{ pe ae == THE DAILY NEWS iI : PRINCE RUPERT, RMANS 10 RENEW ATTACK WILL RISK ALL FOR CALAIS 5y DO NOT APPEAR EXHAUSTED-—MUCH ACTIVITY BEING SHOWN BY THE GERMANS IN EFFORT TO CUT WAY THROUGH TO CALAIS. cial to The Dally Newe—S P/M) paign to cul thre Much activity) to Calais German mobile The Gernm ' ted from Bel. |is beheved by | evidence that | have been-crushe de a terrible cost 1 th not been ex army, Which apparent ha auf resourees aC (fered as sever as did the Be bear in the cam-'gian forces —e SSIAN OFFICIAL REPORT STILL APPEARS OPTIMISTIC AN ATTACKS HAVE ‘BEEN REPULSED — HAVE DRIVEN THEM SEYOND VISTULA—-ADVANCE-OF RUSSIANS MEETS LITTLE RESISTANCE. to The Dally Newe—O:30 AML) yond the \ istula. Our troops cor Official tinue the offensive without opp Fast Prussia/ sition only in the region of Ope ed the German | !®¥4 The Austriar attempted . iwainst Viadsia ‘NOVEMBER 38, 19144. THE ATTACK ON JSSIA REPLIES TO TURKEY THAT HER APOLOGY IS TOO LATE~RUSSIANS TOOK 4,000 PRISONERS _ ERMANS HVE RENEWED BRITISH MARINES SIGNALING. ! t witt j { thee i dispatches indicate that British sailors and marines have played esis ith eonsiderabl ores yb English Channel The pieture shows British marines on bo transports and warships. beyond Opetawa The Austrians. fighting on the south shor the enemMyY!l who held a ail the dec at Dunkirk, Franee d of the lhomi- | Galicia the Sa Rive ente + have advanced to | Nisd, whe flere zhiting ton Lake Raigerod be place ‘RUSSIANS ORDERED TO ATTACK THE TURKS 10 BE 45,000 STRONG 4,000 PRISONERS “iio. Ss. \ hover us ADIAN ARMY RUSSIANS TOOK patch om Tiths, in thussia, says to The Dally News—O:@O0 A.M.) } (Bpecial to The Daily News—3 P_ M.) ul i ed that the Czar has rhe second London, Noy. 3 fhe reports ed his Caucasian regiments sist of sull of the fall of Przemys!l are de om the fi tier and attack with the extra |clabed by Petrograd to be prema : he irkish possessions t to Salisbury |ture and due to the capture of : , dh an army di-|} 4,000 men of the Przemys! gar ! that the nu t tl with a la wn CITY WILL HONOR 1s i e json, together a large amoul RUPERT'S CONTINGENT f the contin 1 f arms and equipment whe i et away about} sort was altempted ; r ; The local ¢ tinger will be about 15,000; « gavener | MOHAMMEDANISH peua annie eats rose Friday next rhe details om of the con-| TO BE RESPECTED » e yet to be worked out, but the jusiasm of the citizens is in- (Special . The Daily Rews—-12 Woon) (Miine aud they will be fittingly ‘nforeements ited at a yearly t of the total London, Nov. 3 A Dethi dis-|onered At the Council meeting pateh says it bas been authori ist night $2,000 was set asideto . oe EN ; ,e , ro JL TOLL TAKEN OF tatively announced in India that}@!d in this Phe expenditurt ! j the money will be gone into this GERMANS i religious question is involved]! 1% -PLANOSRS the Wispute with Turkey andj M@ornines at a meeting eg the j itt ( eomul Lec of the City that alk Moslem holy ,places in i not In a dispatch ' see ns \ . catnoatiens Arabia will be nmune from ie} vou and a ‘ — inter- New uot attack of the Allies provided pi fested The officers of the regi- ews quotes » Co-Op ‘ t naan ¢jerims from India to these places | en! will be asked to eo-operat i sie ‘ o are t iterfered with arrangit I'yd to the effect} ™ int y jtion t the men that will be of _ antes C8 | FHOUGHT CITY BOMBARDED, |¥8!/\6 Ha) use bo then | \ petition was presented at the es. anes a Phe people living out on Fifth |‘ ~— . me NY ae stn om by ted ied men is mov Aventie East th ght a few nights |! S a — a a ; ago that the German “Jack John ib 1 deputation ineluding Pa a ase sons’ were bombarding the ety Morroy M ov stephens, “ite nburied bhdies A bolt of fire’ darted th ugh the ae re j , Ro aided 7 an | d. the corre, 1%" sizzlin and snortil and | Sirapatrn , : we a = when it struck the ground there;''™! others The Gouncil was] " and no one aan @ ie explosk - unanimously in favor of assist | tata eee Fhe spectatoi were. ready: 0 a a eee nee a: mOPey this tad fight cart fo ae hve see vee 1 ae, “ th evenin when ind Middelkirke | 4? Wear the gearrepencrgchirrdivte no . » from the lire chief} * have ceased fir oad-enot ha + came oe oenee te a I as ios ihe osition of shella wounla|@md th ‘ now thinking that) ty" Ne : : re > aia Is ,tperhaps alt af it wasn't ajariver held by 4 raw ' bs as well as the iol bast shooting |department epen for his return,| \iies Conse — anee ' \ldermiat Montgomery proposed 1 to band fight Pan AP 8 mpesee to pay hen half a month's pay — which was agreed to, as well a MOUNTAIN GOAT CAUGHT. ‘haciiindien aiciie: natetiiom. fa WANTED, Unusual Capture Made When Shy him on hi sreturn from the front , vith light house Animal Gets Into Marsh. CITY GOT TAXES. New part time, Box 1.) New Westminster, Nov \ - Molmounta woul, one ofthe shyest rhe eity received in taxes up ee. eof wild animats wa caplurediio 5 o’eleek last evening 8132, . eeeeeeerereroraweneeeet, lative and uniiurl by J It and} aaa Of this the @G P,P. Be 1A. MeKinnon ¢ the B Ch, velopment Gompany paid the sum arewell Smoker phen Asherofll Phe out Waelof 832,672.46. Thorseh, the Aus lseen running with difeutl ih Qitrian syndicate, had their taxes | Membe lmarshy fleld, and after an extend-tpaid by Mr, Aldous, of Winnipeg 1d Sons i cea ed pursuit the tie weeeded IMTand it anmunted to $7,000, There *S are requ = Bidriving it into a wi enced a is still $85,000 to be paid and Smoker ested to attend bier where Jt beea melted most of this is due from outside to be held in St. jand was easily captured It is;the loeal taxpayers having paid Ndrew's Hall on Thursday nemised that the i was drivetlup very well mt at 8:30 Pp, M. in henor Hfown from i ummit home Dy ” I the Prince Ru t some hunter I iplors pul WASHED NUT COAL-$8.00. Ndent leavin Serene j parse ebbmperstl of the prize bo . : 9 for the front. ihe Mamoouvs Ni Westmin New Wellington Coal Com Or -cccaes }} stor, e008 pany, Phone 116 tf BRITISH TARS TAKE AKABAH ON THE RED SEA (Special to The Baily News—12 Noon) ~ FRENCH PRESIDENT VISITS HIS TROOPS (Special to The Daily News—12 Noon) While the Ger- Ministergof War, Albert of Belgium, and Belgian » British cruis- ositions but no Brit- GERMANS ABANDON POSITIONS ON YSER (Special to The Daily News—12 Noon) Tt is officially PROVINCE NEEDS THE mousy. » in a statement completely abandon- quires more money and hopes to lors appropriation of $5,000,- ig for some presenta INDIAN POTENTATE ISSUES MANIFESTO (Special to The Daily News—-12 Noon) and trails had been prac- and more mon- development. ‘ ministereis spending ;¢ tically exhausted, P| Vancouver World. TWO FRENCH AVIATORS BRING DOWN GERMAN and His “Mechanic Are Given Medais for Feat. Mohamimedans ESTHOLM ANTS OPERA JAPANESE BUSY IN THE SOUTH SEAS \ special dis- pateh reeeived from Sasebo says » Japanese in their “THE MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY” AND A FINE the South Seas destroyed the Ger. acized $250,000 in gold, ¢ Admission 10 and 150 ; . ficials or each of the captured is. WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY BRITISH WAR GAZETTE Society Feature “THE BRUTE” : 10, 15 and 250 | | | Prince Louis Given Appointment. | j here a member of the Privy Goun-. GET THE LATEST WAR IN THE DAILY NEWS NEWS FIRST GERMANS DETERMINED TOTAKE CALAIS-—-MOVE FARTHER SOUTH |DRIVEN FROM THEIR POSITION on THE YSER THE GERMANS ARE TRYING TO BREAK THROUGH FARTHER SOUTH IN A ae EFFORT. ; (Special to The Daily News—12 aeeed The German forces are evi- London, Nov. 3.—#A Rotterdam |dently making a desperate effort } dispateh says heavy 4ighting is|to break through to Calais farther reported along the Yser, appag- ently, to eover the movement of ja large body of troops in a south—| are reported to have heen killed € . m a bomb at Thielt. jerly direction. : CLOSED NORTH SEA ALL BEING MINED ‘BULGARIA GETS READY FOR FIGHT German staff offieers — - London, Maes 3. 3. The North (Special to The Daily Ne Newse—0:30 A.M.) Sea has been declared a military | larea. Merehant vessels entering | ceived from Sephia says that Bul- it do so under grave danger of | saria has ordered the mobiliza- tion of her second line troops. mines, Cruisers are employed | London, Noy. 3A dispateh re- searching suspicious eraft in the! The first-line has been mobilized. sea to avoid further danger. cITYy To ADVERTISE FOR ELECTRICIANS At the City Council meeting last | night the question of a staff for the electric plant at Woodworth |’ Lake came up. It was decided to taka steps towards advertising-fem such a staff. The superintendent of eleetric light will be consulted in the matter and the staff will be advertised for. The mayor mayor last night raised the point the city plant in Seattle, and the reply of Mr. Ross. Thé mayor Phad asked what in his judgment should be the qualifications of the men employed, whether they should. be steam engineers or e >| electricians. He and Lord Kiteh- - conferred on Sunday at Dun- Mr. Ross had replied that he was of the opinion that the first requisite should be that of an electri¢ian with a knowledge of steam engineering. This brought about censiderable discussion. Alderman Morrissey felt this was something that-should be at- tended te, The enterprise had ‘leost about $350,000. It was ne- cessary fo have a first-class staff on duty He rather favored ad- vertising in the open for the best class of men. He moved that the staff as required. Alderman Basso-Bert agreed with thé. Alderman Dybhavn thought it advisable to have a report from Superintendent Duncan on the staff required. He therefore mov- ed that the superintendent sub- mit a report as to the staff re- quired Alderman Montgomery favored \iderman Dybhavn's motion. It would be three weeks, perhaps, before the plant was in and test- ed When they knew what men were required they should employ any who were now in the service of the eity. 4 ~ The mayor suggested carrying also. lieve in advertising until they de- to be filled intendent, at onee en what was required with Mr, Dunean Mr, Duncan has been consulted, : of submitting a telegram he had sent to Mr. Ross, the expert of Council should advertise for thelags out both motions. He advocated ‘jadvertising to get the necessary ‘joMeers. The report of the su- perintendent could be brought in Alderman Dybhavn did not be- cided upon the offices that were Alderman MeClymont felt that time was essential At the same time he felt that a report should be fortheoming from the super- The mayor thought Mr, Dun- can might give a general report Alderman ~ MeClymont, after there had been considerable dis- cussion, moved that the clerk ad- vertise on the recommendation of the committee after consulting This was really acted upon and the advertising@ewill be done when (Special to The Daily Newe—O:80 A.M.) Constantinople, Nov. 3.—The ambassador at Petro- grad left the Russian capital last WORDS OF DOOM! (Special to The Daily News—~2:30 P.M.) : Nov. 3.—Russia has Turkey's apology for her navy in the Black the fateful words, “It ————s EXCHANGE VOTED BONUS TO VOLUNTEER MEMBERS There are five members of the local Real Estate Exchange going They are Messrs. G. . G. C. Emmerson, D. Leslies, V. F. G. Gamble and H, O. The Exchange, at a meet- ing yesterday, voted $20 each to those who have volunteered. It was also decided by the Exchange to suspend its official operations for six months. Washington, Nov. 2.—Formal protest to the British gevernment the detention of the copper-laden | steamer Kroonland at Gibraltar, was made by ment through Ambassador Page. the State Depart- THE WEATHER. Compiled by 1 F. w. Dowling, Observer. . November 3, 1944.) bes dc case 29.893 IE, 45.0 bis 600 ons 0 aoa 38.0 oc th einnene teen 82 rrr rrr TT * FOR SALE. * >. Hub Poot Room. Must * Be Sold at Once. * * RK RE REE HER HERR H 4 RHEE EH RHE HH RHE PRINCE RUPERT LODGE NO. 63, 1. O. O, F. Oddfellows is requested . Tuesday evening, No- * 3. Boeial evening in honor of our members who have enlisted for ser. vice in the present war. A. R. PHILLIPS, * * * A fuil alentana of all * * * * H. M, DAGGRPT, * * * . N. Ga, a Rec, Bee, * ; ee ERR HHH RR Re