ls THE DAILY NEWS || LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ice créam, “The Daily News’ CLASSIFIED ADS. Try Smith & Killas’ Ss @. Pantorium Pioneer Phone 4. FOR RENT * Norfolk Rooms, Steam heated, Cleaners. | tf. + * its 4 ) , vater. Terms rea. FOR RENT—Comfortably furnished bed- hot and cold wat . room with use of bath; §10.00 er sonable. 6th Ave, and Fulton, month, Apply evenings at 304 Eighth “ao. enue West. 242- o47 . YOR RENT—Pour-roomed cottage on Fra For @ comfortable room, come ‘vy uf ou ‘00 y a 2A ser St, near Sixth, Thomas Mecly-|to the St. Elmo Hotel, 856 Sec- mont, 2320 ~Jond Avenue, near Fighth Street, 133 FOR —_—e Newly opened. Steam heat and ” eae hot and cold wate? in every room, Free baths. Rates reasonable, FOR SALE—New honse, Section 7, §100 “i ee cash and $20 @ month; total 4,150. P. 0, Box 100, The- Ladies Hospitaly Auxiliary FOR SALE — Tracts of Land ip Labeies will hold their monthly meeting Valley containing 10 acres eac . ‘ ise par tte. Mccaffrey & Gibbons, eiatt.|in the K. of P. Hall on ruesday at 3 p. m. FOR SALE-—-50-H.P, capacity steam boiler I ° e . and 8-H.P, stationary engine. be biy Bon’ th, Dally News. geett.| ‘The young people of the Meth- siti odist Ghurch- are giving a Hal- WANTED lo’een social in the church hall at 8 o'clock tonight. ‘A good pro- gram has been arranged. No WANTED Young girl to assist in light : “ee } ; aa housework and care for children, Ap- charge for admission but a col- wa a't.6 tate PP oagar.| lection will be taken. Everybody serve or . ° welcome. WANTED—A nursemaid from 1:30 to 6:30 * * * p. m, every day. Apply Box 104, The Daily News. 2 4att. Have you tried the Londen WANTED—Four-room house in Section|Cafe. It’s a clean, swell place. Five or Six for $125 down and §25 Ajry)., - an an . : month until patd, Box 102, Daily News. rhe meals served are the best in town and prices are low. 233tf WANTED—View lot and house; close in; about $2,500 to $3,000, will pay Ne, * * * ras " B 28. x : 7 - Sally — — e The Prince Rupert Towing Co,, general towing; the new crude oil MISCELLANEOUS tug “P.R.T. No. 1.” Phone Red vestry ee a 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O. WEALS