0 7, Tuesfay ON DO SUMMARY Justice F ONLY GURE FOR raNSTIPATION That Wonderful Fruit Juioes. v 14th, 1914. t-a-tives”’ for tipation with nd they conti When IT rs ago to use se but gra reas vone tablet at a ; ruit-a-tives”’, lis but the I thought I m the illness Finally, I rtieed witha recommended ed them, and commending CORBRTT. trial size, 25¢* receipt of ted, Ottawa: i wFruit-a-tive fumed Made From Savon, ' “wT have gigestio a excellent et eens eee ere Dince Rupert Dairy Co. a fourteen from a bedroom the silently up the stair ed motion. themselves through door and bloody ’ Highlanders Wreak Venageanc: Uhians for Treatmen of Gir! London, Oct eomes a tale of sur done to band of Ulla landers. A Highland patro) of saddled bh dozen his me a farm yard, not fa: lle laughter in coars« front. The aly Believing somethi sergeant ana j hh before the dor room from which ca What the them gasp with rag: In a moment the The work insid Phe tHighla “a discovered the uncon FOR QUARANTEED PURE Mi of a young gir! lying bx AND CREAM the bed. . ¢ ve pt tested, Every- : ¢ m pe a oon tor With blood aflame, th I bottle subjected to landers drove into the «» onrs is the only ‘ iis. Orders devils who were the g) ‘ had at Knott's . ‘ : weed OF e. oe — tors, ramming home thei Bey Cash Market nets with savage jo Ss bd Norther Market the wretches tried t + Green 262. Barn at Park Ave the windows, but the eee eee a SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY NEWS|; Pa: . a * Certificate of Improvemente. ha and Black Bear ‘im. ) the Skeena Min- District, ate nance it Fraction elwe ily Bertha” and * ums near head of Inlet, and “Black |} @ located one mile northwest point of | * A « branch of Ob-| @ ‘ Pedro Salina, Free | # ertifica 80313B., intend, Bays I ite hereof to ly * Mining Ff for a Certificate | « the purpose of ob- f the above claim. | # tice that action, | » section § be commenced be- * * CertiNeate of im- { September, A.D. PEDRO. SALINAS, PPP PPODODO DOOD OO, ance Rupert Feed Co. * . * * no quarter, and not a Ulila left alive to tell the stor French girl's honor wa ed by the “kilties.”’ bays or THE DAILY | - = we. COR eee Hay, Grain, Feed and’ Seeds EN FEED 6A 6SPEOIALTY Agente for OMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. / orders promptly attended to a Third Ave Phone Slack 268 OP POPIPLODOOOOOOS NADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY neess May southbound Saturday noon neess Roya! southbound Sunday 8 p. m. ncess Sophia northbound Monday noon 4 @ MONAB, General Agent * Fourth Street and Third Ave PO POPPI DOODO LOD ON, Cielo SPRL. Vintners Association on bo WINDEOR MOTEL r Of Pirs snd Bighth 8. Ww. & Wrignt, Prop. ave wOTEL CENTRAL - Avenue and Seventh 9+ ropean and American Plan Peter Biack, Prop. BNOX MOTEL AY ‘ e., Be Eighth and Ninwb twee “ean Pia ‘eles b0e to $1.00 bay Beener ao Besner, Prope. Y. Rochester VD. Casiey EMPRESS HOTEL bing ™ Ave, Between Sixth ana Seventh Streess to $1 Per Day HOTEL. ‘eens Pien, 60 ROYAL Conte y t ‘ropes Siath St Sleam weaved MIQUOR coO., Third ay ena uw Pies VER Witoce SALE LimiTep Second Ave e00 Sixth @4. Phone 109 —__— ‘SPORTING GO. LIMITED Fraser « RUP ERY ‘0 Sts N19 nenennnoonoes Aldebaran Minera! TAKE NOTICE that agent for ae J ers Certincate No. . self, Free Miner's Certificate No. 80313B., iatend, sixty days from the Certificate of luaprovements, pose of obtaining a Crown Grent of the above claim. And under section 85, must De commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of im- provemen Dated iota. -$30.00- PATTULLO & RADFORD Certificate of brict. Where (3-4) of a mile, more or Jess northwest point of the head of and adjoining the Black Bear located :——-Abeut the southwest 1, Pedro Vous 31545B., and date apply Ww the Mining Recorder further take notice that PEDKO CIRCUIT NO. 1. @ox 12-5 St. and Sra Ave. Box 136th St. and Srd Ave. Box 14—s8th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 16.-Junction of ist, #nd ard Aves. Box 16—-ist Ave., between Sib Oth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Box 17-——18t Ave. and 7th St, (Cen tral Hotel.) OIROUIT NO. 2. Box 22--3rd Ave. and 3rd (Post OmMee.) @ox 23-3rd Ave. and McBride Box 24--ist Ave, and McBride Box 25--2nd Ave, aud tad St. Rox 26--2nd Ave. and 6th St. Sox 27.0. Tb. P. oioUIT NO. 3 @ox 315th Ave, and Fulton St. @ox 32—-Borden and Taylor 5 @4—1Tih Ave, and Fulton St. = 60th Ave. md Comox ave. @ox 378th Ave. and Dodge Pl Box 886th Ave. and Thompson oe omoulIT NO. 4 Box 41—-4th Ave, snd Emmerson if oe 425th Ave. and MeBride sh. ox 430th Ave. and Green St Box 44-60 Ave and Basil St Bdx 45-—Typ Ave. and Eperte Box 1417 Ave. antl Yung St lt for the Lj manufacturers. Improvements. Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- three-quarters , from the Alice Arm claim Salinas, as Free Min- for hereof, for 4 pur- action, ts. this 2ist day of September, A.D. SALINAS. JE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM and and st WOMEN AND CHIL DREN FIRST — HOW THE GE RMAN APPLIES IT. lack of eo- joperation on the part of local Mr Dunean jmakes a suggestion to the asso- ciation that, when prominent | British business man comes to )ihis city, or a British ofMfeial, the | manufacturers look after his en- tertainment instead of letting city oMeials do it. Instead of taking the visitors only on a seeniec trip around the city they ought to be shown what this city and New Westminster, and other cities as well, have in the way of faetories. This will go a long way toward inspiring con- fidenee in British Columbia in- vestments, some unsuccessful flotations in recent years having British investors to be very wary of putting money into this previnee. ish goods, owing to caused DETAINED IN GERMANY. Montreal Mining Broker Likely to Be Kept as Prisoner Until Peace Is Declared. Montreal, Oct, 26.—-That Mr. J. T. Armand, Montreal mining broker, held by the Germans as a prisoner of war at Baden, is not likely to be releas- ed until peace is declared between Britain and Germany, was the substance of a letter from Hon. George Perley, acting High Com- mission for Canada, read Satur- day at the monthly meeting of the Chambre de Commerce. Mr. Perley's letter contained the formation that the German gov- ernment had passed a regulation prohibiting any British subject between the ages of 18 and 55 leaving Germany during the war. Mr. Armand is a member of the Chambre de Commeree, and was visiting relatives in Alsaee when war was declared, tle was first held as a spy and sentenced to be shot, bul this sentence was com muted to imprisonment, through the intervention of the American eonsul, a who is now German plans include a levy of a billion dollars on Paris. They would be willing to make a lib. eral diseount on any advance payment, eam ann af (Cartoon by James Frise.) est NEWS s| - . — The latest war bulletins «| » ves _K ; : roconed eeclustcly. be the «| RATES THROUGH CANAL | BRITON HELD FOR See a ee ee Daily News are posted im- *| DOWN TWENTY NT ree mediately after coming off #| 2 PER CE COALING GERMANS Cireumstanees attending the tee lies ah the following * i . nmin eapture of the Bankdale are not places: » Marrison Direct Line Makes Sub-/|Bankdale Taken as Prize of War) ayaijabio, but it is understood Cole's Cigar Store, 3rd Ave *| “aoieas ae te -_ on — Coast by H. M. S. New- that she carried 6,000 tons of ; ' eRe, Mie Ben i ouncement. castie—Ordered to uimalt. Y AV a 8 Jewelry Store, 3rd a se e eq coal and was bound from Norfolk, avenue. i o ‘de ; : Prince Rupert Hotel, 2nd * Vancouver, Oct. 25 That the | Vietoria, Oet. 22.,—Her move. | Virginia. avenue. | Harrisor Direct Line, on account| ments direeted by a prize crew | The Bankdale steamed from Royal Hotel. stip aaietier sagt tom enore| from Hy; 9 Be‘NewensGé. the | Nerfolk on September 20 for oe — gition of 20 per cent in freiant |{reighter Bankdale, of British Guaymas or Mazatlan, Mexico, ey ew gn lrates, was annouticed yesterda: lregistry, is due to put in an ap- The coal carrier steamed from ‘ ote | | 1 Daily News windows, 3rd «| by Mr. J. B. Dunean, viee-presi-|pearanee at the Canadian naval the Atiantie to the Pacifie by way avenue. @ ident of the B. C. Manufacturers’ |pase at Esquimalt. As in the ease of the Panama Canal. Upon her SRERERRERHREER EES ag nga “ eo —- ten of the steamer Lowther Range,|@rrival here the vessel will be > ‘ re Vv ! i ere Pi : ee the canal will be the heseeaden the Bankdale was seized under|Held under suspicion until the lit is estimated the time to. this |®USPicien of earrying coal that|case is thoroughly investigated by | port from Glasgow will be short- might be \fpr German men-of-|the naval authorities. FOR RENT lened to 33 days... Bhis, MeReun [ivar She was sighted by the New- The Bankdale is a vessel of Sie die he cl tea nnan aad the | castle, and as she appeared to/|2,461 tons register and is owned En 3h aie of the new canal to British |'2"°r° the signal to heave to, a}by William Just & Co., of Liver- }Columbia. Other lines must re jshot was fired across her bow, | pool, also owners of the British iduce rates. and have. as the re ster the result that she immedi-|steamer Bankfields, reeently sunk -HOUSE- aultvef the opening of the canal./2°*'Y stopped. Her movements | off the Peruvian coast by the Ger- The- manufacturers of British had caused suspicion and ajman cruiser Leipzig. Columbia now have exceptional boarding party was sent from the | ee ee . s 7 eruiser As she is only eapable| Laurier stimulates reeruiting, jopportunities before them to do 5 laway with the prevailing opinion of avetaging ten knots, the Bank-| while some.of Toronto's profes- lin Great Beitain that it fe ‘herd dale "was left in charge of the sional patriots figure on making ALL CONVENIENCES io -vandit‘thhle province witht tell. prize erew under an officer, who|party gain out of the national was given instruetions to deliver ' peril. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Oils Varnishes HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “Sess Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Sheet and Plate Giass “Old Fashioned Cleanliness” cost our mothers many a “ back-breaking” day. The “new fashioned” cleanliness costs only the price of a cake of Sunlight This purest of all laundry soaps has a gentle s a that eee quickly without rubbing. And a $5,000 guarantee om there is no adulterant or impurity it to injure the finest fabric or hurt the daintiest hand. For the thousand and one soap uses around the house—there is just one soap— Sunlight Soap Subscribe for the‘News ae A. E. Rand, President. J. 8, Pearce, Manager THE PRINCE RUPERT SASH AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD. Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scroll and Band Sawing, and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. - tures, House Finish a Specialty. Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Hays Cove-Circle Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 Prince Rupert, B. C. THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED SS. VENTURE Sails for Port Simpson, Mill Bay, Naas River, Thursdays, for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, every Friday, 4 p.m. §.S. CHELOHSI Sails for Granby Bay, Naas River, Sunday midnight; for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Every Tuesday at 9 p.m. Agency: American Express, Atiantic Steamers PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. - Eee oe a eee _ — a a == FOR A TAXI? ); + PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO anita na MN i for Prince and Northern B.C. Ruperi The Daily News goes into nearly every home in For Rent Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the ofty because fM is clean and retiable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and toptes interesting to Northern British Colum- COMFORTABLE 4-ROOMED bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- ; mism and vebrabitity. ‘Phe Datly News is the most valuable paper to COTTAGE advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the vfty. It is reatl by the class of people th NEAR DRYDOCK advertisers want to talk to. , NICE 4-ROOMED FLAT a | WITH BATHROOM DAILY NEWS APPLY TO . 7 G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. + RA ARERR ERE ARR ee 324 SECOND AVENUE es ne ee eee ee * Pde cecilia teen