pasate UN THE DAILY News = =| THEDAILY NEWS === : : - = re ; = 7 = - — - —— — _—— " —— = Nott gee PRINCE RUPERT, BoO., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1944. PRICE FIVE CENTS MAN ADVANCE IN WEST FLANDERS IS STOPPED GERMANS STILL PLANNING RAID ON SHORES OF BRITAIN—-KAISER SAYS MUST TAKE CALAIS READY FOR RAID ON BRITAIN > ——> 3 RUSSIANSREPORTsuccESS 6 WHEN GERMANS REACH CALAIS 7 fl |e BUT DO NOT ADVANCE MUCH CUXHAVEN HARBOR SCENE OF GREAT ACTIVITY WITH sUB- ‘SEVERE FIGHTING SEEMS TO BE TAKING PLACE ALL ALONG MARINES AND ZEPPELINS — NEXT GERMAN ATTACK RUSSIAN FRONT WITH SOME ADVANTAGE TO WILL KEEP AWAY FROM GUNS OF THE BRITISH FLEET. a: (Special to The Dally News—10:30 A.M) /fured both cannons and pris- (Special to The Dally News) control the Petrograd, Oct. 29. Oficial.) }oners, Cuxhaven har- | Channel On the center, after fighting of On the right bank of the Pilit- wwded with Phe next att a desperate character, we have |”* front, between lejeft and No. ppelins andiin Flande: i |vemiaste, fighting continues with f an attack enough une succeeded in establishing a firm | the same desperation. the Germans Lhe British warsl foothold on the border of the for-| In Galicia the battle is raging lest region near the villages of|along the whole front, At the |Adamoff, Severinoff and Marian-| iver San we took ten officers and | off, 500 men. At South Przemsyl our MAN Al TACK SLACKENING troops are advancing at certain ; On the left wing, we captured points. by assault a defensive position In Kast Prussia the enemy has established near Poliezna and en-j} violently bombarded our positions veloped a portion of the Austrian|but their attacks have een re- troops. pulsed. The success we won at At Réedibalc, on the sieht of South Pilitza, which resulted in ; , the retreat of the enemy's main October 27, the enemy's corps front is of the greatest im- fell back in disorder and we cap-|portance. ALLIES HAVE MADE ADVANCES LLIES HOLD LINE FROM NIEUPORT TO DIXMUIDE IN STRENGTH—BRITISH FLEET GIVING GOOD ASSIST- ANCE FROM BELGIAN COAST. Special to The Dally News—10:30 A. M.) ; progress They now firmly hold ” The vigor of | the line from Nieuport to Dik- — ck nthe north nul ENGLISH COLLEGE YOUTHS JOIN THE ARMY. SENDING SUBMARINES _ |“BLACK MARIA” EXPLODES ed greatly Real | In the neighborhood the little Three thousand 3 iths, s vealthy parents, and Oxford or Cambridge students, marching to on Ghinnaed tn Ol British — is st : e — k Pips Downs, England for training rhey enlisted as privates in the army. OVERLAND FOR ATTACK KILLING 250 GERMANS igainst ie (rer ins fl the i = . a a t only prevented : ‘ sat 4 battleshit has — eel gia t ba I \ 0:30 A. M.) si , i : oe al ail mr n GERMANY SOUGHT TO (Special to The Daily News—11 A. M.) (Special to The Daily News—1 a ie ae : ei oe Seeman ee GERMANS ARE CHECKED GERMAN CRUISER EMBROIL THE UNITED Amsterdam, Oct. 29.—-Parts of| London, Oct. 29.—A Madrid ide considerable ch guns several sul ‘ines | » bee is th say he bi BOTH EAST AND WEST PUTS ON DISGUISE KINGDOM WITH STATES vs! submarines have, bee aipateh say that one ofthe big ERAL BOTHA HEAD OF METHODIST (Special to The Dally News—2:30 P. m.) AND DOES DAMAGE | London, Oct. 28.—In an article ab Eee — a frem an excessive powder charge, I | ‘ a { jin the Quarterly Reviéw on “The ’ ; py (Special to Th Dally News—10:30 A m.) | rigin of the Present War.” Sir against the British fleet off Os-/Killing 250 men. ROUTS THE REBELS CHURCH WILL LEAVE = ane went. Gorman reverses are Seeeiat 0 7% Batty #96 @) Origin of the Present War,” Sit long. : so dined I Oct. 29.—The German] Valentine Chirol charges German dase ; aie LIBERALS WILL NOT (Rpecie! to The @ally @awe.d VANCOUVER SOON ; aia iiser Emden, flying the Japa-|oficials with attempting to de-| SWEDISH STEAMER CONTEST ELECTIONS ) Pntine - ; . g and disguised by the ad-'pejve hi and his paper—was at SUNK BY A MINE ’ — . rhe lov ai el onmen = thé ereet Satile hs ; a te Fn oo : aa I a * : Ottawa, Oct. 27.—It is not be- n issued - au © d f 1 smokestack, ¢ { time of ahich he writes for- aires : wom rr he f the Methodist|/!anders she preserves silence . * eetineie tindinn gind a ¢ the! : Ti (Special to The Dally News.) lieved here that the bye-elections ered Penang arbor weay and eign editor o re London Times . 7 ° Ch h ‘ sda. has returned , alli’ an tn " ee ' * > see te Stockholm Oet. 29.— The! made necessary by the recent cab- ’ } With tory es Sank , Ssslag as to » sentiments o re IM- | Swe stes p . vas : ‘ a reports that he 4, er from the genera GERMAN ATTACKS : e sentiments of the Swedish steamer Ornen was sunk} inet changes will be contested, on Tuesday ference of the church held i S emtehug and a French pyerial government toward Great]off Cuxhaven Monday by a mine. but that an agreement will be “ ; ‘ , f agr Ottay ai s sojourn an-| destroys Britain e sally repudiat-| Five men were drowned. cogng's8 tne-< nS ae a ARE ALL FAILURES: I ia, oe _— am =gue ; ee jneae hed to allow all seats now va- Beyers and his er will be of short durat ng their promises of friendship ¥ beve ane i a ia sails ad tin oie aeiestn en Ga Gee Gee i THE BRITISH AND aaa , i ' EAGLES HELD SMOKER cant, ineluding Jaques-Cartier, i week he will gy when .the s ‘hanged, an pposed to Rave the headquarters of the! poo cot nm es GERMAN Empines ‘0! “(lie situa ee een a : AND BOXING BOUT formerly held by the late Hon. P. om . , EO ren see : . , » Unit- ; altet force came | church's work ian th ated - whee ea a D. Mon, and Westmoreland, for- Keyers’ men in the Dr, Chown expressed regret a bulletin today says the Preneh Ihe lation of Great Brit-|ea States and Great Britain in or- The Fraternal Order of Ragles meoriy held by the late San: & Oe them in head x | eave Vawcouve but |Sreaps mac gress yesterday) sin (the United Kingdom) is 46,-|der to advange Germany's plans/gave a smoker last night and had} * : ba le day j ew necessitates + at several ts part larly | gaa rh utube at th |for econembe and political con-la rousing good time An exce!- | Hmmerson, to go by acclamation, j ; oflies necessitate { 100.000 * populatio oO e on . " ed eighty of the aa Sos Aenenltice Sli tom d around ¥pree and south of At = ° I oe oii vests in Seuth America. lent program, in which patriotic | though all of the seats are con- med. In the fight- at the ree conference, Dr.{ras. Not one of the ettacks un-| ee ff. ' During the first decade of his|songs were to the fore was en- | sidered good fighting ground, place towards the | Gyo, iid that the question of |dertaken by the Germans has re-| Phe p ition of the wen CO!) reign,” says Sir Valentine, “South |thusiastically rendered | It is not believed here that the t one of General | wyorch union was seriously dis-| sulted successfully | 7 4,000,000 The popu-|Ameriea attracted a good deal ef An interesting feature was the | reconstruc tion of the cabinet con- d several of Bey i and tl Methodist Church Hatior the German colgnies is | the Kaiser's attention. There is/appearance of Johnny OLeary, ‘ lated t tt government is ' ee a wee _ : a . . emplated by 1e gove ded Phe pursuit | pag app ied a pew committee BERLIN PAPER IS i ‘ Potal population un-|# large German population in |lightweight champion of Canada, pore d and it is expected that aaa = the etihiect to. aaelt wih com BACKING DOWN) || 4). iepman flag. 77.000,.0000.| Brazil and the Argentina, andjin a bout of three rounds with | ; . ae a t i P ; : lboth there and in Gentral Ameri-|Jim Clarke and two rounds with | ore Changes w . ‘ rEPeS he eee Ne Pota lation under the Brit ; Further rumored cabinet RESH RUSSIAN TROOPS { gregational churches with the | Tageblatt Getting Sick of War--| |, 5 120,000,000 With the tea German enterprise had found | Seotty McKay, welterweight | I. ened vacate tha. sue an ‘ ‘ oa en . fruitful fields of activity. Had itlehs sion of Manitoba. O'Leary - FORCE hope of settlingethe matter of Hollweg Is Blamed. | freedon the seas, the British} el sam ee ee tea _ be ts : Seas when |tHon. Louis Coderre, Hon. T. g. GERMANS T0 pares. wer Tr. = Copenhagen O® 29.—The ow i : ne anedneee - these South and Central Ameri-lyou see him on the street, but all|@Pethers and Hon. Dr. Roche. Ru- RETIRE FROM POLAND * ae : ae ee ae 88 ee " eres in refiublies lay at the merey of|the same he sure is some whirl-|™ered appointments include the ! (uy the way home Dr, Ghown | military corresponden ' Ors x millions is supposed . nit: : inames of R. B. Bennett, of Cal- } nt 1 there 1 Rerlinetr Nageblatt bints thal ‘ taf ied the mailed fist, but against the | wind. He could do anything he ham / . (Spe stepget in t eee meee te ther red n amount of at a ptieborenis Monroe Deetrine the Kaiser was|liked with Clark, who is himself |#@ry; Hon. J. W. Hanna, of To- Sal to The Daily Newe—2:30 P.M.) (a meeting of the General Mission | there ts a tt ; t te : f i D powerless unless he could embroil| some boxer Mi: ‘Kay, who is a for- lronto; Hon. Arthur Meighen and ” he G . hoard hen plans Were approved v about situation manifest ORCES DOW OF LOR 3 . SC » e 7" oe t I ¥ Pe ‘land id, : the | f ‘the cn ureb self im Germany lle @)y OVERWHE MIN F Britain with the United States dnd] midable looking fellow and econ- Hon. L. T. Marechal. troops } , and. , for ‘ \ t ' - ; a — | ' iins. though. that deeision is secure the support of the British)|siderably heavier than O'Leary, : ome rougl { inad New fo dl 1 b mata ‘ of yee a lie t I om : as ind large ely to ¢ e “like a thief in the OF BRITAIN AND RUSSIA naval power, , at first looked as if he could hold * eer 7"? * the ih erin “ ana nude ' ‘ are al “ P ght and that it will more ¢ TE A “At the beginning of the Span-|his own, and gave O'Leary some oe ee eee SN ee babl ’ tl e e at front BEGINNIN T0 LL T LE ish-American war he showed his /peal punishenent The youngster Bought before the war, all our the fresh Russian |board decided to raise during the/ pt i Mm « i HY ! : : — , — tovs, dolls, ete., are now in stock. f 8675.000 to ad-|rather than in the west hand for a moment in an insidi-|soon buckled up, however, and ; ; \ from Ivang@orod, |vear the sum ROTO ” » | WwW) fh mig f tr (Special to The Daily News-—-2:30 P.M.) us attempt t induce this coun oon showed that if he wanted to The discount of 20 per vent dur- " rile esh masses 0 oops ous t ‘ ” ( -~ }soo oO » { : Novogeargeviski. —— oe an be brought w ithout hind: me London, Oct ~9 One great try to lead the way in a European|he could easily best him. As it]'"* the Patriotic Sale offers a o ae ae ' factor upon which the Allies le thi acai t the United | wae is ai ‘ os good opportunity to effect a con- seas,” he says, “they consti demonstration against the United| was MeKay struck the mat twice. sao THE CRADLE. TOOK EXAMINATION, ut ve See a rn 4}. | build hopes of their eventual tri-} grates, but Lord Pauncefote, at ‘eileen is a clean little boxer, |*i@erable saving on Christmas | ‘ ratio af the first] such the unity of their handling mph apparently is beginning to} y ashihgton, and Captain Chi-Jand he has some new dodges all gifts. H. & Wallace CGo,,” td. a — ae ng Sane ction with the @ ' “il they invaded Germany—is toftell. It is the almost inexhaust-| ohostgr, at Manila, showed the|his own. One of these in partieu- . Soar i be doubted. Germany has still a} De supply of men that may belamerican people that Britain }jar is admirable, where in a clineh . , nalid, of Kineolith,|John Ambulance er n Wwe on re ck i“ oa : a A le ¥ drawn from the vast reaches of would not attach the United} he swings from underneath a tell : under Ds ergi mmnewha ard task ~ 7 : attack ‘ t x son, - — e und b> ~ iN -_ mje Shen! dineiaitamn tof eaniitions tied the British and Russian moun States German diplomacy beat ing blow on his opponent's face. LAUGH AND FORGET YOUR - ‘ © SEVER WHO WOOK aes ee , - +h are relied upon in time to], », ae wn Se a tal Trust Gom.|ination, ail passed successfully.|the decision,’ sr ” Se h over. wast aatanes. on : a home ” Rape eccseniea se TROUBLES AT THE : ; ar : slo ’ ' 0 erus a SOF IBSHe Over-1 cover its tracks, but it had not ye THER. out the wills of |They were instructed in large part ( — ‘ u ! . He — P 7 Seiad eiieaiaie —. eh ail bane aa nee THE WEA ‘ade oO uve 4 eg » “sere oO rape ni un oned ¢ ; ‘ _- ert men ging to/y De. J. P. Cade, wh tl "Vie a } a te wh: Te blatt In the east this influence seem-| 4994 German diplomacy made a Compiled by F. W. Dowling, ESTH 0 LM } i o = accordima 0 . ageblt . . ‘ 3 ° . . f charge great deal of attenti to the in ‘ Staes chain infisen. (any 18 already heang felt, and to desperate endeavor to entagle us Observer ~ ape a] ad ge i i ‘ ce ’ *h ‘ ‘ . ink struc tine of the « a en ‘ ate pees ans ns a = - — it is ascribed the German reverse] iy gq combination which ‘would Ee et po information about |passed the examination were the ; ee . in Russian Poland ih = t } ar ‘ ° have fatally compromised our re- |B t .. 29.720 A HOUSE as ; . “ ephens, C. G. pwar : MPOMOLE? ..c cece eeeee y | er a poe . r ee im os ae Henrys lations with the United States.” Max. tOMD. «2.02 scrcreene 52.0 OP E.R ‘ah be had by ea *urdy Perr’ vende ’ , ; 4 . € up Fitz Cigar @tore, yisnitk Mi. Hewitt and & ¥.| When tHe gone mines. {KAISER ORDERS ~ BA, . <0 ncabinnie 44.0) " ce. es The | MUST TAKE CALAIS a: Stns. coal _ TONIGHT 8 o'e day after Every time the gong rings a —— aia anemia Pree At 8 o'elock on Satur lay a ‘ 7 "tet COCCOCOCO LOCOCO OO noon there will be a meeting held|dollar will be dropped from the SENDS MORE TROOPS * = i’ see with ght ee SALVATION ARMY. ' . . » 5 — oO ’ >. . —— in the Board of Trade rooms Un- | price of some desirable artic le f ~ . : I as as sae Gicun at eee DEPOSIT BOX der the association t ivrange for|tmerchandise at the Patriotie Sat _— + Daily News. 1 rigac ier : ; E tl eanization of another ¢lass}to be held on Friday and Saturday | (Special to The Bally Newe—44 A. M.) a is here. Services on Friday and f : shi ; on rk at Wallace's . Lond Oct, 20.--Reinforee NOTICE. Saturday nights at 8, and Sunday a ENT 7m OH ‘ ments. said to number 200,000 on morning at 11 and afternoon at A COMEDY OF ADVENTURE Phe big $30,000 hole en Third Since this war began simplifiedjare said to be on the way to the Any organized society or indi- 13:30. 248.253 IN FIVE REELS Avenue, which is f of water to|apelling hasnt been held in as}|German right wing These were|vidual willing to aid or take part ee oe cal Reasonable ines Te ite i he pumped out,}much disrespect as was reecently|drafted front the other battle in the proposed “soiety Cireus” TRIMMED BY THE LADIES. ALSO A NEW WAR GAZET srrangement yr whieh are being ithe ease fronts in the east-and weet fol n aid of the Belgian War Relief -_eoo 5 ; ALSO A NEW ~ ; manhahe d Whe niention is to . a jowine the Kaiser's orders that|FPund will meet the Committee at The bie window of Wallace's [ Thet : prevent any further a cidents Bertie inquires If vou were}Calais must be taken, It is ex-|the Board of Trade rooms tenight|drygoeds department has been __—'WAR GAZETTE ‘ e boys werelin Austria-Hungary, would Brit weted that the fehting will belat 0 o'clock trimmed with goods for the sale ' happening the rh ! R WRAL y : j On inental Trust Co, ro ing forward to use this as @]ain Russia Turkey throughiresumed with wall its flereeness J. A. BDWARDA, by the ladies af the patriotic com} Admission: 10, 15 and 260 ee ee rink Greece to Servia?” when Lhe new men arrive 250-4t Seeretary. tmiltee eee ee eeeeeeeeeseseeseeeeCOOeeees