1, 1914 of wednesd4 od THE DAILY NEWS. 4 VETERAN WHO WAS Ever yan SIDELIGHTS ON THE WAR a wiTH LORD ROBERTS Cai; cant Wea lave joined the Ger. NORWEGIANS COMPLAIN. | PEPER ERN EERE EERE EERE EEE EY WAREHOUSE PROPERTY British Seizures of Vessels Aj. leged to Be Carrying Contra- band a Hardship. Lait Low With Rheumatism —But and ought to \ Lots 23 and 24, Block 7, Section 1, Cameron Cove, with Cured By “I jit-a-tives”, eatae P feed A, | Poineare has been Christiana, Oct. °0 Consider water and trackage faciliti s. One of the best warehouse nit, ard, 1914. | as the next lord ree. 7 * Aa THAM ’ nervousness and 4 . able eomment is being made in or manufacturing sites-in the city. * « Crimean Wi : : i y I versal . . aor aan jon to which she ; or 'y the Norwegian press vpon Briti For particulars see— ito the Royal subject. These trou! enforcing drastic seizures of Norwegian vessels, an nd Lord ¥ SY ) of 2 at ig rices _ Mutiny, ai er am f ] i “ yr almost daily eccurrence The! KISSICK & EDWARDS ; f the Driti h by indigestion or Somme as Trade and Shipping Gazette save GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS a : — feft : os + ” oe ‘ton ‘e “The restrictcions placed up Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B.C. e heart o onde ’ eumatism, vere, Jenians “ ~ be neutral trade by the regulat PIAA RRE IAI REI IIIA III IIIS III IIA IIA II NS SI IIDIIAIASD I } ‘ i ” , ) we ee Kingdom, the police ar- concerning contraband may | : ee ured me of pI two Germans live troublesome, but they are bear nstipation, ! ne fortified house, able provided shippers are cor nt, I walk ' ; loy perfect t floor and roof and rectly Informed as to what is con | ek certain and rhe premises were traband and what are the rea kL COMPANY ft WALKER. ptt % Clear the ter t factory by C. ©. Rober lations affecting it Ditcuilts and rify the blow } 4 ’ ‘ , ue, dee ca ~ alnera a a hey ¢ sic publisher however, arises when shippe oat THIRD ANENUE P.O. URAWER 1624 PHONE No. 3 1 receipt of i og OO eA De | ; ant o 28e reguiations. | ny ee | oo that all oy fe r ‘ ' } ampassador has mg nalitae be \ oe i i. ~ Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass | their paturel work without « oe 1} complaint of the And. tat they ; re ~ a here pa Supplies Plate Giass Mirrors sufferi Every woman of th, f German eruisers b ‘ ey are not being car- aints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges EE thou who mm tried ) = } m Menile , COUNT VON MOLTKE. ried out. Oils . Tinware p ’ F d C | knows that Beecham’s Pills act - a. Chief of Staff of the German “Neutral countries are loyally Varnishes Graniteware ‘ ' t rates iat pwards of l,. leferr to the wishes f th a mice pel ee 0. army, reported dismissed by the} remg Wishes ot the na-! ees from Belgium . : 0 at war ‘rovided their The ‘ Stay Satisfactory To Certain seen ei eee ey ater Us have dd notin now at war ysovited nil MONARCH MALLEABLE ®* “St Son legitimate interests are not sac-| ange. ' 4 Feed ) le since last Wednesdas a hospital in northern France. rifieed.” | | Advantage - rhe Freneh Society of Authors He, ise nephew of the hero of} « _ — | _ Worth a Guinea a Box 1D sis have expelled its 1870 His dismissal, if true, = a iT omcnen FEE A SPECIALTY Directions with Every Box of Special Value to Women , members, including indicates a panic in high Sold everywhere. ‘In ta bones, 25 cents. Sudermar Hau ss tical | uderman aupt places, . =e | a a A $ THE UNION ‘STEAMSHIP C6O., OF B.C. LIMITED NS ee GurTinG PHEACAR The London pr tat ‘ abe ta TS | nT Press 18 agitating j ORCHARDS CO. | of l against employment of Ger.| fault, for conveying twenty-seven a §S. VENTURE | mai orders promptly atiended to | Physician Peppered With Shot by|/"' the hotels of the city,|business letters from German s Sails for Port Simpson, Mill Bay, Naas River, Thursdays r ; | s ’ ’ , Former Mayor of New Thre i¢@ largest hotels have] merchants fo England to Ger- Check Raisers for Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle, every Friday, 4 p.m. Westminster. Cismiss ul of their German many since the outbreak of the AIM | $s CHELO ie | yees Sevral important ho- war. It is believed that Wolfsohn } HSIN Third Ave Phone Black 268 i te however. are nares . ar. ‘ ‘lieve i olfso ‘ c eooccoee | ee ce Fe Gert nd rank aera fn acted in ignorance co gt FOUN Bank Recount. Sails for Granby Bay, Naas River, Sunday midnight; for While hunting pheasants on — i ind want no English , OUR Check Protector PRE- 3 Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Every Tuesday at 9 pan. [Crescent Island, ex-Mayor B. W 7 Springfield, Mo., has sold 1,500 ee. Seetih aeons eae ob Agency: American Express, Atlantic Steamers eee ee * Oe SB) Shiies shot Dr. A. J. Holmes, fifty Berlin has issued facsimiles of |horses to the British army. an & o © cost oF PHONE 5668 JOHN BARN ; i , ; EY, A SEGOND AVE. *) or sixty pellets lodging jin the |letter alleged to have been writ- Franee is urging a boyeott on the Old Style Protector. wESY, Agent, e LATEST W4R NEWS | dev tor’s back. One lung was pet | ten by Colonel Gordon and Lieu- all German products. you, Mr. Businessman, ue #! forated (be injured man is in| tenant-Colonel Neish, of the Gor NEED THIS Protector. aa ; , . , — an —_—_—_——_—_ = es - var bulletins aw] Bt. Mary's Hospital, and his re-/|don Highlanders, German pris The British Labor party has A Postal to P. 0. Box 1570 ly by The #| covery is expected.. Mr. Shiles is}oners, acknowledging the use of |4eclared its sympathy with the will bring it to your office \ gorm posted im- #\a pioneer of this city He is a|dum-dum bullets. British government in the pres- without any obligation to ming off #! Veteran of the American Civil A Geman spy, wearing the ent war. buy - following *| War. tie and Dr. Holmes have] opm of ane 2 Ad eaihbtas a. et Da aa. Send that Postal—TODAY. #| been ciose friends for years. Nie} rested on his arrival at Dover | RUSSIAN WINTER Apps xtoetinds Store, Srd Ave #/ OT le nyeais age lr. Holmes nat mong the Bélgian refugees NEW HORRORS TO WAR \\ y Store, 3rd @)rowly escaped injury when a gun saiegneiees + | carried by Mr. Shiles was acci- ae oe oe a . rhe rapid + approach of winter FOR RENT SHINGLE”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS od rv Austrians o alian national t Hotei, 2nd #) dentally discharged. ae 6 as . oe = _|ty, have been discharged from the|"®5 ®4ded new horrors to the E f° z s Certificate of improvement. Trieste dockyards. fighting in the forees of Russia. RE A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager Vil Chance it Fraction, and Biack Bear The corres . ._ . #| Miveral Clans, situate in the Skeena Min- Vanni Marcoux, a member of The correspondent of the Novoe tat Ave. and McBride st. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C. jug Division of Cassiar District. : re t é > PHONE ' Branch Yard Smithers | i "Where located:—-I'll Chance it precticn | the Boston Opera Company, is re. |Vtemya, who was with Rennen- 2B at h located between the “Lilly Bertha” anc orted “¢ » fig ing i » lke "as ‘ing » fig . HOUSE- ? ‘ ; .’ te: ao eee a —\agent for Wiliam J. Vaughan, Pree Min- : ent in de-'vaured by the ravenous beasts, = aa en — : — -_-— jer's Certificate Nu. 81545 and for - - Real Lever re Ww ee en a eee jself, Free Miner's Certificate “tat 80313 . ~ ———— sera ryy : lntend, sixty days from the te hereof, ANALDIAN PACIFIC t abpiv to the iy a 3 Certineate of limp fecuiiean or pur- ’ ° RAIL |pose of obtaining @ Crown’ Grant of the generous a “ wf ob straightforward WAY jatave claim from en cetablished A. E. Rand, President. J. 8. Pearce, Manager Anu ‘urther take notice that action, Prince wm junder secuus 85, must be commenced be- ° ‘'y southbound |fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- world. set bes | Sa “da [Pruveiien io chance y noon Dated Unis 2ist day of September, A.D. sia ne on rive rincess Royal southbound we PEDRO Sai UNAS. see eco AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD. Sunday 8 p. m. eneiticaniaiiaalinaai ae fashionable Ladice . ig ee ince hia northbound peeeereetecectrcreserrcsy frre ral far 7a FIRE ALARM SYSTEM eee wsisie "oe Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scro!! and Band Sawing, i fi and ali kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. tures, Mouse Finish a Speciality. Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Hays Cove Circle i Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 - Prince Rupert, B. C, CIRCUIT NO. 1. ffi i tft 4 @ Monag, oral A borner r ee . eet and Third Ave i z ge sa°8° gfe 2 * 7 sae @ox 125th St. and Srd Ave. Box 136th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 14--8th St. and 3rd Ave, Box 16—Junction of tst, 2nd and Sra Aves 3 g : F r g : on. 8 i >" off, fi i f anaes ~ . Landon, Bay Meer erernr. Cereoores Hel ; Directory Al @orv 16-181 Ave. between 8th and Oth Sts. (anos Hotel) j Bor 17——ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen | tral Hotel i | | | | awk NEWSPAPER for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of CIiROVIT NO. 2. Bos 22.-3rd Ave ang AARAAAAAAA AAR ARARRRAARRARA ERA KE CHARAN RAR ARERR RRR EERE peer, hone 7 "eee. *rererooo—on—oees ere ee