whe | ; -~|35,000 IRISH JOINED ‘NEW SEA LORD | “The Daily News” {| LOCAL NEWS ITEMS } CLOSED NORTH SEA y News 3} $ ARMY SINCE WAR BEGAN ASSIFIED ADS od didiah & Killen’ 106 ercaill “" h the an CL 4 Pry ~onn G oe ice cream Belfast, Ireland, Oet, 31 Ad London, Nov. 3.—With the | mies Pant p Cl r dressing a meetin of Trish vol nouncement that Lord Fisher | “a antorium ioneer eaners. hts 5 - a te atten. FOR RENT Phone 4, tf.junteers today, John BK. Redmond succeeds Prince Louts of : ye —_— - uw 9 the Irish Nathonaliste leade: fid | berg as First Sea Lord of ” or (Four roamed Thomes ometly. Norfolk Roome, oa heated, |that when the Trish government! Admirajty 4he newspapers ve i mont, ggetr hot and cold water. Terms rea- dame tate Heine Cie woluftes _| lieve that the warfare on the part} FOR RENT. Zureleped | room psis Fe both sonable. 6th Ave. and Fulton. e ee ite f the navy will be prosec uted | deectrte ® anc one, mus ” absol : { e dist vo } 2, Daily News, r 2520. ™. s sternly. © | POR RENT—Pirnished rooms with hot Miss Moore's remains will gojof that government, and he de ‘he ssence of war is vid. | and cold water, Clean and — south on the Venture tonight, in-[elared that in spite of emigration rhe essence . ; ence oderatie var is im. sen CQ a: a ry stead of east Over the G. T. P. Ireland, would maintain her place lence; moderation in war is ee — as a fighting nation becility.” je one oo wsoru eisher's FOR SALE Leon Washington, the colored fretand'’s ‘rights. a savings POR SALE— Splendid kitchen range, bea trouble maker who did not atti pedmond, “are not to be | A majority of the newspapers FOR SALE—-Splendid kitchen range, bec . lar Oo » Do ; exprese confidence , t jounge, dite, chairs, pictures, books, |" the order of the Police Court) perety within the Trish sb xpre confidenee in the loy gd rockery and kitchen utensils Apply|to leave the city, was given fil If the manhood of Treland ref d to the country of Prinee Louls of Suite 2, Emad Block . | teen days today at hard labor as i "abediin tiles wibrite. ren ht Battenbere, but a few of them FOR SALE—New house, Section 7, $100 a substitute. o e : ‘i consider that his resignation was cash and §20 a month; total b.150 150. . '. + ing is going on, the country wise and desirable Bae tae use| The Prince Rupert Towing Co would be covered with disgra : POR SALE — Tracts of Land in Lake’ } ince yer ow 0., Valley containing 10 ecres cach, $80 general towing; the new crude oil Ireland would be huntiliated if QUEEN oF BELGIUM. CANADIAN MINISTER Pe o tug “P.R.T. No. 41. Phone Red| after the war, it had to be admit Phe latest picture of the air te 1S AT BATTLE FRONT 70m Pape -00-6. 5. copectay coi, boltse 391 or Black 322. Address: P,O./ted that the safety and liberties Sr . N M Ge had cheap. In excellent order. oe Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” ae Gretel WE td wanrded be be with her husband and va Ottawa on ajor Gen ply ly Bgx 15, Daily News. 220tr. Crude Off Motor 165tf : . Sus orous people at the front eral Sam Hughes, Canadian Min . 1 einer r ¥ the sacrilices of other men j : } . TE . =. ¢ - ister of Militia, who has been in se . For a comfortable room, come While Irishmen remained at home | England for a fortnight with the ‘ ‘ ‘ | WANTED—Young married woman wants|t0 the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec-)and took none of the risk MINES OFF IRISH COAST. }Ganadian expeditr ae pore, a few hours work daily, Box W414, re ond Avenue, near Kighth Street. Pe lhv Ave Shoasand men from yre ported to be at the battle front Dally News, 7 Newly opened. Steam heat and| qj parte of treland have joined Suggestion That Merchantmen i) brane: It is said he intends W §NTED—Furnished housekeeping rooms! hot and cold water in every room. | 4) be te Professing Neutrality |! visit the entire litte of the Al Close in,, Box 110, Daily News. free baths. Rates reasonable. army sinee the beginning o Laid Them. | iies Belgium and Franee be WANTED—Woman to do a few tours e's -% the war, Mr. Redmond added fore sailing for New York this housework once or twice a week, Box] . 2, Daily News. tf, Rough House Burns arrived in erroke pnedaan & London, Nov. 2 The Morning | week Meee ain for 812s down qnd gs6-aitown yesterday for his match WESTHOLME TomonMOW |!" 27% Whether there is not “| LUSITANIA ARRIVES SAFE. month until paid. a a a ae scheduled with O'Leary for Satur- leakage to tte enemy regarding WANTED—View lot an jouse; close in; ret RB de routes el = 9 about $2,500 to $3,000. 200, Will pay 4706 day night. He is in good shape and Another excellent program will |>* ret British trade rout Th New rk. Nov °9 Anxiety re Seity — ’ we is putting on the finishing|be shown at The Westholme to |S! ipping trades here and inl arding the. Cunard liner Lusi touches in the Windsor gym. morrow night, headed“by ‘a new|America include many alien ¢ tania, which had not been heard MISCELLANE ' , , iat sit. iti . om s she left Liver | Sat nome — —— . Seer British War Gazette showing|®™s, Who though exeluded from oan onl an wee. calaanestt MONEY! MONEY! 6 PER -CENT — Loans Fwo well known citizens Got) cones direct from the seat of|tte various British exchanges) i en ted her position by p- RK Estate security ub into a dispute last evening last war. Following this,-a fine four-|*¢eP in close touch with the bus-) i aiece Saturday night, was re eral privile co! "Gouctt- love » ¥ woehanwed language - P . Fale es. ee ’ ; - a c Clan . . ee Gas, evening and exchanged language reel society*feature, “The Brute,” | ines and know the exact move lieved when she arrived here yes Electric Bidg., Denver, that would not look right in print will be shown. This 4s a strong ments and routes of ships rhe terday, more thas teenies and as a result one of them was story, full of lifeaand action,|@88umption is that the mines; eurs ae oe ary was in the Potise Court this morning splendidly staged and acted and|northwest of Ireland were laid, }/°SPOM*)™ or her delay. MAJESTIC ROOMS charged with using profane lan- undoubtedly one of the very best] uot by ordinary minelayers or FRENCH PEASANT’S guage. He was fined. ? features ever produced, North Sea trawlers flying a neu- RIPTION OF CENTRALLY LOCATED * * * A special program of patriotic tral flag. but by ordinary mer one anes Steam Heated—All Conve- : ; and other music is epart 65 ene ym ’ Several Indians were up in Po-| 8" et te Pee Ee ae ons fe - neutratits niences—Very Moder- libe Court thie morning“for being |@0% by the Weathotme orchestra) CP8B*Men Prolessing neusrally- iil th Hea ataliahiee be te ate Price drunk. Two of them, [ollison|ich is sure to enhance the en ce Py eee Sma. newspaper rbout the British sol . ’ 4 a saan Pe R - wari ms iliac ‘ * , ewWspapers abo . = so SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY 3/204 Haldane, were fined $10 or|'erttining Value of the perform-|the grave consequences to Unit-| quo.” phey are the best fighters i. ten days. Another, Gordon, who|®@©e- : ed States commerce supposing Alin the fleld: there is no doubt had liquor in his possession, was f Z ot great American, liner crowded] apout that. They are as brave as detained until evidence could be} Phere are dum-dum war cor-)with passengefs should be sent}ihey are skillful. You éannot obtained as to where he secured rapes. too. to the bottom by a German mine.| realize how proud we are to fight it. The police believe they know ss ee a ee - - side by side with the world fa the guilty parties. in sale “ts of casualties of this) RUSSIA TO RAISE mous Seottish regiments Last * ¢ @ war, Truth occupies a conspicu FUNDS IN ENGLAND); ))). fF met a peasant who. rar Have you tried the London|US Place. e - away after the battle of Mons _—a CUT PRICES = Cafe. It's a clean, swell place. The Save Ri . a to bet Paris Nov A Havas Ageney Upon my asking whether he had The meals served are the best in CaM ver seems to be &@\ dispatch from Petrograd says the| soe British soldiers at Mons he Call and Save Mone town and prices are lqy. —-233tf|isnomer as far as the Austrians} Russian Minister‘of Finance bas}toid me that he had seen ‘Eng y eS eS are concerned, been authorized by imperial de-||jchwomen with bare knees, fight Authentic information about Se cree to place on the English mar-|ing |ike devils I tried to per football games, either scheduled That $100,000,000 “war” tax/ket short term treasury bonds suade him that they were not or postponed, can be had by call-|*'°* the neutrals @ useful in-|amounting to $60,000,000 women. but I failed Glasgow ing up Fitz Cigar Store. tr|sight into what war might be, ~ —-- — Herald. 2: ee 3 — - aoe ee Salvation Army. sien Johnny O'Leary, and ‘his man- . — WHEAT GOES TO $1.11 ager, A. W. Madden, returned last Publie meetings, Tuesday, IN SEATTLE MARKET One Good Deliv- ery Horse, Cheap at Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 DOMINION Undertakers and Embaimers FUNERAL DIRECTORS Caskets and Undertakers’ Supplies Prices at Wholesale Tyme a ae! 2 ACLETT, Manager. . ~ For Rent COMFORTABLE 4-ROOMED COTTAGE NEAR DRYDOCK NICE 4-ROOMED FLAT WITH BATHROOM APPLY TO— G. R. Naden Co., Ltd, _aa SECOND AVENUE night from a week's hunting trip, the of Bud Corley on-his launch. Much rough weather was guests encountered but a fair bag of geese and ducks was brought back. SALE oF work. The ladies of the English Church will hold thei rannual sale of work in the church om Decem¢ ber 3. Remember the day. it. SALVATION ARMY. Brigadier Green, is here. Services on Friday and Saturday nights at 8, and Sunday morning at 44 and afternoon at 3:30. 248-253 of Vancouver, RUMORED GERMAN PEACE WITH FRANCE Oct, 30. The Daily Chronicle's Paris correspondent that »with a view to de- France from the Allies, made an offer to con- peace on the basis of the of Metz and possibly a portion of Alsace to France. The offer, according to the correspon- dent, was rejected, The proposal, the correspon- dent says, was conveyed to cer- tain influential Freychmen, who were expected to act as interme- diaries. The proposal was that the German government, recog- nizing the courage of the French armies and never having regard- ed France as a principal enemy, was ready to make peace on terms not merely honorable but gen- erous for the Republic. These terms would include the transfer of Metz and the neighboring por- tion of Lorraine, London, asserts taching Germany clude cessioa MADE tn 7. PRODUCTS... A “MADE-IN-CANADA” STICKER To impress upon the publie the advantage to be gained by buy- ing Canadian goods, ‘these stickers have the hey will be best seen Man be hindthe gon been printed with idea of placing them where Si irhursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. indays at 7:30 p.m. Li DA SESE PEEBEE PERE RR EE BEBE He® FOR A_TAXIi + * * * * SKeKEKRKKEA RAD 75-PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO hb LADIES a slip means a rip Don’t risk ruining a handsome gown by slipping on wet sidew .Have your winter boots heeled with CATS PAW CUSHION RUBBER HEELS They cost no more than the ordinary kind. All dealers 162W Walpole Rubber Co. Limited - Montreal OX aha ify: i CATS PAW 4 eur) OO ad ad | atekee Highest Price Ever Paid for Ex- port Trade. Seattle, Nov. 3.—-Club wheat sold in Seattle at #1.11 per bushel, or $1 to the farmer, the highest price ever,paid on the. Seattle market forthe export trade. The high level in August was 13 eents under this figure. Local grain buyers say that purchasers for the United Kingdom, to whom the wheat will go, were not partien- lar 4s to the price but only as to how smuch wheat could be sup plied. The normal export basis is 70 to 80 cents, ly and buyers usual when the figures appeared in North Pacific. cease operations market the Germany has not vet operations on the reaches top BRITONS TO COMMAND FLEET OF THE ALLIES New Anglo-French-Russian Naval Pact Cenctuded. London, Nev. 3.—A_ dispateh received by the Marconi Wireless from Berlin Reichspost days Telegraph Cempany that the Vienna reports that several a new Anglo-Freneh-Russian naval convention was concluded, which chief command of the sia Baltic placed says under Rus- and Black Sea fleets is the hands of British Great Britain, aceord newspaper in vdmirals ing to the to reinforce . undertakes these fleets with its own squadron, End of Season Millinery Sale.— Gireatest values offered in trimmed hats, antrimmed shapes ever ribbons and mounts. Sale starts Tuesday, November 3. Mrs. Ham- blin in charge Demers tf FOR COAL WOOD AND GAS STOVES we P,P. PALLEY Co, HAMIL SESE ESET EE EEEEE EERE EEE EERE Re eee ae Perr rer * GOOD AGENTS WANTED ; ' THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY We are open to place an Agency in Stewart, Granby Bay, Mare. - ton, Smithers, Prince George, and ali important towns © Interior, © Queen Charlotte islands and the principal towne in the Yuron Toren » if you are a good man and open for a contract, see us rohe ’ MEN OF CHARACTER WANTED ; KISSICK & EDWARDS : : DIST\ICT AGENTS : : Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B.C 7 RERAEA AAA AREREER EERE EERE ERRTRE HERR EEE EEE HED,» LUMBER SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager tet Ave. and McBride os PHONE 25 PRINCE RUPERT, BC Branch Yard « Smithers FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Corrugated tron | | | | SEPEEFEEEEEESEEEEE SESE ESEEEAEREEEEER EE EE TE ee eeeeee High-Grade Work Pimbing, stent sheet meta! and work at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld ARRAEAARAERERRRAERE AREA ARERR EE AHR ERE REET — THE MILK FOR YOUR BABY MUST BE CLEAN, SWEET AND PURE B. C. MILK is recommended and used extensively as a food for infants. The reason why is:—It is CLEAN SWEET and PURE—always ready for use. For infants it should be diluted with from two to eight pafts boiled water, according ‘° age. it has the NATURAL FLAVOR of Pure, Rich Cream EMPRESS F. G, DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS)