ruk DATLY NEWS M | WHERE RUSSIA STANDS ALLIES MAY COMPEL WHERE BRITAIN’S BOYS THE DAILY NEws BURIED S.S. PrinceG THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA IN WAR WITH GERMANY USE OF DARDANELLES | HAVE BEEN italy 9. Prince Geo ge Published Daily and Weekly - Saas att MLS Salis for Vancouve: Fie hale i i Guaranteed Largest Circulation Foreign Minister Outlines Posi- Waterway Not “Required for War | Countless poe —_ will avk = Seattic on | tion in Regard to Re- but for Moving of Grain Tell ata - NAL \C ann ite rg for A : . : ; . r . and Oil. sacrifice wart on Wed, ul. F. MeRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER actionary Party er ; ns at 12 midnight HEAD OFFICE Petrograd, Oct.* 24 Attempts | Toronto, Oct. 20 The. con- London, Oct, 20 Mr, G. H S S P . J Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C, Telephone 98./hy the Russian Reactionary party |tinued refusal of Turkey to per-| Perris gives @ movin’ picture of Sails f lot | °° 0 » bovs . “je Bails , se or Am. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract to create discord within the Fr mit the use of the Dardanelles by | Where some \ f the boys are buried Satin for eneek ond Hate 2 im v i i | ave gone do . é , en Har \ rates on application. pire and awaken = anti-Britis!| merchant ships will force the Al- who have gone ¢ a - ey Me Sails for Queen Charlotte Island ; | ee a _ ——+— | sentiment resulted in a statementijies before long to take drasti this great war Phere will be at 10 P.M DATLY EDITION << fonday, October 26, 1944, }>¥ M. Sazonoll, the Russian mit jmeasures to force the Straits, andjmany such nameless graves, Mr Sails for Vancouver on ( ister Of forieen affairs, in which|that is probably what the pro-] Perris went to the French village THROUGH SERVICE To + apatite he defined his country’s attitude|German war party in Constanti of Pezarches, had a talk with the Trains leave Prince Rupert for | E D 1 T oO R I A L 5S toward the Allies and her stance ple is waiting for 4 demand| mayor, M, Gouple, and writes thus a on Wednesdays and Sat agsinet. Germanys hat the mines laid in the Darda n The Chronicle lose ‘aor aus pen rae : i ror porns Aas 0 ie r Recent avowals by this « ent es be removed and that Con I asked whether the losses GRAND TRUNK RAILWay : It must appear very strange | Of a very different kind|as reflected in a few react iry|stantinople permit “business as;were serious For through tickets and full inf to the German people to see the | from those on the battlefield|journals, M. Sazonoff declared,| usual” would be followed by a ““The Germans seemed to suf- Albert Davidson, General Agen: ert British press criticise the First ar@ the sufferings which war({ went so far as to compliment | refusal on the ground that the|fer greatly here,’ replied our Agency All Atlantic St Lord of the Admiralty in con- is causing in regions far re. |Peror William and laud the h-|national seeurity required the] friend, the mayor; ‘they had many nection with some acts of his mote from the battle lines. The |®™#0lern family: They a ed] closing of “the Straits Seat wounded But the British were ? — . ifro ’ ‘ Sea end, ane department. Such a thing could people of the island of Jamai.|@™"ltingly, he said, to the fa {ne vell covered; they lost only two : fa n from the Mediterraneansy ; never be tolerated for a moment ea are declared on the verge of Antwerp as the approaching end]. aid them tib'Sb Ames Unb cnet killed and thirty wourded. They MUSIC | me 554 P.O Bex 6p in Germany, where the Kaiser starvation, by reason of the of the war, adversely cril ‘ I ne of the Straits by the bom-|buried the two bodies over there Teacher of Violin and All ee : is lord of all. Britith people; economic cr#@is which the war Great Britain by stating that she ardment of the forts and the re-|on the border of the wood; if you Band Instruments 4 ERHANGING hfweverfi are very jealous of has precipitated. From Ecua-|@S sétting other countries haem of the ae , ’ will come I will show you the A. PESCOTT NTING : ili sacieanaili ee egene tten ii ' fight her battles, and als 1e opening of the Dardanelles)... 452 Eighth Ave. East \ , eee wee aes — ns ne ] forecs . ' I jis not important from a military place Phone Green 327 ISHING AND have learned through experi- nor Latin-American countries|!¥ forecasted an Anglo-Russiat | point of view. The Allies are su- I shall not forget that tiny L TINTING ence to lean considerably on come reports of the utter dis- rupture. preme on the seas, and Russia's amid the fields of the Brie pla. | ————————————— - ns “This sme rman el ' aot’ Ges de teau. No stone marks the place 'e the opinion of their leading location of all productive in- This small German element Black Sea fleet is not needed in ' journals. It is hardly think- dustry because markets and|*@id M. Sazonoff, “is wholly un-|the Mediterranean. But the open-| Where two sons of Britain, some MARTIN & M’GOWAN representative of Russia and/|ing of the Straits is vital to trade, |}one’s beloved, rest after their la- Martin Swanson able, however, that there is any financial resources have been . bor ¢ acrifie “her LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL exsovenmnn | ; — a a i ee The Baltic is closed. The Rus-]°! and sacrifice. There is noth- Second ‘ political feeling in the matter. shut off. From the American negligible a ~~ 8 Russian _ ‘ aes .<{ing but a pile of brown earth in Cement, Brick and Tie Work | e Bride policy is concerned. Their ideas dian wheat that usually comes Eetiwetes Furnisnes | During war there is no party cotton raiser to the aboriginal|) je lei 1Weasl trom Baltic ports may be ship-|the bottom of a small chalk pit, Phone Biue 820 i 7a date back as far as 1815. Totally ; surmouhted by ae le of t polities. gatherers of rubber in the Bra-|jonoPant of foreign policies, they ped in part from Archangel, but irmounted by &@ coupie oF brown : pailienshell * * * zilian jungle; from Lassa tolstili are under the sentiment of the vast production of cereals i ae aaeT Saar re ee I oh ld , : : . . ‘ duds ail , ; Southern Russia and the oil of |! make a rough cross. DR. GILROY, DENTIST A recent visitor from Lon- Timbuctoo; from London toja century ago and are sure-j5, | must reach Western Eu “It is one of thousands of } a. fey hold Coe 7 é i e , g o &8O ' J ue eae este — os . ¢ Househol " don has said that this war “has Zambesi, there is mo country > ame teen ane cae > o rope through the Dardanelles or |#onymous graves in this ‘anony- Crown and Bridge Work a | Chaanest, Brightest, Bess r ; or people that by this time has |” te “i not ¢ There are no rt ay|mous war. If these lines should Specialty. brought ‘Canada a thousand peoy ‘ ‘ sictnihinds eatnad rhein not at all. There are no railway “ ; ; pecialty NEW WELLINGTON coaL miles nearer Britain.” There} °t begun to feel some form of] “Qnee for all, the world ought| @¢ilities to take the place of ~ a aia eae eurdlane tte ee Tl wee 7 ; ” » ‘ ne —— aret ater rT , , those two lads were dear, let ther Apts is no doubt but that the war the suffering and privation|to be warned against taking seri- great water route. British oe t ad od rae r tt os - a 6 Avenue Phone 1 mg that a world-war in this twen-|ously the efforts of tl il_ad Russian merchants engaged inj¢. Stave t hear the worst, ane " hae united the Brpire as never] {uth way “wurld imposes nahi oration thi aya [the, ack. Sea trade have ton [apes to tear the dest, that t) UNION TRANSFER CO /— = . “ bd = ? ses ied minority or allowing iis sma . . ¢ — before but underneath this as- on all the children of men.” element to spread abroad their | S'®™'"® most urgent petitions for|@n Say. |] Phone 174 Box 974 sertion there is the feeling that ; . : action, and their respective gov- “The good mayor told us be) @aNERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE = FOR PLUME ' Ne AND WEATING ’ ys = a decadent da dieaainee attempts to shake the good faith i -) |had taken trouble to strengthen South Wellington Coal perhaps even the Mother Coun- |CARUSO SINGS IN ROME between Britain and Russia ernments will not be able much . SMITH é MALLETT . , FOR NEEDY EMIGRA ‘ longer (o withstand the pressure.|the mound: But Nature is in-|PHONES: 86 Office. RESIDENCE 110 . Deere canoe ee aes _ PBacroe th eagle ng songmersal A cr pproach in the rela-|exorable; life, and ever more life 833 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT Val ever, C: ‘= crisis approaches e ‘la- o ; »' ‘ ’ } ouver and Pa quite sure about Canada. This ically that there will be no rup-|-- feta wi cilia’ Me ial enna tings, Pipes ; se’ deat ith. bo wee Rome, Oct. 24.— An extraordi-|ture between Great Britain and| ons Of the Allies and Turkey. - . te ae — a ont Third Ave Hons of Second Sw xe “ws In s . . ' tienen wan i re 108 yveTore ey ca me rince Ruper Sit Whil és 'S inary ; performance was given at/Ruossia ‘and that there is no pos- Tr i. : abl forts” f | found BOAT BUILDER i —- ind y. ile Canada has/the Costani Theatre a few nights |sibility of a premature setile-|_ *" Cet is ty = k - . Me “But I cannot think of any penn | none of the feelings of a col-|ago for the benefit of nedy emi-|ment with Germany contrary to : ee ae ae oe e for mr > plac I H. JOHNSTON | q ony for the parent state, she|#?ants whe have returned to Ita-|our agreement with our allies. It “fireproof buildings” of Ameri- — ae a = than . © ©. STUART gti. : a “6 . » ‘ le edge s wood, ‘ j eo: ha® a far nobler and patriotic ly. It yielded more than 100,000 |is preposterous to think that this |" _— the weet elds “oth ite imate oom Soe Phone Green S81 ‘ek $2 ( ng -leleme ssia is going to es a aageme cour point of view. She has come oe spout ee Among th lemen! in Russia i Gong Mother has resumed her knit-|of flowers and the pure sky above, r : singers who appeared was Enrico |have a hand in dictating Russia’s , ? ’ : 7 : | gee ane Ave Prone tt into the realization of the|Garuso. not | 7 on: ting The neglected and long-|Where the birds will always sing RITCHIE, & } aruso, not previously heard in|policy during the war. The at- pensive, hence the reversion to) 1 nome ane a nd. | WILLIAMS & MANSON are now fighting for the de- Gems of thought never were SUBSCRIBE FOR wool, One of the few bad fea- a — ” the law Of) waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con-| Barristers, 5 rs, Ele fence of those traditions. or will be a drug on the market. tures of the mitjen is that you;life Already they are ploWin | provincial Land Surveying, Mine Burvey- | @ONEY TO LOAN — THE i YAILY NEWS eannot wear them and roll a ciga-|the upper ridge of the stubble |ing, Townsites anda Subdivisions, Electric | Le rette field where the battle was fought, |Bime_ Printing, Negatives end = WHIM | Heigerson Block e Rupert, £6 , 7 Prints. ae — siadieesdiiitiimcet titiliasint Already, while the gravedig- | NOTICE. gers are still at their task, on the Office cort road a thresh- McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. other side of the ‘ : FREE American Sith The Canadian Patriotic Fund. ie machine is wevtdn} and, as PACIFIC CARI AGE LIMIT HOSIERY Will those who need assistance | we leave, a procession of great RERARAARERERRARRRI RARER EEE (Succes WEI COMED We Want You to Know from the above fund, resident in| harvesting carts, full of women 3 Geners! Cartage These Hose the city or district and whose|and children sitting on top of 2 LADYSMITH COAL They stood the test when breadwinner is on active service|their household goods, is bring- : 83-—Pnone—03 IN EVERY all others failed. They give with the foreés of the Empire or} ing back a first party of fugitives |. real foot comfort. They have her Allies, kindly notify the sec-|to the homes @hey abandoned a > no seams fo rip. They never ||Tetary of the local organization. | fortnight ago. : JOHN CU RR become loose and ba as W.*E. COLLISON. “The harvest of death and the . KITCHEN hc anes ~ ae i P. O. Box 735.—4+f.' harvest of life!’ *| Contractor & Builder pressed in. They are GUAR- = : |. Bstumates « Buildings ANTEED for fineness, for - —— ~ Phone Black 294 is Royal Standard Flour because it is to style, for superiority of ma- 1 bei eey— — be depended upon. There is no anxiety terial and workmanship, ab- as HINE SHO? about the baking when this flour is used be- solutely stainless, and to Autumn Bu ers IMPERIAL MAL cause it is a known quantity. Follow the wear six months without ew y Repairing Quickly Done experienced baker's example, who never holes’ or replaced by new i — c uncle Spi Gute enue pairs free. : ADAMS & BROOKS [cow ERED oa , s Royal Standard OUR FREE OFFER A Fine Assortment at Moderate Prices ameneas@iamereaee | r only because it tops the list. To every one sending us I 50c to cover shipping slow : ‘Waste en Copyrights JAME: CILMORE charges, we will send, sub- Write for our Ilustrated Catalogue through which we represent our Seattle i ect pk har ject to duty, absolutely free: fine stock to our out-of-town buyers. wall Three pairs of our famous We have all the latest styles in gem set jewelry, each piece perfect October Tih, 1944, | 20d Ave fo Sues AMERICAN SILK HOSE In fineh, and representing the finest values in platinum and gold mounte, MR. HARRY HONSON, with written GUARANTEE, set with diamonds and other precious and semi-precious stones. Box 395, Prince Rupert, B. |gnteecsccers oocccceneaaa — any color, or ae, Mihi Phone 87 : Three pairs of our Ladies’ THE BIRKS’ WEDDING RING Ie a very popular and P we haw to advise that your nY Oy tan Hose in Black, Tan or fashionable design—comfortabie to wear in any weight. smaththabion, tod Saniane one . | SAV (} ' HO White colors, with written _ a Axiendin it ti . ay pi s1) TPR EEE ” ——=—= ada 0 provements in Wa | ° oa , ter Heaters is now pending under | FIRE ; , —_ our pires when ig gh H. Bi 5 So Li * d Serial Ne, 190,649, filed October |g Mt *¢ Roome P locality is selected. Give enry irks ns, imile ae ee gh ae very éruly Goly . ed F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor. color and size desired. ‘iiieaaht aaa Ee DOCU i ne ‘y NORTH PRINCE RUPERT ternational Hosiery Co. EWELLERS AND SILV. Signed) ADAMS & a res COLUM 21 Bittner Street mm , - eee by &. A. Adame | PRUD! e & FISHET Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. Geo. £. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C. manny eAeeen none The Reliable Piumber — "Scoop Is A Very Sound Little Sleeper on: we SNAW ~ZIZ - w BOss OF KS LAL OVER 0 i ~ Pp NOUR. OWN : fas : S- NAW-21 OF TH’ BED ¢ mee QUIT KICKIN S-NAW-2 fsas eg = WAR POLITICS Make = = , ——+-= ; Srnee SED = SS == == —— =O igor