THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation ii, FP. MeRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. SContract DAILY EDITION Ee | Friday, October 30, 1944. EDITORIALS Most people the length of down at from « in discussing the it ne Lo two years. do work that they consider be. war put neath them. The false color in which honest toil is viewed by Inside of that period, it appears a great many people will have impossible to force the Ger. to be overcome, although the mans to their knees by the use way is not yet clear. of arms, and it is believed that ny In the while the erisis 18 on any work available her food supplies would meantime about that long: last so she would not before that much feel the} Should be grasped at. In the pinch of want. There is an- last financial panie that the other viewpoint, however. If West saw professional. men Germany feels that she cannot] i not shrink from-using the possibly overcome all the] Pick and the shovel or the axe forees against her she may and the same is liable to hap- gamble all her chances on the pen again. The women who navy and pull out to sea. This live by their own hands will would no doubt be aceom- probably have to do the same. panied by any strategy she may At any rate the wholesome toil be planing with her Zeppelins| ©f assisting in housework or in the transport of troops should be looked apon as a across the CGhannel. If* she benediction. does this and fails there would be no further hope for her nor “would there be any obstacle for the British peace With the German navy out ot the way a German demand for peace could easily be arranged Perhaps the war will end as suddenly as it started. Re GERMAN SUBMARINE BASE IS BLOWN UP to oppose London, Oct. 29.—British war- vesels have destroyed a German submarine base in one of the un- inhabited rocks on the Shetland Island im the North Sea, aceord- ing to a report from Seotland. It is said that there was a large stock of oil, battery plates and ex- tra torpedoes stored there for submarines striking at the North Sea fleet. Another German Reports from Vancouver say that hundreds of girls former- ly employed in offices are out of work and that the city was undertaking to look after them. In Prince Rupert it is exactly the reverse. There is a demand for girls, particularly for as- sisting with honsework, and there are none to be had. Per- haps the explanation is that the class of girls out of employ- ment would sooner starve than report wireless Loch Lomond. Messages been intercepted constantly, but all efforts to find the apparatus have failed, so the rumor goes, Seme shipping men believe a story that the O¢eanic was struck by a torpedo from a submarine and ran upon the rocks of the Scottish coast to save the crew coneerns station a near have Every Housewife Who Bakes Will tell you the difference that good flour and poor flour makes In baking bread. ROVAL STANDARD FLOUR continues to hold its high reputation as be- Ing the peer of all flours. it makes« every Baking a huge success. Wo disappointment when this flour is used. It stands the tesi of the oven. . Royal Standard Flour F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor. PRINCE RUPERT SCOTIA MAKING SHELLS. Brickbats Turned Out by Eastern Stee! Plant. New Glasgow, N. &., v The Nova Scotia Steel al Company here is at present turn ing out approximately 170 shells per day for twelve-pound fie tillery guns for the rovernment. Oct and (# dar About three weeks ago the work began after a series of experi- ments, and since that time the output has been rapidly ing from day to day. In to this a large quantity material for the construction similar shells has been forward ed to the Quebee Arsenal, it will be used, The order upon) whieh they are at present work ing is for 250,000 shells all which will keep certain depart ments of the big concern busily increas addition of raw where in son, It is stated that the extraordi company’s plant to be given over exclusively to the manufacture of munitions of war. Industrial. conditions here are assuming a more healthy com- plexion, and the Eureka Woolen Mills have recently received a large order which will keep their plant going full time during the coming winter. @ooo: our o OF EVIL. Petrograd, “Oct. 29.—War has brought sunshine instead of sor- row to the beautiful Torby, morgantic wife of Grand Duke Michael of Russia. The Grand Duke is the Czar’s uncle, but even so when he mar- ried out of the royal circle he was banished from the Russian court. When war began, how- ever, the Czar lifted the ban from the offending couple and the Duke is fighting at the front while his wife is making woolen mittens for the British soldiers who are in the field. BRITAIN ISSUES CALL FOR WAR CHAUFFEURS Countess Oct. heen 29,— made London, ment has the British War Office requires immediately, for service on the Continent, a thousand chauffeurs and motor truck drivers between Announce- here that for Twelve-Pounders Dominion} of} engaged for the entire winter sea- | nary suceess attending the efforts) of the company in shell produc- tion may give rise to the estab- lishment of a departinent at the the ages of 20 and 45. QUARANTEED FREE American Silk HOSIERY We Want You to Know These Hose They stood the test when all others failed. They give real foot comfort. They have no seams to rip. They never become loose and baggy as the shape is knit in not pressed in. They are GUAR- ANTEED for fineness, for style, for superiority of ma- terial and workmanship, ab- solutely stainless, and to wear six months without. holes or replaced by new pairs free. i OUR FREE OFFER To every one sending us 50c to cover’ shipping charges, we will send, sub- ject to duty, absolutely free: Three pairs of our famous AMERICAN SILK HOSE _ with written GUARANTEE, any color, or Three pairs of our Ladies Hose in Black, Tan or “White colors, with written GUARANTEE, DON'T DELAY—Offer ex- pires when dealer in yeur locality is selected. Give color and size desired. international 24 Bittner Street Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. x Co. THE DAILY NEWS PASSING EVENTS record on Oet, 6th Hughes, | Ry just issued a special Order-in-Counciljence went on as commending Colonel Minister of Militia, in London any Ger- mans or Austrians. engaged in for excluding lbus iness there, who, since the out}liquor from military camps and ibreak of the war, have adopted| messrooms | S. S. Prince er orge , Sails for Vanco, toria and Seattic o atS A.M. Sails 5 . and Stewart on w. ‘ at 12 midnigh S.S. Prince Sails for Masset and Port ( Sails for Masset and Naden ||; PM rlis i ’ e res red ; : Ennelish names will b a ad Col, JoffreycHale ‘Burland, of Sails for Queen Charlotte Isla Py Jimmediately eo Tesume the use 0 Montreal, who arrived in London at 10 P.M or vo a? a so a few days previously in charge of Sails for Vancouver o1 ‘. otice, save : “der ovale | jhotice, say me order, no‘alien the Red Gross work in connection ; THROUGH SERVICE Tx EAST enemy will be allowed to change ome tan Vebdien: ted Trains leave Prince Rupert | “anadie hoops, B . . lhis name without a special permit vif ee Fa : on Wednesdays and Sat ltrom the secretary of state suddenly there on October 16th, Close connections made at Win } : si aged 52 years Hie was honorary ° For points east of Chicag rhe wives of municipal coun-feolonel of the MeGill officers’ GRAND TRUNK RAILWa, TEM leillors in France have been given|training corps. He has been For through tickets and full in/ ; . he Montreal Board Albert Davidson, General Aq: ‘ ithe right to vote, in place of their [pre sident of the ontrea oare Rupert Agency All Atlantic si lhusbands.on urgent matters such|of Trade since 1911, and in the as sanitation and relief funds.|same year he was made a member a rhey will retain their new puliti-}of the Royal Commission on Tu- a eal rights while their husbands |berculosis He was president of hone 55 . Bh are away at war. the Canadian Red Cross Society, MUSIC 4 Pn Provineial Branch, and in 1909 Teacher of Violin and All \PERHAN Lieut. ‘Col. Hughes, Minister of Jassisted in founding ‘the Royal Band Instruments iN ighes, Edward Institute, an anti-tuber A. PESCOTT AINTING Militia, having gone to England, culosis dispensary, of which he| 462 Eighth Ave. East OLISHING AND the Hon, J.D. Hazen will act aS}i og neon president since 1944 i Phone Green 327 VSI Al deputy minister during his ab- I aa stom “ ‘ amenne | WALI — sence, Col. Hughes will probably Although she is not yet twenty a pay a visit to the seene of war in}years old, Mrs, Flvira Guiterrez is France. called the Joan of Are of northern MARTIN & MGOWAN ' Mart: n Sw a Mexico. She has taken part (0 | cage AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS | . anson The Methodist General Confer-|several battles in the rebel ranks, Coment, @rick end Tite Work © tear McBride . Retiates Furniened Phone Blue 828 UNION OF MUNICIPALITIES. MAY DEPORT HINDUS. important Problems Discussed at Convention at Kamloops. Vaneouver, Oct. 29.—Superin- tendent of Immigration for Brit- K hes n08 as ish Columbia Maleolm R. J. Reid tel pe Paes a ‘a has left for Ottawa to discuss legate re 0 e eee eee with the authorities there the opening session of the tenth an- nual convention of Union of Brit- ish Columbia Municipalities. conditions existing here in regard to the immigration of Kast In- dians. He had prepared a great deal of data on this matter, with the collaboration of the late In- spector Hopkinson. All the facts and suggestions had not been tab- There was considerable discus- sion of the report of Mr. MeDiar- mid, solicitor of the Union, who condemned the principle *™-lulated before Mr. Hopkinson's bodied in the powers conferred| murder but a great deal had been by the new Municipal Act on the| prepared showing that white there Lievtenant. Governor-in-couneil, fare good Sikhs and good Hindus in Vancouver, there are many bad ones, who are not wanted in any of the places they have lived be- fore coming to Vancouver, unless it is in the police sense of “want- to answer to a charge of vio- lation of one or two of the laws of God and man. These lafter, the authorities think, are the ones now making s» much trouble, having become more or less des- The report was finally adopted. Alderman Woodside, of Van- couver, read a capable paper on ‘Buy Made-in-Canada Exception was taken Logie, of Summerland, Vaneouver cated Goods.” by Clerk who said manufacturers advo- buying made-in-Canada but would not buy British Columbia fruit, insisting on Washington produce. Alderman goods, ~~ Now Scoop Knows All About “High” Explosives On WELL ~ I SPE TL OUGHTA BE (7 GRATEFUL TO HAVE, WT \\ i \\ \ \\ WY ‘Civil Engineers ana 8. C. Land New Welingan OR. GILROY, DENTIST favorite Household Gog Crown and Bridge Work a | inunen, Ca Specialty. iN ELL Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue “EW WELLINGTON om eecone Avenue Prone UNION TRANSFER C(O = Phone is Bor 1% GENERAL TRANOFER AND STORAGE — FOR PLUwoING AND wEATIN vuones: 36 once. nesipence s1o|| SMITH & MALLETT $33 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT) i _ B oe ee - | Tried hee Head ot taste bree BOAT BUILDER | == ul. JOUNSTON ovale Seal Cove Phone Green = bocoun em B08 tne Are oh Prose RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. PRINCE RUPERT, BO } . Alex M@ Man® BA | Ww. E. Willieng, 8. Surveyors WILLIAMS & SANSO Solicitors, & Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con Barristers Enright, of Vaneouver, said high|perate in view of possible depor- re" Ronkes snd Sipeotiens, oo, wonEY TO LOAR freight rates were the principal|tation. It will be two weeks Otlgnye printing, Negatives and White Hebeers pieck prince Rupert cause, Mp. Woodsides address |least before Superintendent Reid pPrinw. was ordered printed. returns, qnanenea | Office and int luspector Baird in the evening fo McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. outlined the duties of his office. A Scotsman, who was famed on PACIFIC CARTAGE Mr. Dutcher, of Vanecouver,|earth for his discontent, Was et] egewaakkeeRRAReRdaeeeeeheh 5, Franster consulting engineer of the Kam-jin the Better Land by an old | 5) Generel Cartage loops hydro-eleetric system, read | neighbor. a valuable paper on the econom- “Well, Sandy,” said the neigh. | LA ene Sa ics of municipal power plants|ber, “and how do you like it | and won high praise. here?” . s\- The work of Tranquille Sani- “Weel,” said Sandy, “it's no so $ JOHN CURRIE tarium was diseussed by Dr.|bad, but jist look at this crown. | : Vrooman. Sie a fit!” | Contractor & Builder = a : awe .. Estima n Moving e a Phone Black 294 |—— be: IMPERIAL MACHINE ew or yers oe Repairing Quickly Done A Fine Assortment at Moderate Prices ADAMS & BROOKS [cow rs) ine ATTORNEYS IN PATENT CAUSES cn Trade Marks and Copyrights AMES GILMORE Write for eur iMiustrated Catalogue through which we represent our a Arohitect fine stock to our out-of-town buyers. . are ucBride fi We have all the latest styles in gem set jewsiry, each piece perfect October 7th, 1914. 2nd A ra in finsh, and representing the finest values in platinum and gold mounts, MR. HARRY HANSON, ae eet with diamonde and other precious and semi-precious stones. Box 395, Prinee Rupert, B. ©. te po. Bet THE BIRKS’ WEDDING RING is a very pop and Dear Sir: fashionable design—comfortable to wear | . We have to advise that your) AY Y HO . moby application for Letters Patent of | Canada on improvements in Wa- wat ter Heaters is now pending under | oT Hen ° e it Serial No. 190,649, filed Octobe: | = ai! Roome il ry Birks & Sons, Limited }\«'0«. ony ne eae y ? € Yours very truly, sie oe Noni (Signed) ADAMS & BROOKS, (3 THE °* coLumBiA JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Seen ar Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director v HARRY HANSON proprietors t nen ae The Reliable Plumber , — — Phone 489 ppoanccooseres 7 : a y News py “Hon” Drawn for a LIL OLD U.S, 5 we