A Sixty Year Standby | For sixty years Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Q Powder has been the standby of countless : housekeepers who have relied upon it for healthful, home-baked food. Dr. Price’s contains no alum or lime phos- f phate. food it raises. It has stood the test of time. why the best informed housewives will use no other. Dr.PRICE'S : CREAM There is never any question about , the absolute purity and healthfuiness of the That is K BAKING POWDER Made trom Cream of Tartar No Alum Nt > a a a “Ae ae As Ae SS aS Ae tte jthat district on how to market “ a » 3 L NEWS ITEMS ‘their produce and the best means The Daily News OCAL for bringing the consumer and . | producer together. CLASSIFIED ADS. Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. | gle oe *_ * * Mr. J. RK. Kwapil, representing ————— Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.| Mr. F. G. Dawson, left for Prince FOR RENT Phone 4. tf.| George and other interior towns — —— * * * this morning. OR RENT — Furnished house, 5 rooms, > > _ . * , > . .«®:* . $22.50. 108 Eighth Avenue, corner Me- P. I. Palmer returned by the Sin i Nia ai a Bride. 261-65) Prince George from a short visit! re , FOR RENT—Five-roomed cottage on Fra-|\t, V jeharge of the G. T, P. telegraph ser St. near Sixth, Thomas McCly- to Vancouver. |‘ department here, has arrived in ment, Sons Tees the city. He will be open for bus FOR RENT —-Purnished rooms with hot M. Albert returned this morn-| jo... tomorrow morning. : rater. Cle nd comfortable. k ‘ aioe: tebe | at a bO per week, kiondyke Hotel,{ing from a short business trip jillian Fulton and Seventh Avenue. f-lto the lower coast cities. WANTED. ore poe OP 5 a - ¢: «6 | “ = oan ens The Prince Rupert Towing Co.,| aan - ao Sante eee » 4 * . : wor whote or par ime Ox FOR SALE—Splendid kitchen range, bed] 5° neral towing; the new crude oil rll mat tf lounge, tables, chairs, pictures, books,|t'.¢ “P.R.T. No. 1."° Phone Red ; : . crockery and kitchen utensils. Apply} 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O. 2 Suite 2, Emad Block. *.) Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” Salvation Army. FOR SALe—-Hew Some, forme “opttee. Crude Oil M aes . 165tf Public meetings, Tuesday, P. O. Box 190. - Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.n POR SALE—Trects of Land in Lakelse| 08 Manson, of the roads and} sundays pt 7:30 p.m. Valley conssioiog 10 acres each, - trails department, left for the in- per acre. McCaffrey & Gibbons. 84144.) ¢ 14 this morning. FOR SALE—50-H.P. capacity steam boiler . * * and 8-H.P. stationary engine. Can be ‘ , y : had cheap. In excellent order. Sp. Ald. Geo. Kerr left by the G. ply Box 15, Dally News. #90tf./-P Pp. this morning dressed up in WANTED WANTE)—-Woman wants plain sewing or mending. Box 113, Daily News. 261-64 WANTED—A general servant. Apply 415 Fifth Avenue East. tf. WANTED Board and room in private family; close in; modern conveniences. Phone Blue 332. 259-60 WANTED—A maid for general house work. ly Mrs. P. 1, Palmer, 238 4th Ave., wake Phone 209. 8-259 WANTED—-Young married woman wants a few hours work daily, Box 111, The Daily News. 254-60 WANTED—Four-room house in Section Five or Six for §125 down and le - month until paid, Box 102, Daily WANTED—-Situation by bookkeeper or office sonabie | young help Salary rea- Apply Box 115, Daily me, lady a3 WANTED—-View lot and —_ $2,500 to $3,000. and arrange Daily News. MISCELLANEOUS house; close mi ee Noo $15 WEEKLY—Men wanted everywhere, no matier how small the village, for few hours work in re time, experience unnecessary, sition permanent. The Co-Operative Union, Windsor, Ont. Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert. NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. Requests for changes or alter- ations in the above must be made in writing to Supt. of Telephones on or before November 16. = a = MAJESTIC ROOMS CENTRALLY LOCATED Steam WHeated—Ali Conve- niences—Very Moder- ate Price RATE MONTHLY SPECIAL a garb that betrayed a prospect- ing tour. *“ * *# For a comfortable room, come to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- ond Avenue, near Eighth Street. Newly opened. Steam heat dnd hot and cold water in every room. Free baths. Rates reasonable. * * A. A. Cox and Con- tractor W. J, Smith, who will build the provinaial buildings here arrived in town today on the Prinee George. * * Architeet Government Agent Hoskins, of Hazelton, announees that $1,168 has already been subseribed for the patriotic fund in that dis- trict, * * * Authentic information about football games, either scheduled or postponed, can be had by eal! mg up Fitz Cigar Store, if * * & Mr. G. BE. Wolfe, of Seattle, rived this morning by the George. He is a first-class watchmaker and will be in the employ of C, C, Loop, the jeweler. ee * ar. Prince The Supreme Court its sittings in this eity nesday, December for criminal and eivil cases. not known yet whieh judge preside. hold Wed- both Ii will on o is will Have you tried the London Cafe. It's a clean, swell place. The meals served are the best in town and prices are low. 233tf * * «* His Worship, the mayor, left this morning for Terrace where ej he will address the farmers of EMPRESS COFF AAR AR RR ap an a . FOR A TAXI: 73-PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO POR ATR III IIT IIS IAAI AIIM For Rent FOUR ROOMED HOUSE Across Hays Creek—Well Furnished $30 PER MO. EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE With Bath—7th Ave East. $20 PER MO. FOUR ROOMED COTTAGE Near the Drydock $20 PER MO. : : THREE THREE ROOMED COTTAGES Across Hays Creek $7.50 TO $10 PER MO. APPLY TO G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. 324 SECOND AVENUE F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR SS THE DAILY NEWS, GERMAN VERSION OF CHILE FIGHT Activity and Optimism the Rule IS NOT CREDITED) = Wit" Mon. ot Sheena Crossing. London, Nov The Admiral Skeena Cre Nov, 10.—In} jty has issued a statement in}ipig immediate vicinity mining jwhich ét says it has received from) yyerations are going ahead with jGerman sourees details of a naval) yy, jet or hindranee and optim. izement off the Chilean coast] joy) je the order of the day i which the British eruiser Mon The Great Ohio crosseut whieh ith was sunk and the cruiser} pas peen driving for the big vein i\(iood Hope severely damage ite the foot wall several l Admiralty has no confirma ta 1 ind has passed thr muah ition of the report The tal twelve feet of highly min nt was issued = throug! the | . a Y matte showin | Press Bureau, and says derable Dt All the « @ Rumors and = reports have) qitjons fa { dare fa received at the Admiralty vorable for the finding of a large feo mn Various sourees of a Wall nody of ore the foot wall battle having eecurred thi The Roche Boule people coast of Chile The Admiralty ire working much and talking lit Jas no official confirmat of tle No officia information is this and sueh accounts as they javailable, but it is freely stated have received are admittedly Of), pound eamp that they are no (rerman origin ft °y : } iy f . adrift ve ree pov " The Admiralty cannot accept! , betel Saat ore La f n Ty une this as accurate at present, fo | ber ul ful ind very man o1 the battleship Ganopus was seu! th haune ‘ ob appears yn to strengthen Rear Admira ra-| ; Ml PI | ' : ‘ Road Supet ndent Jennings jdocks squadron and wou'd have} visited the Crossing last week and given him a decided sup erty } had with him ten. or fifteer jand this vessel is not menti.ned ; pounds of very beautiful and quite in the report. Further, although | : . remarkable ore which came from jit is said that five German ship . a recently discovered prospect j concentrated in Chilean waters ; | near Usk, a station on the line of jonly three entered Valpurniss the G. T. P. net far from Kitselas jharbor. It is possible, therefore ; The diseovery was made by Wells that when the account of this ac and Darby and is leeated but an tion is received, il may consider . easy mile distant from the rail ably modify the German version. - ; way. The ore is a very heautiful Effective measures have been © toad ; ' , f s ” = aor . : i ctiear taken to deal with the situation}®"@ 'Strou — er , n-any. event,” quartz gangue, the quartz being The Canopus is-a battleship of “Sn peppered with coarse 12,950 tons with a speed of 18.5] °°" BO" ; : * Messrs. Wells and Darby are knots and a complement of 700 a And at lent men Her armament consists of }'™ : a ethan " a Mean te four 12-inch guns, twelve 6-inch]® #P4S8-root shipper guns, ten 12-pounders, and six ; th 7 ' : an “ver e ‘naiise ° o are smaller guns. She is fitted with Se , : " cigar a onde four torpedo tubes. not expecting to serve in the army adiiaditieibipant = are said to. be eres a better ‘set— .” : ations “SPARTACUS” ‘AND et-up through the national “THE SIEGE OF ANTWERP” habit of scanning ‘the sky for the pony expected flock of dirigibles and Monster Double Feature Program | “°")!!@"°* at the a Tonight. W hile the Allies may not eat An unusual treat is in store}*Meir Christmas dinner in Berlin for patrons of the Westholme let ‘em derive cheer from the fact opera house tonight and tomor- that whenefer they (do eat it row night as in addition to the they'll have Turkey great feature of the evening, Spartacus,” there will be shown a new War Gazette, showing scenes from the siege of Antwerp ind other incidents of the war in Europe. “Spartacus,” George -Kleine's latest in and greatest masterpiece photo-drama, declared to deal charmingly with an entrane ing tale and liberty. It is based on a revolt of the gladiators of love against Roman dominion, and it is asserted that one of the most marvelous features is the man- ner in which the atmosphere of the period (73-71 B.C.) is main- tained throughout the eight parts and three acts of this pre- tentious photo-drama., Owing the great length of this program two and a half hours) there will be only one per- formance each evening, storting at 8:15 p. m.#harp. Doors open at 7:30. AMERICAN TAILOR CUT PRICES = Cali and Save Money FOR RENT -$20.00-- FIVE ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH SULTAN OF TURKEY Sultan Mahomed V, of Turkey, now at war with Russia NOTICE. The Canadian Patriotic Fund. oreo. -_-—— Will those from the the eity breadwinner active wilh the forees of the her Allies, kindly relary of the who need above fund, or district issistance resident and mM whose is on service kmpire notify the local organization W. F. COLLISON P. O. Box or sec 735, i! NOTICE. 1914 Taxes. authority of Bylaw Fourth bay No A. D. 1014, rebate af cenlum (10% and Health if paid on or before Thirtieth, A. Db. 19144 Special rates, as be NET, hy this passed ol vember, le on General Rate will be a per Paxes allowed November School heretofore, and will PATTULLO & RADFORD bk. D. JOUNSON, City ‘Treasurer, PROGRESS IN THE MINES Mente of Raw Fu any five houses ir FREE MALLAM's Guipe HALLaw Supr JonnHALLAM Te * ” 7 * * * SEES EERE EEE EEE EERE EEE RR yy GOOD AGENTS WANTED THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANC We are open to place an Agency o ton, Smithers, Prince George, and al! importa we Queen Charlotte Istands and the principal tow, if you are a good man and open fc MEN OF CHARACTER WANTE KISSICK & EDWARDS DISTHICT AGENTS Prince Ruper PRR TTI TTTAA MAMA HAAN Sixth Street Bi Tree eee eee v7 i POOLOLOLOLLEPOLOLOOO+E DD ODOM MBER ee ee ee SHINGL®, MOULDINGS, SASH, Door PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. A J. BURROUGHS, Manager Ave. and McBride & PHONE 25 te PRINCE RUPERT, Bc Branch Bmrithers Yer et PPOOPPOROP + CR CObe PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEE EN EEEEEE EEE EES OO Re ee eens High-brade Work Pumbing, sieaniing and sheet meta! work Western Plumbing Co.. ld at fair prices RAMA REEMA RRA ERR TER SS SSS = $FESSS SSE FSS f | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE : r 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Toois Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing 7 tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunit Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugate: | | BRED STORK'S BARD Wart wt THE MILK FOR YOUR BABY MUST 5 SWEET AND PURE B. C. MILK is recommen: used extensively as infants. The reason why is:—It i» CL! SWEET and PURE—aiw fer use. For infants be diluted with from tw: parts boiled water, acc: age. it has the NA’ FLAVOR of Pure, Rich ©: as % AN URAL Sa FOR A KITCHEN CHEERY THE FF DALLEY CO. LIMITED HAMIUTORN, CAN (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) I pent, 5 prince RU