LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. . * * Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, tf. * + . Por Bargains in Millinery, Miss FOR MENT — Furnished house, 5 rooms, . - 2968.64 22.50, 108 Eighth Avenue, ‘corner Mc: L. M. Kuster. s 4 ride, 261-65 . FOR RENT—Purnished rooms with hot Mrs. Tom Stewart, of rere and cold water, Gliean and comfortable. | j , , vest ¢ rs, Only #2.50 per week Klondyke Hotel, is in town, the gu , Fulion and Seventh Avenue. u.| Gower. a es oe a FOR SALE One “Of the features of last FOR SALE—Splendid kitehen range, bed night's concert was the beautiful . » the ladies. There Jounge, tables, chairs, pictures, books, gowns worn by th ' one all — crockery and kitchen utensils, apply}Were also some pretty boys in Suite 2, Emad Block. w.| “boiled shirts.” * + . FOR SALB—New house, Section 7, $100 , “ eash . 930 4 month; total ayiige. The Prince Rupert Towing Co., re i general towing; the new crude oil FOR SALS — trects of Land tre “P.R.T. No. 1." Phone Red Valley containt per acre. MoCa FOR pane.se 0-H.P. = 8-H.P. es engine. om, excellent E Box 15, pally 10 Tod y & “Gibbons. mie capacity poem os hotter _, eee cy 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O. Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” Crude Oil Motor. 165tf * * * News. WANTED Besides the at the Majestic first-class pictures tonight, there will WANTED—Woman wants plain sewing 0 mending. WANTED—A general servant. Fifth Avenue East, Box 113, Daily News. 261-64 Apply 415 tf. be a varied. musical program of Tireal merit and dancing by the Bailey meetars. Admission 10¢ and 25¢ WANTED — Board and room in private family; close in; modern convensemes| For a comfortable room, come WANTED—A_ maid eral work, Apply Mrs. P. Ave., East, Phone 209 WANTED Young a few hours work daily, for gener ae house I, Palmer, 720 a 268-25 married woman wants Box i114 7 to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- ond Avenue, near Fighth Street. Newly opened. Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. Dally News. Free baths. Rates reasonable. ED —four-room BM ws "lve oS paid. + Roa down Daily Authentic information about WANTED—Situation by si at ad football games, either echaguled bookkeeper or ofMfce eee rea-| or postponed, can be had by call- sonable, Apply Box vt Daily news. ing up Fitz Cigar Store. tf “Sen ee Wabout $2,800 tot se eee 00 wil pay 0706 Word was received in the city Baily mae that several members of the Prince Rupert Contingent have MISCELLANEOUS failed to pass the medieal exam- $15 WEEKLY—Men wanted everywhere, n ination at Victoria and have been matter how small the village, for 4 rejected. The examination there hours work in : aS time, cxperenss appears to have been more rigid unnecessary, ion permanent. The : Co-Operative Sen, Windsor, Ont. than the one given here. Vv. F. 8S. Gamble, J. H. Hutehin- son and F. Flewni, members of the Prince Rupert contingent who were unable to get away with the main body, left today for Vie- toria. Tom Holmes, J. Cargell and F. B. Darley went south to take the place of men _ turned 75-PHONE~75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO RAIA AIA IAAKIR down by the medical examination at Victoria. Captain MeTavisn left to join the Seouts. " ; a athletes of the Old Coun- in their themselves The try are coming forward thousands to offer for active service. Nearly all the well known footballers of the north are now in uniferm. Apro- pos of this it is understod that a commission awaits Mr. T. F Longmuir, of this city, who for several years played in the Scot- For Rent FOUR ROOMED HOUSE Across Ways Creek—Well Furnished $30 PER MO. EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE With Bath—7th Ave East. $30 PER MO. FOUR ROOMED COTTAGE Near the Drydock $20 PER MO. THREE THREE ROOMED ; COTTAGES Across Hays Creek $7.50 TO $10 PER MO. APPLY TO— G. R. Naden Co., Lid. 324 SECOND AVENUE ish Rugby Trial Internationals, if he cares to go back, but it more probable that he will pre- fer to go with the next contingent from here. is WANTED. Girl to assist with light house- work whole or part time. Box 1 Daily News. tf. Salvation Remy. Publie meetings, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Corporation of the City ‘of Prince Rupert. NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. Requests for changes or alter- ations in the above must be made in writing to Supt. of Telephones on or before November 16. 1836 THE BANK oF 1914 BritishNorth America 76 Years in BuSINGSS. Capital ano SunPius $7. "86. 66° WHEN BUYING YEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE The Convenience of a Joint Account be A Joint opened in the names of two or Account may more persons. Whichever one can most conveniently reach the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the cash needed. and trouble. ‘PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. It saves time 7 KERR E ER RR RO . SMITHERS NOTES eK HR eH EHH of Portland, 0 Mr. Barr, the guest of his daughter Ml J. Greer, of this city Mrs. Wileocks left Smithers or Thursday's train for an extended Visit to her brother in Vanco Dr. Badgero arrived back i town Wednesday ight Ihe Dr. always fills the long-felt want Wherever he goes. Mrs. MeLeod, of this ty x pects to leave here about the end of the month on an extended trip to England. Dr. MeLean, of New Hazelton was in town Wednesday evening atteNding Angus MeLean's 0 pace, which is very sick The many friends of Mrs, J Mason Adams will be glad to hear that she is progressing fa vorably after her operation in Victoria, Miss Agnes Clifton, of Prines Rupert, was greeted at the train Wednesday night by her many lo eal friends. Miss Clifton passed through on her way to Winnipeg Ernest Will has just completed a new crossing in front of his sta- bles. It is a great credit to his engineering abilities, and will be appreciated by all pedestrians passing that way. Howard White, of the G. T. P staff, left here Thursday on a vis- it to his old home. home winner but says there Howard is a wherever he is nothing like Sweet Home.’ goes, old llome, The annual general meeting of the Bulkley Valley Agricultural Association and Farmers’ Insti- tute will be held at Aldermere on Saturday, December.5, at 2 p. m. All members are earnestly re- quested to attend, Tom Dunlop” returned home Tuesday morning for a short vis- it to his family. Mr. Dunlop is on the construction work of the P. G. & EF. Railway and reports that all grading for that road will be completed by Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Williams accompanied by Mr. McLeod, left Wednesday evening for Round Lake on a duck hunt. It is to be hoped no one has found Rags pet and hunted them out dur ng his absence. Mr. Norman We trip to Seattle If he is called to the mething else Fappens him that he does not Smithers will be short the baseman that ever glove the Pea Vine land left on a Thursday war or return, best second held -a League. in GERMAN MONEY BEING SENT INTO IRELAND Americans Alleged to be Co-Op- erating—Vile Sianders Circulated. Nov. 13 were London, Astonishing at the rrporation Mayor was Nugent al- being cir- German- made . Dublin e The Lord Alderman revelations meetnig of the yesterday. presiding. leged that money culated: in, Ireland American agents Alderman Kelly half of himself friends that they were getting German money. Alderman Nugent: “I repeat, money circu. was by denied on. be- and German being lated.” The Lord Mayor from America were is said circulars through ing the post containing some of the vilest things ever uttered in the name of Treland, but the “gen- tleman” sending it found they were not getting value and were more cautious about sending more, Regarding the war the Lord Mayer said if Britain had not in terfered shie would have been de nounced by the very gentlemen now criticizing. “Was it because Britain had not been cowardly and not acted as in the case of the treaty of Limerick that they in Treland should pocket all their views and become pro-German ?” The corporation defeated by 41 voles to 7 a proposal to postpone the resolution expressing satis- |faction over the passing of the Home Rule Bill. Devlin hoped to an Irish parliament on Col- Green within twelve months, have } | THE DAILY NEWS. " | Rditor of The Daily News | | Dear Sit IT am @lad the mat Iter of a restricted district has leon brought to the attention of} | the people of Prince Rupert | Many good people have wrong | vi iowe on this subject through he ne mista tortie or through in | difference Every individual has me things about which they can i I know I know this——there nore temptatoin to a young man to cut loose from home in fluences and restrictions m a vide open city than one in which undesirable characters are kept ion the move shut up in | prison PRINCE LOUIS OF BATTEN~- Having worked about fen years BURG. on survey parties T have lived off Who resigned from the positio®) and on for that time in railroad of First Sea Lord of the Brit-| and mining camps and visited all ish Admiralty because of ill-|,inds of cities It always “gets feeling which might be aroused | my goat” to hear it said that men on aecount of his nationality} from such “rough” places are lia and close relationship with|pie te commit some heinous England's enemies, He is suc-|epime if they haven't a restricted ceeded by Lord Fisher, who i8| district to go to when they visit knownas the “Kitchener of the |the city, Phe men who build our Navy.” railroads respect a decent wom , ~lan. She is safer far with them COPPER PASSES than she is with the average city INTO GERMANY | society man who gives hint a cold ‘ shoulder when he comes to town British Government Finds That) Tlie men cap ible of such heinous Cargoes Consigned to Neutral crimes never get very far from Ports Are Sent to Enemy. the restricted districts where sateen they are fostered. TH admit that London, Nov. 13.—Information|there are a great many men out is in the possession of the Brit-]'® camp who firmly believe’ in ish government that very large|What they call the necessary evil shipments of copper, rubber and and as long as there are immoral other commodities are passing characters there will be = im- through Italian ports on their moral eonduct On the other way to Germany. hand, T firmly believe in a prop- In New York large purchases erly governed city without a re of copper are being made by rep- stricted distriet such eonduet is resentatives of houses ih Rotter-; more diMeult dam, Amsterdam and Copenha- If our mayor and city solicitor gen, who, it is stated, are work-|had no difficulty in locating bad ing on German account. characters in Vancouver it fol The British covernment is de- lows that the police could do the termined that it will use every le-|same. Then, why should they say gitimate means to prevent cop- that the idea of no restricted dis- per reaching Germany, where it trict is a failure? Would it not is being made into ammunition}|>e nearer the truth to say that for use against the British forces,| the Police Commission is a “Ta Since October 25,-vessels from mentable failure’? Thev had New York for Italy, having on|their mandate from the people board a total of 5.700 tons of cop- Let us here in Prince Pupert per, have been diverted to Gib. | countenanee no such abomination raltar, and the British govern-]4S 4 rest ieted distriet or a spine ment is informed that some thou {less Police Commission sands of tons additional are now J, A. TOZELAND en route to Italy Prinee Rupert, Nov. 1%, 1914 In view of this evidence, the , British government maintains |MAISER FAILING THROUGH that there is no alternative left it WORRY OVER THE WAR but to stop this contraband trade in copper with Germany through London, Nov, 13.—The follow Italy. ing account of how the strain of The British steamer Italia, of }War 15 making its mark on the the Ancher line. bound from New|health of the German Emperor is York for Mediterranean ports, has|teld by W. M. Duekworth, spe been detained at Gibraltar. The]cial correspondent of The Daily authorities there state that the|News at the front: Italia has contraband of war “Sinee the outbreak of the war aboard. he has visited Berlin only ones ascii when returning from the east PREPARING FOR ‘PROSPERITY. ern battlefield He did net stay eitininetien at his usual residence, but at a England is now following the|smaller -palace The imperial example of Germany in urging re-|Palace is closed, No guards are cruits to marry before going to] outside, the blinds are drawn and war. The nations are fearful lest|the windows unwashed the birthrate fall, though they] “The Kaiser has lost his former make seemingly few previsions]4ir of bustling activity, his sol- against the death rate of war.|dierly bearing being subdued. My Empire has littl heed of life informant, who personally saw when empire is at stake, Asa the Emperor, deseribed him as sage one remarked after viewing|much older in appearance His the massed rush of a German ma-|countenance is grave and care neuver, “Dead men do not seem|worn, and his hair is almost to enter into his Majestys calen-| white.” lations at all. But now each country has to think of the live NOTICE. men needed for the future, The Canadian Patriotic Fund. ence. —_—— Will thase he. cael assistance FO R R F NT from the above fund, resident in the city or district and whose breadwinner is on active service with the forees of the Empire o1 her Allies, kindly notify the see- retary of the local organization $11.00 W. BE. COLLISON . age eine PER MONTH P. O. Box 735 tf HOUSE ON 2ND AVENUE wa Near Ninth Street 1914 Taxes. By authority of Bylaw passed 4 ROOMS this Fourth Day of November, A. D. 1914, a rebate of ten pel centum (10%) on General Taxes ee and Health Rate will be allowed " if paid on or before November Thirtieth, A. D. 1914. Sehool and PATTULLO & RADFORD Special rates, as heretofors will | SECOND AVENUE me Ser. Kk. D. JOHNSON, City Treasurer | We receive more shin mente of Raw Furs than any five houses in Canada ————— MALLAM'S TRAPPE GUIDE Frere WALLAM'S Trapp SUPPLY Cay (Mivetrar HMALLAM'S Fur Worth $80.00 1, me PPPPOPOPPEP OOOO} O es NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT you : PRrovives COMFORT IN OLD AGE NINETY-FIVE PER CENT OF THE MEN oF ry COUNTRY AT THE AGE OF SIXTY ARE DEPENDENy Upon Their Daily Earnings, Their Families Ave or Charity THE EASIEST WAY TO SAVE IN THE SAFEST sory 1S BY A POLICY IN THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY KISSICK & EDWARDS DISTHICT AGENTS Prince Rupert Fr wa Sixth Street RB¢ Oe eee Seer SPOOR OO ROO LUMBER SHINGL®’ , MOULDINGS, 1 DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager Ave. and McBride St. PHONE 26 on ta PRINCE RUPERT Branch Yard a a. Bm ithe eee rore BEER EEERERESEEEEEEEE SEER EAEREE REE E EEE EE Eee ees High-Grade Work Plumbing, Steamiii Se: OAS SRS est metal at fair prices Western Plumbing Co... PREAH REAR ee work FRED STORK’S HARDWAK 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cabie Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shot Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated | “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST’ FRED STORK’S HARDWAK wari sz THE MILK FOR YOUR BABY MUST BE CLEAN SWEET AND PURE B. C. MILK is recommended and used extensively as a food fo: infants. The reason why is:—iIt is CLEAN SWEET and PURE—aiways ready for use. For infants it should be diluted with from two to eigh! parts boiled water, according to age. it has the NATURAL FLAVOR of Pure, Rich Cream > NO DUST Rho DUST Ror RI sTOV POLIS Ti: mu FOR A KITCHEN CHEERYAND BRIG THE FF DALLEY CO. LIMITED, HAMILTON, CAN. eurraco, NY EMPRESS COFFE F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) pRINCE RUPERT