ive Lire g pAlL/ NEWS special Effort to Nows Immediately TH Makes * Give We it Is cy LAO THE DAILY NEWS GET THE LATEST WAR NEWS FIRST IN THE DAILY NEWS Daily News—-10:30 A, M.) report that jal to T i \l] ist agree met with iting Phe hit the infantry the British gun ‘ hetweet or boats. off the « is % i“ ’ ‘ 1‘ ' Vhie strength thie rie ied a man line { forced ints re reporter | fusion on Ostend TRENCHES AND NUMBER OF The Daily Néewse—O:30 A.M.) i The Freneh mave re wd The surpl ise held their of supe- ves Gier hick foe de marines under to ul AGAT to The Dally Newe—O:13O A.M.) i The wal y were operate t the move 1s Appar- this Mail al of sup ird oof Daily ent to it division vent to “ CH MARINES FIGHT WELL "ATTACKED BY SUPERIOR FORCE. NCH MARINES LATER CREPT UP IN FOG ON GERMAN’S BAYONETTED THEM, TAKING PRISONERS. the German trenches rhe troops were within thirty feet of the trenches before they were disco ered The Germans were bayo netted in the trenches. Four hun- dred prisoners we taken \ Punk newspaperman, Lard Maritime i the Allie haye @ 5,000 Germans t of Bruge md were | m p sessiot | the i mad at ed the = st i ines mad them off yee patel ays British ats engaged tine Ge es Wel taeked hb Geermatr submar Dest and other came to their assistance and submarines were driven off loss RMAN SUBMARINES ATTACK AGAIN BUT WERE DRIVEN OFF : TISH WARSHIPS WERE CO-OPERATING WITH THE ALLIES’ LAND FORCE WHEN SUBMARINES ATTACKED—A FLEET OF DESTROYERS DROVE THEM OFF. two witl bie warships 1 ‘ with | ‘eee eH > CAFE FOR SALE. * 7 ife in Ru * al reason * ' business * Box 16, * ¥ tz R Fee | SOO POPOOODODOODOOOOE Patriotic Ball Under the Auspices of HE DAUGHTERS OF THE EMPIRE = St advan Hall a MIDAY OCTOBER 23 Ong Baris at 9:80 PB M. Sharp Patronesses 2. Mra. 8S. M , es, Mrs. i FP Kitehie fulllp b ards \dair Garss, Tickets 9 . Orme's Odry $1.00 mann @ Store fee Or repo; ;;oooe : LECT URES PROF, ALEXANDER EMPRESs THEATRE Wedie sday— “Laws of Health” Thursday -- ee and Criminals” oe “How to Read " by Walk, Way of the Hat, Mande E and Chin” Nose, Mouth VICTORY CONFIRMED. (Special to The Dally News.) Paris, (x i fhe oMeral bul letin anim that the attac vesterdhys lie nemy on Nieu port, Dixm and Labasse have all been re; sel by the Allies * ACCIDENT AT NEW IMMIGRATION HALL | Hlans Olse vas admitted to the General Hospital al noon yester day with h ight ankle fractut ed as a result i falling from} the roof of th int ation hall, whe hve is W in THE WEATHER. F. W. Dowling, Observer. i 5a. m, et 1, 1014 Barometet Oo. Bid Max, temp 0.0 |Min, temp i5.0 | | | G. Daw eturne today ifrom a short ine trip & | Yansouves Mr Oppenheim f the j Rocher de Boule, can in om the iGeorge and left by the in for Lhe mine | Free Demons | inot have to br and jatrated at Sta ithe Coote twent Admission 26e bee ee W How to Save Money—)")"! a tall tration 20th to 24th. will ges On on PRINCE RUP 7 ERT, B C., WEDNESDAY, OOTOE SER 24, 1914. INDU SHOT IMMIGRATION AGENT IN VANCOUVER , RED CROSS HOSPITAL ESTABLISHED IN GHENT HOTEL. Piandrai, the largest hotel in Belgium, used for a Red Cross Hospital for 1,500 patients. Pie- shows Betgian, English, and German wounded atl located in the same ward. INTERESTING LETTER FROM Cc. C.’s DEFEAT TIGERS. Last night in the Auditorium a Se PRICE FIVE CENTS en ERMAN GENERAL BEATEN IN RACE FOR DUNKIRK COMMITS SUICICE—NO FESTIVITIES YET LING BACK IN CONFUSION CERMANS HAVE BEEN BEATEN CAUGHT BETWEEN FIRES OF SOLDIERS ON SHORE AND GUNBOATS OFF SHORE — FALLING BACK IN CONFUSION. IMMIGRATION AGENT SHOT IN COURT HOUSE BY HINDU MAN SHOT HAD TAKEN ACTIVE PART IN KOMAGATA MARU AFFAIR—SIX HINDUS IN CORRIDOR WERE WERE ARRESTED. | } } | | | | j i | : (Special to The Daily News) a very active part against the |} YVaneouver, Oet, 241.—Inspector| Hindus at the time of the Koma- |; William ©. Hopkinson, of the Ga-| gata Maru visit. jnadian Immigration Department, ——e | Vancouver, was shot and killed in Vancouver, Oct. 21.—1 p. m— the court house here at 10 o'clock | Mewa Singh, one of thetnine Hin- this morning by a Hindu. dus arrested this morning follow- Six Hindus who were in the|ing the murder of Inspector corridor at the time were arest- | Hopkinson, has confessed that he ed. Inspeetor Hopkinson player | alone did the shooting. } TWO HUNDRED ZEPPELINS IN SPRING TO ATTACK BRITAIN | ATTACK FOR THIS SEASON NOT LIKELY AS WINTER STORMS i MIGHT WRECK THE AIRSHIPS IF ATTEMPT WAS tant de MADE TO CROSS CHANNEL. USSY AT THEFRO nit on between the Gatholie (lub ° ee a ela the Catholic Club) (Special to Th Daily Newe—10:30 A.M), A Berlin dispatch to New a RO Pee viet ae rhe as aera ae London, Oct 21.—London’s|York says the Germans are the ctors b a seore of 22 } 2 ‘ WRITING TO HIS BUSINESS PARTNER IN PRINCE RUPERT HE trot the firat the Cathotie ‘Ciul fear of a Zeppelin attack is slaek- building 200 aeroplanes of extra TELLS OF HARDSHIPS AND TRIALS OF THE was easils ‘the be s eaiee ro se ening. ‘They have realized now |!@tse type fora raid on London. ; : Se ee : . i | But these will not be ready before SOLDIERS IN THE FIELD. excellent eombination and shoot-| that Germany's opportunity for laprien. - The "we opalin fastantes 15 Rue Laurent Gaudet though, is fieree,-and each shell eed a a rte eer the present season has passed.|are working night and day. They Le Chesnay (8. &O France digs holes three yards deep nnd hein at mene a "a and prac-) The winter storms might wreek| will have ferty-six dirigibles by i 8. i K ‘ ane | Lice ‘ MWii-bine the score WAS) any armada sent o ; J y September 28, 1044./5!X oF S¥ven yards in diameter.} {2 to 6 in Yavor of the C. C.’s. The ; ee ee My Dear Philpott fae sail One of these fell on a section of | eam played last night was a re- etter a few days ago when I! Aeaye S od, tI er = whioh | tur match between the teams. = . RITE le rest being Diow)) Bach team has now won a game back home after having) four feet in the air but unhurt./and it is thought another game hree weeks at the front.) For two days we fought close tO} wili be played soon. The lineup was sick ‘with bronchitis and/the enemy, so close that we had| was as follows: oroughiy exhausted by lack of|to @o to the bayonet, and when ©. C.s—Astoria, Greenwell, Ed ning, food and sleep; the av-/the charge was over two-thirds! Murphy, Jim Murphy and Roche. age sleep was two and a half}of my men were killed or wound- ligers—B. Blythe. Mobley. Ives ih - ‘hours each night, and I had about |ed.—-War is an awful thing and], piythe, Sadat! . RUMOR WAS STARTED BY REPORT OF HEARING FIRING IN two pounds of bread without any-|I really do not understand how Referee—Williseroft. THE BLACK SEA—TURKEY WOULD HARDLY GO ithine else to live on. for three | the nerves can keep you standing > ae WAR WITH NATIONS. days that bread was soldiers’|so long My poor brother was ORG PORT ee ee bread and so hard that T was/killed near Charleroy -with a bul- PRINCE _ = I y Se TeaN , M.! “A Bucharest dispateh to the : . : eS : ; on Oct. 20 5:30 P M./ Berliner Tage says i- jobliged to take a mouthful of wa-|let in the heart. He was charg- The Prince George arrived in| c andon a on ) ee ” I tans Pagehiat says that on ter to swallow that tough food.!ing with s section and death rt thi mor r at 8 o’cloc Special rhe reports of a naval | dently a big Russo-Turkish naval «aie gett po mg cat pa ie wacdidel soe » 7 and e ane ca “ Ses _ battle in the Black Sea were cur-jbattle has taken place in the cm entiniall a. brother fig on SS bapa Wied & aw eer Os DET“ isent em today \ dispatch to Blaek Sea. Exceedingly heavy shrapnells for twe three days, | other | er fighting, and T hope} sengers, ineluding the following: . ; ‘ age being in support ir artillery.|to be wel! enough to resume my)Mr. Ma Robert Mr. Ra Fang ae eee Apency, Te =e ye coe eine s a) on ‘ e 5 “ i ac Roberts, Mr. Kae, r ail ee : ” itn eleelil “ues exploding all|post in about a month,. T was|too. Mr. Yates. Mrs. Davies, Mrs. hagen says | reported. around us with a noise that beats|sent back after the Batlle o el Dp pn . . I i I hat beat tl fler the Batlle of the} patterson, Mr. Manley, Mrs. Allen : the Prinee Rupert blasting. Hap-| Marne, the Allies’ vietory. Angus MeColl, G. N. Durham German field artillery not being/tle going on for a great victory|},». MeSorley, Mr. Oppenheimer, A Very lorrible: their hegvy artitiery,|an the River Aisne, Miss Jones, Me, Madden,J,0'Leary GENERAL SWORN IN| THEN COMMITS SUICIDE Mr. Blatherwiek, Miss Smith, Mr. | Seimei ; contingents ° Montgomery, Mrs 8. Brewer, Mrs. | (Special to The Dally News.) | (Special to The Daily News—1:30 P.M.) BRITISH NAVAL GUNS REBELS IN PORTUGAI White, H. 8, Durkee,F.G. Dawsen,| Ottawa, Oct. 20—-Hon. T. Ghase| Ghent, Oct. 21.4 dispateh UKKLY CRUSHED mn Saeies Corner, W. Dryer) Casgrain was sworn in today as | says that the result of the fight rs said, Simeon, ‘Ss. : D0 SPLENDID WORK 0 Kincaid inet, Me postmaster-general, and P. E.jon the Belgian coast has caused Msbonald, Mr. Bear, G. J. Doue-| | (Special to ‘The Bally a van, Mr. ‘Austin. Mr. Jennings | Blondin, deputy speaker, as min-| great anxiety among the German (Special to The Daily News——-9:30 A.M.) ister of inland revenue. jofficers, one of whom, a German ie 53 2 — OG a A eps oa CAPSIZED BOAT nen acest i general, committed suicide. Dunkirk, Oet, 24 A genaral jary ou “ eS TELLS Grim TALE| You must have experienee*te de} Festivities announced to cele- advance has been maile by they “ae = Pa ne a jyour werk right, Fritz tas the | brate the German suceesses were Allies whe ehtine wuainty poet “ ae cat: dao ae The c anabeail a Rained Mie e xperienee. Phone 583. 243-245 | suddenty canceled yesterday. with tillery The best work). arresicd. day in the vicinity of Beal Cove} was done with the British nava has been identified. L. L. Hall} guns A larwe number of French | QUT WEIGHT CHAMPION called at the poliee station iast.| : Re aihatere sabe saben! HAS ARRIVED TODAY | evening and said that the boat) and Reig | with the Bvenrude engine, whieh} from the retreating Germans Johnny O'Leary, the lightweight mene Sisal Melee’ boloumen tok) Westholme House Phe assistance the British |¢hampion Canada, arrived ON)» oot Ray and his son, who had warships bombarding the Ger jthe Prince George today He is lived in the vieinity of the Cold man lines advancing upon Nieu | signe d by the National Sporting Storage They have not been| a port was an important faetor in 10 Inb to box for the championship] ig ginee Oetober 16th, so that! the Allies’ suceess October 31, His opponent = Holl it is about certain that they met} = = yet selecte: Harry Anderson, with an accident IL seems likely | AUSTRIAN BATTALION fwousit chssnpion, wn tor tho} uae ther, aikounied te rush eh gg n-39 & ’ rig rapids forgetting tha we] HAS SURRENDERED past twelve months has are ROS biggest tides of the season were | The Last Days of Pompeii ine _ oh ye . — 1 ” —_ now on. The fall for the last few | IN Ls (Special to The Dally News) om Delano anes ater : aaa days was fully ten feet At any Six REE Petrograd et 20) 5:30)and the National Sporting Club time shooting t hese rapide mI The Meat wonderful Metion Picture Gpestacio Gver ; frought with the greatest danger duced. Made in Italy on the Very Spot Where Pompeii P. M. Special An entire Aus-| has signed him up to hex : Giase beh those are A few whe deliah! Once Stood and Flourished. Replete With Scenes of Geor- trian battalion with all its off] jon Soturcay next ae - So in making the attempt ; geous and Indescribale Beauty. Closing With the Awe- cers and machine gnns surren round route as . a ~ Very little is known about the} inspiring Spectacular Representation of the Eruption of : e Russians south of Gan prove hie clase Bs nealing victims, but it is thought they} Mount Veeuviue. dered to the Russian Clark he wiil be given the first] ” ee i an al i a le Preaemsyl contest with J, O'Leary Should oo" FPOmn eran ee } WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, ocToaER ‘a1sT AND 220 ' Clark — suqnenene ae on Mrs. -Holtby, who went Rast | ‘ . eel Mr. and Mrs, J. 8 MeNab left} he is in Itne to battle for about a year ago in the interest of | this morning for a well deserved) title he will wet the bout, Clark, ae "health. aad to Rupert | ADMISSION—Lower Floor and First Four Rows in Balcony, holiday to the Bast. They travel|who has now been in Prince Ru-liact evening looking remarkably | 60c; Gen. Admission, 260; Children, 160c; Box Seats, 760 ever the G. 'T. P. and will pro-|pert for two months, claims @®l well During her stay in the Bast | - -- ——————- ceed to Toronto and other Bast-|good reputation as a boxer, And] oy. visited with her ¢ ar. | . ern points, returning through the Saturday night will give him a ~ O'Neill h her daughter, Two Complete Performances Nightly: At 7:16 and 89 P. M. Amerioan centers, ‘They will bejchanee ee MATINEE THURSDAY AFTERNOON AT 4 P. M. away about a month Johnny O'Leary will be given WANTED. | Admission—Adults, 150; Children, 100 3 aan two bouts in Prinee Rupert His W. G. Gould, who has spent the} second opponent will probably be Youne eirl wanted’ to assist! last seven months in Massett, re.) Lem hege If he eannot be obs|with lieht housework either on SPECIAL. HIGH CLASS MUSICAL PROGRAM BY THE tuened today to Rupert and will} tained Eddie Shannon will be se} whole part time, Apply Bex 4, WESTHOLME ORCHESTRA remain in town lected Daily News tf. muninteentiiedl