} LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. * * * Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, tf. eo «6.8 Norfolk Rooms, Steam heated, hot and cold water. Terms rea- sonable, 6th Ave. and Fulton. 2a sé Hundreds of remnants Sale—Wallace's. a Harry Sheere, of Haysport, came in on last nights train. - so Harry Berryman; of Port sington, has been spending a few days in town. * Patri- otie hs. manager of Mar- property in to the city W. F. Lake, tin Welch's the Interior, last evening. * minitig came in * * Mrs. F. G. Dawson returned last night from a pleasant visit with friends in Regina. She has been away for a couple of months. * * * Have you tried the London Cafe. It's a clean, swell place. The meals served are the best in town and prices are low. $64 tonight at 8 o'clock * * * You and you hejp a good cause when you buy at the Patriotic Sale—— Wallace's. nie. © save moneys For a comfortable room, come to the 8t. Elmo Hotel, 856 Sec- ond Avenue, near Kighth Street, Newly opened. Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. Free baths. Rates reasonable. ‘ * * * Prof. G. A. Guess, of Toronto, who has been doing some experi menting at che Granby smelter, is in town today. He has installed a new methdod of smetiing there which is giving excellent satisfae- tion. , = © Jimmy Neville, a longshoreman and oldtimer who has enlisted for the front, has seen lots of active service, As a member of the Brit- ish artillery, he saw service in ,China at the Boxer rebellion and lin South Africa. He also served jin the Spanish-American War } , 8 he local offices of the G, T jon Third Avenue being fitted jup to accommodate the commer leial telegraph which the P. | are 233tf£] pany expects to have in operation|dence of Mrs, J in the next few days. The instiru-| Rand practice in the City att! Capt. 8. B. Johnson, of the | i jley, Welch & Stewart staff in on last nights train an proceed to Vai eouver about the last of the staff t The Prince Rupert Towing Co.,) ments are being installed today.|November 4. general towing; the new crude oil} Phone Red|¢ompanys own business for some tug “P.A.T. No. 1.” 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O. Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” Crude Oil Motor, The line has been used for the time, but not heretofore by> the publie. ex.s © Everything goes drs d chinaware, wallpaper, wlassware kitchen goods all at the per cent jliseount during the patriot sale.—Wallace’s. * * «* The police magistrate was met aphorically presented with a pa of white gloves this morning tn] the Poliee Court. * . . A party of surveyors work at Endako came ir \ night's train and proceeded th this morning on the Ge * ¢@ ® Prince Rupert ladies te at home behind the counts Whllace’s store as they a t at the Patriotic Sale. Ten per cent of the proceeds of the sales made today and tomorrow go fo the Pa triotie Fund, ae The I. O. D. EB. asks all those who are knitting for them whe wish to contribute woolen gar ments to the local regiment to |bring their donations to the resi H. MeMullin on or before Wednesday afternoon a Authentic information about football games, either sche Rates have not vet heen lor postponed, can be had by eall 165tf | announced. ine up Fitz Cigar Store, came i wil a Ite Montreal, Oet. 29, “Whether ctory rests with England, or lGermany, or France, Belgium will ‘dulled tf We Have About 60 More Boys Suits ~ In All Sizes to Clear At Less Than Half Price Styles, BUSTER BROWN NORFOLK and DOUBLE BREASTED All with bloomer pants MOTHERS, DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY The Acme Old Store FINAL CLOSING OUT SALE rue DAILY NEWS REBEL BOURASSA FINDING EXCUSES FOR THE KAISER Says Germany ts Not the Only Country Which Has Invaded a Smatier One. | urvive as Ireland, as Poland and is French Canada have survived, said Henry Bourassa, deader of th Nationalists, at a patriot eeting of the St, Jean Baptist s ty held here Mr. Bourassa ilso «6criticized those who want Canadians to unite as the Bel ins have united in face of the invader by the remark that peo ple forget that Belgians are fight ing for their own country Mr Bourassa proceeded to show that France had invaded Belgium a great many times and that Germany was not the only nation that persecuted small na tions, for he declared the great est barbarism had been pract ced in Treland that the world had ever seen since Christ came to earth, Belgium,” he said, “has in the past rebelled against and dis trusted the imperial tendencies of England, and if wards and France, finally to to there Germany had leaned Britain in preference Germany, it was was a stretch of water between them’—a sentiment that cheered by the small audience she because was NEW STAFF FOR WS5LLACE’S STORE The following loeal ladies have thken charge of the Patriotic Sale at Wallace's today and tomor- row: Mrs. Kegert, manager; Mrs. Eggert and Mrs. Peck, account- ants; Mrs. Ritehie and Mrs. Tre- mayne, fleor managers; Mrs. Morris,, Mrs. Claney, Mrs. De Gex, Mrs. MeNicholl, Mrs. Clem@mts, Mrs. Philpott, Mrs. Cambie’ and Mrs. Hull, salesladies. PRINCE GEORGE SAILS. The Prinee George sailed this morning at 9 welock, with the following, among others, on board Mrs. ©. Grossman, J. D. Taylor, A. C. Loche®@d, Seppie Ward, W. G. Gillet, 8. F. Calkins, C. Peters Mrs. Calkins, J. W. Gibson, Pearl Moore and J, L King. Along with the usual series of fine pictures, the Majestic Thea tre putting on a contest for amateurs with a view to develop- ing and discovering local talent in singing, dancing, ete., Misses Delasala, Bernice LaVelle and Bailey Messrs. James Kelly, PD. Scheinman, Fleteher,. A. H Brearley and H, Harvey will com- pete. is and TTP a > a8 “PITCHER” JAMES. “The Daily News ” 7 CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT ~ vrOR RENT Four roomed cottage on Fra vw St, near Sixth Thomas Mely- mont % goer rOR RENT Furnished rooms with hot and cold water Clean and comfort. | able Only #2.50 per week Klondyke Hotel uw FOR SALE cxpensengssimiensinprecamnnesecation eee — ron SALE Splendid kitehen range, bed lounge tables chairs, pletures, books, | rockery und «kitehen utensils Apply | Suite Emad Block uw POR SALB—New house, Section 7, $100) cash and §20 4 montium total by,190. r, O. Box 190 isu. FOR SALE Tracts of Land ‘9 Lakelse | Valley containing 10 acre ach, $20) per sere, MeCaffrey & Gibbons, 9141. FOR SALE -60-H.P, capacity steam i bs and 8-ILP, stationary engine, as be had cheap in excellent order, or | ply Box 15, Daily News. 220 f. | ED WANTED WANTED A Green 202 WANTED -Woman to do a few hy sework once or twice a week, ?, Daily News Phone 248-50 hours | Box | general servant | | loca mod- | ur. Furnished house; good sponsible party; must be Box 106, Dally News WANTED tion re erg WANTED—Ffurnished housekeeping rooms | well situated, Box 107, Daily News. tf WANTED—Pour-room house in Section Five or Six for $125 down and §265 4) month until paid. Box 108, Daily News.) WANTED-—-View lot and house; close in; about $2,500 to $3,000. Will pay @700 eash and arrange balance. ox 100, Daily News. " MISCELLANEOUS MONEY! MONEY! 6 PER CENT — Loans may be obtained for any pw on acceptable Real Estate security; lib- eral privileges; correspondence solicit- ed. A. ©. Agency Company, 758 Gas, Rlectric Bidg., Denver, Col. LosT LOST A large gold earring near Hays Cove Circle on Fifth Avenue App'y Box 105, Dally News 247-49 CHINA INVADED. Big raid expé@ected on the china section during the Patriotic Sale al Wallace's. HALLOWEEN SOCIAL. rhe Baptist Young People’s So- ciety will hold a halloween social on Friday evening, October 30, at 8 p. m, Program and refresh ments. Everybody welcome. Ool lection. 2t. Salvation Army. Public meetings, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m Sundays at 7:30 p.m. MAJESTIC ROOMS CENTRALLY LOCATED Steam WHeated—All Conve- niences—Very Moder- ate Price RATE MONTHLY AMERICAN TAILOR - CUT PRICES —— Call and Save Money SPECIAL One Good Deliv- ery Horse, Cheap at Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 rhe crack piteher of the Boston DOMINION Braves, who won the second Undertakers and Embalmers ae “ a ae aerene by FUNERAL DIRECTORS air-tight piteheing, Not a run ete and Undertakers’ was scored from his delivery = + geenoake ieee and the game was won by a ; score of 4 to 0, (SOLD Here's a SHOT from OUR STRAIGHT to the HEART of Every Let your next SHIRT be a Gua JAEGER SHIRY For the business man, the pro man who wants the best thatmone ——— Splendid original patterns in Ta’ brics and Flannels. With or with ALL SOLD AT CATALO: SHIRT DEPARTMENT “ressed MAN RANTEED PURE Woot fe an, for every , y Zephyrs, Came 0 ICES Bryant Compaiy, Lid. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS SEEREEEEEEEREE EERE EEE EEE EEE EE Bee ee ey eee SLiett rin GOOD AGENTS WANTED THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSU We are open to place an Agency in Stewer', Granby Bay, Harel ton, Smithers, Prince George, and all importan: “ the Interior Queen Charlotte Islands and the principal towns © Yukon Territory Ww you are a good man and open for a « see us MEN OF CHARACTER KISSICK & EDWARDS ; ' RANCE COMPANY ' ' ' ' ; WANTED ‘ ’ s + DISTHICT AGENTS Sixth Street RRRKRRRERRERRERRARKKKRAK HHA Prince Rupert, B.0. PARRA AERA RR EETEND A. J. BURROUGHS, tet Ave. and McBride %. ‘LUMBER SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. Manager PRINCE RUPERT, 8¢ | PHONE 26 Bra Yard at Smith —— el : E FRED STORK’S HARDWARE) i an 2 7 | 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fitlings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing © “WE SELL NOTHING rugated Iron BUT THE BEST” SEES EPEEEEEREEEEREEEREE ER EERE REY YF)! Plumbing, Steaming High-Grade Work at fair prices WARKHRRAERERERERARARA RAKE Western Plumbing Co. ld cent ana metal work #00 *% eee ee eee EMPRESS COFF F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR BY ALL GROCERS) 66 prince auPent,