ries DAILY NEWS . . _ - - “ | = = = — - a, Daughters of the Empire Ball on ‘ —= F e ” the twenty-third? Tickets ati” “ TI ail On ITE D y News L AL NEWS MS Orme's Drug Store . . 6 # ; | ae & . Ki ' jee cream, | CLASSIFIED ADS. r'ry omita a ice crea | You must have experience to do |! fn : Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners bed abe: tam ns + wat i ‘ - = = e ae ’ o 0 ee) ~* m1 PRIDE, NASH & CO. PRIDE, NASH & CO. | FOR RENT phone & ae | hone 68 | | . s . }-— . Men and boys that want active ! , . ® ’ ron RENT Comfortably furnished bed Have you tried the London | ; f m with use of bath; $10.00 per) i. ¢,, It's a cleat, swell place. | service, can get itat the old Aeme|,. awa Oe “a 237 Che meals served are the best in| Clothing Store on Saturday Our \ d prices are east ' ‘leg @ POR RENT—Well ‘furnished bedroom and] town and prices are -— | inal Cleanup Sal i “sitting room suitable for two, , Bath and we 28 out oarc sired, Hose n . Pe%o per month. Box 9, dally News| Worfolk Rooms, Steam heated,| Mrs. B. ©, Niechtel, of this city, | ease hot and cold water. Terms rea jbas received word that her broth jat Or ae an” = Sicoes “mecly sonable, 6th is cae Fulton er, Captain H. H. Shott, D.8.0.,} — —— = = — nt sve i 7" rer Roval Berkshire Regiment wa h RENT—Clapp Apartments; large The Prince Rupert Towing Go.,) | ok tes al in beeen OS a Some eo le believe ID econom ---Shoppers here ractise it! rooms panes S tgcete, Fully modern, general towing; the new crude oil} ci in a u n on eu P p y P enhaver Bros " 949-245-246ling “PRT. No. 4 Phone Red|the Battle Of Mons. Gapt. Strott ‘ i < wae an active service during the M Study these prices: Have you ever read of such radical reductions? if you een Gala 01 or Black 322 on tn Ne ty alge = ar” fale : . : rn Rox 96. Ageney for the “Avance’™) vere a and inh So rica value your dollars at full purchasing power---Come to this store Tomorrow tlorude Oil Motor 1e5tfjand West Africa, He was award - FOR SALE—Stanléy Piano siig tly used; * oo ed the DPD. 8. O., and wa twice B N k T i $250.00 cash Phone 427 19-244 M W D holt wh i mentioned in ad spatches d i m enhoim 0 a8 ' ; ' il uy INecKwear l|omorrow ' on th id . stion 7, 9100 I ' ; a Kimona Crepe 22 C : 25, Flannelette 14 aon tae +0 ache oa “atthe. been under treatment in the hos a Boer Wat Three hundred yards Ratine Ladies’ Dainty Neckwear in Best English Flannelette SS eee ee pital for a fractured limb, is im Crepe in plain shades ¢ 1 f: new designs; white ecru: and} 14 inches wide: in faney ol FOR SALE Tracts of Land in Lakeise | A WONDERFUL PICTURE. ; } - 1 ades and tan anti Jabot Frill Collar ; i darl j Valley containing 10 acres each, [7 proved so much that he has moy Free 9 P : signs: 30 shes »> Ana oOlors Japots, sy Olle stripes and dark cheeks: pia or acre. McCs , Jibbo giat. o } ‘ 20 © Pe - ee oy 0 inches wide ; mee and Cult Sets Faney Ties nd heavy twill: full nappe en ae ed to the Bayview Hotel It will| The Last Days of Pompeli’* an Mc - 2a make; French weave, Regular ie aie at mre ° wares. eee Py |FOR SALE—-50-H.P, capacity steam boiler | Unqualified Success. i0e yard. Regular prices, $1, $2 and & Regular values 25¢ yard and oH P stationary | engin = require a little time yet before he q = had cheap n excellent orde ; ities FRIDAY BARGAIN PRICE OF GALE FRIDAY AT FRIDAY BARGAIN PRICE | ae es See oer ee eee th | The initial performance ot clases i ieorde leine’s wonderful spe - - Captain Holmes, formerly com- I eorge K 22c 50c 14c | ‘ WANTED a n z f the K : nay | te wular production The Fall of —_—_—___—_—— —E mannan o cer 0 e froue ' : Pompeti drew a large house at a 20.00 W f 1 9s | lw ANTED Young girl 1 0 - at Nene htifles, is in the city. He has been the Westholme Pheatre last . . - ater roofs 1 C | ners work and i. chid ren, - . lie aatotia “ | “ ; = th » etate iC 6.50 Silk Waists 2.70 “ : ae 4 4.00 Comforters 1.85 (oe) ome ate ae Se Sere ene see ete © ea | ’ sa’ @ nia . Ladies a rpr ) j ands deine survey wor 18 - = a oe Seer eee Coats boug o a sna Se aati Bed Comforters filled with | WANTED—A nursemaid from 1:30 to 6 +4 > gine ; : tt a : maline and Taffetta Silks;| “,— ee ae Dit Ae : ; Oe areey Oe. . een Sos 104, Tap SUMMEE SAS 18°ON Ais Way SOUT, | ferererecerreneeeeeeonoesetieteins eredes “Series wiih tall pe ed just in time for tomorrow's! Puritan batting, covered with ‘ He is a son of Colonel Holmes, | ' . , ; = selling; in Tweeds and Para. | Art satteen! assorted faneve | WANTED your coon house in , Scone Seemtnie OO ¢ this district, | ars: ope aek ¢ ne , . " . ‘ —— i Five or 58 or $125 down an 25 o e 0 s distric lars; open baek and open front;|matta Cloth. Smart styles in jpatterns. Extra heavy; good i month until paid Box 102, Daily News y. 2 colors black, blue, grey and|Mandleberg and other famous | : 29x79 bi | WANTED— View lot and house; close in; i Z i ar or champaigne only. All sizes.|brands. All sizes. Regular #20 — OPSTS:.. ORS TORI Es Su | about €2,500 to $3,000 Wil! pay 870° A loeal citiven who had a} Regulargs6.50 each, Coats, \" wi a | cash and arrange belance. Box 10.) brother studying “in Germany| OW SALE FRIDA PRI t ANTED—Man and wife, both good cooks, when the war broke out, has just me AND ony ar FRIDAY BARGAIN ce | ; ON SALE FRIDAY AT j want paition; ” hotel resturants willlreceived a letter from him lle ° 2 70 11 95 | go anywhere Box 101, Daily a was noterllowed to even write but - ° ‘e 1.85 | WANTED—Capable housekeeper for small this time succeeded in sending | ss | family; give full particulars as to abil-|it through a Norwegian and took ; B te . h f So i 7 - | 3 a salary, sag Box 91, Daily News) jong chances os — it, He re-| etter stop in the forenoon—-Some lines won’t last throughout the da ee ce tee eee Oe oe Somers Bape tt ASE . : MISCELLANEOUS sible to obtain and all foods very NEXT TO SAVOY HOTEL ri FRASER STREET ah are a , aie searce and dear. i . | Me SY! MONEY! , CE? — | 4 @ a be oblalued for 'any ur oo ° ° © } Full tine of Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobac 1 Smokers : accept e Re ‘state Security; - Ps g “« wets > roe “« » iti aces — — a, WS ae. For a comfortable 1 m, ¢ ome Sundries. Best English Billiard Tables in the City. Also ed. A. G Agency Company, 758 Gas,|to the St. Elmo Hotel, 856 Sec 7 s | Electric Bidg., Denver, Col. ond Avenue, near Eighth Street * four first-class Pool Tables. r | ——> Newly opened Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. | ‘ DOMINION Free baths Rates reasonable. | o. } ; > &€ ss Third avenue and Sixth stree | be | OPEN TODAY Ss t FUNERAL DIRECTORS | If you eannot afford a perma-| Caskets and Undertakers’ Supplies jnent bookkeeper, let ces me handle at Wholesale Pri aa jyour accounts for a reasonable figure. Clyde H. A. Rogers, Phone} } 116, 238-244) | CALL AROUND AND GET THE LATEST FROM Fit? ‘ome Reasonable-—Phone 41 ipping Cases a Speciality a ALLETT, Manager. POOP EL PEELE EOOEEREOTRTY $1000.00 REWARD The Acme Importers, Limited, will pay $1, 000.00 to any person finding them doing business at their Old Store, next to the Westholme Theatre, after the 28th day of November, 1914 . _ Watch Tomorrow's Page Advt. SALE STARTS SATURDAY MORNING Watch a Page Advt. for the Greatest Slaughter of Mer- ) — — at 9 a.m for the Greatest Slaughte: of Mer deemed ee | > THE GOODS WILL BE THROWN AT YOU =: surest ¢ Just a Few Days before our ‘Lease Expires and the old stand of the’ Acme will be a thing oe of the past ~ . 5 *. THE ACME OLD STORE