23] THE DAILY NEWS ==) VERE FIGHTING BETWEEN NIEUPORT AND LYS === GERMANY OFF ERS PEACE TO RUSSIA BUT S REF USED--RUSSIAN = ee ATTACKS _TURKEY 10 RUSSIA BUT IS R USED ev. J. F. Dimmick and Rey | BETWEEN NIEUPORT AND LYS | earn f re a delegation to | geporT SAYS GERMANS ARE ALA D AT RUSSIAN SUCCESS Commission yesterday GERMANS OCCUPIED DIXMUIDE BUT HOLD IT INSECURELY— —ROUMANIA ORGANIZING TO TAKE PART IN IN- the restricted area BRITISH REPULSED ENEMY AT SEVERAL TERVENTION IN THE WAR. M ‘ , F POINTS OF CONTACT cilities dalla . , Vas spokesman ane , te The Dally Mewe—*2 Moon) [apondent save a « tation f iM} they did not eome with any : _— en +‘ \ Réme} aa bibvadie nam . forn j i ' ul w es ‘ead warts, Wav ¢4,. (Olldlel foe ck a a i | ' 1" OUl Were few = Paris, Nov. 11.—~(Official.)——|we still hold positions at the ap- Post says that! cabinet ministers a uN ‘ with the commission ; ; ony . an | “~s “Fighting was resumed yesterday |Proaches to the town. Fighting a it the Russian | following an audi kK f thes willing to adeot s ; is very hot. The British . de preliminary | Ferdinand, have organized a we te er ee |morning with very great severity a * x ‘ ¢ A: ~ an at yers ra { fav » ra ' 4 ACKEe - y - Si to the Russian | mittee of the nation whose a reform. They were quite between Nieuport and Lys. The tr overyernare ts aGce ” have been re-| ed purpose is prepare Ue : - en of yc? French forees were successful in enemy. Slight progress was iets | eountry for intervention in t ‘ 1¢@ weaknesses 0 maintaining their front. Toward) made by our forces north of Sois- r tucharest eorre-| present war posed solutions At the the end of the day the Germans|sons and west of Vailly.” j y me time he believed the sen- | the city, without which NASIANS RESUME NATURALIZED GERMAN. s:sine eovit te done, favor BRITISH HOUSE OPENS — |HEAVY LOSSES AT He believed if the police MARCH ON CRACOW —TRIED FOR TREASON beet ee PURELY WAR SESSION TAKING OF EMDE . it all undesirables in ‘aininiininiins (special to Yue Dally News—12 Noon) | (Special to The Dally News—12 Noon) rder (Special to The Daily Newe—1:30 P.M.) | (Special to The Daily Newe—1:30 P.M.) g ‘1 OMmicial. London, Noy. 11 The Grand Canon Rix supported Mr. Dim- London, Nov. —The King; London, Noy. 11.—-The Admir- ‘ ® the Russian/Jury at the Durham Assizes re . we He os it ‘on a oy ns opened Parliament today. It is alty reports that 200 men were J the police to ss "y CO 0 ille i ry d foreed the enemy |turned a true bill against Nich “a ao out "Me Fig per tree likely to be purely a war session. a ae a So in von Kaliezon on the |olas Ahlers, the German consul at|apout taking up thts subject till]. THAT WILY GERMAN CRUISER EMDEN. There will be no controversial te Seek ae eons ad Cracow. “We at- | Sunderland Borough, on a charge he knew 1 re about the commis- W ans Wan eriven ashore on fire at Cocos Island by the Australian questions, but many pertinent was teksn, risoner andi in- y Galicia tid ot etah t sia a ta , and the police a fe cruiser Sydney... She is credited with destroying about twen- ti to b ked i 4 prisoner is unin vi ' af ‘ ; g renaen according 0 e | sroners and e , 0 ‘ = > - ee ae , believed they were men like him ty-five ships belonging to Britain or her allies. Her slickest are poe re een ar ro pe sed the River)indetment. He was naturalzed in seit : - exploit was when she entered Penang harbor, disguised by an |“UCt of war. Compulsory military uslon w oceupw Hzes- | 1905. Ahlers was engaged in rhe mayor in reply said he was extra funnel and flying. the Japanese flag, and sunk a Russian | Service May be discussed. A new TURKS ANGRY OVER - Lisk helping German reservists leave ad the ele rgy came to confer. on cruiser and a French destroyer. war credit of a hundred million GERMAN INTERFERENCE cent WANN MORTGAGE | England for Germanys ithis question for thus they eould -|pounds is likely to be voted. A : . ibe told some of the difficulties large number of the members are oe - LocaL man SHOOTS ‘alt fhe police sexe fee fe {GENERAL MANAGER | THE CRUISE OF ah preg de (Spal te The ay Rewe—t w my Question of Whether Fees Should HIMSELF BY ACCIDENT ))..... for they were acting un- Athens, Nov. 11.— A conspir- & Paid on One Million. ' | de r the orders of the commission. VISITS THIS CITY THE ISLANDER RUSSIAN FLEET ae ee Ser oe ee Jack Krajkinsi, a well known | pps commission knew they were nopie agains e Young Turks. ; ‘ i 7 egal argument}resident of the cify, whose home| not ent ne the kk ‘ ; é : ; The chief conspirators were shot. ae oe on oven Gvemns, mack with 0 — a ~t ee “id Vice President and General On Saturday last about 3:30 ATTACKS TURKEY The populace is very much ex- Land Registry |*eTious ace ident yesterday while] ,..cors said: the -teasok. “sere Manager Morley Donaldson, of|p. m. the Islander, with a hunting —— cited as a result of the Turkish a 7 * lout hunting with two friends. He! acwn below we decided to investi-|*he G. T. P., left this morning|party of five— Messrs. Bill Wil-| (Spectal to The Daily Newe—t2 Ween) defeats. They attacked German he value of @) ow ties in the hospital with a], ite these matters with our own|after a short tour of inspection /|liscroft, Jim Bacon, Price Pow- nee. Nov. fie non-commissioned officers on the | o pean tee wound in the left side of his ab jeyes al d it didn’t take us long to |in this city. He came in on Mon-jell, J. Roche and Grossman— - ee re ae streets. : | laces efore fdome t sec sho ai¢ nte . loae SSlé 5 ' "s eA I bef = a oom i by we 2 dre pres re oe = s = day night as previously announc-jon board, slipped out of the har-|roits of the Bosphorus and the| Patriotic Concert November 12. ter ew j ° aving gone rouen MSlin ewer distri« e city. an- la 7 "ha lows ¢ . — . r * 2 , ve noth: Mk th te ened teaith and! * ? ad eh z . aa ioak ed iA ~ 7 ws and conferred|por bound for Port Simpson. coal magazines at Herarolea. The mecemponnnape ) ae there is every hope that he ") laway w th their districts and it the phn p+ . - ae ee About 5:30, when they were off}Turkish fleet sailed out against The Ladies’ Musical Club will the National) vecover. ' lhas been a lamentable failure. If], raion th ot ths > oat f "! Jap Point, the engine stopped and|the Russians but soon withdrew/give a “Grande Musicale” in aid Montreal holds The wounded man belongs t it u ean convinee me that the th mp nd as ae Aly left them to their own devices |" Herarolea. The Russians havejof the Belgian Relief Fund on it Port Mann.|the Ukranian Society he Relcsatinent of the eéeuie nn tne Row rougunaany: Saran “|sunk a large number of merchant|Thursday, November 12, at the : ' anit ; ee sentiment of the people wants @/be let. The roundhouse will haveJand the merey of the elements,| \occols, Empress Theatre The pro- property ‘is a ~~ — “a fren resi-lehange Twill support aoe) [ sixteen stalls with machine shops|which were getting pretty flerce. gramme will ‘taibeee many de . den in 2? city Ve gut ‘aS lthougl I believe you wou Ta oO e ynil ‘lose i ane The eng i wrk . “ 1,000,008: PNG) |. narced while in bis own ha eo eile F to be built close to ft. Repair) The engine refusing to work,| GQNSERVING FOOD SUPPLY. ||ichtful numbers, amongst others the company ; raking a mistake, shops f cars would be placed|the crew rigged a sail in order ee Ee being vocal selections by Mrs the mortgage oe we eee , a een eee eee there also, so that there would|tg hold the boat up to the Wind) gepmans Prohibit Feeding .of|Hemmel, Mrs. Jarvis MeLeod, > ero hims¢ very strong also! s - > a 0 ata 5 . . 4 a sa renee . . 60,000 to pay| With two companions, he ha -t. of the wanes tee be quite a complete works when/and sea.. The breeze increas d Wheat and Rye to Live Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. Gordon Allen, ’ a) ‘ ! ea j fhe mayer . completed While the shops at/to a gale and lashed the sea into Stock. Miss Barnsley, Mrs. Ling, Miss E. 1,000, as being | been hunting oe mie “es |said there was a rough class Of}the drydock eould be utilized for|fury and the struggle began. “ Elliott, Miss K. Jenns Miss King sluc ds at the time | oat ata see on the — " ! eople coming into — oe all}eome of the work, there would be From 6 o’eloek Saturday night Berlin, via London, Nov, 10.—|Miss Morrissey and Miss Du Ver- «t or ear e cannery « ve ecular periods ane sé > tie . c 4 J ad e. 2 ae . » é 4 a . . f ; = D j aaiat 1 ish & Cold Storage tots aoa ar oust tania porane ees fen one voce until 3:30 Sunday morning the The Bundesrath has met to dis-|net. Reserved seats are én sale f argued the at the foot of Mt. Morse Wh : wn { h “HMous crimes He hbe- meek a0 wer, rey on i be got boys crept along the coast, chill- cuss ways and means for econ-|Orme’s Drug Store at 75c. tf. y and Mr. F _ . - Sr ae " ‘ . | from the drydock works and injed to the bone, starving of hun-|.onving the food supply for the Sa Decke Se -aae the Si into i ae the jlieved it: very unwise (0 M@K® Al other lines there would be advan-jger, and thinking more of the people during the coming year Dry Terrace Wood for sale this ‘ . 2 » boat into the water re viet lchang ree oO ring close re r as é » re . “y : ; , ; ‘ | Registry Of- — tines = i ‘| ne senigsiaae Wate aaiiice tages from being — oe a past than the future, whe n they and decided that with certain ex-| week, $6 per cord. Pony Express. itended that rifle ne y Eidiien teak wese © ; oecete i : oe In adeition ae this, lere os : could take their minds off the pedients the grain supply would 262-64 ; ves ae ing . short distance away ih . P nally, it was agreed that he the conten ne a ~ cangep of the immediate present. |), ample until the 1915 crop had | ee “ as in the act of lifting the gun] : me ne should he taken to aes ~ . wanee = whict me At 3:00am. Sunday they ast} ioe harvested. The mills will be Dr. Kergin, A. M. Manson, D, C. ition of the ole ed om |s' ¥ . rye pe, whe Imperia Ot a “— oe anchor in a bay of weubageen Is- allowed to convert larger per-|MecRae and Geo. Bryant returned f hie feea: ae me publ —— tebt a » areas oe = a et _—_ — ~ — mens centages of grain into flour; 10}last evening from a hunting trip that the value yond oO to " "pene whar! W pO’ S00 FCs and how they got there they can}... cent of rye may be added to|reaching as far as Kitamaat. It RGE ARRIVES. “ie ier Lucas oved that}. ry dae a / . f per cent of rye My & as r as ° he amotet far PRINCE GEO 6 oe _ = see ee and will aff ee - a we searcely tell, except that it Was] wheat flour, and 20 per cent off|is reported that they saw some- # ild be ob- The Prince Ge rived. inl ° ee © “id landing «3 “ oi yh rr, ~ sheer luck. In the bay they were potato flour added to rye. body who heard a report about a 8} t ; i eet alimate Toa, 1 it better a and the taking om Of One tm s storm-stayed until 7 o'clock It was also decided to prohibit} man who saw a deer. . ations fea port this me ly eve it was mh as 1 turn by the steamers that may] Monday morning, when they man- ; Si - in result list of passen-| i have the , : the feeding of wheat and rye & od eahaent a time. with a large list of pa inally it was dee — to have the | eal) there. Tubes will connect the|aged to meke Georgetown, get- live stock, whereas heretofore . ~ane, aang | f u wi ” 0 f g » ‘ : ‘ > w » ake a awh ¢ ” . : true value of |/RCt™ '™ ouein oo > Rein. WE leit _ ey rm aaa no tanks with the wharf. ting back to Prince Rupert at 10], 6 fourth of the rye yield was ; e that would], Mod. Draleces . Mr a taki eS See \obelaieiae Mr. Donaldson is quite op-jo'clock Tuesday night, after the) .oysumed in this manner. It was a lnheediads J. MeMillan, ¢ \W ! g I egal to have a plebiseite on timistic about eonditions in Can-|most trying experience any of further decided to restrict | the EST H 0 LM en : y | Lightfoot, Mr. Je ! tr I 1 matter that the law already spe-]ada, which are much better than|them ever had. ; ae he wr diatilling | market Anderson. Mr. Ash, M. Alberts. | vas illegal. He will report) ang inated Gavana) thie Gries amount of rye used for distilling as claimed a ws : we ee) aateipaed. ave - ” soar eremeres: spirits to 60 per cent of the nor- ine le i A, Pyne week's time, when the dete-|¢,. a Salada . . \ f ; 9. oe a wr ‘dt ' ‘ ” } ol | bl m will ? invited ras apie en oa ~Sorgee lly a: VILLA AGREES TO. mal consuanption. The hoarding OPERA HOUSE hould share in iggy ars _pnie. gia petal , of grain for speculative purposes / skley, J. A. Jobnst Bol anpe ieve . re » effec arn 20 ded the chief - _ ee — tee, ar - - t wil on feel the effect FOLLOW CARRANZA is prohibited, and compulsory O NI G H sae oy work, TOA. Mon-| UNITED STATES DEBT. Pea rane teen: INTO OBSCURITY \22. 75 nee expropriating pro- I I bi al, W i. | H. J Lipsett | 5 mee - ceedings previded for. The Bun- sell, : eS Mrs W. J. 1 s, Rh, &. Bdward Sir George Paish, the British STARVING BELGIANS Waal ‘ " “4.—@ | desrath = ® a mpa- NEW AND AUTHENTIC ty i e, P. i. Pali M liinancial expert who has been OMMITTEE ashington, Noy, 14,—-General}mum prices for grain, re MAXI GAZETTE JESTI( THEATRE a — Ye Smith " 1, St Veant roe the United States to ad- BESIEGE C Villa has formally notified the na-]mum price for rye is 220 marks BRITISH WAR TONIGHT Me Pi rsons, W. Middlet 1 4 se on the best method of re- —- tional convention at Aguas Cali-} ($55) a ton for Berlin with a pro- SPECIAL ee GS Buxton, A. H. Yates.) storing the trade balance from] (teeee % The Daily News—2 P.M) Jentes of his willingness to resign|portional difference for other Showing Scenes From the WAR FEATURE Hou e Thom w. M. I lithe United States to Britain, does Amsterdam, Noy. 14.—Duteh-|command of his troops to retire|cities. The price of wheat re- ATTRACTION ol oe 1, White, I \-|vot believe that this should be all}men from Antwerp say the dis-/to private life if that is necessary|}mains 40 marks higher than rye, “SIEGE OF ANTWERP” Kee) 4 wy Cc. Rh. Pe F. | ‘id in gold. This would have a|tress there is great. The starv-|to bring about the elimination of The German Red Cross has re- “Through Barriers a Pate G. BL Wolfe ndeney to deplete the supply injing Belgians besiege the depots General Carranza, ceived a contribution of 150,900 ; I oF Slee a T G. Johns, M the country. He suggests that|of the American Relief Commit- + marks ($37,000) from the Ger- And the Magnificent 8-Reel : “Through Barriers oa ae nport the United States Cotton Ex.|tee from 8 o’elock in the morn-| The conventon, aceording,to of-}man-Austrian Relief Committee Spectacular Production . Of Fing oon. change should be opened and sell, |ing until 2 o’eloek the next morn- ficial reports geceived here, re-jof Chicago. A contribution of THAT GERMAN HATE. action was taken on it, pending — -— With Box ” W. Dowling, vive away too mueh gold, Part the great length Re gene pres ir cree of the debt, he belieyes, should . ’ ° the report of a commission which |SECRET WIRELESS STATIONS? Owing to @ a. A Shocking Job” ere re ’ 14 he paid in gold, To show the long-standing hate) went to Puebla to notify Carran- —- 2 this program, 2 1-2 tiaier es Y Will Bing Special ni; "0 r : s senile litt ef the Germans for the British|za of the seleetion of General Marine men believe that there hours, only one perform- . oats of tne eetween Reels ~velggyr . , WASHED NUT COAL—$8.00. Captain Magee tells of his having |Gutierrez as provisional presi-}must be seeret wireless stations ance will be given nightly, Pian, Leaving for ike Ee cle te ce 0 come into the harbor at Algiers} dent. along the Pacifle Coast giving in- commencing at 8:15 sharp, "We thos 1914, wl oe nA New W ellington Coal Com-|in May, 1910, on the day King Bd Villa's statement is in answer|formation to German warships. doors open 7:30. Mee f You p, ainfa pany, Phone 116, tf.| ward VII died, All the ships in| to the stipulations of Gen, Car. |The way whieh German warships Familia, oe Any , f Rel neon the harbor flew their flags at/ranza that, with his own retire-/have been mobilized at short no- aces? . Pic mots ; Carpets cleaned, Called for|half-mast except the Germans, | in nt, Villa and Zapata should he/tice points to some seerel means REDUCED PRICES, 150 and ratiission 10 Fund . “ee - and delivered free, Fritz, Phone|who had them hoisted to the very ietientnated from military au-jof communication, Shipping men 260; CHILDREN 10c Peccccesenne a, ' - tf, | 583. 2591f. | top. { thar ity are puzzled,