phursdas wuReD BY IR fONSTIPATION er a-ives” Cured Para'y- Bowes and Digestion An, Qu. inform you itis af Chronic t 4 : I have been ystt pene While I ) ollege, I pa stuck to leave the ame : acroas the red me and pstines | could not ' : Digestion . ulvised nd at once = t. After I I realized ws | and what = that they = g no pam those who « onstipation ce fol and take +-4.tive they are the icine that IRE PAQUIN nit-a-tive | by all dealers xe, & box for $ trial size, or sent PX receipt of price ruit-a-tive d, Ottawa. SUBSCRIBE FOR £ DAILY NEWS Certificate of Improvemente. sen of sUrtet, het y Bertha” and i ae eae LATEST WAR NEWS 1 ink 4 in6 “= ; cated one 7 a . rihwest point of | * The latest war bulletins Ms , 1 branch of Ob-|* received exclusively by The "NOTICE i dro Saline, Pree * Daily News are posted im- ertifica \ 803 ag . om ‘ pod he ‘on * mediately after coming off ng t for a Certificale|® the wires at the following purpose of ob- " ‘ fc the above claim. ertifeate of Im- iy of September, A.D. PEDRO SALINAS. t Rapert Feed Co. IN Feed Seeds Hay, Grain and [iy FEEO A SPECIALTY Agents for e OMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. orders prompUly attended to —— — Third Ave Phone Black 268 PPPPPPIOPOOODODLO DS the out that the js nece 825,000 000, was made by of Dayton, were Wilbur CONSTANTINOPLE REPORTS 14,000 British ALONG SUEZ CANAL London, Oct government, dori days, has «sent torial troops to | io news received formed quarters in ( Rete ple, says a Constantinople Fourteen th the stationed ays dispat th diy concentrati alone Purkish roops in heypt ul nent of neutrality and declared t Consent sary fora was not obtaimed destined ural purposes in | THE AEROPLANE Phe first succes ! the Wright Ohio, ver-memorable fawk, N. C., three bul two men wil and Orville W 006 the vii flight lye atte thi or years advance ha omenal, the present ean war clearly prov: ire of the plane ners tell. and Black Bear the Skeena Min- ance it Fraction CTT * . * * that action, be “commenced be- places: — NADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY cess Sophia southbound Saturday noon cess Maquinna south- ound Sunday 8 p. m. nocess May northbound Monday noon 4 @ Monas, General Agent . r Fourth Siroet and Third Ave * Cole's Cigar Store, 3rd Ave * Wark’'s Jewelry Store, 3rd * avenue. Prince Kupert Hotel, 2nd aveuce. Royal Hotel Central Uotel. Windsor Wotel. Knox Hotel. Daily News avenue. eee et ercereeeeenee windows, 3rd we ee er7, eee RR ERE FOR RENT ~-HOUSE- SIXTH AND YOUNG ST. PARTLY FURNISHED 5 ROOMS WITH BATH PLENTY OF CLOSET ROOM AND BASEMENT PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE Certificate of Improvements. Aldebaran Mineral Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- trict, Where located:—About three-quarters (3-4) of @ mile, more or less, from the northwest point of the head of Alice Arm ———— SOOO PEDEDODD ODDO OODOS Directory SPRL. Vintners Association and adjoining the Black Bear Mineral claim on the southwest. TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Sali agent for William J Vaughan, Free ens Certificate No, 815455., and for Free Miner’s Certificate No. 80343 sixty days from the date hereof, wo apply to the Mining Reeorder for @ Certificate of Improvements, for the pur- pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim And further take under section 85, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of lm- provements, Dated this 2ist day of September, A.D. iota. PEDRO SALINAS. in- self, intend, notice that action, WINDSOR HOTEL r Of First ave. and Eighth St Ww. nw Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL ~ Avenue and Seventh St. bead and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. KNOX MOTEL it A¥e., Between Eighth and Ninth OAL Play Kates b0¢ to $1.00 Per Day Beener a Beaner, Props. Roches ter Vv. D , Carress MOTEL hing Ave » Setween Sixth and Seventh Streets Pian, 50 to 6 Per Day ROVAL Hore, Sorey A Urwess, Third ave Plan Props ‘od Sixth se Cream Heated vi tr WHOLESALE Lie ica VOR Co., Sec "Od Ave ang Siath St Phous toe Ru PERT apenvime c0., — ee FERRER EEE EE EERE EERE EERE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO. 1. @ox 12—-5th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 136th St. and Srd Ave. Box 148th St. and Srd Ave. Box 15.—Junction of ist, and and gra Aves. Box 16—ist Ave., between 8th and Oth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Bou 17—ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen tral Hotel.) GIROVIT NO. 2. Box 22--3rd Ave, and Sra St (Post OMee.) @ox 23.-3rd Ave. and McBride 5t. Box 24 ist Ave. and MeBride St. Box 26-2nd Ave. and tod St. Box 26--2nd Ave. and 6th St. @ox 27.4. T. P. CIRCUIT NO. 3. Box 315th Ave. and Fulton St, @ox 32--Borden and Taylor 5. @ox 34-71 Ave. and Fulton St. Box 960ih Ave. and Comox Ave. Box 378th Ave. and Dodge PI. Box 38— 6th Ave, and Thompson St. QIOUIT NO. 4. @ox 414th Ave. and Emmerson PL @ox 425th Ave. and MeBride St. Box 485th Ave. and Green St Box 446th Ave snd Basil 8 Box 457th Ave. and Eberte. Bon 141.7th Ave. and Yung st LimTep Prase . 11> Ste CC etceoenee illite eae | keen ene eee RR THE DAILY NEWS. Sir Douglas | tion fae confro nce ne a ited with of the war inst fnuch superior German force the and Sec: Haig, who commanded the first I difficult task of pr General Snow, eparing who commanded mad British corps from in the the which withdrew first engagements of the war; casualty lists; Horace the division which rendered the tritish corps, General a dangerous position. OFFICERS WHO RECEIVED WARM PRAISE FROM GENERAL FRENCH. withe Major Smith-Dorien, exceptio nally Gen, Sir Neil small MacCuady, hero of the most great help to the effective retire- losses GERMAN PAPER SAYS CANADIAN TROOPS ARE NOT REALLY BRITISH Lond 0) ) FRENCH RESERVIST BRINGS OPTIMISTIC NEWS FROM EUROPE ALLIES ARE NOT AT LAST RESOURCES BY ANY MEANS—HIM- SELF TOLD TO WAIT—GERMAN’S FOOD SUPPLY RAPIDLY DIMINISHING. mnstrati the brought to Britain in the aid of deme ma, for noble hout danger supreme Representative units marching through London would receive such a weleome as would echo throughout the whole that the British | hearts world and show people have gratefu HEBREWS WILL AID WAR RELIEF FUNDS Vancouver, Oct. 29.--Under the auspices of the Vancouver Zion- ists, a mass meeting was held Sunday afternoon in the meeting place of the Sons of Israel, in support of the war relief fund. Che Hebrews do not intend to help only the one big fund, but va- rious other funds which have been organized to raise money for the sufferers of the war, A greater part of the Jewish offer- ing, it is expected, will go to the Belgian relief fund, as the Bel- gians at the present time are the most needy, but the other funds will not be overlooked. The meeting was well attended and short addresses were given by Rev. Mr. Goldberg, Mr. Roy Alexander and Mr. Franks. A col- lection was taken up and quite a A house canvass of Hebrew resi. made. large sum was realized, to house dents will be PROVINCE ATTAINS OBJECT IN APPEAL Oct.. 25. Edmonton, Premier Sifton stated yesterday that the decision of the Privy Council, in the case of the appeal of ithe Attorney-General of Alberta against the decision of the Su- preme Court of Canada in the case in which the right was re- fused the Canadian Northern Western Railway (C. N. R.) to cross the right-of-way of the Ca- nadian Pacifie at Rocky Mountain was virtually a win for the prov- ince, llis this deduction was because the responsibility of reason for deciding such cases will now be put on the Dominion Railway Commission, The Privy Gouneil says that power to decide lies with the commission, which was what the provinee of- Alberta wanted, more than to have the particular ease in question decided favor. ably. Novelty selling events will be carried oul during the Patriotic Sale at Wallace's, don brings with him i decidedly Among the fantastic falsehoods appearing in Kru il, the Rheinisehe We i i¢ Zeitung, of Essen, is ul { pt to belittle the Cana dia ngent he article says | tI contingent is a nondeseript medl termed Canadian by cour lesy, but, in reality, made up, in part, of such diverse elements as Red Indians, Russians, Servians, Montenegrins Frenchmen and Belgians The diatribe only ex- cites amusement, though a strong desire is expressed in the public}! press that the metropolis should have the earliest possible oppo tunity of welcoming the Cana- dians A correspondent of the Daily Mail, siguing himself “Com patriot,” says: W here are the Canadian troops? I understand they have been smuggled out with the same secrecy, Without the nation being allowed to thank them, by a great Edmonton, Oct. 28.—-Today, m{and he expects that, as soon as ire than ordinarily, one savors|the dread of German militarism of good news, and a gentleman | is removed, there will be an im- who has just come to Edmonton |mense influx of money for invest- jafter a five-months’ stay in Lon-| ment to this country. a number of cheerful items of im- formation. He says, among other things; | THIRD ANENUE iselves to be depressed to a much KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY P.O. DRAWER 1524 Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass | Plumbers’ supplie s Plate Giass Mirrors ne HARDWARE Ss.i5== Oils Tinware Varnishes _ Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE The “ pb oe “Canadians are allowing them- greater extent than in the British 1836 THe Bann ofr 1914 BritishNorthAmerica Te Yeans is Business. Capital ano SurPius $7,786,668. The Convenience of a A Joint Account may be opened in the names of two or more persons. Whichever one can most conveniently reach gestion, . the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the BRILLIANT DURABLE NONINFLAMMABLE NODUST NORUST LIMITED Py an oa-l. Joint Account AW. BUFFALO.» THESEF-DALLEY Co. and certain efficacy—are PHONE No. 3 AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD. Manufacturers Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scroll and Band Sawing, and all’ kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. tures, House Finish a Specialty. ‘Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Hays Cove Circle Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 Prince Rupert, B. ©. Isles,” he’says. “The money now ? that the imperial authorities were | being expended does not infringe cash needed. It saves time Beecham s ot publishing the most optimis-!much, if any, on capital aceount, and trouble. tic statements, but that, on the | put is only about equal to the Pills mtrary, they were meter ioe usually available in a PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ei aeons ne ie Won careful that the most cheerful of | normal year. . MARGETTS, Manager. Sold everywhere, In them were deleted by the eensors. “In the Old Country the ma- . Franee, he declares, has not eall-| jority of the people seem to look} — x t a ed out all her resources in men. | forward to a certain cessation of} e f th ‘N 9 lle himself, a French reservist,! war bef next Faster. Even the | vas told, when he offered his ser- | Germans, so far as I could learn, ll] SCrl or e ews viees, to hold himself in readi-|see in their military expenditures ness, but wait. jand their manufacturing indus-| = ee hap MR Se ae Another interesting statement |tries absolute burdens, because | ; expected- sources of food supply EF. Rand, President, J. 8. Pearce, Manager he makes is that all eyes in the |)... railed and her own supplies financial world in the Old Country | are peing rapidly diminished and THE PRINCE RUPERT SASH are turned to the millions of ara-| will on be at the yanishing ble acres the Ganadian West, | point.” . —— ——— ________] BAKERY Day Phone 190. Night Phone 978. Whether you want Ra thousand toon, of KNOTT - TT . CLIFTON LIMITED. . TMIRD SUPPLIES bread of one, see us. Our THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED 5, VENTURE Sails for Port Simpson, Mill Bay, Naas River, Thursdays, for Vancouver: Victoria, Seattle, every Friday, 4 p.m. S.S. CHELOHSIN Sails for Granby Bay, Naas River, Sunday midnight; for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, E¥Very Tuesday at 9 p.m. Agency: American Express, Atlantic Steamers PHONE §68 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. A ee FOR A TAXI 75--PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO FAR ROR For Rent COMFORTABLE 4-ROOMED COTTAGE NEAR DRYDOCK NICE 4-ROOMED FLAT WITH BATHROOM BRB APPLY TO 324 SECOND AVENUE G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. AVENUE | °” * =. { i + SRR RRAAIA DADA OIA IIIA AIA II DISD IAIISAIA ISAS AISSISISAIA THE ee ee SSS i Northern B ¢. DAILY for Prince Rupert and A N EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable, It has all 1s the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events 1 and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- sare bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- : SANE mism and reliability. s The Daily News is the most valuable paper to SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public. IMPARTIAL It has a bixger cireulation than any other paper in the vity, It is read by the class of people the INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to. INTELLIGENT ¢ : ~- + AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AeA AAA ia