is such a favorite in the home where bak- oe workmanship, ab- J F a a y stainless, d to er een ctetea; |) coats vimiess and i Jewelry For Autumn Buryerrs ||| :ssseesevsssssssnnensnnt IMPERIAL iiACHN - of using the very best wheat all the time holes or replaced by new _ Repairing Quickly Done and of making flour the way we make it. pairs free. A Fine Assortment at Moderate Prices ADAMS & BROOKS COW BAY NE RED 1% OUR FREE You can depend on all your baking to be as aves ATTORNEYS IN PATENT CAUSES > | . THE DAILY NEWS I —- ee | ° ~ = - 3 “TOMMIES” DESCRIBE = THE DAILy NEWS _ | Frrentoovineveasr | HOMAGE IS PAID TO GERMAR SHELLS AS ' —_. oi THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA TE Sry HAMING TROYON DEFENDERS anER CNEEwS MenrY al S.S. Prince Geors- Published Daily eekly TH E wy Guaranteed Largest Circulation Half of Brave 450 Died in Holding paren Seren Ot eee ¥ a ——_—+--—- erry yee" Up 10,000 Foes Attacking Royal Rifles, told an interviewer toria and Seattio on Friday. H. F. MeRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER si THE WHITE ST Lcd With Big Guns. the Weat Ham Hospital ao HEAD OFFIC QO 2.) ae “At 2 o'clock one morning we Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. gt oe 2. 7 - already |were told we had to shift some Throu h rvi T vcen related how gallantly » lit. | Ger . p ri . TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—60 vents per inch. Contract FAS | C) 7 tle fort ot fae ¥ ly the lit-]Germans who held somé ridges. g Service to The East rates otf application pe mm. Se i} oi if Bt) tle fort at Troyon defled the Ger-|At about 3 e’clock during our Over the ° \ mans on the Meuse, but it is only} march we were suddenly met with ) : ) , GRAND TRUNK P ak! Enenaaee hae poe - eps —S SS = Quien just being realized what service]a terrible rifle fire from a@ hill. AOIFIC RAILWay DAILY EDITION in aad November 3, 1944 its garrison rendered the allied|T a oer Ween Curryiy Ore y, 1 a ; f . e colonel q ea ardare ‘agsen 0 Ndard Bleeping 8 na at ee ole ee aa ee On ee ee ciajppeatelinenepecisiin 0 Try. ¥ ‘ . ’ ville, Winnipeg, etx 9 *. top _E D I ‘T O R For five days*450 of them kep{}we did, We got to the top of the St, Paul, Duluth, Chicago and all Eastern ce r WiNn traing te I A L: Ss 10,000 Germans at bay, notwith- ve with Germans flying in all di- gm pad GHICAGO use the anny K 8YsT diacetate aiiainiatitliatian ini tis standing an awful pounding from Sanaa but - at aah German Full eiretummien ely to 6. eee : nT - ane the terrible : | mac rine guns began to fire on us. os Phone Dr. Alfred Salter, an English Thia is surely interprets: ge x a th ‘hd * ea that gave their), jook around, and it was seen AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHiP Lines a divine, believes in carrying out Christianity entirely from one 4 deathblow to Liege, Namur and|that they had two machine guns literally the New Testament yoint of view. Ju was opposed to war there{lter stfongtolds, « After twojon top of a haystack, but two of |/e™ nl Sr . 7 point of view. Just because would be no United States. It’s|days' bombardment the enemy |°U" boys crept forward and set ~ injunction with regard to war.| certain characteristics of the) the old story that the fhings|tried to carry the fort by st {fire to them, and those Germans : : - ‘ oO Cf s » for ) oO . . 5 If a man strikes him on the one Christ have been emphasized worth while are costly; that the : : rm. | were. soon roasted, ood P.O.Bor 6 sh : hae ; They got within ten yards, but cnn : , cheek he will turn the other. 4o the exclusion of other points vest things in life onky come fell ' ren. .minutes after that T was ae If somebody wants his coat he of view we must remember that as the result of tremendous in such numbers they had to/hit, bul [T managed to go on for Teacher of Violin and All \PERHANGING snes eahes a ed ; these ; sacrifice, If freedom only|Vithdraw, about three-quarters of a mile Band Instruments NTI y take his cloak likewise. If the real Christ was not neces- anans hi : comes through fighting, then The next day they summoned|before T became dizzy. A. PESCOTT - company is wanted for the sarily a one-sided being, as a man who won't dght doesn't|/the garrison e i . “The figh@ing is terrific and he Oy ey HSHING AND distance of one mile he will go] some people would portray him.| deserve to be free, ih et? : ones hard and the German shelling is : WALL TINTING twain. If it is treason to re- We must also remember that 7 Prott s ae rae Four? terrible, but our boys are all cool, a! ae fuse to fight for his country} a great deal of his teaching ne a no more wrong, ethic I en we shall shell you with |cheerful, and calm. Every time) ~~ a a then he will be shot rather than was, allegorical and not ex ally, for a man to go to war|°U heavy guns until you and your/a shell comes over you hear a : ‘ as i x-| and fight for his principles|fort are but a heap of timber,” |shout, ‘Look t! Here come Martin S J x , : : : p of timber, it, ‘L out! Here comes an- ’ WwW mer He takes Cate point of pected to be. taken literally. than it is to bring his fellows|the Germans returned other of Jack Johnson's rights.’ " MARTIN M’GOWAN Second anson view because he thinks that is This was the Oriental way of into the court that justice may They al th , ae LAIN AND ORMAMENTAL PLASTERERS a what the foundter of Christi- doing it. Then he always dealt be done or that a man should]. a tad time Lo COPry| ang IRISH GIRL'S . Cement, @rict ana Tie Wort anity would do. This is what] with principles and never pre- take up whatever weapons are| >” seir threat before relief JOY AT ESCAPE Estimates Furniened he Says: . cept. In other words, he e at his disposal in order to op-|°4™®- When the siege was rais- FROM GERMAN LIES Phone Biue 820 lj ‘ Bia a ae hae me ve a pose corruption in the state, ed practically nothing was left of ——- m AW alin (an Cf ’ s : rit. nhia » ony ee. ee eae “Look! _ Christ in khaki, out ual fellowship i i ‘tieh f Sion or tee wepes lies on the/the fort, while more than half of To hear at last true news of b in France thrusting his bay which inary hela ; - : csaiies mits: A deny alies defenders had been. buried}? war, and to see England safe DOR. GILMOY, DENTIST The fave Household Coal : - . ayery h was Oo ur4 r r b aVv-t.i: ‘ ‘ , e nest, Brigh onet into the body of a German] his own conscience ing exhausted every other alive in its ruins. The captain and sound and in such good heart Crown and Bridge Work a — epplinainys. workman. See! The Son of ao « means of settlement. Every ac-|(® command was wounded in that was the best thing of all Specialty ew WELLINGTON Com am God, with a machine gun, am- The important thing for aie an be judged in the Se ne gon ga — te tne, joes Rome Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue omar oe i sr , > au i » low ; ’ » 7 ; ' , Becona bushing a column of German each person is therefore not, aah a ontoan pete a caeeam .. - The speaker was a bright little Avenue rune ; » y t » or ye i » i ; “0 infantry, catching them una- “Would Christ go to wary or wellfare of the world or which in person to congratulate the Ciel sii te ae rhea i a wares in a lane and mowing| 40 this or that?” but, “Can I had that in view eannot be/#@trison on their magnificent) pritish refugees ae sole ton UNION TRANSFER CO them down in their helpless- go to war or do this or that and| Wholly bad. oa = eo officers from alll Germany last week, FOR PLUMBING Ano went ness. Hark! The Man of Sor still be a Christian?” There caithipsnenishnvomeastl sides have been to see the dam- “Te. be day after day in Ger GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE ‘ - i AD’ RTISE age d », every ; » pr > on Tad * South Wellington LLE rows in a cavairy charge, cut-| re seores of things that Christ é Ay” eds “toe ee ao many,” she said, “hearing such |yyongs ; 36 oftice. nani 110) ores . MA TT | ting, hacking, thrusting, crush-| ever did and that a good many a a render the garrison inititary oe. aeeathas "eo ee oh, it WAS | 339 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT | pA ouyer. ‘raw Valves Wa Pe I ing, cheering. No! No! That} People might think he never| The city had been officially ad-|0'S, and the defenders are Seladintes: as etait tek Saks aoe si a Ve ia ee | a picture is an impossible one, would do but which are quite vertising that applications for the loaded with presents in recogni-|josing every hattl® our people Prince Rupert ae all know it. proper for other men to do, es — Sendicnae hee up tion of their heroic defence. were starving and rioting ° for BOAT BUILDER s “That se’ Thi i : me r Jt, and tell- een ayy food. Our yor yo igen ttles the matter for| While war is a dreadful thing,}ing where the official could be ADEQUATE PENSIONS enlist, and Tord Riehoners a at D. ©. STUART . Leannot uphold the war,| it is only through war and|iocated. A local citizen left off FOR CANADIAN TROOPS), ea) ha yickied only a handful H. JOUNSTON oven on its supposedly defen- fighting that tiberties have|this duty till the last hour and mmciponts of reeruits. Our trade ie eles Seal Cove Pend Green oe ——— sive side, and I cannot, there- come. Suppose that Cromwell then sought the official—but Ottawa, Noy. 2.—-The pensions] ped, our cities empty. Londdn ed “SED Gad bee Prone amt fore, advise anyone else to en- had held this point of view, . een — sega — a mpm cet ro fe ge war ance By ee yt # RITCHIE, AGNEW & C0. — list or take part in what I be- Ghare wauld the tibecties of ing, ~ eee but it was one ~ ies — dependents of Ca-|ships. Treland was in arms. Mawe ta he w ; Enel - s : minute after five and he was told nadiap soldiers who may be “Oh, what @ morning we have Ne — ; wrong and wicked ‘ngland be? Suppose that|there was nothing doing. This killed in the war will be adequate. | had, learni the truth! Fi . | as - eee A country, as an Queen Elizabeth had been ajtoo, in spite of the fact that it \lso the pensions which will be réad Seal emia, of Sioa a ee oe eS Nene c eB F ° e t P o ews ~ \ y eo 4 foll ‘Che wyaee ne prepared to non-resister, what would have|W@s advertised as closing at 9 paid to Canadian soldiers who) pers; then we went for ‘“ tk i Cyrvapere ccanill aa authe of ete it ig to claim been the result of the Spanish o'clock. The result is, there may |!4y be disabled will be sufficient | the otuaiin’ We could eahaeiene a } WILLIAMS a MANSON ristian. Armada? If Abraham Lincoln|>® a" action taken to show to proteet them from want to the|ped hands over and over again Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con: | a oe (eee whether the city can advertise end of their lives. aoe : i p Vrevincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey | MONEY TO LOAN se : a as A with delight. Our army fighting |ag, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric | s 168 one thing and do another. > eae of the _— wasjso well; our recruiting so strong pre Printing, Negatives end White | Metgersan Bick rince Rupert, 86 reld Saturday morning at the Mi-|and ma a ‘ ? ” ww \litia Department and a seale of ini ust a neta oo ae oon, | Office corr “ pensions was suggested. _This| “In Germany the sho . McBride St., Prince RK “a } ps are al- upert, B. Se was handed over to the officers of| most without a customer. It is ~ PACIFIC CARTACE wD merican Silk the department for classification | only by the law that ’ : HOSIERY and modification, and will be sub-| remair Fon Poeeoan a sanennantaneanenannnnnnes r e ‘ mm, © Bf - emain ope ae . “e i ° We Want You to Know mitted to an early meelina bf the 1 open, ou see scarcely a $| meneies Gultih ormil hate Gene come «tg Aho " & 1¢})man in the streets. Women drive 4) , They stood the test abinet for approval. : the omnibuses and tramway cars. e| LADYSMITH COAL FI és tees are ross oe . is stated that the pension|London is as usual, with shop- : a 5 y will approximate at least three-|ping and omnibuses atl in our a te have |/quarters of the regular pay re-|swing and everyone so sae :| i £ leet pall Seer aie ceived by the men at the front. and so sure.”’—Ex, | AXI | JOHN CURRIE " the shape is knit ji 5 eee = ——_—_———_ Contractor & Builder means uniformity in results. That is the » nit im not a whe ere in. They are GUAR- Estimates Moving Buildings... reasen D for fineness, for || ——— ———a Phone Black 204 ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR style, for superiority of ma- = ALF HALLIGAN * good as it was the first time To every one sending us i ie cee | slapins ) i ———— || Frece'marse an copyrtohts, | JANES CILMORE charges, we will send, sub- Write for our iilustrated Catalogue through which we “a Foreign Patents ject to duty, absolutely free: fine stock to our out-of-town buyers. asranees Seattle aati Thee pairs of our famous We have all the latest styles in gem set jewelry, each pi ; . all AMERICAN SILK HOSE Gk Ipbeen eet Came anetoe hia aap oven a rcaates GUARANTEE, eet with diamonds and other precious and semi-precious stones. oe 395, atahe Rupert, B.C. erevsenencceserececceceeennn » a . Pp Royal Standard] 2 cree |] catemesesct cena to weer nzayaunnes™ fff, te tov fo aie _* os ay . 0 vise that your| White ee as the eee mt r in any weight. enalinetion tee Eaten Patent.of S AVOY HOTEL < >t LY GUARANTEE. eS sgt ——— — Canada on improvements in Wa- DON'T DELAY—Offer ex- . ter Heaters is now pending under inst oLass CUISINE pires when dealer in your H. Bi k 4 So Li . d Serial No. 190,649, filed October Mot and Cold Running 1 F. G. DAWSON, tele eines po -aamy is selected. Give enry ir Ss ns, imite i 4, FS ae Ni asses peeel Sl PRINCE color and size desired. ‘ ours very truly, — a ‘ International Hosiery Co. JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS (Signed) ADAMS & BROOKS, THE gest Hoy oo WoRTHERN 21 Bittner Street Goo. E. Trorey by E. A. Adams. eayonomms & “risHE? - Managing Director ‘ Dayton, Ohio, U. &. A. VANCOUVER, B.C ttn a ae um Propriet ia me a eae _ Phone 489 —oocscoooese i ee _ American Style Of War : dae 3h .! mca a) WHUTS LOH NUTHIN’- I TES GOT TH Ble TO WHINKCIN THAT TH’ DEER? FOOT BALL SEASON WA;