Published Daily and Weekly THE DAILy NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Quaranteed Largest Circulation Closed, but Hi. F, MoRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. DAILY EDITION EDITOR! oer: Wednesday, Nov. 4, batches of sp Telephone 98. triet, and in there have be Oontract 1944, the task of according to sl must be done with men, of women of ref ALS” nith of their North Fran women shot as men hard for the veteran, WOMEN SPIES ARE BEING SHOT Nov, 4 ce, or even figures are officially dis the ies takes place daily shooting of in this and other towns of the dis days the yen nearly past few as many It is most who loathes but it They are lined up woting women the laws of war, ten young girls or at the eharm and beauty Inement, ze il ’ and so, according to their lights The next few days are likely country under German rule, ; N ; they give their lives for their to see big events in orth such ai hestile publication country, and meet their death as Franee. The Germans appear would be tolerated for an hour.|}bravely as any man. So many to have great forces of rein- Not only would it be seized in-\spies have been caught in France foreements and are under in- stantly and ejected from the|Pecently that the possession of structions to take Calais at any mails, but no passenger on a] P&Pers, apparently in good order cost. Already, they are report- ed to have lost 100,000 men in this attempt and they appear train or citizen dare be seen with such a paper avails a man on the street or a suspicion It is claime or woman nothing once an accusation has been made leveled, to be willing to lose as many in his possession. Away from od that no German more if only they can reach home the Germans are very |tongue can ever pronounce cer- their goal. They are therefore] keen to claim the British and|t@in French words without be- apparently throwing every- American rights of free speech |'taying their Teuton origin. It thing into a gambling chance] anda free press. At home they|!§ failure to pass tests of this of taking Carais. Should they are docile enough. In Belgium kind which condemn. The papers fail in this it will not only the Belgian press, wherever the |'™@ have been stolen and the mean that they have lost many German soldier came, was|*!#nature on the passport learned thousands of men in vain but forced to cease publication or |8® that the holder of it can pro- that their spirits will be well issue papers in the Gernian duce a passable imitation of it at nigh broken as it would mean language, and print only such will. Spies even have been caught another misearriage for their news and views as the invad-/With their own photographs su- well laid plans. ers approved. perimposed upon others on the » = @ * * passports and the official stamp The editor of The Father- Yet these people fancied}? the photograph counterfeited land, a special German war that they could print in New f saw a woman challenged in the publication issued from New York and circulate freely|Street yesterday, seized and haled York, is enraged because the through the mails of this coun- {to the gendarmerie. She was well paper has been refused trans- try all kinds of false news|dressed, and the last type which mission through the Canadian] about the war and libels on ev-|the ordinary home-staying Brit- mails. erybody and everything Brit-|!sh people would suspect of es- It was an absurd piece of ish! pionage, apparently a prosperous impudence on the part of the What the mischief is the|Widow of about thirty, leading a agents of the enemy to even| matter with them? Of course |!ittle boy by the hand, but T have attempt to use His Majesty's they want the earth, but why heard since that it proved a clear mails for the circulation in this] do they expect other people to]©@se. She had evaded the war British country of a publica- want them to hvae it? Why|resulation of the local authori- tion that was from its first} do they expect other people to|"!s. word to its last, devoted to un-| fetéh it to them?—Toronto|™@m more blushing falsehoods and ven- Star. hours in any omous slanders against the government, the army, the| Prejudice is the daughter of |Somally to the navy and people of the British |ignorance. her lodgings Empire. ie of the week. 7. 2s A horse can't or won't talk. He And yet the very expecta- tion of these conspirators that they would be permitted to carry on their propaganda through the Canadian mails conveys a tribute to British in- stitutions. strategists Nobody would ex-|the army for a field of alfalfa; pect for a moment that, in any | Kansas City Star. EEE has horse sense! Has it oecurred to the to soldiers dye their whiskers green and thus cause the foe to mistake Allies’ have the Russian price. dieated the fight for Gern reason why You can good as = means uniformity in results. That is the ROVAL STANDARD FLOUR is such a favorite in the home where bak- ing is popular. This feature is the result of using the very best wheat all the time and of making tlour the way we make it. depend on all your baking to be as it was the first time that you used Royal Standard Flour F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor. RUPERT a quiet life. No matter when it comes it is going to be peace that strangers must not re- than town twenty-four in this part of France without reporting per- police, by changing literally every day Her plan was ap- parently to take a Folkestone boat as soon as she was ready. at the highest Prince William of Wied has ab- Albanian throne to many. Anything for FREE the shape pressed in. wear six pairs free. 50c to AMERICAN We Want You to Know These Hose They stood the test when all others failed. real foot comfort. They have no seams to rip. They never become loose and baggy as ANTEED for style, for superiority of ma- terial and workmanship, ab- solutely stainless, holes or replaced by new OUR FREE OFFER To every one sending us charges, we will send, sub- ject to duty, absolutely free: Theee pairs of our famous with written GUARANTEE, GUARANTEED American Silk They give is knit in not They are GUAR- fineness, for and to months without cover shipping SILK HOSE THE DATLY NEWS “OUR BRAVE PRINCE RUPERT BOYS” No liate |New Patriotic March by George Werner to Be Piayed for First | Time at Westhoime Tonight. j | In connection with the War Ga the West tomorrow to be shown at tonight and the Westholme play a new patriotic composed by Mr. jand bearing the title | Prinee Rupert Boys.’ zette holme night, orchestra mareh Werner Brave will George “Our * This march a been dedicated by Mr. Wer le front on Friday next | to the boys who are leaving for the the their way and wishing them a and glorious return. rhe Prinee Rupert contingent has been invited to attend Thurs ner with of cheering them or safe purpose day night's performance by the Management of the Westholme and it is expected that in spite of the many engagements between now and Friday morning arrange ments will be made to afford the entire company an opportunity to hear the march and see the pictures. new BRITISH ‘STEAMER PLAYS WAR PRANK ON GERMANS IN HARBOR OF CALLAO Seattle, Nov. 4 flicers of the British steamship Orcoma at Cal- lao are reported here ‘uy the Brit- ish bark Inverclyde, fifty-one days from Callao, Peru, as having had considerable merriment over joke played on the Germans in that port. The erew of the Brit- isher eut two enormous guns out of wood, and after painting them black mounted them on deck, pointing in the direction of the German vessels. The craft flying the flag of the Kaiser, in fear of being sent to the bottom by shot and shell, did not venture from port. However, the ruse of the Orceo- ma became known when the au- thorities at Callao ordered all ves- sels in the harbor to dismount their guns. Peruvian naval officers who boarded the Britisher were sur- prised to find that the frowning guns of the Oreoma were made of wood. CANADIAN INDIANS " . THE SECOND CONTINGENT Redskin Company of One Mundred and Twenty to Be Formed. Brandford, Ont., Nov. 4.—The Six Nation Indians will furnish a company of 120 officers and men, all redskins, for the second con- tingent They will mobilizee at Cayuga at onee. Capt. G. Smith will assume command. Other of- lieers are not yet chosen. The company is being formed at the instigation of Major-Gen- eral Leonard, of Toronto, who asked that the Indians, on aecount of their relation to the Grown, should send a separate and dis- tinet unit. i SPY TRIED BY COURT MARTIAL IN G. BRITAIN First Military ‘Court of Ite Kind Hold on English Soll in Many Generations. A court mar Eeneg- many the London, Qet. d0 the to wenerations in for first convened a civilian met today under tial, land try presidency of Lord Cheylesmore at the Middlesex Guildhall, in the shadow of Westminster Abbey, for the trial of Carl Hans Lody, alias Charles A. Inglis, on the | charge of espionage, Prosecutor Archibald BoWain, opening the case, declared that the erime of giving information to an enemy was properly triable and that the by a court martial, defendant was an alien enemy a German subject—although he spoke English fluently with an American accent rhe prosecutor said that the accused, posing as an American tourist, visited Edinburgh, Lon don, Liverpool and Dublin and had sent valuable reports to Ber-~ August 4 he received a pass- American embassy in Berlin under the false name of Charles A. Inglis. Late in Auguat Lody arrived in this eountry, go- from there to various other lin port from the ing places. AUSTRIAN MONITOR SUNK Temes Struck a Mine in the River Save and Went Down London, Nov.2.—In the official Austrian statement from Vienna via Amsterdam is the following: “Returning from a successful action on the River Save, our monitor Temes struck a mine and sank. Thirty-three men are missing, but the others § are saved.” The Temes was 183 feet long with a displacement gf 433 tons, and her light draft, four feet, made her particularly valuable for river operations, She was built in 1904, and was equipped with two 4.7-inch guns forward, and one 4.7 howitzer aft, as well as two machine guns. NEW ICEBREAKER. Dominion Government to Con- struct One to Replace Craft Sent to Archangel. Ottawa, Nov. 3.—The con- struction of a 10,000 horsepower icebreaker has been commenced at Montreal by the Canadian Vickers Company to take the place of the Earl Grey on the Straits of Northumberland. This new boat will powerful even than the Earl which was able to cut through anything between Prince Edward Island and New Bruns- wick, though the ice there runs to a thickness of fifteen feet. The new icebreaker will not be ready for the service this winter, but be more cirey, Jewelry For Autumn Buyers A Fine Acsortment at Moderate Prices will be completed in 1915. Write for our Iiuetrated Catalogue through whieh we represent our fine stock to our out-of-town Buyers. We have ali the latest styles in gem eet jewelry, each piece perfect in finsh, and representing the finest values in platinum and gold mounts, eet with diamonds and other precious and semi-precious stones. TRUNK Aly S.S. Prince Gr O} Sails for Vancouve, toria and Seattio on Friy ay ato a.m Through Service to Th. | Over the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC Ra), y Passenger trains carrying Btendard Bieeping « Vv way Gare leave Prince Rupert on Wednordays ann « Par Edmonton, Saskatoon, Melville, Winnipeg, et: St, Paul, Duluth, Chicago and al! Eastern oni : For points EAST of CHICAGO use the GRAND Fey . Make your Sleeping Oar Reservations ea: . cm Full information apply to @. T. PF. Ticket Office y . ' 24 AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSH); WES autieidiiee = | — | MUSIC Teacher of Violin and All IN Band Instruments A. PESCOTT ( — 462 Eighth Ave. ~ “o AM Prone Green os \ TINTING eee DR. GILROY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. \Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue UNION TRANSFER CO hWHONES ; 36 Office. RESIDENCE 110 433 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT BOAT BUILDER JOUNSTON Phone Green 321 Hi. Seal Cove ae Engineers ano 8B. C. Land McBride St., Prince Rupert, & RRRARRRRARRERARAIO RARER RED 35-PHONE--35 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN A a ll nl ane ' ADAMS & BROOKS ATTORNEYS IN PATENT CAUSES Trade Marks and Copyrights Foreign Patents Seattle October 7th, 1914. Mit. HARRY HANSON, Box 395, Prince Rupert, B. C. | j | rd c.| | Martin Swans Secon _ New Wellin ton The favorite # Cleanest, Brightest, Best NEW WELLINGTON ocoa Rogers ¢ \gt Second Avenue Pr ee Phone 174 Box FOR PLUMBING AND HEAT SMITH & MALLE peepee Stock hort Vatouver, (ra . ‘ tings, Pipes Third Ave., Heed Second Prince Rupert S. C. STUART Bcooune” PRINCE AUPErT & © Ales MM. Manson wie K Ww ADe Surveyors WILLIAMS 4 TANS Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con. | Barristers, 5S ore Vrovineial Land Surveying, Mine Survey oonrsy TO LOAN ing, Townsties and Subdivisions, Electric fie Printing. Negatives end Waite |"*lserson Block “Tints. “a | Office corner zu a ~ PACIFIC CART AG EU (Successors Genera! Cartes LADYSMITH COA JOHN CURRI Contractor & Build Estimates Oive Phone Biack 204 ‘IMPERIAL MACHINE Repairing Quickly D COW BAY JAMES GILNOR Arch Avenue 2nd ae Bo , color, THE BIRKS’ WEDDING RING Dear Sir: Canes gates of our Ladies’ bi F os papular and We have to advise that your ] i, Hose in Black, Tan or fashion to wear in any weight. application for Letters Patent of : iV White colors, with written =_ — ee Canada on improvements in Wa- ' GUARANTEE. ter Heaters is now pending under FIRST OLAS = ‘DON'T DELAY—Offer ex- L I, : S ae Serial No. 190,649, filed October |§ Met en¢ oom © See ae a = enry Birks & ns, Limited i, hte ery truly op dioall 0c is selected. ve ours very truly, leer ‘ color and size desired. EWELLE (Signed) ADAMS & BROOKS, THE BEST HOT! a J RSM C AB me Dittner Street a ee ee anny toch S851 emupnomme 5 Fis Geo, E. T. ° Director ANCO! ¢ Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. Veen. ae The Reliable Plumber Proprietors Phone 489 decoeoesrrsernrene rere errr ~ Looks Like The Boss Was Putting One Over Drawn for The ade \S SO BAD-— CANT, -AND IM WOUNDED-SHOT ) \ IN THE ARM AN LEG - HERE COMES A CAVALRY CHARGE - RIGHT THIS WAN ~ WHUT WILL “NOU DO~You © AH - wre SMD BALTO -™p, Dally HERE t WIH4E A QUNN( { L (NEED 'T . vi Ae. st ee. : s at ue a a es Mw \ SS a 3 { j —