Sra BF elr HO sUUBE ' | Tt Noches ter ‘ * sly bes i : } ly beaten by the Russians. This . D. Gasiey (Post OMiee,) diately beman to do s« PRESS KoOTE, @ox 28—3rd Ave. and MeBrivie St With their usual thoroughness,| general is now reported ill with 1 AYO, Beiw Box O6—t4t Avo. suv Mewride St the Germans have tightened their cholera, Seventh : ‘hand Box 220" ave. and end St | rT Pian Box 26 200 Ave. and 6th St & *) Per Day Ge, 27.0, 1. P _ ” - CIROUIT NO. & OVAL MOTE ‘ Cortey 4 Box St 5ih Ave. and Fulton St Thi Burge » Box 82—-Korden and Taylor Sts ma Ave st @ox 84—-jta Ave. and Fulton St Plan sieam oi Box @5—vth Ave. and Comox Ave ened @ox S7..2th Ave. ead bvawe V! WP Wioicea:, — Box 886th Ave. and Thompson St iMtaen OP 00. Secon omoUIT NO. 4 , _ & Ti Box 444th Ave. and Emmerson | hous ¥ Pl * : Geox 425th Ave. and Meliride > : huPeny ‘PORTING Go, Box 48-41h Ave. and Green > * LiMiTED . Box 44—-6th Ave and Basil 5! 4 ew | 7 mer ay Box 467th Ave. and Bherte * Pion i Box 141.7 Ave. and Ywne * wit trcccccecseast ee bebhtndwirbtweeeeoad anne | NEWSPAPER a for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the oily because it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics fnteresting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the wvity. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. DAILY NEWS — ~~ RARAAAARAAR ARERR ARERR ARR RRR ARR RA ARR ARRRRR RR