©=|_THE DAILY NEWS [ss ERMANS HAVE AGAIN EVACUATED CITY OF LILLE HE ENEMY HAVE BEEN DRIVEN BACK OVER THIRTY MILES IN THE LAST FEW DAYS ERMANY EVACUATES LILLE pe BHTIEVED THAT GERMANS WILL SUCCESS FOLLOWS THE FLAG | 4 a ope SOON HE DRIVEN FROM FRANCE RAMAN RIGHT IN EXTREME. DANGER — BELIEVED THEY ALLIES MAKING STRENUOUS EFFORTS TO BREAK GERMAN CANNOT HOLD OSTEND—RUSSIANS DEFEATED THE CENTRE — WOULD PUT VON KLUCK IN A GERMANS AT VISTULA RIVER. DANGEROUS POSITION. yecial to 1ne Dally News—%2 Noon) jin Franee and Be (Special to The Daily News.) that the Germans eannot long re- 19,—-A dispateh to} regarded as more hopeful than tjordeaux, Oet. 17.— (Saturday | sist the combined pressure of the iys that Lille has |g} 5 p. m. Spesial. A correspon-|Allies and will be foreed to the Germans dent of The Times states that the} weaken their center, thus reliev- Che evaeua- general impression which pre-|ing Soissons and Rheims. This cessary by the vails isMhat we are on the eve of) will endager Von Kilueck, who is ly the liberation of the Freneh soil|in jeopardy especially because ‘ of the invaders. It-is believed|snow is falling on the Ardennes. izium today isi any period since the Gerwan advance on Paris was checked Reports from various sources indicate that the Allies are em of Laventie and ploying naval eraft of some sort ilong the westion the canals of Flanders. have been sue- In Poland the battle seems pro - ‘ ful aud (iv Germans are fall-|gressing in favor of the Russians, GERMANS CAN'T TAKE —_TSING TAU FORTS : pressure. It is|who have eheeked the German at- it they will hold |tempt to cross the Vistula The Austrians are chafing at i { the German|the command of the Germans vtreme peril, whom they claim place them in unadvantageous positions and 19 The situation|loot Austrian supply trains. DUNKIRK AND CALAIS’ PARTIALLY DESTROYED (Special to The Daily News.) . (Special to The Dally News.) _ London, Oct. 17.—(Saturday 5 Tokio, Oet. 17:— (Saturday 5 Pp. m. Special.;—-On the battle|p. m. Special..—The hombard, . D dorms see Gk Candee Bs: SF _— oo attempt of the oe ment of Tsing Tau was renewed ° An exciting moment on board a British torpedo boat destroyer. The little vessel has crept up on " ar Hie Saas of the Atlee Gan are OY tae Sees / a German auxiliary cruiser in the ear ly mists of the morning and is about to send after her obtain possession of the ports of | British. The Itilio and Suichan 0 f a death dealing torpedo. Some of the best men of the British naval service are aboard these | Ostend, Dunkirk and Calais has}forts were partially destroyed. seout ships of the fleet, and their work so far has shown the skill : : and daring of which the been unsuceessful. The Germans|One British seaman was killed MILES DURING LAST FEW DAYS British Empire can well be proud. “ came face to face with the/and two wounded. The Japanese - — = | strongly opposing allied army, |iosses are not given. : ex , which compelled them to fall yeni back. after severe fighting. GERMAN ARMY IN ORDING TO OFFICIAL REPORTS ALLIES ARE DOING ALL RIGHT — VILENT ATTACKS’ AT ST. DIE ARE A Melbourne dispatch states REPULSED. that advires of the capture of a WEST TOTALS 1,500,000 We The Cally Hower 10:90 & M) ~ Paris, Oct. 19.—An oflicial dis- Klerman pgumboat were peceived). —. assercemente of bands {0.The official patch issued by the War Oftice by the, government of Hew wehr and Landsturm Aré to the British says that during the course { Guinea, Fight Allies. good progress last night two violent attacks at ” ee ee . oon By ew days In tempted by the Germans to the “MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY”. London, Oct. 19.—The Times’ he Allies have |north and east of Sait die were a military correspondent says: ick more than repulsed with serious losses bt Will Be the Attraction at The!’ ) S| ys: ‘The information gleaned from oe Westhoime Tonight. the Dutch press, from travelers in. Germany, and from other sources, points to the conclusion eighth installment of the famous that during the last ten days the “Million Dollar Mystery” will be|German armies in France have shuwa at the Westhdlme opera] been heavily raifforced. There has been a steady flow of trains to the western front, mainly through Aix-la-Chapelle, and episode, which bears the title,|/some ten or more Landwehr and “The Wiles of a Woman,” Norton|Landsturm divisions must now ihe reporter, has a narrow escape |be added to the German troops Tonight and tomorrow night the EARD UNCANNY SOUND. ‘GENERAL BOTHA slate teaes TAKES THE FIELD night from tion across Will Move Earlier Than Was Ex- pected Because of Maritz Re- bellion — General Hertzog Offers Services. house, together with an excep- tionally good program. In this pal wilh a most it was after d the wind - cane Sud~| Cape Town, Get, 17 As are p08 e sound was!strong Dutcle commands, organ- LOSS OW ENEMY | RESENTS THE ACTION (Special to The Qally News) attraction at The Westholme, the| Daughters of the Empire Ball on from the hands of the conspira- =— yn wares oe See or as of a¥sult of Colonel! Maritz’ rebellion SS : te captured wad. (anes y one expedient ¢ I . — : irs ; tors. He is captured and thrown |ing Germans havé contrived to hrough the|in the northwest of the Cape } > eee few down a man-hole into the sewers,}mass between eighty and ninety eard the ery| province, General Louis Botha, — from which perilous position he|divisions in the west. If we add it was put! Premier of the Union of South AN ARMORED mOoTOR FORTRESS. ; has a miraculous escape. There tfe marine fusiliers army and the , hed the/Af nel mmander of the|ne of the great features of the present war lias been the ermored car combats, and some very m2 oo ae _ | Otappen troops and davaley divi ico, os ee good work has been executed with them by the various armies in the fleld, are many other exeming °~\sions, the aggregate German wur but no|freops of the Union, is taking the dents and no one should miss this forces in the west may total the existence | field earlier than he originally in 7 we Nine elem episode. ® ” i | i 1,500,000, ind. As no/tended to. General Botha is plac-| BRITISH LOST HEAVILY ‘ORANGE FREE STATE |THE BANK OF ENGLAND On Watnceday tad Wheviien eet sf eported, it} ing himself at the head of several BUT INFLICTED GREAT TO FINANCE CANADA there will be a most extraordinary Are you remembering the i gueiniligea ' | i the twenty-third? ‘Tickets at ling of thetized on the old burgher line, , Ott: Oct. 47.-~(Saturday 5)occeasion being the presentation ce te : hiet ) ffiliated with regi (Gpecial vo The Salty Rowe—-t0:0 A.) OF COLONEL MARITZ) eed mm. Specia Th COMMNANT | on regu s*) faanee war;Rupert. ‘The pic arés are eyen | ing and killed from September f : , Re tiircs to na ’ Patriotic Ball lburghers who served under Gen wens poi ; |e ants of the Grange Free States at ooutilams better than the famous Indian EST H 0 L M leral Botha in the South African A aaa eg ONTE | = Ja meet held at Kronstadt)” my pa “Durbar” in the’ kinemacolor, Un re otha i e Sou 2980 mé The losses on thelnn;.. esolution denounciret oe — . an rres a sitter the Ausptocs of Hvar are rallying to his call, irre=['2:980 me» See ae reece enon of the rea], Saenenees voenmena. Se ae DAUGHTERS OF THE ;war é i German side ha\ been eel jthe blot on the homer of the rer E A matinee will be given on OPER A HOUSE EMPIRE speetive of their political i eling, obits istate by the rebellion started in| Naw “Yon! Oct 49 Gold ex Thursday afternoon at 4 p. m. for wus ° ork, 3b. { 0 ‘X- " In § Ane ree oe te ee the rat Sette ae Ni ae 1| ports to Canada today were re- os — OCS saben! chee TONIGHT AND t. And mce © e vive, against ms ince by Colenet bareg, Ane " al popular prices. Fhioay,. . eR im uce of the Empire, r ue ANTI-GERMAN cee ads toaced the fullest npart to the sumed on a largo seale in con- \ pore & eT TOMORROW N ; ‘ ere arms twelve s i jpledged tht Fab my 1GuT meine Saris at 0:90 B. m, Qnerp Bee hee a - , - a occu jxvvernment, ‘Phey requested the /peetion with the further liquida- CONSUL’S HARDSHIPS. e doses iyvears age tis Tact has au ¢ ~ it at tien ff the Burene LOltion of New York CRy'- obliga. —— : td Special io The Dally News—10:30 A. Mp] Mee : ; - > San ia | OVER SS OOS. a fue wi . 8 PROF, ALE who, alth u ae .. aS ee om es we ipranches in those eountrics, | (Special te The Dally News—t2 Neon) fin an endeavor to relieve the con- COMING! XANDER auppnre . 2 , we , the line at ring * ee ' | eR a London, Oet i%.—The British }gition of his fellow countrymen, Wednesday and Thursday kK ‘ ave ¢ os geles < isaio EMPREss THEATRE awl : me - vt owe a’ ee 7 5 |* ** “ee ee EER Bloruiser Undaunted has eApiured He has communicated his inten. my Wan on ATR Flotation. nt ato in adnpte] Kae Amel 8 Minin 8, | cova ‘ovo inthe North Soa [thon the womses oe Otowa. wholf “THE LAST DAYS OF . Theo overnmen “> 1 i ~ 1 Pee ised § . f ; " ' ture, Tonight Free. . aoe Geverns | rresting ™ | ag KI ‘ we ~~ | CAFE FOR SALE. *! tae mine layer was disguised as }have Teeeretloalls joined in se- w ate wusu ’ ‘ = mi PATE Im \, enme o “ aken ; prominent met ws OFUENG Oo, Wave : . st:class Oefe on Ru. # - oe & ofuge : an ise Hig S Beier sewing sedition, CnATSim Partiqnd 6, Panton ¢ la i - ual nt rea a * Mr. H, hivlatt verintendant A, so aan (Six Reels) , reatest Lece ; . pert can be sae ‘ aa I i » Bil - ——_—— a oof them with high tre | . : — os 28 . » jews Best husiness lof tiie serviee for the G, TT. P., Marriage and Jos eni: 8) General Hertag, who bas itn BASKET BALL, 1g ae ete ES etna oath copys, Another Famity. Most Costly and Wonderful §@ and Jealousy.” mal Bott L bit * um town Apply tie, {8 ®!who is in the city, announces that This plant belongs to the be. a Tuesday Wight one of (i ™ ue ' aad el Vigers veraus C, 6.8 at the Au \* Daily News. ° the has appointed Me. W. EH. Wark} genia family. Moving Pictures Ever Mission as, and 60 roe inte e* ‘ai of the Pre-tditorium tomorrow eveumg at)* : #/oMlcial waich inspector for thet “Abt And you are taking eare Produced a . eee. me tne ciel 8:15 Admission 25 cents, 24d tt, eee ee ee #!compapy at Prinee Rupe, of it while they are away.” eeoeee. Vrerrrnrorooe | NI0l.