“The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. || LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. * * * Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, tf. * * . Norfolk Rooms, Steam heated, FINAL COUNT OVER BOXING IN THE SOUTH Professional Twenty-Round Game Will Be Barred in California in the Future. San Francises, Nov: foregone conclusion that the fina 6 POR NEN1 Five-roomed cottage on F: 0 rater. Terms rea-! ser St, near Sixth. homas Mealy a om ae — ned count has been made ov the mont, 232 nabie. “- yr _ p thoxing game in California and th rofes i " “0 « ! FOR RENT Furnished room with both Mrs. R. O. Boult has gone to professional twenty-round | electrte light and phone, Apply, Box) declared officially out het 112, Daily News. 269f./ Vancouver to spend a couple of seemed to be a lingering, faint months with friends. Mr. “oult hearted hope well into Wednes I POR RENT—Furnished rooms with hot : und cold water. Clean and comfort expects to join her at Christmas day nieht that later rr rns able. Only $2.50 per week. Klondyke/ for q short holiday |} Would prove favorable, but Hotel tr. “he ae jlatest returns indicate a st designing - agencies The Prince ‘Rupert Towing Co vee wily in favor of the t FOR SALE general towing; the new crude oil | jfight measure. Men who have tug “P.R.T. No. 4." Phone Redj?°°" connected: with the game i pea | 39! or Black 322. Address: P.O. srorn . Mangpoint of promoting FOR SALE—Splendid kitchen range, bed). 9¢ Agency for the “Avance” are admitting that boxin as lounge, tables, chairs, pictures, books,’ . - been killed crockery and kitchen utensils, Apply Crude Oil Motor. 165tf ; : Suite 2, Emad Block. tf. * ¢ ¢ Under the new law any boxer F a. 5 . ho has ever been paid his For a comfortable room, come| ; FOR SALE—New noese, Section 7 aie services is barred as mate cash and $20 & month; total biteo.| to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- rate a ed as a P. - P. 0. Box 190. ‘jond Avenue, near Fighth ‘Strest.| 7's means that an entirely ce FOR BALE — Trects of Land tm Latics | Newly opened. Steam heat andj °°? eee have to hes deve a ‘he Ie als > ite anvet ' ar tere, ecalivey a “Gibbous, biker |t hot and cold water in every room. The law. also prohibit my Pee more than trophies worth $35 and FOR SALE—50-H.P. ty steam botter|Free baths. Rates reasonable, and 8-P. a can be | ees that in itself would be a dash of bed cheap. in. cxcelient onder. . 0% | It is announced that the G, T. Pp.) Cold water to tes Sonar’. WANTED jhere on November 12. This will }mean that this city will have two WANTED—A maid for general house | work. Apply Mrs. P. I. Palmer, 720 4th/telegraph connections with the Ave., East, Phone 209 268-259 | wutside as well as the wireless WANTED—Young married woman wants) The regular G. T. P. staff will ar- a few hours work daily, Box 111, The The regular G. T. I : , Daily News. 264-60| rive here in a few days. WANTED—Pour-room house in Section i > 2. ¢ Five or os for ougs - wat i, The third son of Mr. and Mrs. ee Se : y “| Fred Peters, of this city was in- WANTED—Situation by young lady a8/,, , . inc art eco bookkeeper or oMfee help. Salary_ rea cluded in the Prince Rupert as sonable. Apply Box 115, Daily news. WANTED—View lot and house about $2,500 to 2308 close in; ‘wii pay © 4706 cash and arrange Daily News, MISCELLANEOUS MONEY! MONEY! 6 an ian been may ined for any perpose oe acceptable Real Estate security; lib- eral privileges; cor mee solicit- ed. A. G, Agency Company, 758 Gas, Electric Bldg., Denver, Col. $15 WEEKLY—Men wanted everywhere, no matter how small the village, for few hours work in unnecessary, Co-Operative spare time, ition permanent. nion, Windsor, Ont. —— FOR RENT --TWO HOUSES $13.00 PER MONTH EACH WATER INCLUDED PATTULLO & RADFORD ‘SECOND AVENUE experience The jtelegraph service will be opened Saturday. fbout a army in com- tingent which left here Another left here month ago join the England. third son mander of British This family surely duty. son to A a 18 submari-tve. doing is * * * Authentic information about football games, either scheduled or postponed, can be had by call- ing up Fitz Cigar Store. tf * + * Have you tried the London Cafe. It's a’ clean, swell place. The meals served are the best in town and prices are low. 233tf 6-2 . End of Season Millinery Sale.— Greatest values ever offered in trimmed hats, untrimmed shapes, \ poetic genius is one who is able to convert his stuff into real money. = —* a weet: wa se ay a F jn whe AN ENGLISH Toacecelerate Kng- land, these affixed to mail matter and to any noticeable obeet, Le “CTICKER” recruiting in stickers are This one has a humorous no meant for business men. ribbons and mounts. Sale starts Tuesday, November 3. Mrs. Ham-| blin in charge._—_Demers. tf. | THE CRADLE. Watson—At Prince Rupert General Hospital, on the 8th inst to Mr. and Mrs. George Watson of MeDougall’s Camp, a daugh ter. WANTED. a | Girl to assist with light house- | work whole or part time. Box 14, Daily News. tf. Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert. A Real Lever Simulation OLD WATCH FREE. A straightforward offer (trom en establiched fashionable Ladies’ long Guarda, of Gents’ Alberts, sent carriage pald to wear with the wateh, whieh will be given VProo (hese watehes ere the beanti/ul eo wateh ik this offer too good to be true, but send & Free Wateh, You & LLOYD, Wholesale wile Road, Lonaon, By 7 NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. Requests for changes or alter- ations in the above must be made in writing to Supt. of Telephones m OF before November 16. ‘Salvation hemy. Public meetings, Tuesday, Chursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Sundays at 7:30 p.m. city oF PRINCE RUPERT. Applications will be received by the | undersigned up to November 80th, 5 p m., | for the positions of Chief and three shift | Oberaters for Hydro-Electric plant Applicants must be thoroughly with both water and electrical end business. Experiegce and = salary baie to be Stated and copies of references sent ERNEST A, WOODS, City Clerk remaster o d the Brand} 4 AMERICAN TAILOR CUT PRICES Call and Save Money on ke ‘4 iY “ETIONES SECC FOR A TAXI: 75--PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO For Rent COMFORTABLE 4-ROOMED COTTAGE NEAR DRYDOCK NICE 4-ROOMED FLAT WITH BATHROOM APPLY TO— G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. 324 SECOND AVENUE THE DATLY NEWS WILL DEMAND 2,000,000 MEN FOR KITCHENER. Rondon, Nov. 6 Every word | Ifrom the front i} and pri } vatyy tells of the unparalleled | Ivory of the German on laughts | n the British and Freneh lines | last wer end. attacks so desper late that German officers threat ened to fire upon any troop whieh ht back Tt ia from German, not British bullet that our tat t p ners are uffering The my efforts have slackened the moment, but it is futile to imagine that they are ended Northern Franee and Belgiam rhe Daily Mail correspondent declares the German right has | been smashed i fallen wine a ee glass, Their retreat from North = ern Be - rm was like a rout; even SIR A. J. MURRAY younded comrad being left be Chief of staff of Sir John | ch {hind Other eports, however lle served both in Zululat ind, Show that the Germans are pre n South Africa paring for a pr need resistance around Bru | which they may hope to tempt the Milies to bom THE BELGIAN RELIEF FUND. lhard, and on the historic fleld of |W iterl which has become a Kditor, The Daily News mass of trenches ever given to | oy 5 5 the theatrical, the Kaiser may ire ene presen tian _ ‘hope to conjure up the figure of eral patrotie local organizations | piieher, that man who, in Na are engaged in the good work of] po eon's day, won the battle of colleeting funds for Prince Ru i Wat rlo® for the traitorous Png }pert’s contribution to the Belgiat | lish Inelief Fund Fiske efforts will rhe Primes, in an editorial lwarns the English public against no doubt, result in the raisin€|yye delusion that the end of the of a considerable sum for this | war ie within a measureable dis leharitable object. With regard] tance It will take far more crush- to the disposal of the amount col. |'"8 blows, it says, before the 65 ‘ 000,000 high-spirited Germans, lected, this would T presume in Maake immense réecdneda:et aaah jthe Serdinary course take WNGE sit’ * matorints aitenlt, «detent iform of a cash contribution to] When Parliament meets, next Ithe central fund of the Belgian] week, demands are likely to come I Relief Committee, forming one of | from influential quarters — for lmany similiar ones from other{ °° form of compulsion whieh eae ; will give Kitchener tWo millien points, and thus losing if not iN}trajned men by next Mareh at least to a certain jextent its individuality. its identity, | I venture to submit the follow- ling suggestion to those handling | this good work for consideration: | That instead of making cash con- tributions, they make the contri- bution from Prince Rupert, of food produtts, preferably | the shape of either canned mon fram the Skeena River of halibut shipped cold storage. We are all present time in making products of the porthern lof British Columbia known to the }Old World. A gift of this deserip one in sal- can- neries, or in at the the fish waters interested | tion would not only be acceptable to the heroic population of Bel- gium, and be remembered, but would also identify Prinee Rupert as a center for fish products of quality unexcelled, especially in- teresting to the old country ow- jing to the havoe that has been played with the fishing industry of the North Sea by mines at the present time. A-subseription plan of this de- seription should obtain the heart- whole support of all interested in this industry, owing to the world- wide publicity that would surely be obtained. The entry of food products for the Belg lief is, aeeording to latest allowed by the combatants in the present war, 80 there would probably be no difli- culty in ‘making the necessary ar- rangements. in re advices, Submitting the above in the in- terests of. the community of Prince Rupert and publicity, T re- main, Yours very truly, F.-8. WRIGHT. Prince Rupert, November 9, 1914. P.O. Box 249. NOTICE. 1914 Taxes. By authority of Bylaw passed this Fourth Day of November A. D. 1944, a rebate of ten per centum (10%) on General Taxes Rate will be allowed if paid on or before November Thirtieth, A.D. 1914, Sehool and Special rates, as heretofore, will be NET. and Health Kk. D. JOHNSON, City Treasurer. MAJESTIC ROOMS CENTRALLY LOCATED Steam Heated—Ali Conve- niences—Very Moder- ate Price SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY Vaneouver Province NOTICE. The Canadian Patriotic Fund. Will those who need assistance from the above fund, resident in the city or distriet and whose breadwinner is on active service with the forces of the Empire or her Allies, kindly notify the sec- retary of the loeal organization. W. FE. COLLISON. P. O. Box 735.—tf ‘GILLETT'S LYE EATS DIRT MPANY LIMITE Bae aN HON FOR A KITCHEN CHEERY A THE FF OALLEY CO. LIMITED, HAMILTON, CAN SEEEEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE ER Hee ee ‘Ove NEES os GOOD AGENTS WANTED THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSUR ‘NCE ¢ We are open to place an Agency Stewar ton, Smithers, Prince George, and all important Queen Charlotte Islands and the principal towns Wf you are a good man and open for a « MEN OF CHARACTER WANTED KISSICK & EDWARDS e DISTuICT AGENTS Sixth Street Prince R REAR REREREHER ERE NY Harel. erior ry ee eee ee ee eee ee BC eee ee etee a es o er Pocvercccoocooooooen LUMBER SHINGL=”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager tt Ave. and McBride 81. PHONE 25 PRINCE Branc® Yara RUPERT, B.C at Smithers SOOO OPOEPOR*ROCO—OON SEES EREEEREEEEEREEESEEEE ERE EEE EERE EER EHR EEE EES i High-Grade Work Plumbing icant metal work sheet at fair prices Wester Plumbing Co.,ld RARER ARAARARAAEE AREER RAARROH RAREHH ERE HEHEHE tact a oo — = SSCOOEEEESS FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools SBuilders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle | tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles { Shotguns (| Rope Valves Aamm on | Pumps Hose Paint | Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated iron “WE SELL NOTHING GUT THE &L5! FRED STORK’S HARDWARE SSI =— _————— EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION AT THE Waskeeunk OPERA HOUSE Mext Wed. and Thurs., November 11 and 12 SSPARTACUS?? IN EIGHT PARTS “MADE IN ITALY” spectac feature season, ALSO A NEW BRITISH WAR GAZETTE Owing to the great length of this program, 2 1-2 hours, only one perform- ance will be given nightly, commencing at 8:15 «harp, doors ‘S$ open 7:30. ‘REDUCED PRICES, 26c; 15¢ and CHILDREN 10c ee THE MILK FOR YOUR BABY MUST EF CLEAN SWEET AND PURE B. C. MILK is recommen used extensively as f fe infants. The reason why is:—!t is SWEET and PURE—alwa) for use. For infants be diluted with from two parts boiled water, accor age. % has the NATTY FLAVOR of Pure, Rich ¢ a LL ee PORRTOOE LEE ener . Rand, President, "THE PRINCE RUPERT Ast AND DOOR COMPAN?, LTD. Manufacturers 5 i Sawing, Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scro!! an’! ps and all kinda of Finishings, Store and O''ee Ti tures, House Finish a Specially cirolé Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue Hays n B, 6 Prince Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 - eeenrerrrr EMPRESS COFFE F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE Di!STRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) prince RUPERT, 6