wovermber ff, inesday ia ———— yey TROUBLE are) HIS SPINE PERFIDY OF THE KAISER IS RECALLED London, N For Forty Years Until jest indignatio: ” He Used “Frylt-a-tives lat the personal j proxte, Ont., OCT. 41st. 1913. ser disclosed by the or about forty wr i ition of a letter a ck brought on by iC } pame Back ° ig I was never intereourse with | . with the trouble, , pine and I had to | mouth, Lady Aberd I took anreres | brother, then | tt j ‘ os whi ver dit oe | miralty, during ar caw “FT »-tives’’ advertiser i : coe them. They did ithe Kaiser's visit 1 , ‘ Sot iny other remedy, re 8 ¢ 1 from the same 11908 Germany w one ts had to leave off stupendous = effort oa ,-tives”’ remedied ; id strongly advise | sritish shipbuild | a from Kidney and |¢ was writis ' ¢ Tre tor " oonLaee : » the British Pir I a bor, 6 for $ trial size, 25¢ senting that Germa Aealers or set ron rations did not a ted. Ottawa. a Z | menace England: ti land ought to | oeenee ee Oeeee expenditur: *| ‘ nm ‘lded to this ten : AR NEWS @)yre | LATEST w @);moment when the K knew that Lloyd Gs var bulletins # ead on roe > ail 4 vely by The #)) "aeioe ar x, e posted im. # ; ; i ) the German fleet Hate fter coming off # day be imprl ned Ry @| oa imp o G . ' it tl following ° ters, nor would the British } Store ard Ave * pire commerce he wm rf u“ © . he { | “cked on t } } fark's Jewelry Store, 3rd # ally unoh fon the high sea * oft t Hotel, 2nd # . ‘ In Thousands * ire * Seer Botel * 0 omes } * ox “ : sity Ne windows, 3rd ®| early and certain relief is found #| for the ailments to which all are oceereerrer een eee subject ~nilments due to defectiy UBSCRIBE FOR — DAILY NEWS OLOOLE ELE LLOLIODDO DOD ODIO Pupert Feed Co. DEALERS IN Hay, Grain, Feed and Seeds ah 6 FEED 6A 6USPECIALTY Agente for WHINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. S orders promptly attended to Third Ave Phone Black 268 MOOPCL EOL EEE PLODDOPOEOLELOS a NADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY incess May northbound for Alaskan Ports Nov. 16th neess Maquinna south- ound Sunday 8 p. m. . @ MONAB, General Agent Mr Fourth Street and Third Ave — eeeeeeeeeeee ee Tee ee el; Lirectory hers PRL. Vintners Associahen — EEE WINDSOR HOTEL Mr Of Firs: ‘ve. and Eighth &t W. Wright, Prop. a WOTEL CENTRAL mem Avenue and Seventh st 8D and Ame rican Plan Prier Black, Prop. ‘eo Eighth and Ninth i! "Pen Plan 7 ‘tes B0c to 81.00 Per Day Srener a Beener, Prope. a ¥. Roe me VD Castey GHPRESS HOTEL Tawra AYO, Betwoer + Sith Seventh Str ane eets Plan, 60 to $' Per Day ROYAL Hore, Props and Sixth st al PORTING co., UimitED Praser ang Sixth Sip wees tule | or irregular action of the stomach, liver, kidneys or bowele—in the most famous farnily remedy, the world has ever known DEOL are justly famous because they have proved to be so reliable as correctives or preventives of the sufferings, dull feelings and danger due to indigestion or biliousness. If you will try them to cleanse your system, purify your blood, tone your stomach, othmadinte your liver and regulate bowels, you will know why 0 many rely on Beecham’'s Pills to your Insure Health and Happiness Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World Seld everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents Certificate of Improvements. I'l Chance It Fraction, and Biack Bear Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Min ing Division of Cassiar District. Where located ill Chance it Fraction located between the “Lilly Bertha” and ‘Aldebaran” Mineral Claims sear head of Alice Art Observatory Iniet, and “Black Bear Mineral Claim, located one mile, more or less, from the northwest point of the head of Alice Arm, @ branch of Ob- servatory Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salina, Free Miner's Certificate No. 80313B., intend, sixty days from the date hereof to apply to the Mining Recorde> fcr a Certificate " improvements, for the purpose of ob taining a Crown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be- for® t@e issue of such Certificate of Im provements. Dated this 2ist day of September, A.D. iota PEDRO SALINAS. Certificate of Improvements. Aldebaran Mineral Claim, situate in — Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar trict, Where located:—About three-quarters (3-4) of a mile, more or less, from the northwest point of the head of Alice Arm and adjoining the Black Bear Mineral claim on the southwest TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salinas, as agent for William 4 Vaughan, Free Min er’s Certificate No. 81545B., and for my self, Free Miner's Certificate No 80313B., intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for & Certificate of Improvements, for the pur pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of Im "00; tereronegs| th KKH RAR AD hadtvodoe provements, I dow, Nov. 44. Why Eng- Dated this 2ist day of September, A.D eid. and should restrict reeruiting to PEDRO SALINAS. _ ime f the minimum height of , feet 6 inches in days when bat- PERE EEEEE EE EERE EE EES tles fought with long-range FIRE ALARM SYSTEM = J) weapons instead of broad swords i 3 and battle axes is puzzling many CMmoUIT NO. 1. ; x patriots of undersise who — yjare anxious to ge to the front. Box 196th St. and Sra Ave. Z/The old rule has already caused Box 148th St. and Srd Ave cal men to protest both in Box 15—Junction of ist, gd and nt and to the army medical ad- Sra Aves. : Bex 16—ist Ave., between Sth and sory board, @th Sts, (Knox Hotel oO of the medical journals Box 17——1st Ave. and 7th St. (Cen ts out that what is needed tral Hotel.) be days is not brute power to ne. & vield heavy weights, but a wiry e st hysique able to stand bad weath- Bos 22.Sra Ave and Sra ¢ I . . irregular feeding, broken (Poat OMee.) > Box 23—3rd Ave: and McBride 5! z| eep, long marches and brains Box 24—ist Ave. and MeBride 5! lio take cover and shoot with skill Box 26--2nd Ave. and #nd St land patience. The short man Box 26-200 Ave. and 6th St * | \ciehs less, needs must less food, Gon 87-0. T. P. | easie of transportation, CIRCUIT NO. La tands hard marching without his Box 81.—5th Ave. and Fulton ot fect giving away, offers a much @ox 82—-Borden and Taylor 5% | matier mark to the enemy, keeps 4 Box 947th Ave, and Fulton FF {himself warm in a smaller space Box 950th Ave of ; and can sheller in a treneh bet- y ik se* : a = = = = than a big man. The heavier , line man the more food needed to omouiT No. + acini ceep up @ given amount of physi.j " ! uiulbe ma Box 49 4th Ave & fe exertion, and a man of i704 : bith Ave, and setter. requires a Ofth mere food Ges 08-5 and Green St Per in one of 140 pownda, it is sei. @ox 435th Ave. ov ’ . Box 44-01 Ave and | 2 titically estimated, Henee 5 feet Box 45-——Tih Ave. and events \‘inches would open reeruiting tay Box 141-7tb Ave. 4 oxecllent material, * 4 TALK BY WIRELESS OVER OCEAN NEAR British Admiralty Interested in Device Making Conversation | Among Ships Easy. London, Nov, 10,— Had it not en for the war the human voice 0 have been thrown across oa \tlantic Ocean by wireless ' ith, according to a state- | ' made by H. J. Round, one of Marconi’s lieutenants, perfected a wireless tele. jp nstrument just adopted by the Italian navy. This Mr Round says is | teed for forty miles, and favorable conditions js! ;% e a voice audible at le he British Admiralty has dis- nterest in the inven- 1 it has I nd | = 1 Engl i emonstrat- ish ships It ble the transmission rd from the admiral to ta the fleet by word ind, should a misun- se even during a j Hatt in be cleared away i king up the flagship t la the matter over By liplying the power and stimness of the materials,” Mr “il remarked the same de- d easily make words poke New York audible here, ind that is what we had planned demonstrate this month. It d have been wholly a scien- t demonstration, without pres- ent commercial value, owing to the excessive cost. But the re- strict governing wireless are so nun s under war time con- litfons that experiments of that dare out of the question.” Mr. Round’s apparatus is sim- ple and no more expensive than amateur wireless telegraph out- fits In order to get a connection with any particular point a selee- tive scheme has been devised by which an aerial wave of a certain strength sets a pendulum attun- d t i like strength swinging suflywiently to ring a bell at the receiving point Thus the ealler ean ring any one of about twenty different receivers without the re- maining nineteen hearing the call Once connection is established, conversation forty miles of air is easier even than by wire, except when there is lightning in atmosphere, which has the effect of causing slightly blurring sounds. I completed ng several Mr. Round across the my experiment- ago in Italy,” ‘and the Duke f Abruzzi, attended many demonstrations, had little difi- culty persuading the Italian government to purehase the de- for the navy. It is interest- « that the King of Italy was present the first time the instru- nent was demonstrated by Mr. Marconi himself, and talked from the Ministry ef Marine to a point twenty kilometres distant. So as I know his majesty is the to hear a human voice by weeks added, who in far st THINK SHORT MAN THE BETTER SOLDIER Englist? Can't Understand Insist- ence on Tall Men for Giitasy Work. THE DAILY NEWS. —————_ ——_—-—-- BELGIAN REFUGEE OFFERED FREE SITE Nov. 11.—Mr. Pelle- agent-general in London for the province London, tier, of Quebec, said yes- terday that six offers have reach« ed him by a cable of a free site for a factory in the provinée of Quebee as a reeult of an agency dispatch concerning the proposal of a Belgian manufacturer, who had been driven from Ghent, to establish a factory in Quebee province, if sufficient inducement be held out to him Mr. Pelletier stated that the of- fers, together with one that had been received previously, would be handed to the gentleman ‘in- terested, who contemplates tak- ing a trip to Canada soon, al- though his factory for cotton goods was compltely destroyed by the enemy. $1, 500,000 1N SWEATERS To Be Supplied ow Canadian Firms for Soldiers at The Front Montreal, Nov. 10.—It is an- nounced by Mr. Frederick Sto- bart, purchasing agent of the In- that has been placed in the for delivered by not stated who firnis the ‘The price per dozen is $1#. perial Government, n order Dominion to be It is were ! 600,000 eoats 15. sweater December the who got order. average | Lhe order, therefore, distributed and represents $900,000 to be anong factories im Canada is a mere begin- ning to other large business that is to follow In sweater coats al. ne it is the intention of Mt Stobart to order an additional 400,000 in the course of the neyt week—8600,000 additional busi- ness. HEIRESS MAKES HUSBAND PRESENT OF A FARM Keeps Handsome Bequest a Secret Until She Has Provided For the Future Wis., Nov. 10.—Re- membered in the will of an aunt, Mrs. Cynthia Heil, of Albion, Ind., Mrs. Joseph MeGinley surprised | her husband by buying the farm | on which they had lived and | hoped to purchase some day. Mrs. MeGinley’s aunt left her La Crosse, “just had to tell it; it was good, too awfully good to keep, She is going to Albion next week to claim her fortune. Aftey she gets back and th: are all im and the farm is theire in reality, they may take a trip to Oklahoma, where they lived une til a year anda half ago, and when they come back they expect to purchase an automobile and several other things lone eon. sidered impossible luxuries, but now Within the realm of possi.) bilities. too | 1 THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C, LIMITED SS. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 6568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS Ir $25,000. She was alone when} the message came, Mr. McGinley | being on his way to market with a load of hay She says she just! stopped every bit of her work and sat down to think and dream, Air castles just built themselves be- fore her eyes. Here they had lived a year anda half, paying the rent on the farm, through Mr. McGin- ley’s wages while working part of the time for the La Crosse Co., and now— Mrs. McGinley at oOnee took steps to buy the old Edwards property, as their rented property was known, but thoygh “the hap- Gas & Elecric piest woman on earth,” she did not tell her wonderful secret for two whole days. She says she Applications will be received by the undersigned up to November 30th, 5 p.m., for the positions of Chief and three shift eperato ws for Hydre-Electric plant. Applicants must be thoroughly familiar with both water and electrical end of the business. Experience and salary required to be stated and copies of references sent. RN A. WOODS, City Clerk. EST that can be tailored into the staple Chesterfield style. Correct lines, perfect taste. . {$8 WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Bryant Company Limited Sixth Street Prince Rupert RRR ARREERRERRRRRERRRRR EEE dome IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT bia. the city. NEWSPAPER for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. ‘The Daily News goes into nearly evesy bame in Prince Rupert, the city because it is clean and reltehie. Mt bee all the news of the city, and keeps m touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Cokum- It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it ts read by the buying public. It has a bigger cfroulation than any other paper in Tt is read by the clase of people advertisers want to talk to. It is the papular newapaper of AARRARAAARA AAA ARERR REAR RRRRRE _ DAILY NE ;