punt BY eS TIPATION ofrait-alives” Cured Paraly- red Bowels and Digestion HAWINIGAN, QUE. 1914 eto inform you og from Chronic years, I have heen ves’’ While I rthier College, I forced to leave the pains across the tortured me and when I could not I my Digestion some one advised .-tives’’ and at once vernent After I e boxes, T realized y cured and what was that they ausing no pam All those who fer ronic Constipation i example and take Pryit for they are the wels (AGLOIRE PAQUIN “Prait are sold by all dealers for $2.50, trial size, id on receipt of price Limited, Ottawa. SUPSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEWS ote of improvements. action, and Black Bear ste Ig the Skeena Min- siar District. Vil Chanee it Fraction “Lily Bertha” and eral Clatms near head of vatory Inlet, and “Black aim, located one mile the northwest point of Arm, 4 branch of Ob that I, Pedro Salina, Free Cert fake notice that action, must be commenced be- ‘ such Certificate of Im- lay of September, A.D. PEDRO SALINAS. Prince Rupert Feed Co. EALERS IN Hay, Grain, Feed and Seeds CHICKEN FEED A SPEDIALTY Agents for ORCHARDS CO. Ma" orders promptly attended to —Eee | 008 Third Ave. Phone Slack 268 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Princess Sophia southbound Saturday noon Princess Maquinna south- bound Sunday 8 p. m. Princess May northbound Monday noon 4 G@ McNAB, General Agent Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave fPeerooree Olel Directory Mem. PRL. Vintmers Association WINDSOR HOTEL ' First ave. and Eighth St W. Wright, Prop. : HOTEL OSNTRAL ‘ Avenue and Seventh St. ‘bean and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. Corne KNOX MOTEL Between Eighth and Nini / ©) Plan, Rates $06 to $1.00 Per Day Scaner @ Beaner, Props. hester Vv. D. Casiey EMPRESS HOTEL " Ave, Between Sixth eno Seventh Streets European Plan, 60 te $1 Per Dey ROYAL HOTEL rey & Burgess, Props. ‘wird Ave. and Sixth St European Pian Steam seated TT SEAVEW WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. LimivEeD ond Ave. and Sixth 41 Phone 109 ERT IMPORTING 00., UM@ITED fraser and Gixth Sts Phone 7 PRINCE AUP POO or ee DOMINION NURSERY & | Sfereeooovocrros—oooeS aoe ~TRADEBOOMISCAUSED IN THE EQUIPPING OF ARMY BRITISH FIRMS Workin GOODsS—oNnLy IDLE London, (+ iment of the a lot Lord Kitch | providing ‘ lwho would t) and trade ployed like a firms aleo have France to ma of w rhe firms are ern ages il dema | hoot-laces eart lorries, razor tins and tinned | jam-pots, ha leombs——these a | the many requ In Sheffield sured workers of work In Leis wi cerns are fhours a day. Lees jbam hum with d | jis making No. 80313B., intend, date hereof to apply mediately after coming off corder for a Certificate 2 2S of » followir soe purbore of ob. the wires at the following Grant of the above claim. places: _ ee ,jimiend, sixty days from the da we army boots a it can turn them out Worsted and : Hud 1 and the Holme and Golne ' e tre mendously bus de for both the British and French i Tee eee LATEST WAR NEWS The latest war received exclusively Daily News bulletins by The posted im- are Gole’s Cigar Store, 3rd Ave Wark's Jewelry Store, 3rd avenue. Prince Rupert Hotel, 2nd aveace. Royal Hotel. Central Uotel. Windsor Uotel. Knox Hotel Daily News avenue. ee ee eevee ee eee e windows, 3rd FOR RENT -HOUSE- SIXTH AND YOUNG ST. PARTLY FURNISHED 5 ROOMS WITH BATH PLENTY OF CLOSET ROOM AND BASEMENT PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE Certificate of improvements. Aldebaran Mineral Claim, situate in the Cassiar Skeena Mining Division of Dis- trict, Where located:—About three-quarters (3-4) of @ mile, more or less, from the northwest point of the head of Alice Arm and adjoining the Biack Bear Mineral on the southwest, TAKE NOTICE that IL, Pedro Salinas, as agent for William J. Vau han, Free Min- ers Certificate No. 81545B., and for - self, Free Miner's Certificate No. 803138B,, te hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for 8 Gertilicate of improvements, for the pur- pose of obtaining & Crown Grant of the above claim, And further take notice that gatee. under section 85, must be commen: be- fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- provetacnls. Dated this 2ist day of September, A.D. isid. PEDRO SALINAS. EE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM * ——— CIRCUIT NO. 1. Gox 12--5th St. and Sra Ave. Box 13 6th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 148th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 16.—Junction of ist, and and gra Aves, Box 16-ist Ave, Between Sth and 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) @or 17.121 Ave. and 7th St. (Cen tral Hotel.) GmROCUIT NO. 2. @ox 22--3rd Ave, and 3rd St (Post Office.) Box 23--3rd Ave. and MeBride St, Box 24--ist Ave. and McBride 54, Box 26-—2nd Ave. and god St, } Box 26--2nd Ave. and 6 St. Gos 27.6, bP. . CIROUIT NO. 3. Box 315th Ave, and Fulton St Box 32—Borden and Taylor Sts. @ox 947th Ave, and Fulton St Box 95-—-0ib Ave, and Comox Ave, Bos 37. 6 Ave. sad Dodge Pi. Box 38— 6th Ave, and Thompson st CIRCUIT NO. 4. Box 41 iu Ave and) 6 Bmmerson vi A. 425th Ave, and McBride 8t. Gox 435th AYO and Green 84. Box 440th Ave and Basil St Box 45—Tih Ave. and Ebertes. Box 141.7 Ave and Ywng St, dhe tee ee ’T HIGH PRESSURE TO TURN OUT 00 OUT OF 40,000 WORKMEN ARE IN SHEFFIELD. if wearing the same elt and day has played the leather of our gland is hooting not } vn men but also the | t ps The established ! of boot manufacture are tight and day imp is making 500,000 ts. Some 50,000 pairs ler at tristol for our t! largest order is f Franee, which has asked for ! have been mare Some fifteen firms a t! work The first { n Friday, and y deliveries aft- gotiat s are going rder from the Greek f emthing like an- t! pairs of boots, I pinners and manu- fact very busy making eaters, and warm winter | thing Between 10,000 000 persons are engaged t indirectly on army Some factories are at work ind night, in sueeessive shifts (thers are working for ifrom sixteen to eighteen hours a day. Nottingham is ‘working over- time ee HR RO ee } Clothiers work over- oth in Khaki and in navy- ergs Spinners produce the rate of a big trade Norwich firme are mak. ousers and pegamoid 1 Suits and oilskins for } ' 1 tr t i Need Boots Badly. Guns and Ammunition. The Coventry Ordnance Wosks jare heavily engaged in the big work f both the army and the The Birmingham Small iArms Company are at work night and day. Two thousand men are turning out 3,000 Lee-Enfield r fles for the army every week, as well as rifles and revolvers want ed by patriotic civilians for shooting practice Kynochs, working at full pres- sure, employ thousands of men in the production of cartridges and cordite. Many machine shops are ¢ centrating on the manu- facture of cartridge cases Swords and bayonets are turned out by the thousand; accoutre- ent-makers (a special trade are overwhelmed with orders for regimental buekles and buttons In Shefield two bayonet-making plants have been started again, after two years idleness. They are employed twenty-four hours a day for six days a week. All harness equipment for the Freneh army as well as the. Brit- ish is now being made in_ this country A leather and strap order of the value of 38,000 pounds has been divided among the firms of Walsall; there is a searcity of skilled labor in that empleayment In Hudderstield leather straps and belts are being made as fast as ever the factories can make them, In Birmingham skilled artisans are making bedsteads by the thousands for hospital and camps; also buckets, motorcar shields, and canteen tins. Can- teen utensils are alSo being made at Coventry. They are of the first for the soldier at the bfront has to be his own kitehen- maid, Hundreds of thousands of blankets, rugs and overcoats have been ordered in Yorkshire. The entire population of Dewsbury and Batley working for the troops. Special privileges, in ex- tenuation of the factory acts, have been granted to some firms. Norwi¢h is busy with bedding. In Ceventry the Daimler Com- pany and Messrs. White and Pop- pe are making for both British and French aeroplanes. Similar work is going on in Bir- mingham. Motor-Lorries and Pontoons. In Huddersfield and Coventry the factories are working double tides to turn out motor-lorries, some of them armored, Military bicycles are being turned out at a rapid rate; Birmingham is sup- plying cyele-repair outfits. In Birmingham 38,000 rubber work are making tires for war- motors—«several orders of about 10,000 pairs each have been re ceived, Birmingham is also mak- ing pontoon bridges in sections. necessity, is engines ers NOTICE. The Canadian Patriotic Fund. Will those who need assistance from the above fund, resident in the city or district and whose breadwinner is on active service with the forees of the Empire or her Allies, kindly notify the sec. retary of the local organization. W. BE. COLLISON, TRUST FUND SAFE Vancouver, October 28 Mavor Baxter stated this morning that! 25,000 invested through the D minion Trust Company f the | widow of Poliee Constable Archi bald, who Was shot on Powell st. | | May 28 last, was safe in a sat factory first mortgage on Duf ferin street property, which was sold recently for $15,000 cash. Of this money #2,000 was donated by the Citw Gouneil, $2,000 raised by} by publie subseription and the vhole, including some money of} Mrs. Archibald’s was given to the Dominion Trust Company to handle The trust company did | » free of cost. PRINCE RUPERT BOAT Boats sat Lasmabes for hire. Gasoline for sale PHONE FED 391 “--th End of Manson Way 1836 THe sanx of 1914 BritishNorthAmerica Te Years in Business Capital ano SuRPLUS $7, "66.66. BRILLIANT DURABLE NONINFLAMMABLE NODUST NORUST i of a THE F F.DALLEY C¢ Joint Account tre HAMILTON can BUFFALO!» A Joint Account may be opened in the names of two or, more persons. Whichever one can most conveniently reach the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the cash needed. It saves-time WHAT ENGLAND NOW DREADS THE WORST. Length of a German Zeppelin. One of the leviathans of the air, which have already done considerable damage, shown in comparison with the height of St. Paul's Cathedral... One class of German airship is twenty-six feet longer than the one here- with shown, and consists of seventeen balloons enclosed in the cigar-shaped covering. The and certain efficacy—are Beecham’s 98 and trouble. held in Petrograd sinee the com- . Pill UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ee evacat of the war PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH TO FIGHT FOR RUSSIA! rie paraders carried pictures| >, MARGETTS, Manager. =| “373 Sch nite Mxtiine te et —— for the’News the new —--— of Emperor Nicholas, — ———— — The Order and an Announcement} py) < Ty FOR A T AX1} + Kelninn ERRATA TI TTT IIIA IIIS IIIA IIIS IAI IIIA . : PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO ———— EE LLLSSSSSe Coecnnninbaonnannoonentile for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in For Rent Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- COMFORTABLE 4-ROOMED bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability. COTTAGE The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any Other paper in NEAR DRYDOCK the vity. It is read by the elass of people the advertisers want to talk to. NICE 4-ROOMED mst APPLY TO G R.Naden Co.,Ltd. |} 324 SECOND AVENUE i eadiinaa -