THE DAILY NEWS 7. GET THE LATEST WAR «a Spectal Effort to NEWS FIRST oan pare immediately IN THE DAILY NEWS iv ; Is Receivod - ——- PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., MONDAY, OGTOBPR 26, 1944. sssmuiea yo See zx ES ARE POURING TERRIFIC FIRE ON ENEMY FIERCE E _ FIGHTING NEAR OSTEND--GERMANS ARE FORTIF YING THE CHIEF BELGIAN CE CENTRES a | : = EE = j TO PIECES NEAR OSTEND bs ee Distrusts Information of His Own \ j Men—Several Mave Been # sh cil . - & - 2 i & og K . ” m Shot. OWLY BUT SURELY ENEMY IS BEING DRIVEN BLACK—BeE- \ ssinamne , LIEVED THEY ARE ABOUT TO EVACUATE CITY London, Oct. 26.—A German OF OSTEND. oflicer interned with some other a de | sity —10: » Ml ried to the fr t gprcia! to The De News —10:30 A. prisoners of war in South Ire. land has given to the English of-, ficer in charge of the prisoners some information which throws The Primes | ples a shambles hing Wire’ land retaken four ison to be itered to ru an interesting light on the Ger- man view of the results of their ire about t rhe tiring at © ‘ ii ‘laborat » 5 an ca ' | | elaborate system of espionage. j hea The B ur “4 According to the German offi- rdam corre.|the suburbs, whi: ire held but | the Germans It meleved tt mu sure | | the Ostend pir iT e bee j he e beaten up The only | 4 in Rel #, and young | now strongly held the Gert ive being hur-jare Liege and Nat cer, it was fully believed at Ger- man headquarters that as soon as the British mobilization was ordered, the transport workers would strike. This information was conveyed to the German headquarters staff three weeks before the outbreak of the war and was fully relied upon, Ac- cording to the German officer the information came from a spy who was supposed to be closely in touch with working class organ- ization in England. This spy was in Berlin wheh JECTILES HURLED FROM LAND, SEA AND AIR—COUNTRY BEING DEVASTATED BY THE FIERCE FIGHT- war was declared, and later when ; — his information proved to be ING GOING ON. »| ; ee ‘e5 ee. ee ee es oe tng false he was arrested. A sinjliar a) ’ Ese : ied ed ——— fate has also overtaken several _ + ske vifants who delaye ther spies who had evident Epes © es Ge ae am ee ee oe ee RUSSIAN COSSACKS CHARGING GERMAN DEATH'S HEAD MUSSAR 6. o =. a iesttanaaion Presrmie ve 26 ll reports (too long getting out o ‘ i oattianigll : nat [Rone | An incident in the Russian campaign in East Prussia, where hand ——— fighting took place tween Germans Prussians for which they were very highly ghting in died edie. Gueenal near Bart enstein ——— {paid Some of these men, accord- ‘ terrible beyond ' i n repul utt ‘ re ¥ ; pave yee eopulsed seutn | the war Pr Lille ~ , = German officer, have foun tod and" ieagsad elaine doe Corso TIMBER FOR BRITAIN WARSHIP WAITS GERMANS FORTIFYING —_|SAYS PRESIDENT HAS ms shot 0" ea oe ce casa Seth] CONTRABAND OF WAR OUTSIDE HARBOR BELGIAN CENTRES) HEAD FULL OF BRAINS| "2:0 'stormacion oot acne ing German military headquar- ‘ ters up to the outbreak of the out er ! eva ng Lod dence ; (Special to The Daily News—11 A.M.) (German Gunboat oiler Cannot! (Special to The Bally Mewe—48 &. &.) —: Morning Post ey : war, concerning the recruiting Londot Oet 26.—-German, Leave Honolulu Without Meet- London, Oct. 26-—The Times alia and possibilities in Britein in the i j hip. totterds correspondent says the ins f war. his informa. 'T WASN'T WILCOX. SCORES BANKING SYSTEM. warships yesterday stopped and] ey ee a ain Antwerp in a ee ie deen ah oo part of _ eaptured = four Swedish timber ee Germans are putting / ar : y tw ian " ary Fi ia | aad i “ d for Britain They Honolulu, Oct. 24,—Standing| | 1.4. for defence. In most of| Uomdon, Cet. a Bvidentiy England, Ireland, Seotland and wasn't in the city Member Says Canadian Financial | <(oamers b ae ee tne thee eth ie ; an impression exists in the Unit- Waéles.. con@rmaithe dileinn asn't back East Methods Are Too Con- declared that all wood cargoes) jnst outside the threp.mile | |the forts Belgian guns are being ed States,” says The Morning] military authorities in the belief esan't know any servative. bound for Britain were contra- Ther searchlights ¢ pee iy Som \- replaced by German fortress aaiiin a ‘ate rial. “that there |that 400 000 would be the limit ' ‘ ane . band of war minating the entrance to ono- ; _ ost, an a , oe roy i phew: oes ees Vancouver, @et 9 Express- m 7 a i harbor, the Japanese battle- artillery of the latest type. Evi- has been criticism in the British |of Britain 8 recruiting power. It ee ee o” lizen kept incessant patrol |denti? the Germans are prepar-| press of President Wilson’s po-|was believed that when no more Neither does he) jing th. opinion that the Canadian | BASKET BALL ship | 1 kept in | : ‘ This i recruits could be obtained. in t the money LEAGUE SCHEDULE tonight While anchered in the ne a line of retreat from Ostend |sition regarding peace. lis Im- Pulls _ De R ‘a t bel ee ee ee roads, the German warship Geier|(, the Dixmude line pression was fostered by undue] Britain, conscription =o —_ doesn velieve ; . an fe tos 97 aledonians vs Men's|*°"8"* i ‘ bo ° : ag i a rertain }to be. resorted to and thie woe servative and that there is t Oet. 27 Caledonians v ee, as Hct of port ofi- importance attached to certain er refused any- awaited © Vor » ; or aaa lead to political divisions and ; ruch actual wer vested in the} Own, lls en 4 ow long she may re- newspaper utterances. enc o 4 { money he re-/UCh actual pe Oct. 30.—Tigers vs. Catholic |®™@'* 4 how lon ee YUKON RECRUITS “During the Civil War our po-|break up all chance of present wants it and if/ financial institutions, Mr. UH. H or mair the harbor for repairs OLD SERVICE MEN During : ee Candice nae aad Club. ' . oP ‘Micials have sition toware we nited States y. 1 know any if evens speaking at a smoking - thie ‘oledi While the port « enemas . : : a Ae Mi ; pe oad “Dhe Stey peakin . . i wae Nov. 3,—Tigers ws. Caleddni- “ae communicative regarding The Yukon recruits got a great|was the same as the I — oe Fae h, ee? perder : ; . concert last night held by ans. time allowanee, two reports : ’ nd} holds towards England today © ;oMmcer, : d a Se 2 Point Grey Consefvative Asgocia- Now. 6.-—-Manip Own ve. Cafho- ne : d el tonal One i "that peceptinen, TS tee Rapes. Sam desired to see the differences of} which the Kaiser and his military ; | nve Li om ‘re » >» » & e i aio i : acy . from somebody ltion. urged that-conditions war-|lic Club. sa repairs will becompletedwith.|™2ny of them spent most of their the North and South composed |organizers received and believed, Wileoy but wasn't iadie Cneee of Nov. 40.—Tigers vs. Caledo lays, when she must|time in town looking .up old/¢,. ethical as well as material|A general election, fought on the { » firs oad & oe NASEIC uv % na w days, 5 2 : : rs a _ —~ om Re" s ‘ : ? tb at thats hE jlea rt in the teeth of her en-|friends for there are lots of Yu-|reasons. Then, as now, cotton |question of ee . refuses ay nking es e though a > 5 a jleave | ee om eahte oni al use : _ bankit uid hi Nov. 43 Men's Ownevs. Cath emy lying in wait without, or in-|Koners here. Many of the ‘men|was the cause of our anxiety. We]be one of the events — oO OW RODOGY WHO) normal times the Ganadian ohie Club - j The other is to the ef : ; bi military |Wanted eotton and could not ob-|lead to Britain's downfall some- ” } = ee ; a _ i ” , ; rape ar) T : re . » - dy to say noth- lbanking system had proved satis Nov. 17.—-Men's Own vs. Cale- Saat Ghat the calinenea aml have had considera {tain it. Today the United States|where about October or Novem x sometimes i factory, but that in the present} donians. ee rmission ¢ end to | @™pertence and others are expert has cotton, but cannot sell it. ber. t ‘e acu , . . a iv ti De ssion o 8 a 0 Pa : f \ : 3 . Luse @n innocent) '® : in the world’s af Nov. 20.—Catholie Club vs. Tig th : er for necessary en_|haval gunmen. Their experience “All this, perhaps, explains the Now, apparently, great distrust reed ee ee ee , ‘ Noy 24.—Caledonjans ng red remeeta In this event/in the North will add consider-| movement in the United States injof all eee aa 4 — a ang she person | fairs weaknesses have becoem €X-} 014 tie Club eee t their ser-| favor sdiat a movement|spies who have been working a : er overhat g would require atjably to the value of their ser-| favor of mediation—« 1 ' } a | wanted it with | pose d Nov. 27.—Tigers vs. Men’s|" ™ — ' Soe which is no doubt encouraged by|England prevails at German — least a t ; |} Reviewing the financial situa-|Own ; rhe n appeared off the har- When the Princess May pulled|our enemies. But the machina-|tary and naval pear ot mah ——e ition in Canada, he pointed out Dec. 4 Tigers vs. Celedoni- ber late today, coaled and previ-}out at 4 o’eloek there was a bigitions of our enemies, and the|plans based on euch inform . Tee eee eee #) i July ast the Canadian |®"S. ioned rteen days out fromjerowd at the wharf to see them)sehemes of others who wouldjare continually revised or alto- ‘ «|| at ID + ” ie + oe Dec. 4.—Catholie Club vs. y i. a naval depot near Yo-joff Cheer upon cheer was sent|turn the altar into a huckster|gether altered. : ae s outsi «> oko 1, f aval ; F : CANADIAN FRATERNITY. *|ba ee >i ak Men's Own. | kohama Her commander, Cap-jafter them, and they certainly re-| stall, are well understood — by Perhaps the bigges an = - os | Speen N Deo, 6.—Calegoniane'wm, Siqg's t K ami, when instructed|turned them in good order President Wilson, we are told,Junpleasant surprise that await- ! ain awanami, i Bf r of the'Gane- @19P°,000, chiefly on cal in Bowl oon by Rear Admiral 6. B, T. Moore L.. Crippen joined the party/and there is no fear that thejed the Kaiser and his ones ” , brokers an . ‘ ter { i Me : , ; : : ; : craiie: "ai. x York city Phe stoekbrok : - re Dec. 44 Tigers va. Catholic , reserve neutrality, said he|here and took a lively part in the| ppesident will walk into the trap the outbreak of the war was : : | the principal borrowers ane = Club id and declared that(he|celebrations as the boat pulled “President Wilson has shown |immediate arrest in England Ne ; n the Gourt the Stock’ Exchange was tempo Dex 15.—Ciatholic Club ‘ye ae moray ated as da naka ing the}out, Crippen will make friends} himself singularly well balanced, |certain spies whieh disclosed the . lock ‘ wir arily closed the banks were UR-1 1 a nians ~s ned wherever he goes and the friends |pestrained and judicious. He has {hitherto unsuspected fact to their *¥. ape to ecuse the relure of Es Dec, 18 Men's Own va. the "Phe Hizen formerly was the|he left in Prince Rupert will fol-|peen courageous enough te do an|masters that the business on : YS PRETO Gi meney ott the Canadien backanns Tigers R it battlesh p Retzivan, cap-jlow his career with interest, unpopular thing because he be- whieh the se men had been engag- — men consequently fell the pinch Dec. 22.—Caledonians vs. the : ae oe oo. we Paws gvoly . a re lieved it right, as his demand forled in England was fully knows to " I obli - . ured b e Jap “Se ft : : y a 2 . eeeeeeeeee eee |being prevented 1 - - geo Vigers ot ttaale Although sunk, she was| VOTE ON PROHIBITION the repeal of the Panama tolls Re NS ae phe ae in ordinary credits wor _ Dee, 22.-—Men's Own vs, Catho- raised and refitted by the Japa 1S ASKED IN ALBERTA | jaw showed. He dared not chal- was one thing tha eG 4 MAJESTIC THEATRE gestions to improve the — lie Club. : e - lenge public opinion, and display-| believed more than conte, : moe oueline’ Ug tie. Sangan, 5 _ Petiti H 23,-|» nce and wisdom in the|was tha! their spies, for the mos daisies on to Government Has 23,-) 6 patience and w , TONIGHT remarked with reference to his VON MOLTKE IS ILL. nna ak 000 Signatures—Referendum | eiiiement of the Mexican prob-[part, were entirely unsuspected. ° e— advoogcy of » partial morptor‘um a ee “ivate aaa: * if Beaten in House. lem, and we feel certain that —— : \ al Extr ecial Double Bill! ! that his views on the subject had London, Oct. 24 ; 2 a nee i. President Wilson will do nothing E ; . ssenter , = meaterdam oe, u From - —_—_— ; ' TH CRADLE Sir w aller Scott's Master- been misrepresented —_: . a ie ee oe don, Shaman the ter HE. Eamonton. Alta. Oct: 26. Al that is not prompted by the high- a ery i ae ; " ” ™ , | 5 -e,’ x —bto e & . *—“IWANHOE” | »D msiaiieiaiiatil delegation of 150 waited on thelest sense of justice orn O BOATS. j[Lieut.. Gen. Count Helmuth vor j in ie or, October 26th, a daughter With | ‘Ng Baggot in Lead- TO BUILD TORPED Moltke, chief of the German Gen London, Oct, 26.—-The Swedish |prévineial government of Alber- —_——_ - sf oe Soe & . a Parte | Oct, 2 A Reuter dis-jeral Staff, is dying, according to|steamer Aliee, homeward bound|ta in the legislative assembly Reserve W oe ane ary . ~ 1— IVANHOE” ve oie Amsterdam says the|the Exchange Telegraph s Am-}from London, has been blown up|roem, presenting a es a. October 28 +" the = rs : ~_ hex “a pateh 0 mle ‘ . . ; s os PP 23 000 i » rlectars, > std 1 Catholic Boe PRINCETON PROFESSORS R ~~ wannes” N ‘therlands Minister of Marine|stedam correspondent by a mine in the North Sea i = ; : by — Ts y ane sain ahha “he a ‘the enaitest of the . me ~“IVANHOE” : . for f “Pverytl r,”’ the correspon-|sank in three minutes A re }asking for a vote ‘ det e@ GO TO THE FRONT “ has asked the Chamber or a verything, ank a : “ ay ow a eh atin Badin AMEE " Rex “= IVANHOE” credit of © $450,000 as the first} dent adds, “is bging done to keep| members of her crew were saved —, oe ul oS ae _ va aan 247 iv Princeton, N. J., Oct. 26.-— col & rpedo boats*lthe news secret General von in ie provinee , “ns, it evening is ass ; - oorr ’ a ’ Ves ue Docron's STOR ee Se Ne By 7 , i t f Vermilion, introduced the dele. r'rustees of the Princeton Univer. v"" Holland, to|}/Meltke is suffering from liver It is reported that a proposaljo at ; ee wae 00 Se ; : » abate 7 per cent » you get that work done|sity have granted leave of absence “NE) Reel 6 replace four ordered in Germany complaint. The eure he was un-|may be submitted by South Van-jeation, He tated 0 : Ee : ye Bofors a ae or office, see}to two of the faculty who haveen- le BORS,” With Ford and seized by the German gov-|dergoing wrs interrupted in July}eouver representatives to the an-|more than requires eee vou s se i P} mne|listed in armies of their respee- "09 10 Funniest Comedy n A ot by the mobilization, He has now] pual convention of the Union of}tained of the eleetors’ signatures | Fritz and get a price on ft aa 9 tive countries. Professor Pierre Ever Lag pramess. ; ave FE rer a . . 2 to the effect this monster petition 583. ati © co : Mr. Hap a a a nas - leave Sue re : \“ ge . Muniely — .. < ; so the soda Ee ee re: Boutreaux, one of the department vey w The Sts suggests the 1 Ger. | headquarters, renera vou ‘a la im view o * presen on ‘ . ” ; lection of Scotoh oe. meee Ones : prensa hes aos the Prussian minister/dition of affairs eaused by the|the Honse it will have to be sub. EARTHQUAKE IN TURIN. of mathe matics, ts in the F ‘ween reels, oanee See cae, maeeee Ser a bs left in et i | at ney and the war|mitted to the eleetorate in the serviee, while Prof, Joseph H. M, ‘er. P : : , i ‘harge it s geney an ‘ i } oni ; Rumb including in the Fs elect n Canada. Ut is eer-lof war, being lk 1 charge financia ringen : On eas ae satiate «aan Wedderhurn, haa ae aan ce or “Tee Land O' the ted by anyone Many German officers aseribel al) muni ipal eleetions shall this |forn ‘ae : Lea) “"d “Robin Adair.” jroiny ae prom 1 for the|tt heek to the German advance . r | ineelled and presentitemperance forees ask that the Rome, Oct, 26.——A very severe|maties department, returned to air. } . “ : decent regare a) me me check “ ) a“ i i ‘livea “ cl i res - & pile ‘ 9 . - : a ADMISSION 10 and 156 ne - ' ' f ‘te Empire in thelto the enforced retirement of representatives be allowed to[first Tuesday in June of 1945 belearthquake was felt in Turin yes. | Bngland this week in order to en hbere ‘ OC ce ee General von Moltke.” *ererrrooooooooonors || OS0iIL CLISIS . serve another year chosen as the day for voting terday. No casualties are reported, list in the British army,