v4. Beton 8° g MAD FROM "e TERRIFIC. PAIN han! Thinks His - ned . « Frult-a-tives ” 4, ONT wn mth, roy. pavspal en torekeeper at the “| am a gene’ ount of the shore widre a ed a prem! & 1 eait-a-t recommen asin ae They were a jhe to tell you, for grent r as Jaid wp in got terrific pam pawl * The pain gt the De? Doctors feared w m of the uy it-a-tives "’ 8 red I have 4 e taking nr rily believe apren® lisastrows ill- Pe RIVEAU, "6 , trial size, n receipt of ed, Ottawa ‘ "ee eeee eoenee*® 7 * st WAR NEWS ' LATE ‘ Th bulletins # : ve by The * i N posted im-~ # ca { oming off # o wit ie following * ass * col e, 3rd Ave. # Store, 3rd * ) War re, * paver Se Hotel, 2nd # Laven! . } Roya | et i > Wind * kK * Daily indows, 3rd * avenur * soccer eee ee SUBSCRIBE FOR HE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert Feed Co. ERE Hay, Grain, Feed and Seeds CKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. & orders promptly attended to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Princess May southbound Saturday noon rincess Maquinna south- bound Sunday 8 p. m, + @ McNAB, General Agent werner Fourth Street and Third Ave ee ES ie) Director ee embers? |. Vintners Association a = , ; ea stan I WANT WH | I WAN’ | | WHEN I wa ie? gee an THAT RIVAL AIR—HE H EARS IT NIGHT AND DAY. FOR RENT ~-HOUSE- SIXTH AND YOUNG ST. PARTLY FURNISHED 5 ROOMS WITH BATH PLENTY OF CLOSET ROOM AND BASEMENT PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE London, Nov. 3.—-The battle is the most severe of this war rhe Germans are availing themselves of a magnificent sys- ten \ilways behind them, and have rallied considerable forces fronr other parts to their front, throwing them beyond Lille, in the effort to reach Calais The military eritic of the Berliner “The battle is for lageblatt says Certificate of improvements. Vii Chance It Fraction, and Black Bear Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Min- ing Division of Cassiar District. Where located ri Chance tt Fraction located between the ‘Aidebaran” Mineral Claims gear Alice Arm, Observatory inlet, and bear Mineral Claim, located one mile, more or less, from the northwest point of the bead of Alice Arm, @ branch of Ob- servatory Iniet. TAKE NOTICE that lI, P Miner's Certificate No. 80313B., sixty days from the date hereof to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of improvements, for the fy of ob- taining a Crown Grant of y And further take potice that under section 85, must be commenced be fore tae issue of such Certificate of Im provements. Dated this 2ist day of September, A.D. 1914, PEDRO SALINAS. Certificate of improvements. Aldebaran Minera! Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar 7 trict Where ilocated;—About three-quarters (3-4) of 4 mile, more or leas, from northwest point of the head of Alice Arm and adjoining the Black Bear Mineral claim | on the southwest TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salinas, as agent for William J. Va , Free hun. ers Certificate No. 81545 and for self, Free Miner's Certificate No. “, intend, sixty days from to apply to the Mining Recorder for 4 CertiNcate of lmprovements, for the pur- pose of obtaining 4 Crown Grant of the above claun And further take notice under section 85, must be commenced fore the issue of such Certificate of In- provements. Dated Unis 2ist day of September, A.D. ied. PEDRO SALINAS. WINDSOR HOTEL ' First Ave. and Bighth St WN Wright, Prop. HOTEL OSNTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St European and American Plan Peter Bleck, Prop. ANOX MOTEL ©ctween Eighth and Ninth "40, Hates §0¢ to $1.00 Day Sooner & Beener, Props. ees oruer PSL Avy Uropes Per Vv. D. Gasiey CAPRESS HOTEL Thira Ave Y. Rochester Between Sixth and Seventh Street “oan Vian, BO to @1 Per Day ROYAL MOTEL Sorte y “ Burgess, Props. Thira Ave and Sixth a Steam Meated “ MAVEN WHOLESALE LIQUOR ©0., LimTED Ave. and Slaw St Phone 10 ) Pian Secon, Rime nupany IMPORTING 00., eee eee tte eae * { FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Box 41 cmoulT NO. 1 Sth St. and 3rd Ave 6th St. and 3rd Ave Box 148th St. and 3rd Ave Box 16——Junction of (st, 2nd and rd Aves. Box 16—1st Ave,, between 8th and th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Box 17.181 Ave. and 7th St tral Hotel.) 2 13 (Cen OmMOUIT NO. 2. @ox 22--3rd Ave, and (Post Office.) Box 23 jrd Ave. Box 24.-ist Ave Box 26. 2nd Ave. Box 26.-%nd Ave. @ox 27.0. T. P. oiRcUIT NO. 3. Sth Ave. and Fulton St. Borden and Taylor 5s. 7th Ave. and Pulton St, oth Ave, and Comox Ave. gun Ave, and Dodge Pl. 4th Ave. and Thompson at. omouIT NO. 4. 4th Ave, and Sra Bt. and MeBride St. and McBride St and #ad St. and 6 8 Box 31 Box 32 Box 34 Box 36 Box 37 Box 48 CIMITED ano “iath Ste | Phone 7 | rrrerreoronnoooroooooes fr Pree, Box 42 th ave, and MeRride St Box 43-40» Ave, and Green 81. = 446th Ave and Basil Bt, Box 45-——-Tin Ave. and Eherte Box 141..-7th Ave and Yueng 8. ot OR OR edro Salina, Free | intend, above claim. | action, | that action, | pe. jhave continuously increased their a question of life or death, be- cause on the issue of this en- jeounter will depend the fate of |} German operations in France.” Fantastic Proposals. } German prane full of | utilizing Caiais against} iplans for is “Lilly Bertha” and) {the English, Some of these plans, | France head of “Black | such as using the port for sub- marine torpedo work, are prac- tical, but others are merely fan- tastic, like a scheme for building | pontoon several miles out the Channel in order to| {7-inch guns where they} yer a across mount ould reach Db | | Curiously e noush, various Lone | idon new spapers discuss German | joccupation of Calais as a possi-| | bility, attempting to discount its | importance. These disturbing} symptoms are not justified by any | news that yet has reached the | writer | ‘The Times’ correspondent says: GOLD IN THE WAR. Bank of England and Bank of Germany Both the the Imperial jin iidings of gold sinee the war began until in each case their stocks of the metal have beeome the largest ever known to them. The German bank now holds $111,000,000 more gold than at the outbreak of the war; the Brit- ish bank holds $158,000,000 more. It is easier to explain the gain of the British than that of the German bank. England's foreign trade is still unbroken, though re- dueed by the war. The Bank of Eneland is having the benefit of the large weekly shipments of gold from South Africa. It has been gaining gold on debt account from the United States in ship- ments to Ottawa, which are counted as its own vaults. But Germany has practically been cut off from the outside world, Its bank cannot gain gold either from the foreign trade, whieh has virtually been destroy- ed, or from foreign borrowings. It has been presumed that the wold earried by the government in the famous and mysterious warchest of Spandau has been transferred to the Reiehsbank, but as this sum is not supposed to exceed $60,000,000, against a fabled sum of a billion or so, we have $51,000,000 still to aecount for, Where did the German bank Flanders |" j conceivable i one . sible TAN-NiAs BRI- TAW- NIA RULE THE WAVES ! “we a i my ; —_ Cartoon by Harry Moyer. —— GERMANS FURY EXPENDING IN ITS RAGE AT BRITAIN [DESPERATE DESIRE TO GET WHERE ENGLAND MAY BE IN- VADED—SUBMARINES MAY BE GOT ACROSS THE STRAITS AND INTO HARBORS. If the Germans got to Calais it admitted that in time, under of night, batteries could be prepared and heavy guns brought up and placed in position To deny that this is a possibility is only to ask to be disappointed. Submarines Across Channel. “Also it must be admitted that German submarines could reach these harbors because these pests have a habit of coming and going as they please, and it is not in- that small torpedo boats might reach the Channel ports by rail or canal, The canal system in this part of permits overland trans- fers of small torpedo boats from port to another. The Ger- mans could no doubt worry us a little by playing the game on iwhich they seem bent.” The Mail editorially describes Germany's new plan as “a new obsession to reach Calais with all possible speed at whatever cost, to occupy the southern shore of the Straits of Dover, then make matters as hot as possibile for the hated English.” . It declares the German purpose remains unshaken. Broken it must be if the cause of civiliza- tion is to be saved. must be cover CEE ple, who have voluntarily turned ed over their .cireulating gold coin to the bank and accepted pa- per instead. It is not an impos- thing, but it would be the first instance on record of a peo- ple desperately involved in war who spontaneously and unani- mously refused to respond to the hoarding instinct and emptied their pockets and stockings and chimney niches of the money which most seeks hiding at such times. An ounce of prevention is bet- ter than a pound of repentance. Wounded soldiers are saluted whenever they are met in France. ew a busy man does enjoy setting two chronic bores to bor- ing each other! Teo frequent colleetions are apt to thin the congregation, pleasure All the evaporates when a woman has to suffer in silence. NOTICE. The Canadian Patriotic Fund. Will those who need assistance from the above fund, resident in the city or district and whose breadwinner is on active service with the forees of the Empire or her Allies, kindly notify the sec. retary of the logal organization. W. BE, COLLISON. wet that sum’? Apparently from the pockets of the German peo- P, O, Box 735.--tf. FARMERS’ INSTITUTE NOW OPERATING AT REFUGE BAY On Saturday, October first meeting of the Kefuwe Farmers’ Institute held Refuge Bay, Porcher Island following officers were the eurrent year: President— Walle: Viee-President—A. FE. Alien Directors—W. J. Rothwell Boyd and A. Hollenberg Means were discussed ranging a co-operative plan of shipping garden truck and dairy produce to market; and the mittee was asked to cate with the two other institutes of Porcher Island, at Welcome Harbor and Spiller Kiver, with a view to obtaining a more frequent mail and passenger service be- tween the island and Prince Ru- pert. Now that there is an open market in the city, it is hoped that Porcher Island will soon be able to send in a regular supply of fresh vegetables, eggs and poul- try. 4, the Bay al The elected for was Warner J for ar com commun ANTWERP CONQUEROR 1S REPORTED SUICIDE General von Beseler Said to Have Shot Himself. London, Nov. 3.— Most star- tling of the uneonfirmed reports of the day received from France was that published in a dispatch to The Evening News from Rot- terdam that General von Beseler, the commander of the German besieging army which took Ant- werp, had committed suicide by shooting himself in his quarters at Bruges. One report was that the conqueror of Antwerp was overcome by grief because after opening the way for the Germans to the coast, the supreme com- mand of the troops operating against the Allies to the west of the scene of his triumph was given to the Duke of Wurtem- burg. Toronto, Oct. 28.—Melbourne Inman, English billiard champion, and Willie Hoppe, the United States balk-line tithe holder, coms® menced their series of mixed- style matches here today. The play was devoted to the English game, at which Inman demon- strated his superority by defeat- ing Hoppe, 625 to 172, im the aft- Time and Trial Prove the unequalled value of Beecham’ s Pills as the best corrective of ailments of the digestive organs 80 common—and the best preventive of lasting and serious sickness so often resulting from defective or irregular action of the stomach, liver or bowels. Beecham’s Pills have a great record. hadley they have been used with entire satisfaction in thousands of hom ‘A fot Genes doses will prove to a eotendett ¢ pelle? from the hesdachen of tna Loclingn eneoed by inligusiioner liousness. them, and you know what it is to have at your commar such | An Invaluable Aid to Health | Degg enty by eee Beecham, St. Helens, Canada and U.S, America, In boxes, ae KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 Tinware HARDWARE Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges “ Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED $$. VENTURE Sails for Port Simpson, Mil! Bay, Naas River, Thursdays, for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, every Friday, 4 p.m. §.S. CHELOHSI Sails for Granby Bay, Naas River, Sunday midnight; for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Every Tuesday at 9 p.m. Agency: American Express, Atiantic Steamers PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. } ernoon, and 625 to 198 in the evening. Inman’s best run in the afternoon was 166 and at night was 175. Hoppe’s highest score in the afternoon was 30, while in the evening his best run was 49. PATRIOTIC FUND NOW AMOUNTS TO $630,970 Ottawa, Nov. 2.—The Canadian patriotic fund was augmented to- day by the Ottawa branch. This is a lirst installment. The total fund is new $630,970, There is also acknowledged today $2,000 from the Prince Rupert, B. C., branch of the fund. Winnipeg, Nov. 2.—Winnipeg’s patriotic fund today reached a te- tal of $736,608.59, the sum of $5,752 having been received yes- terday. The fund has 3,317 sub- scribers, are listed as employees in lump subscriptions. receipt of $100,000 from) not ineluding those who | After the bath with BABY’S OWN SOAP the skin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales the aroma of freshly cut flowers. Freedom from skin troubles, explains in some measure the retieshing sleep which “Baby’s Own Soap” babies enjoy. specially for nursery use insist on pp tenn Own”. NEWSPAPER for Prince Rupert aad Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability, The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the city, It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to, DAILY NEWS + aa eeenee “* JUS ICIS Di nn iii