“The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT—-Comfortably furnished bed- room with use of bath; §10.00 od month, Apply evenings at 304 Eighth enue West, 2a 247 VOR RENT—four-roomed cottage on Fra- ser St, near Sixth, Thomas Mccly- mont, gs2u FOR SALE FOR SALE—New house, Section 7 on cash and $20 & month; total Pp. O. Box 100, P 18tf. FOR SALE — Tracts of Land 2 Lakelse Valiey containing 10 acres ch, $e per acre, McCaffrey & Gibbons. 2144, rOR SALE—50-H.P. capacity steam boiler and 8-H.P, stationary engine. Can be had cheap. In excellent order. ar. ply Box 15, Daily News. 22etr. WANTED WANTED housework and care ply Mrs. J. G. Thompson, serve or P, O, Box 740. WANTED—A nursemaid from 1:30 to 6:30 p. m. every day. Apply Box 104, The Daily News. 2a2tr. WANTED—Four-room house Five or Six for $125 down and month until — Box 102%, Daily WANTED—View lot and house: close in; about $2,500 to $3,000. will pry y $700 eash and arrange balance. ox 100, Daily News. Young girl to assist in light for children. Ap- oo T PR 24308. in Section 25 a ews. MISCELLANEOUS MBPALS—for two gentlemen in private family. Down town. Room if desired. Modern House. Phone Black 408. MONEY! MONEY! 6 PER CENT — Loans may be obtained for any pw on acceptable Real Estate security; Ilib- eral gorrneore correspondence solicit- C. ed. Cc, Agen com: 758 Gas, Electric Bidg., Deaver, FOR SALE One Good Deliv- ery Horse, Cheap at Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 AMERICAN TAILOR == CUT PRICES - Call and Save Money DOMINION Undertakers and Embalmers FUNERAL DIRECTORS Caskets and Undertakers’ Supplies at Wholesale Prices Tm Reasonable—Phone 41 in 1836 THE BANK oF 1914 BritishNorthAmerica Te Years in Business. Capital Ano SURPLUS $7,766,666. / Bank Money Orders Are Safe And Convenient If you want to send any sum up to Fifty Dollars, to any Yukon excepted, or to any of the point in Canada, principal cities of the United States. buy a Money Order at any Branch of the Bank of British North The cost in trifling. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. America. | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Try Smith & Killas’ * * * ice cream. Cleaners. tf. Pantorium Pioneer Phone 4, * * . Norfolk Rooms, Steam heated, hot and cold water. Terms rea- sonable, 6th Ave. and Fulton, > * * Band practice tonight in Metn- tyre Ilall at 8 o'clock oy ew & under the Basket Bail League takes tonight at 8:15 in the rink, when the Cal- lies meet the Men's Own, os The first game place * the on McBride It was works, asked sidewalk Morrison plank from Way. of Alderman Couneil for First Avenue, Street to Manson referred to the Board 7 ee For a comfortable room,,come to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- ond Avenue, near Eighth Street. | Newly opened. Steam heat and | hot and cold water in every room. | Free baths. Rates reasonable. | . 6 8 The Council passed accounts $100,000 if with it were last night of over as much unconcern as only ten cents. * * = George Leek wrote the Council asking for a plank sidewalk from Sixth Street to Seventh Street on First Avenue, or from the Queens Holel to the Central. It was re- ferred to the Board of Works. +2 @ Thomas Watts et al. wrote the City Council asking that lighting privileges be extended from Am- brose Avenue to Seal Cove along Sixty Avenue. The city electri- cian said that this work was even now proceeding. In a week or two it would be ready for resi- dence lighting and soon transformers ordered would rive the streets would be lig J ae Have you tried the London Cafe. It's a clean, swell place. The meals served are the best in town and prices are low. 233tf = = 2 The Prince Rupert Towing Co., general towing; the new crude oil tug “P.R.T. No. 1.” Phone Red 391 or Black 32%. Address: P.O. Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” Crude Oil Motor. 1665tf $:s as as ir- hted. The report Fire Committee presented a to the Council that the plank roadway at the point where SIDELIGHTS ON THE WAR. The American hospital ship Red Cross has returned from bu rope, arriving off Sandy Hook on Friday night French customs officers have seized on the Spanish border a quantity of blankets consigned from Spain to Switzerland, but believed to be destined for the German army. Field Marshal von der Goltz, military governor of Belgium, de elares that the summoning of the Belgian army of three military classes is invalid, and that he will hold responsible the relatives of of Hesse, mia In the October 1 including Second nine wou Lord J of the been Some « to Antwe city, Londo thei mans ing in suppress the fire auto fell Over was unsafe The convex stead of higher paired. It was Board Works. * * lower should to side was and referred in- be the of * The Canadian Fraterwity held a meeting last night at which it was decided to hold a ball on No- vember 6 in order to raise funds for the patriotic society. Elab- erate preparations will be made and the event is sure to be a pop- ular one. * * * The High School moved yester- day from the City Hall to the school building on Borden Street The new building is commodious and comfortable and Principal Brady full of smiles. The classes are being held for the present,on the top floor. s.:@ 2@ The car of coal which the G, T. >, had agreed 4o deliver free of cost for testing purposes has ar- rived. Two mines have contrib- uted, each one giving half a car. One of them is making no charge, new is so that the cost of the coal to the city will average $1.25 per ton, the price at the mine being $2.50 regularly. *_ * * Mrs. L. Bullock-~Webster has received news which relieves her of any anxiety concerning her sister, who was held a prisoner in Germany on the outbreak of the war. She has been among those exchanged for prisoners held in England and is now safely back under the Union Jack. GERMANS BOUND To the comedies, tragedies and melo ; el dramas of the diamond, The sal Washington, Oct. 27.—Thelary which caused Stallings to German ambassador, Count} fall is the largest ever given a Bernstorff, said today that early |diamond celebrity for stage work in the European war he had as- , sured the United States govern- Salvation Army. |ment that whatever the outcome Public mastinas. Tuesday, jof the conflict, Germany would |-phursday and Saturday at 8 p.m. jrespect the Monroe Doctrine RESPECT MONROE DOCTRINE clubs Ger Ne out necessar of the L able. Paris Germa ir away nei by The eanceled Cunard The dam, can be « from ean they flag hav eall has in debut week, of sigt at Sundays mar has the New Y¥ Stallings, world’s champion Boston Braves finally has succumbed to the siren “Rig those who obey Brit 8, ten officers are listed, R Life Guards, Sir nded. 1. D. 0. E. ADD OVER $100 TO FUND The death of Prince a nephew of the Kaiser, battlefield i been confirmed. \ ohn Duke « killed if the rp rf refugees returning have again The patriotic ball given al the auspices of the IT, D. O. Bh. was & great success, Over all ex penses, the sum of 8105.20 was realized and will be handed over to the Patriotic Fund The f. D.O, BE. particularly wish to thank Mr. Preseott and the Majestic orchestra § for giving | their services free, St. Andrew's Society for theif donation of 825 the Kaien Island Club, Mr. Mar shall and Mr. Sweet, The Daily News, Journal and Em, for free advertising, Kaien Hardware Co., and all others wh er erously gave their assistance: rhe proceeds of the bridgwe party held on October 8 amounted to 832.50. Phis famount is being used to buy yarn to knit sox, hel mets, ete., for the soldiers the call. France, isuaAity and twenty- Cavendish, Devonshire, in action declaring conditions 1 newspapers, campaign England, of German first ion y, as Paris on 1 French Austrian its Comps Hal will hown was e not ork, Dives wed a vaudeville the at 7 v dec! f the the fone enormous iiwehr are if demand ires that the landsturm The French parliament will as- semble for and not winter il Rordeaux, eroplanes riday were aviators. rovernment contract for iny American Philadelphia, bou Rockefeller dilla and Platuria, British at Scotland, ifax be that German to t bho been guilty overt breach of neutrality. tanker released their 26 The contract ane Pals Stallings himself a monologue :30 i will ice is preparing Pp. portation of emigrants. fe to Fairmouth. tankers detained by the and Stornoway, MANAGER STALLINGS TO APPEAR ON STAGE Oct manager in. Maximilian rainst still has list of uff, of the nephew has > left that urrsafe continu Get the -class eall is un numbers avail- at session coming chased has with the the trans- Sun, of vv Amster- Brin- if it transfer Ameri- and if of any he de, George T of Chief to make heatre the appear his this for ealing with a) cre “BREWSTERS MILLIONS'— “BRITISH WAR GAZETTE” At the Westhoime Opera House. Wednesday and Thursday. | . | attractions will be at The Wednesday and hwo of extraordi shown simul Westholme Thursday irv merit taneously on First, there will be a sparkling five-reel Millions full of omedy, “Brewster's a real Broadway show, good humor and comica lsituations Monte Brewster has inherited i fortune of a million dollars from his paternal grandfather ind is just beginning to have a eal nice time with the money vhen the interesting news reaches him that his ucle has just died, leaving him a fortune of seven million dollars, but this! ast inheritance has a string at-| tached to it It seems that Mon- te’s uncle considers the grandfa ther’s money tained. fo reertain personal or family reasons, and] therefore adds a clause to his wi 1 whereby it is stipulated that Monte cannot inherit the seven ndllions unless he spends every penny of the gradfather’s moey legitimately, within a year How Monts accomplishes this feat makes a ver funny story rhe second feature on this pre tish War Gazette, fr gram is show the anew acenes ing authentic seat of war mn CRUISER EMDEN NOW ACCOUNTED FOR; ALL TRADE ROUTES SAFE London Oct 26 Reuter's tombay correspondent, tele. graphing in connection with the raids on British commerce by the German cruiser Emden, says: It is signifieant that the Bom- bay government has issued a statement to the effect that all sea routes are considered reason- ably safe as from 9 o’elock the evening of October 21." The Morning Post's Bombay correspondent in a dispatch dated unconfirmed October 22, gave an report that the Emden had at last been accounted for. AIRCRAFT ARF USED BY ENEMY IN MARCH ON CITY OF WARSAW London, Oct, 26 During their successful march on Warsaw the Germans sent aeroplanes daily to throw bombs into that ty for the purpose of terrifying the populace Very little mate rial damage was done, but a num ber of persons were killed or wounded, On October 19, no fewer than fourteen bombs were thrown, killing nine persons and wounding fifty-six others, inelud women and children.” foregoing a dispatch The Daily Mail's corre- at Moscow. ing The from spondent LIEUT.-COL. C. M. NELLES. Commanding the Royal Canadian Dragoons, one of the two mounted regiments with the first Canadian Expeditionary force in England, on the way to the front. The R. CG. D. is the only regiment with the foree that sérved as a regiment in South Africa It was sent to \friea as the Canadian Mount- ed Rifles, but was given per mission by the War Office while serving there to assume the title of Koyal Canadian Dra- On Colonel Nelles and inany of his officers and men saw active service with the corps in Afriea, EMPRESS F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) LIEUTENANT COLLETT. lIn charge of the Aviation Section of the British corps whieh | made a daring attack upon the | Zeppelin airship sheds at Dus | eeldorf recently, being suecess ! ful in setting fire to one ot these leviathans of the air is a Canadian, having sol born in Manitoba VANCOUVER BROKER COMMITS SUICIDE Leander Shaw of Ross & Shaw Dead at His Home in Talton Place. m Mr. Leander Shaw, the firm of Ross and Shaw, partner meur shot his ance brokers, Vancouver, himself with 1946 Saturday a revolver in Fifteenth morning. police say Mr. Shaw by plaeing a re mouth and pulling He was 56 years of been a of twelve years He Nova Scotia He two daughters his wife having home, Avenue West, The mitted suicide volver in the trigger age and had Vancouver for was born in leaves a and and a brother, predeceased him. Mr. H. G. Ross, Mr partner, stated that he why his partner life He was with 9 o'clock the nothing at that further from his Ross did not even partner com- his resident son Shaw's knew should Mr evening no reason his until prey wus, end Shaw and seemed thoughts Mr snow that his a revolver. Lime possessed SENDS $1,000 to FRANCE. Franco-American Relief Associa- tion Receiving Funds for Distressed. At a meeting of the FEeattle Franeo-American Relief Associ treasurer re 81.000 ation this week the ported that 5,000 franes had been forwarded to the presi dent of the Central Relief Com mittee in Paris, Gabriel Hano taux, ex-Minister of Foreign Af fairs. The Cercle Tolbiac of Se attle. No. 304, of the Alliance Na tionale, has voted a special as- sessment for the Franco-Ameri ean Relief Association. Subserip tions may be sent to C. A.“Cle ment, 206 Lyon Building COMMON SENSE FORM OF CHARITY We when hesitate to learn from the people with whom we are in conilict. At a recent funeral in Austriar city and relatives, need not possible, an friends in ac cordance with the last expressed wish of the deceased, refrained from sending floral and similar tributes The estimated cost of what would have been sent was placed in a vase beside the cof lin, together with some pieces of jewelry and other personal prop As the been prominently erty of value. decaased had eonnected with a and it was con relief fund for the many societies considerable sum was realized, tributed to the victims of the war. There is here a suggestion for the linking of personal afflictions with the re lief of those suffering of the Empire in defence KILLED WIFE AND HIMSELF. Oct. 26 Grimit, a rancher, stantly killed his wife and ended his own life at the Hotel, Broadway and ‘at tf Friday morn Mrs was suing for Seattle, it in then Broad Vester Thomas shot and way Way, ing o clagk Girimit a divorce and the two lived apart PEPER EERE EEE EEE yy ex , ‘ Fee aay, thay GOOD AGENTS wan; h } vIr , THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSUR OMPANY We are open to place an Agency _— Y , ton, Smithers, Prince George, and oti rae | Queen Charlotte islands and the prin pa Inter ; Wf you are a good man and ope, "OM Territory , MEN OF OHARACT EN ' : , e , KISSICK & EDWAP)s t DISTHICT AGEN ot Sixth Street F " ; FOI III III III II IAI naan sautela 6 leit lst oor wy ane POPP O¢}>ee $eeecees, OO tbo e4 See eee. oes SHINGLET, MOULDINGS, Sash Doors PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER ¢( A. 4. BURROUGHS tet Ave. and McBride 4. ~ E RUPERT, 9 PHONE 26 ¢ at Smithers oeeccece teeeccocooeoons ne ee, SaaS SS Se 710 SECOND Ave Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Chandlery Wire Cable Stee! Blocks 1 Tackle tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Sho Rope Valves A nition Pumps Hose F t Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing « gated Iro “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE Best Svea FRED STORK’S HARDWARE FRED STORK’S HARDWARE (guns n PEEEEEEEEEE REESE EERE EERE EE ENE HEE Re eee eee High-Grade Work Plumbing st and shee metal w a8 at fair prices Western Plur nbing ( é J “i =e a aa i ' = — = al After the bath with BABY’S OW skin is smooth, comfortable, aroma of froshly cut flowers Vreedeam from skin troubles, « the refreshing sleep which “Baby enjoy. lwpecially for nursery u 50 REAL. ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturer: tng ERE AAA REE eee Reet EE SOAP the ff exhales the eee ork 0,4 1 H K