Legistetive Labrery I THE DAILY nNEws al Effort to Specia akes 4 p Immediately give War wews ==] THE DAILY NEWS PRINGI OCTOBER 28, 19144. RUPERT, B. C., WED NESDAY, GET THE LATEST WAR NEWS FIRST IN THE DAILY NEWS PRICE FIVE CENTS IGHTING IN WEST FLANDERS IS LIKE MASSACRE —- ed DIAN | TROOPS F IRST HEARD FROM DO GOOD WORK--HOSTILE CRUISER EMDEN STILL ACTIVE NCESS ROYAL HITS ROCK MAKES WAY TO VANCOUVER KROCK ON WAY souTH ‘BUT THOUGHT NOT SERIOUS _pUE TO LEAVE TONIGHT FOR THE NORTH. bt The Daily News—10:30 A.M) Held hold after sti ne a x rhe C. P.| Bueeancer Bay The ft wa il arrived | scheduled to leave Va night for the North of water in| | PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA INVADED | (Special to The Dally News—10:30 A. Mm.) BOTHA WILL PUT DOWN REBELS (Special to The Daily News) RESULTS OF TREMENDOUS BATTLE SHOW DEADLY CARNAGE OF ENEMY Advance of Germans Repeatedly Wiped Out by Shrapne Of Allies---French Marines Rout Germans With Bayonets After Stand of Forty Hours--- FIRST MENTION HINDU TROOPS MAKE FEARFUL SLAUGHTER |IN DIFFICULT SITUATION TH THE INDIANS SAVED THE DROVE ENEMY BEYOND OWN LINES. DAY— (Special to Th Daily Newe—10:30 A. M.) London, Oct. 28——The Germans The Sikhs and Ghurkas gave in Northwestern France in the|the enemy a few rounds in rapid neighborhood of Lille by sheer|succession and then swung into |weight of numbers turned the|them with the utmost fervor and | British out of their trenc hes, and| drove them back pass the British followed the advantage by pur-j|trenches and through the Ger- suing the Tommies until they met) man trenches with . fearful the British reserves, who hap-|slaughter. pened to be Indian troops. BELGIANS DEFEAT . 8 Tie ondon, Oct. 28 ‘aris mes- pms rly oa gale 16,000 Germans Were Killed GERMANS IN AFRICA HAS FAILED that Gen. | sage from sisbon says that dis for the front } pate hes say that German troops - — te ; , Port (Special to The Dally News—11 A. M.) jfina y routed the Germans at the|tempt to force a passage through (Special The Daily News—12 NOGn) (Special to The Daily News) eWet rebellion. | Gave forcibly invaded the Portu , } : Paris, Oct. 28.— The Belgian Petrograd, Oct. 28.—The at- . ; f Angela in West Lend Oct, 26 Phe Ti —— iyonet point. the Dixmuide-Nieuport line and : . ee eee ' ; troops completely defeated the|temp of the Austrians to envelope ; re beit ad lent in West Flanders | The Germans made a ecrossing|are concentrating farther south : a : . fb lion in the Africa Preparations are being ma’ uns have paid a | ioe <— Cl | the D le. li Germans at Kisenie, between/the left wing of General Brussil- Bays : " 8 ® paid a te Sa day ear Ss reorge’s Chap-lo e de. “es : ‘ and Western|made to despatch warships and ; | 7 os es — F ee ee ee German East Africa and the Bel-|ioff has failed, aceording to a Sead heal j | rible price for the crossing of the and a frightful struggle en-| rhe German losses on the Dix- ; ‘ : taken Hil.| troops from Portugal to Angola bil] gian Congo. semi-official statement. Yser and f he strip they still ed. The fighting continued ae line are estimat- some zens. a aoucememagemngniememneeepinti tA wet GERMANS REINFORCING h if the bend of the rive | Sunday morning, when the r-|ed at 16,000 killed and 30,000 FRENCH ARE FIRM WOMAN CANDIDATE are aking THEIR ARMY IN ALSACE ,., ind aga they have bes val of French reinfrocements | wounded. FORGETS TO QUALIFY ut do na ' : = at practica wiped out by the Bel ve the Germans back across nape IN AWFUL FIGHT -_—_—— ting. South] (special to The Dally News—-1:36 P.M.) 4 Geneva, Oct. 28 Dispatches Courteous Rival (a Man) Tele- sehin tn fe , Ont am . ale wt hrapnel but have cont ied lithe river Phe German attack on neva, - =, é ' hones Has-and pon — : p ee ar ‘ She : to 5 h m nto th leath | }ixmuide was also repulsed with from German sources declare that (Special to The Daily News—12 Noon) Speeds . to The Times from 1 says xmui is a P| lthe battle on the German front oo ae Oe oe Auditor in an Auto. ip jheawy loss. Heavy street fighting} : ; Paris, Oct. 28.—A French offi- ' Hat the i ms are ece 2 i jfrom Lille to the North Sea has ‘ ar pe H GENERAL ‘ie emimtiaiidaliieds iis At Dix le and Nieuport the/pesulted in the capture of the Ihocomne & massacre. Many thou- cial report says the French every- Davenport, Wash., Oct. 27.— : ' j ; , struge i illy severe \ticreater part of a German bat-|sands of Germans are being|Where have maintained their po-|Gounty Superintendent of Schools DIES SUDDENLY eae Ee , re [vx he French marines |talion jkilled and wounded. The hos-|sition and advanced to the north} William U. Neeley, who is Repub- , a id site i ‘ : prepa : pelled to stand f forts A Da Ma lispatch says the | pitals Dusseldorf, Coblenz andjand east of Ypres. lean caudidate to secceed kim. wo The Dally News—14 A.M.) Belfort hich is powe y en . is attack but | Ge ins ba abandoned the at-|Cologne are overwhelmed, psn Ramee . self, by a nact of courtesy en- Lieut.-Gen enched —_qK— ee —— “BREWSTER’S MILLIONS” abled his opponent, Miss Gertrude 1 Franklyn, ! scamemmnamnans Cosgrove, Demoeratic candidate, Phird Divi <8 RR KORO KK HH HH) The Attraction at The Westholme |;,, jake the race. She had neglect- | * ; : ; =a GERMAN CRUISER : oP SRR Re Pe, * CALAIS IS NOT * * This Evening. ed to file her credentials with the EMDEN STILL ACTIVE) . NOTICE. . THREATENED NOW * SMOKER AND soca * 7 peuthy Gudlin. * i *| * * Not very long ago Mr. Geo. M. On the afternoon of the last ' ed officers *] | * by the *l eons . net ay. taken|day for filing the papers Mr. Nee- ESE REPULSE yg jm Paa Noe ea tows oe 5 es ners «| Germans Fighting to Maintain. ’ * Cohan produced a play, taken aos oaanaan od 9 es of - j et 28 rhe German|* of is ajesty Ss Bervice fro the ook ntitled, “Brew- i é i ; i ! oe WARSHIP A ACK c * in Prince Rupe and vi- *| Line of Communications, Says - ORDER OF EAGLES */" * io on we — fice, and after filing inquired if IT cruiser Emden sunk the Japanes« 2 o “a a. - French Paper. ° #|ster’s Millions.” Both the book] yi... Gosgrove had filed. The au- stear Kamegasaki Maru, on * Citity are reques tec » re ' : : ae ae ee i mee ~. : ' ' n the K. of P. Hall &)and the play were a huge success,|ditor said she had not. Mr. Nee- * lo The Dally News—11 A. @.) her way to Singapore * meet every night at ¢ I *) bail ‘nad 27 Oedbdense| { ee. . ¥ — -— e ™ = r j * Partington’s house 9 # Tort * and still more recently this story|ley immediately called her y ne Japa- ¥ S | the me ‘ito « : pt ® Seventh Avenuc, at 7:30. #) Stow? thal German . WEF le WEDNESDAY NIGHT *lhas been reproduced in moving|telephone and explained the law. ita es GOMENTTED FOR VEN ARGE|* »p. eo Se oe re eae gw * és *)}pictures, which will be shown at] He offered as superintendent tl ; aioe ae 2 * ALEXANDER McTAVISH, #/{000 &n atlem} Ani an * Johnny O'Leary Will Box */) The Westholme tonight and to-|to certify to the necessary facts, eile ae : “ Intelligence Officer @| Belgian communications. Phe | » With Two Local Boys */morrow night. “Brewster's Mil-|but she declined to take that lowing the Hazelton, Oct >The pre — ws @| French press unanimously quote * #Ilions” is a comedy of adventure|chance and: immediately secured ai diiealat enonae’ Gut ee (lee ERE RRR RR RH © from the German Paper StAle~ |i a i ee eH HH HH HID five reels, in which the leading|an auto and started from her German sbipstdian ch ut ged with the murder 2 ments regarding the vital import- character is a young man, MonteMhome at Sprague, arriving in harbor Albert Taylor on Septe me a ance of the fighting in _ yt Brewster, who has the herculean| Davenport a few minutes before or ae on Ween Pare weet, deducing ay i. ask before | f spendi . Inight, just in time to comply ING : : : ets task before him of spending one| midnight, ju phy enema veaas, LEAGUE ia only Pry : _ Piet GRAND TRUNK LETS tye Rarcaagerees gag gy ony . KITCHENER ASKS million dollars in one year. Why|with the law. ty who had conducter le inves last str x stroke 18 ikely oO be . » ¢ . and how he does this forms a very ed tigation, with his accustomed TERMINALS CONTRACTS followed by a hasty retreat. FOR 100,000 MORE MEN exciting story. BEFORE THE WAR , of the bas-}thoroughness, presented consid rhe Temps refers to the fact a In addition to the above there — Callies de-lerable evidenc: culpating the (Special to The Daily News.) that the sa theatre of war Was | (Gpecig! to The Belly Newe—1:80 P.M) |) 1. Gazette, showing a num- Bought metend he @ war, all our by 26 to 8 prisoner, who was committed for Winnipeg, Oct. 28 rhe Grand]|the scen: f a great victory _by London, Ocet. 28. Both Lord ber of late war scenes and other| toys, dalls, etc., are now in stock. Soff by Mr.itrial at the next Prince Rupert rrunk management has let af‘ onde over the Germans in 1648,) Kitchener and General French in-|jitems of interest. The discount of 20 per cent dur- rary presi-| Assizes rwenty witnesses were say stati Gow tenimintide which reduced them to impotence siht. on the urgent need for more et ee Hat ing the Patriotic Sale offers 6 nd the game] examines Ma i be taken to] $300,000 contrac or lt : at imine years ' em ir ee . . oe , , , ai ! rince orge, Endako, Smith- ee you ; << a). jmen. ord Kitehener has issued PURCHASED WAREHOUSE. good opportunity to effect > oo ur “ares New Westminster await trial.jal Prince George, Endako, We repeat, says the editorial, sia tae siderable saving on Christmas The date of the Assizes has noOt}ors and Pacific to Garter, Halls &] “jt is in the north jhat the de~ an fae for one hundred thou- Rev. Father Godfrey Will Use/cifis. U.S. Wallace Co., Ltd. ind L. Halll yet been fixed Aldinger, Winnipeg he Prince|cisive battle is taking place: Thel/sand more reeruits, Lumber to Build Mission — F gether in a Rupert contract will likely be let Ciermans are » longer threaten- ~~ mre Houses Reserve Wednesday evening, Yesterday BIG LOAN FOR P. G. E. iia ' ing Calais and Boulogne they are AUSTRIAN WILL HANG re October 28. for the Whist Drive ind Newman = shortly. striving wildly to — New Hazelton, Oct. 24. Rev.|to be held in the Gatholie Social with a ham Victoria bet 6 While 7 . a * themselves from the grasp which For th Murder of a a Fellow Coun- >. i . s chase he Hall le . th . spices of the : ARRIVES. " ° je Father Godfrey purchased the|Hall under the ausy did not hurt}t{orney-General Bowser has no PRINCE GEORGE endangers their communica- tryman—January 8 Set. big warehouse from Foley, Welch| Young Catholic Ladies. A pleas- nim consla-Fdefinite news, he believes. that The Prince George arrived in tions.’ ——- & Stewart and is having it torn|ant evening is assured. 247-49 nine Se tpremlar MoRride, while in Osis a : rning ut eight-thirty f : Dr. Stone, Endaco, was here aldown by the Indians. The lum- —__—__—_—— —- ng a8 & Fe-iwa, secured from the Federal gov ae as a 2 me Ar st el Ss pas- NO WHEAT FOR GERMANY couple of days this week on his|ber in it will be used in the eon- Don't forget Professor Alexan- @ told to keeplernment a loan of $6,000,000 for}wi a} . ‘She ie carried some way home from Clinton, where he]struction of missions at points|der’s lecture Wednesday night in the eonstruction of the Pacifie sengers ; é io attended the trial of Popovitch,]along the railway east of New Ha-|aid of the Belgian Relief Fund. . , r steerage and considerable freight j NO Great Eastern The Premier 1s Ly - Dutton, C. C. Westenha- a an Austrian charged with the]zelton. An effort was made to get| = — nom ia Hew Yors . Mi Le \ ; Mi Vignon, F. I (Special to The Daily Newe—12 Moon) |inurder of a fellow countryman}the G, T. P. to purehase the build- ver wove, as iznon, . ines . opemhage, Oct, 28, he Pre-|near Burns Lake some months to be used as a st shed Canad oe. Mr. Matthews, Mr. Strom,| Copemhage, Oct, 28.—T near ing to be used as a shipping she« ‘an Patriotic Fund. LOCAL COURT. oe , eI — Gaynor and|mier promises that no illegal ex-Jago. He was found guilty. and is] for ore, for which it was partieu- EST HO LM Md, Mrs MeK ay Mr. McKay, P,| Ports of grain of other contfa-|(to hang January 8. ¢ chiefl Minty, larly adapted, but the railway eed assistance Loeal court will be held No A. , lah rty,. w if and son, Mrs.|band shall pass through Denmark|of this district, was in attendance company could not see its way ee “, resident injyember 2, when the following] anerty, 7 ee Se: to Germany at the trial ‘lear , le tt ace lk ‘ ede f are, Miss A. Moore,j*” *" ware q é al. : clear to provide this accommoda- ( t and whose}eases will be tried Ogden, We, Were, 7 Nel Dr, Stone visited several cities}tion for mining men. OPERA HOUSE a active service Adjourned List. mer = eA a: = ‘it ” aon’ LOCAL FIRM EXPANDS— N on the Prairies and then came by ' Ahi, { the Empire or} Jardin va. Boyd ee “ i, Se i e, ae BRANCH IN EDMONTON aaliinees tm Mien Millian ta ba SALVATION ARMY. no " ao . : . oy s t es, Mrs, alsey, 5 ean, uty the sec Williams-Carr Lumber ¢ \ _ wb rae ng ges or lle \. J. Morris, of Pierey, Morris|new old acquaintances here. eee TONIGHT Wo 4 Goansanar’® Garter & Go s j C San hae W. F. Wright, Me. }& Co., has just returned from SER peemenmeymnes Brigadier Green, of Vancouver, is) 8 ee Enightall ve. Sampp Patmer Mr. ‘Tomlinson, KL. Som-| Edmonton, where he opened a THE WEATHER. is here. Services on Friday and anee | ‘i . h goods for the sale EXCITING 'S Worth . h and WHEN THE GONG RINGS. ris says Prince Rupert will always trimmed with goods for 1 sale c Y object. Every. Abbott vs, Gan ae Fish ar ; he the headquarters of the com BEHIND THE COUNTERS. by the ladies of the patriotic com- Goe } orage Co ‘ ; 088 to the fund, The Gold Storage ° Every time the gong rings alpany, although he ee spend por’ fal’s ; i. mittee. A * Of the hall lolle ll be dro “i fro thelof his time at the other branch 1¢@ ladies who have taken over Shiionie " a8 FINE « i dollar will be droppe rom e ! Is ag ert © coneted, WANTED. price of some desirable artiele of} Walter Harrup, who has been] Wallace's store for the two-days Authentic information about miananiamnainaiasitiaiasiiai mia Pn ss tl ht house. |merehandise at the Patriotic Bale} with the company for a eonsider-|sale this week will aet as clerks,| football games, either scheduled = _ - = i a tens Rox 1.) to be held on Friday and Saturdayjable time, will manage the Ed.|serving behind the counters withlor pestponed, ean be had by eall- Admission: 10, 15 and 260 ereeecoccccosccoooococod — Po eui 7 tf.jat Wallace's, monton branch the regular staff ing up Fils Cigar Store, tf , ul ta Ss ssn spat ssamaammataiaas aia iia al